A.N. [Please Review after you read the chapter. Also, take note that I updated each chapter before this one fixing up many mistakes, the thoughts which were originally "thoughts" has been changed to 'thoughts' in all chapters. Remember to read the AUTHOR NOTE at the end, it is VERY IMPORTANT]

Deadly Engagement

Chapter 16 – Alpha Squad Team 1

Previously on Deadly Engagement

'So when Jinenji blocked off my reiki then my youki was released so that is what defeated him, does that mean that the seal is weakening' Kagome thought "Is the seal weakening then?" Kagome asked watching as Yuka shook her head. "No, I think that it only responded to the youki that is already merged with your normal power, it can't be detected because of the seal but it is still there" Yuka explained as she sighed. "I also heard a voice speaking to me" Kagome said seeing Yuka's eyes widen. "What did it sound like?" she asked seriously. "It was deeper and sounded demonic" Kagome asked confused. "It could be possible, but I'm not sure" Yuka started muttering. "What is?" Kagome asked. "I think that could have been your blood beast talking to you" Yuka said.


~ The Higurashi Mansion ~

Kagome sat in silence for a few seconds taking in the information. 'My blood beast, but I thought only pure blooded youkai had those' she thought looking up at her grandmother. "But only full youkai have blood beasts, right?" Kagome asked confused. Yuka shook her head while she continued stroking Shippo's hair, who seemed to be enjoying the feeling. "Not necessarily, it really depends on the strength of the demonic blood. Because yours is very strong it is possible. You aren't a hanyou or a pure blood, I'm not sure what you are really" Yuka admitted making Kagome bow her head slightly. 'This is a lot more complicated' Kagome thought knowing she still had more questions.


~ The Apartment ~

With Sesshomaru

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Sesshomaru who had been in his room on his laptop heard the alarm going off. It was his alert telling him when Black Night was calling him. The screen on his laptop turned static until it cleared showing the all too familiar dark outline of Persia sitting with his face hidden. "Persia" Sesshomaru said as he looked at the screen. "Alpha Squad Team 1 Captain, you are to report to base for a new mission" just as quick as it started the call ended making the screen go back to what it originally was. Sesshomaru growled low in his throat but got off of his bed and walked over to his closet. Dressing in black pants, long sleeve black shirt, boots, and his black trench coat pulling up the collar he left the apartment taking the keys to the Porsche and drove to the Team 1 Base.


~ Alpha Squad Team 1 Base ~

The base was located at Taisho International Corporation. Sesshomaru had made sure that an extra basement floor was added below all the others without his father's knowledge. The only ones who did know where those of his team and Black Night, so only those with the correct passes were able to reach it. Sesshomaru drove until he came to the back of the building where he drove down into the underground parking which only Black Night knew about since it was hidden by many covers blocking it from intruders. Inside Sesshomaru could see that there were already two other cars belonging to his other team members. 'They are already here' Sesshomaru thought as he parked the car and made his way to the Base.

In Black Night, there were 4 Alpha Squad Teams, each team having 4 members except for Team 1, they originally had 4 but one member betrayed the organisation resulting in their death. From then on Team 1 only had 3 members who all worked at Taisho International Corporation.

Sesshomaru Taisho

Position: Team Captain / Youkai Commander / Western Lands Heir

Speciality: Youki Control / Sword And Blades Weapon Master / Hand To Hand Combat / All Round Fighter / Sensory And Detection / Strategist / Poison Master / Flying / Poison Whip

Age: 540 Youkai Years / Looks 26 in Human Years

Occupation: Co-CEO of Taisho International Corporation

Species: Inu Youkai / Daiyoukai

Kouga Ookami

Position: Second in Command / Lieutenant / Eastern Lands Heir

Speciality: Hand To Hand Combat / Speed Attacks / Claw Attacks (Goraishi) / Sword Master / Sharpened Instincts / Throwing Knives

Age: 430 Youkai Years / Looks 23 in Human Years

Occupation: Head of Public Relations at Taisho International Corporation

Species: Wolf Youkai

Hojo Akitoki

Position: Research, Information, Electronic And Technology Commander / Third Team Member

Speciality: Gun Master Long and Short Range / Electronic Specialist / Hacking / Software Design and Destroyer / Crossbow / Trap Specialist

Age: 22

Occupation: Head of Security and Electronics at Taisho International Corporation

Species: Human / Genius


Walking into the base Sesshomaru could see that the other two members of the team were already waiting in the lounge area. "How did you get here before me?" Sesshomaru asked the two sitting on the couch. "We were already at the office" Hojo explained, since he was the head of security he would normally stay later than the others at nights while Kouga usually stayed to check over the work of the people in his department. "Hn" Sesshomaru sounded as he took off his trench coat and placed it on the table before he sat down on the couch opposite the other two. The large TV screen in the room facing the couches turned on with 'Incoming Message' displayed before the screen turned static and cleared showing the shadowed figure of Persia.

"Black Night Alpha Squad Team 1. Your mission if you choose to accept it is as follows. A Demon Sorceress named Urasue has been bringing the dead back to life. The intel states that she takes the bones and dirt of graves to create a clay body then calls back the soul from the underworld. Last night Alpha Squad Team 2 encountered these puppets, they couldn't be located on any radars and neither reiki or youki was able to detect it either. We have deduced that they could be detected by using youkai's adept senses such as scent.

All puppets once created are under her control but she is also selling them, and once sold the new owner is able to command them. The only way to get rid of them is to destroy the body and remove the soul trapped inside. Another large problem is that she is now taking the souls of living people and putting them in the puppets to sustain them for longer. The method she uses to extract the living souls is still unknown to us but what we do know is that she has to be very close or touching the person whose soul she takes, so you need to make sure that during the mission she doesn't take yours.

Your mission is to destroy all puppets she commands and those she is still creating. The way she creates the clay bodies must also be destroyed along with any information or notes showing the method. You are also to discover those she sold to and the amount for future reference. Urasue must also be eliminated by any means necessary with no trace left behind. The location of her base as well as her profile are in the files in the cases for the mission. This is a Level S mission that cannot be allowed to fail.

Alpha Squad Team 1 mission briefing complete. This message will automatically delete in 5 seconds"

The TV screen turned static before going completely black. 'So Team 2 encountered these puppets, I wonder why we got the mission instead of them' Sesshomaru thought as he stood up going to the weapons vault located in the base. Inside were three metal cases one for each of them. Placing them on the table Hojo opened his case first, inside was a laptop that only turned on when his fingerprint was scanned for confirmation, a pair of night vision glasses since he couldn't see in the dark like the others, one sniper rifle equipped with a silencer, and a lot of thin transparent wire for traps. "This is very nice" Hojo said as he picked up the rifle admiring it.

"You and your guns" Kouga muttered as he opened up his own case. Inside were two short swords with the blades dull so they wouldn't shine in the light, dozens of throwing knives strapped to a large band that would wrap around his waist. There was also a pair of boots which had red lines running along the sides, when he took them out his youki reacted it them making the lines shine brightly. "I wonder what these are" Kouga said as he put the boots on, when he did, the red lines stopped glowing and turned black. "Those are enhancement boots. They make you run faster" Hojo explained as he saw Kouga nod while testing them out.

Sesshomaru opened his last. Inside were two katanas with the blades completely black but with grooves along the sides so his poison could run inside them so he could use it on his sword. There was also a pair of gloves that wouldn't be effected by his poison when he used the sword. There were knives with similar appearance as his swords which also worked with his poison. The last item was a handgun that he could infuse his youki into along with its holster. Taking out the envelope at the bottom he took out the contents and placed them on the table.

"Damn, no wonder she only has dead friends, I don't know anyone alive that would want to be around that" Kouga said as he looked at the image of Urasue. It was an ogre demoness with wrinkles covering her face making her look even older, pointy nose, long grey hair and large red eyes. While Hojo and Kouga looked at the picture Sesshomaru took out the other piece of paper showing the address that the sorceresses base was. It was an abandoned warehouse near the edge of the city next to the graveyard. 'I guess that's where she gets all the supplies' Sesshomaru thought as he looked at the papers on the table.

'The best way to get inside would be going through the graveyard and not from the side of the warehouse' Sesshomaru thought as he looked at the image of the warehouse. "Get ready" Sesshomaru said to the two still talking about the photograph as put on his gloves and strapped the swords to his waist. Both Hojo and Kouga snapped out of the conversation at their leader's command and began getting ready. Once they were all dressed and equipped they made their way towards the parking lot where the cars used for missions were located.

"You take the car" Sesshomaru said as he took the keys off the box and threw them at Kouga who caught them easily. "Wait, what about you?" Hojo asked as he walked over to the passenger front seat door since Kouga would be driving. "I'm flying" Sesshomaru said as he started walking towards the parking exit. "Alright" Kouga said as he got into the black Mercedes sport model with Hojo sitting beside him before started the car and following Sesshomaru who had already started flying in the direction of the graveyard to begin the mission.


~ Graveyard & Abandoned Warehouse ~

As they neared the graveyard both youkai could already sense the dark aura originating from it. Kouga parked the car a few hundred meters away from the graveyard while Sesshomaru landed beside them. "Shit, you can smell all that death from here" Kouga said wanting to block his nose from the intense stench surrounding the area. Hojo took out the laptop and turned it on so he could scan the surrounding area for any sighs of the actual living and not puppets. "By the looks of this there are only two living beings in the warehouse, one demon which I bet is the target but I'm not sure of the second one, I can tell you that it's human" Hojo explained as he doublechecked the scan while he put in his earpiece so he could talk to the other two while he stayed in the car, at the same time Sesshomaru and Kouga put on their masks to hide their faces along with hiding their aura.


With Sesshomaru and Kouga

Sesshomaru and Kouga made their way to the graveyard at high speed, Kouga using his enhanced boots while Sesshomaru flew low at the same speed, both in complete silence. As they neared both of them slowed down until they came to a stop at the tree border surrounding the graveyard. "Fuck" Kouga whispered very low so only Sesshomaru heard. Nearly all the graves were disturbed since they had soil moved, even the oldest graves. "It seems that she dug up the graves to take the bones and some dirt before filling the grave up again" Hojo's voice said over the earpiece to the other two. "That's messed up" Kouga whispered looking at the graves.

"Let's move" Sesshomaru said softly getting a nod from Kouga and the two started walking towards the warehouse. 'The smell is changing' Sesshomaru thought as the two walked through the graveyard silently when they passed one of the catacombs. 'Something's there' both youkai thought as they turned to the entrance of the catacombs. Coming out of the catacomb was a figure dressed in complete black with a ski mask covering the face and the smell of death surrounding it. Sesshomaru looked to Kouga who nodded.

Kouga ran forward towards the figure extending his claws and jumped up into the air landing behind the figure. Ripping off the ski mask the face of the figure was exposed showing a man who had a huge cut across the face. "Woah, you are ugly" Kouga said taking his short swords cutting the head in half and then across the chest making the entire puppet fall down into a pile on the ground. "Clay" Kouga whispered when a small white shining orb shot up from the clay and hovered above it making Kouga take a step back. 'What is that?' Sesshomaru thought watching as the small orb started moving downwards into the ground until it completely vanished. 'The soul' Sesshomaru thought turning to Kouga who looked confused. 'Better get moving' he thought as started walking towards the warehouse after Sesshomaru dissolved the clay puppet with his poison.

When they reached the warehouse, they noticed that light was showing from underneath the doors. 'Someone's coming' Sesshomaru thought as he moved to the side of the door with Kouga at the opposite side. The light showing underneath the door shifted and the sound of footsteps coming towards them was heard. When the double doors opened, they covered both Kouga and Sesshomaru while a male human walked out carrying a large bag covered in dirt. "That crazy woman, why am I stuck dealing with the mess" the man muttered as he walked out of the warehouse and into the graveyard to one of the open graves and threw the bag inside.

The same time the man had his back to the warehouse Sesshomaru and Kouga quickly got inside the warehouse to hide waiting for the man to go back inside. "Next time she can do it" the man came back inside closing the door behind him and towards the back of the warehouse. "The man is headed towards some steps that go underground" Hojo's voice said over the earpiece. Sesshomaru stepped forward first making his way to follow the man when he stopped in his spot and quickly moved away before he could be seen. 'Shit' both youkai thought at the same time. Surrounding the staircase were dozens of the clay puppets all dressed in black with ski masks just like one that had been in the graveyard.

'How do we get through there without alerting those downstairs?' Sesshomaru thought as he looked at the side seeing that the puppets were staying completely still. "The human looks like he is coming back up. I'll deal with him once he gets outside again while you handle the puppets inside" Hojo's voice alerted them making Sesshomaru raise an eyebrow. 'I'm the leader' he thought not liking to be ordered around. The sound of walking snapped Sesshomaru out of his thoughts as he saw the human male come back from downstairs carrying two large bags and seemed to be struggling. "Oi do you think you can help me?" the man said to the puppet closest to the stairs who followed the order picking up one of the bags and followed the man back outside.


With Hojo

Hojo who was still in the car moved his laptop off the dashboard and onto the driver seat while he opened up the sunroof of the car. Grabbing the sniper rifle he stood up so he could set it up on the roof which only took a matter of seconds before leaning down so he could look through the scope. His night vision glasses not obscuring the view since the scope synchronised with them to activate the night vision on the scope. Looking through the scope Hojo could see the door to the warehouse opening and the two figures walked outside holding the bags. 'Almost there' Hojo thought as he waited for the two figures to be in the graveyard a good distance away from the warehouse before he took the shot at the human.

The bullet sliced through the air not making a sound because of the silencer until it struck right in the human's forehead, an instant kill shot making the man fall back onto the ground. Hojo smirked while he continued looking through the scope 'Perfect, now for the second one' Hojo thought as he aimed the rifle at the puppet when he stopped. The puppet was still walking towards the graves, completely unaffected by what was happening around it, not even reacting when the man was killed right beside it. It walked over to the grave tossing the bag inside and filled it up, exactly like the human had done earlier. 'So they follow orders even when the person who gave it dies, interesting' Hojo thought as he positioned the rifle and shot the puppet in the head and chest making it crumble onto the ground.

Unlike with the first puppet, two white shining orbs shot out of the remains and hovered above it. Hojo watched as one of the orbs followed the same action from the first puppet since it was moving downwards until it disappeared through the ground while the second orb stayed where it was floating above the remains. 'Why isn't it doing what the other one did?' Hojo thought when the second orb shot up into the sky at a fast speed and headed towards the city leaving a trail of light behind it. 'What the fuck?' Hojo thought watching the light trail vanish from the sky. 'Persia said that she took the souls of the living, maybe that was one of them and it went back to the original body' Hojo thought as he went back into the car closing the sunroof and put the laptop back on the dashboard so he could see the situation inside with the others.


With Sesshomaru and Kouga

"The human has been eliminated along with the puppet" Hojo's voice said over the earpiece. Sesshomaru took out both katanas letting his poison run along the grooves making them glow green while Kouga grabbed some throwing knives in one hand and a short sword in the other. Sesshomaru looked over to Kouga and nodded to while Kouga returned. In the next instant both youkai jumped forwards to engage the puppets who also moved, some to fight the intruders while the others were guarding the stairs that led downstairs.

Kouga with his extra speed ran forward throwing four of his knives each one hitting a puppet in the head while using his short sword to slice through the chest of the same four making each puppet crumble to the ground. 'Four down, dozens to go' Kouga thought with a smile on his face, which was hidden behind the mask. More puppets headed towards him making him jump up into the air and take out his second short sword bringing them down at the exact same time cutting the heads off two of the puppets. Using one of his legs he kicked a different puppet in the head shattering it while sending it backwards out of the warehouse door since it was open until it landed near the remains of the puppet Hojo shot. All the while the fighting was completely silent as to not catch the attention of the demoness downstairs.

Sesshomaru swung his katana upwards slicing one of the puppets in half while the poison on the blade dissolved the clay. 'They don't seem to be effected if one of the others die' Sesshomaru noted seeing that the puppets continued fighting no matter how many they cut down. Using one of his legs he kicked one of the puppets in the chest sending it back into another one, then ran his sword through both of their heads making the puppets collapse to the ground while the poison got rid of the remains. Once all the puppets had been dealt with both youkai sheathed their weapons and watched as many souls floated out of the remains, some going down into the ground but most shot out of the warehouse headed towards the city. Sesshomaru raised one of his hands touching the earpiece so he could contact Hojo.

"Where is the target currently" Sesshomaru said in a very low voice that even Kouga had trouble hearing. "Still downstairs, but she isn't moving right now" Hojo's voice said over the earpiece. 'So she's stationary, that might be easier unless she is doing something that means she mustn't move' Sesshomaru thought as he looked to Kouga who was grabbing his throwing knives that were in the remains of the puppets on the floor. Walking to the staircase Sesshomaru flew up slightly so he was hovering above the ground and floated down silently until he landed on the floor downstairs. Kouga using his speed jumped down landing on his toes beside Sesshomaru. Both moved to opposite sides with Sesshomaru at the right and Kouga from the left making their way forwards to the target.

Around them were many large crates and inside were the hollow figures of puppets that didn't have souls in them yet. 'So she is moves them around like this. Maybe she's shipping them somewhere' Sesshomaru thought as he continued walking forward. Coming closer both youkai caught the sound of chanting when the target came into view as they watched behind some of the crates. Urasue was standing with her hands held upwards and eyes closed, in front of her was a table with a hollow puppet laying on it, candles surrounding the table at each corner and above the head was a bowl filled with some dark liquid which glowed.

The language she was chanting in was an ancient text which neither male youkai could understand. The flames of the candles shot up higher with more strength and the liquid in the bowl started to move around in circles until it slowly lifted up forming into a sphere which glowed and moved so it hovered above the puppets chest. Urasue's chanting grew louder as some white mist rose up from the ground until it joined up with the orb of liquid making it change from its black colour to a glowing white. 'So that's how she calls the soul from the underworld' Sesshomaru noted while watching as the orb lowered itself into the puppets chest and Urasue had stopped chanting. The puppet's eyes opened then it slowly sat up and turned to Urasue "You obey me" Urasue said to the puppet who nodded.

Sesshomaru turned to Kouga, who had taken out some of his throwing knives, and nodded. Kouga moved silently as he raised his hand aiming for Urasue who had her back facing them, throwing the knife it was about to hit the back of her head when the puppet on the table jumped in the way causing its head to shatter instead. 'Shit' both Sesshomaru and Kouga thought at the same time watching as Urasue turned to face the direction the knife came from. "Who's there?" Urasue said as she raised her hand creating a barrier that surrounded her. 'This just got a lot more complicated' Sesshomaru thought. Kouga threw some more knives which were deflected by the barrier. "There you are" Urasue said as she sent a magic attack at Kouga's direction who moved out of the way in time as the crates he was just behind were blasted to pieces.

Sesshomaru was still hiding behind the crates on the opposite side looked at the barrier that was surrounding Urasue 'Blades don't seem to work against that barrier' Sesshomaru noted as he looked up at the ceiling seeing there was a good height between it and the top of the barrier. Urasue was facing the opposite direction as she sent another magic attack to Kouga who moved out of the way but was running out of crates to hide behind as he dodged. Sesshomaru raised his hand letting his poison whip lose and swung it upwards so it was above the barrier allowing some drops of the poison to fall down onto it while he made the whip vanish before she could notice. When the drops of poison made contact with the barrier it sizzled a little against it like it was fighting until the poison finally started to melt through it, however just as the hole was created it sealed up in seconds. 'That's how we get through' Sesshomaru thought with a smirk watching as Urasue didn't seem to notice her barrier had faulted, if only for a second, since she was too busy attacking Kouga.

Kouga had just dodged another attack when he realised he was at the end of crates. 'Damn' Kouga thought as he peered through the gap to the side she was about to send another attack towards him so he needed to think fast. 'I can make it to the table with my speed' Kouga thought as he readied to move when the felt the magic attack coming closer which he dodged just in time as he landed a few feet beside the table. Just as he was about to move again his entire body stopped like it was frozen in the spot. It was then he heard chanting coming from the demoness who was walking towards him with both of her hands raised as she spoke. 'Of fuck' Kouga thought as he tried to move but to no avail when he felt his chest getting hotter as pain ripped through him like something was trying to claw its way out.

Sesshomaru was about to attack when he heard Urasue chanting and Kouga looked paralyzed. 'Shit, what is she doing?' Sesshomaru thought when he remembered what Persia said earlier during the briefing that Urasue needed to be close or touching someone to take their soul. 'Dammit' Sesshomaru thought as he ran forward allowing his poison to flow down his blade, as he neared Urasue he swung his sword upwards, the poison burning through the barrier with some drops landing on her skin "AAHH!" Urasue screamed out in pain "YOU BASTARD!" she yelled out as she sent a magic attack towards Sesshomaru who jumped out of the way.

With her concentration broken, Kouga was free to move but was panting as he went behind the table so he could catch his breath since his chest still hurt. Looking from the side of the table Kouga could see that Sesshomaru was fighting against the demoness but hadn't seemed to notice that a puppet was coming up behind him. Grabbing one of his throwing knives he threw it as it flew past Sesshomaru's face, missing it my inches, until it shattered the head of the puppet. 'I'll deal with you yelling at me later' Kouga thought as he grunted in pain as his back hit the table which caused the candles to fall off making them go out when something landed in his lap. 'What's this?' Kouga thought as he looked at what fell on him. 'A book' he noted as he placed it in his jacket pocket.

The light going out was just the distraction Sesshomaru needed as Urasue turned her head to the table for only a second. In that instant Sesshomaru had taken out his handgun while he lunged forward, the sword piercing straight through Urasue's chest while he held the gun to her forehead. "Please spare…" BANG she wasn't able to finish her sentence as Sesshomaru fired his gun vaporising her head because of the intensity of his youki. Sheathing his sword and putting the gun back into its holster Sesshomaru raised his hand to the earpiece. "The target has been eliminated" he spoke "Roger that, everything is clear outside" Hojo's voice replied. Sesshomaru looked over to the table when he saw Kouga trying to stand up but ending up holding himself by the table.

"Wonderful. The mission is over, think we can leave now?" Kouga asked in a pained voice. "Hn" Sesshomaru replied as he walked around releasing his poison destroying everything around them until it was nothing left, the basement was completely empty. "Can you walk?" Sesshomaru asked in a bored voice as he looked at the wolf youkai behind him. "Yeah, just need to get the rest of my body to listen" Kouga said with a small laugh as he followed behind Sesshomaru. 'You could always help me you know' Kouga thought as the two made it upstairs when Sesshomaru turned to face him. "Bring the car around" Sesshomaru said "Alright" Hojo replied over the earpiece. Kouga made it outside while Sesshomaru continued destroying everything left in the warehouse until it was all gone and followed after Kouga.

When Hojo brought the car around he jumped out and ran to Kouga's side to help him stand up easier. "What the hell happened to you?" Hojo asked as he helped Kouga towards the passenger seat side if the car. "Didn't you see?" Kouga asked as Hojo opened the car door and helped him sit down inside. "Not all of it because there was always something blocking my view" Hojo explained as he finished putting Kouga in the car. "Yeah, there was a lot of exploding" Kouga said with a small laugh as he closed the car door. Hojo turned to Sesshomaru who was already hovering up in the air. "Don't forget to do the report" Sesshomaru said as he took flight heading towards the base so he could drop off his equipment and get his keys for the car.


~ Alpha Squad Team 1 Base ~

Arriving at the base first Sesshomaru went straight to the case he got in the beginning and placed the weapons inside. 'I understand why they sent us instead of Team 2' Sesshomaru noted as he put the case in the weapons vault. Looking down at his watch he saw that it was almost 3 in the morning which actually surprised him. 'That took a lot longer than expected' he thought when the doors opened showing Hojo helping Kouga inside until the wolf youkai lay down on the couch. "Captain, during the mission did you find anything that showed the process of how the target created those puppets" Hojo asked as he took out a different laptop than the one used during the mission so he could write his report. "No" Sesshomaru said as he put his trench coat back on, he had removed it once he arrived back at the base.

"OH!" the other two looked to Kouga who sat up quickly then groaned out in pain falling back down onto the couch. "I found this when I was near the table, actually it fell on my lap, but anyway" Kouga muttered the last part which only Sesshomaru caught making him sigh inside. 'And he only tells us now' Sesshomaru thought watching as Kouga dug in his jacket pocket pulling out a book. Hojo walked over and grabbed it opening it up. "Yeah, this works" Hojo said tossing it to Sesshomaru who caught it with ease. 'This language, it's very ancient' Sesshomaru thought looking at some of the drawing inside the book. Once finished he handed the book to Hojo who was typing up the report.

"Once you are finished help the wolf" Sesshomaru said as he grabbed the keys to his car. "Going back home to your lovely wife" Kouga joked but Sesshomaru continued walking until he was out of the base. Once back in the car and heading towards the apartment he was able to think over the mission and something else. 'There could be a connection to what happened to my mother and that book, I'll have to ask Persia about it' Sesshomaru thought as he continued driving.


~ Until the Next Chapter ~

Another update. So after getting a few reviews and a PM I decided to do a Team 1 Mission. I want to show that many different events are connected in the story so that it flows a lot easier. If you didn't read the note at the top I have reread through ALL my other chapters and made some changes in all of them, mainly how I show the thoughts, it was originally "thoughts" and now changed to 'thoughts' for each chapter. I also made some smaller changes with some other parts in each chapter like with Shippo's age. If you don't remember why there may be a connection between Sesshomaru's mother and the book that removes souls, then go back to Chapter 10.

Please remember to Review and tell me what you think. It only takes a moment so don't be lazy please. Also sorry for the long wait.


IceQueen In The Summer