Takeru: You know you should really finish the other stories you started a week ago.

AS: I am but I was reading a lot of ROTG fics and thought of this one. I'll get to Digital Reaper: Lost and Rise of the Demon Lords next week

Daisuke: Stop worrying so much TJ. Apollomon x Stingmon is almost done with the next chapter for Rise of the Demon Lords anyway

Takeru: *glares*

Ken: ignore them *fighting starts in background* enjoy

Chapter 1: Found

Ever since the Golden Ages, the Guardians' had fought to protect the children of Earth. They vowed to stop Pitch, the Nightmare King, from harming the children from his nightmares. The battle had went on for centuries with no sign of letting up.

As years went on, the constant battles between the two forces put a huge toll on the children's belief. The Guardians, rather they knew it or not, were neglecting their duties. This did not disturb the Nightmare King though. He hated the guardians and MiM for the destruction and loss it had caused him.

Seeing his family vanquish at the hands of the Guardians, leaving him with a empty feeling inside, made him angry. Trying to stop him from spreading fear made him just as angry. Thinking that the children needed just Wonder and Dreams and Hope and little fairies that collect teeth, sickened him. It sickened him that after all these years they think they could get rid of fear. But what made him hate them worst of all was the fact of what happened to his younger brother.

He remembered his little brother and searched endlessly for him, while fighting his enemies. At one point he thought he might never find him, until he stumbled upon a small village named Burgess.

It was during the colonial period when he found him. He had just managed to survive and loss a huge battle against the Guardians (a temporary setback) and was now resting and replenishing his army of Nightmares in one of his many lairs. He was in his throne room, creating another nightmare to replace the ones he lost, when one of his very loyal, trusted nightmares came into the room. The nightmare was a beautiful Percheron that he assigned to search for his brother, and gain intelligence. All his nightmare horses were intelligent, but this one was the brightest of all of them (considering it was his first successful one) and in a way know his emotions more then anything.

Pitch glanced from his almost completed nightmare to glance at the nightmare entering the throne room. He glanced at the horse curiously as it came running in look excited. He wondered what news his nightmare brought. Maybe it was about the Guardians?

"What is it?"

The nightmare stopped in front of him with a twinkle of excitement in her yellow eyes. "We found him, Master. We found the Prince."

Pitch felt his mouth go dry at what his nightmare was saying. After all this time they finally found him, his younger brother. "Where?" The horse stomped her hooves in excitement.

"In a small village not far from here. The village is called Burgess. I stumbled by his home while delivering nightmares to the children in that area. I found him with a young girl. The girl was asleep, however he saw me, but was not afraid of me."

Pitch felt his eyes widen. Could it really be his little Jackie, his baby brother? "Did he talk to you?"

"Yes." The horse confirmed. "He wanted to know what I was and why I was here. I told him that I was suppose to give them nightmares. The child didn't show any fear though. He asked for me to not give any to his sister, but was willing to take both of their nightmares himself." Pitch looked shocked. Sister? "I didn't want to give your brother nightmares, Master, but he was determined to protect his sister from getting any nightmares."

"Did you give him the nightmares?" He asked threateningly, which the nightmare ignored.

"No, Master. I wouldn't dream of it." The horse said as her ear flicked back when her Master's anger rose. "We made a compromise that I will give neither of them nightmares, but he would have to speak to you tomorrow." A small smile crept onto his face.

"When does he want to meet?" Pitch asked, not realizing the hopeful tone in his voice.

"He is a shepherd and has to get up very early in the morning before returning home to get his sister ready for school while the mother works in town. He said you are more then welcome to come see him while he is herding or after."

"Very well," Pitch said distractedly, shooing his nightmare away, as he thought. The nightmare took no offense to this, knowing that her master needed the time to think. Without a single thought the horse left as if it was never there.

Pitch returned to his uncompleted nightmare. As he worked on finishing his nightmare he couldn't help but think about his younger brother. After all this time, he will finally be reunited with his brother. He wonder who this new family was that was caring for his younger brother? He wondered if he was still the happy, energetic, mischievous child that he remember he was? He wasn't sure if he liked that he was a shepherd and poor, but that was out of his hands. As long as the family doesn't mistreat him, then they are safe from his wrath and vengeance.

He smiled softly as he finishes the nightmare and sends it to the other. He watches it go and ponders on what to do the next morning.