Disclaimer: I do not own/nor have any rights to own Ansatsu Kyoushitsu and Kuroko no Basuke. Happy reading! :)

Students scattered through the hallways, dispersing after the announcer had stated their agenda for the day. Clad in his signature vest over his crisp Kunigigaoka uniform, Nagisa dodged students who rushed past him, going in the opposite direction. Some were hurrying up to claim their designated schedules for the whole period during the transfer, and some just being plain rude. He winced when his shoulders came in contact with bigger ones; the said broad-shouldered person walking past without any thought, leaving Nagisa with a slightly painful bump.

Karma had his hands stuck inside his pockets, chin tilted up, while swiftly avoiding any contact with unwanted people. He had an authoritative air around him, contrasting with his casual and relaxed attitude. The pair continued to roam around, brochures in hand and occasionally stopping to look in various places where posters and advertisements were pinned, exhibiting the school's impressive achievements and advanced facilities. Nagisa halted in front of a bulletin board where the Teiko Middle clubs were posted. He curiously peered into the paper, Karma joining him later on.

"Ehhh...interesting." Karma whistled and grabbed the paper, his attention caught by a certain club.

"They even have a shogi club." He dangled the said document lazily in between his long fingers. Nagisa tilted his head questioningly at him, curious of the reason behind the scarlet-haired boy's statement.

"You play shogi?"

"Yes, indeed. I play this particular game in my spare time. It is complex and fascinating."

"You mean that you have played shogi in all the times you have skipped going to class, Karma-kun?" A smile was all he needed to answer his question. Nagisa sweatdropped and sighed.

"You should stop skipping classes and study more diligently, Karma-kun. You'll be back to A Class in no time." Karma's lips curved upward in a wry smile.

"I won't go if you won't, Nagisa-kun. You know better than anyone that I despise people of those kind. If I will be sent back to A Class, I might as well as drag you down there with me." He said the statement with a dry and unamused tone, a tone of bitterness underneath it. Nagisa remembered the incident, and chose to keep quiet. Then they both resumed exploring.

After a long silence and short, meaningful glances, Nagisa spoke up.

"Why don't we head to the cafeteria, Karma-kun? I'm feeling a little hungry. You'll have to go ahead though. I'll get us both some drinks." Karma let an easy smile slip through his lips, the tension suddenly forgotten. He patted Nagisa's head.

"Sure, sure. Ah, and get me the usual." He turned around and walked forward in a lazy pace, hands propped up behind his head. "Make sure not to get lost, Nagisa-kun." He waved, already ahead by a few steps. Nagisa stared at the retreating back of Karma, and began going in the opposite direction as well. After a few minutes, he then spotted a nearby vending machine that sold various drinks. He had started to walk towards it but was interrupted when he felt a body collide to his own.

He lost his balance, and was about to fall down if not for the gentle but tight grip the stranger has on his hand. He was helped up and staggered slightly before he stood, regaining his balance. He looked up, and found his eyes lost in pools of a deep cerulean hue. He examined the person who had helped him up. He had soft-looking sky-blue hair and light, pale skin, clad in the Teiko Middle uniform. His polo and blazer were both crisp, and slacks were ironed to perfection. He looked like a typical honor student. The aforementioned lad bowed deeply.

"Hello." He greeted softly, waiting for his reply. Nagisa just stared blankly.

"H-hello. Um...thanks for helping me up," he held out a hand. "I'm Nagisa Shiota, pleased to meet you." The boy shook his hand lightly. " And you are?"

"Kuroko Tetsuya. Likewise." He bowed deeply. Nagisa was awed at his gesture of respect. No one had greeted him like this before. This guy looked like a respectful and polite person.

"Y-you don't need to bow down like that! It's fine." Nagisa stuttered, suddenly unsure of what to do. Kuroko stared at him. "Isn't it a polite thing to do? It's only necessary." He replied in a monotonous tone. Nagisa sweatdropped.

"Alright then." Remembering something, he suddenly got worried, imagining Karma patiently waiting for him at the cafeteria.

"I-I have to go, Kuroko-san. I have someone waiting for me in the cafeteria. It was a pleasure meeting you!" He exclaimed while walking fast in the direction of the machine. He popped a couple of coins through the slot and waited. After a short while, he hurriedly grabbed the drinks he paid for and hastily sped towards the direction of the cafeteria. Kuroko mused, pondering over the peculiar pigtailed person he just met.

"That was fast." He muttered to himself, as he glanced at Nagisa's disappearing figure.

"There was even smoke left behind."

A/N: Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!