Saving the entire multiverse can change just about anybody who does it. Jason Todd was no exception of this. The man had seen vastly different versions of himself and his so called family. Each one was different in one way or another. On one of them, Jason himself was Batman. Something that the man dreamed of yet knew would never happen. Bruce didn't even trust him as his son, why would he trust the street kid as the next Batman?

Those Justice League members just happened to be Donna as Wonder Woman and Kyle Rayner as their main Green Lantern. The three of them were playing the roles of Diana, Clark, and Bruce. Just seeing that started to put things into perspective for Jason.

Seeing that world scared the man. So Jason did what he always did- he hid. Others saw him as only a villain, a person that didn't care about others, and he let them. He never changed the Heroes minds that he, Jason Todd wasn't just a self-serving shallow villain.

Jason knew even back then that people thought of him as an anomaly. Those that died- they stayed dead, but he didn't. Maybe it was the companionship of Bob, Kyle, and Donna that made the young man not so bitter. Whatever it was, Jason slowly changed.

The man, naturally, had to be caught in the middle of an alien invasion. It was Jason Peter Fricking Todd! Of course the universe sends the invasion right smack dab around him.

Looking up at the sky full of grey winged giant warrior bats, Jason sighed. He was all prepared to go his own way, minding his own business when something quite ridiculous happened. Out of the sky crashed Troia wrestling with one of the invaders, both trying to get the upper hand. Finally getting sick of the best, the amazon woman screamed a war cry and punched the other with an uppercut to the jaw. This caused the grey creature to crash land right in front of Jason, making the man hop backwards.

Jason merely took a couple steps backwards of the invader, angrily asking. "Do ya mind?" He brushed layers of concrete dust off his jacket.

"Jason?!" Troia spotted the man, her blue eyes a lit with many things. The woman landed a few feet away. "I did not know you would be here."

Another alien easily joined his brethren in being knocked out as he landed on top of the previous one.

"I wasn't planning on having an alien invasion happen in front of me." The angry man whipped out a gun, firing at a beast coming from the side.

"A little help here!" A very voice rang out, causing Jason to sigh as he looked up. The sight wasn't unfamiliar to him. It was quite accustomed to. The green lantern who had cried out was enclosed in a bubble covered in hordes of grey scaly creatures.

"I would love to catch up, Jason, but…" Donna took to the air, her features filled with apology.

"Yeah, yeah. Go save Kyle's butt again. I can take care of these guys." The Red Hood assured her.

Donna smiled in thanks, already gathering her lasso from her hip. "Maybe we can catch up afterwards?"

"Is it me or are they acting weird?" Hal Jordan asked, his ringed hand scratching at his head.

"Who Jordon?" Batman growled, turning away from the monitor in front of him. They were in the JLA tower, trying to understand who was behind the attack a week before.

"I agree, they are acting rather unusual. Even for them, Hal." Diana answered, taking a seat and crossing her arms.

"You know Bats…" Hal couldn't talk in a clear sentence, wondering if the alleged batman missed this. Seeing his glare, the lantern elaborated. "Kyle and Donna. They teamed up during the invasion. Last night, Kyle told me that they were catching up with an old friend while in town."

"And what's the matter with that? It was probably a former titan." The Dark Knight sternly replied, not seeing what was wrong.

"They weren't in the Titans together. Kyle never joined." Hal started to explain.

Diana justified his statement, softly. The woman had been quiet until now. "They met up with a man named Jason. He was never a Titan as well, Bruce."

"Jason?" The name came out harsher then what he meant it to, just like always. Bruce could already feel that headache coming on. "I didn't even know he was in town. Nightwing said he was in Gotham still."

"You're not the only one, Bats." Hal commented sourly.

"Where are they now?" Bruce started to pull up surveillance cameras. The detective was feeling rather unsettled.

"Bruce, shouldn't we see what they are doing before we go crashing into things we know nothing about?" Diana- ever the voice of reason, tried to placate the men.

"The kid said that they were only gonna be in town til this afternoon. Can't hurt to see how things play out." Hal floated a few inches off the ground.