Limo 1

"Do you think we should let everyone- I don't know get dressed up or something?" Brad asked Quinn.

"Oh no," Quinn spoke confidently after checking her lipstick. "We want everyone to know who they are- as they are. They've already changed from the show and we need the guys to be as relaxed as possible. They'll give off that naturally rock star appeal without even trying like this. The fans are going to eat them up."

Brad looked at Quinn. He trusted her. She had spot on instincts with fashion as well as the fans perception of the band.

Limo 2

"We're gonna have our own tour." Max laughed feeling the excitement of the evening as he grabbed a bottle of the champagne.

"Might want to wait until after the interviews for that," Nick nodded towards the bottle.

"You're right; wouldn't want to screw that up." Max put the bottle back down and looked at Nick's date. "You okay?"

"Uh, sure," She glanced at Nick then away. "I wasn't expecting to be 'in' the spotlight or anything."

If I had known this I would have worn something else or made plans to see Nick later.

"You look great," Nick squeezed her hand and she gave him a weak The

"Tell her the truth man," Max spoke up. The duo looked at him. Max looked at the troubled young woman. "You look hot. Nick is being all Pollyanna good guy so- whatever, but I feel that it is my responsibility as not just Nick's best friend, but everyday guy to tell you that the vee on that Spiral tee shirt has not graced cleavage that good in quite some time."

"Okay, Max-" Nick tried to interrupt.

"Let me finish." Max waved off Nick. "Where was I? Oh yeah, great cleavage and the jeans," he shook his head, "I don't think that I can adequately describe how good they fit- at least not without Nick trying to beat the crap out of me for looking, but hey I'm human and I'm a guy. Plus you're nice and pretty. Any guy would be lucky to be on your arm," he finished wistfully.

"Max…" Nick knew that Max must be thinking about Stacey.

"Thanks Max," she was truly touched by the bizarre way that he had chosen to compliment her.

Limo 3

"You guys have really done it." Jane spoke excitedly. "I knew that you could. All you needed was practice, determination and a little luck."

"I know right." Trent looked at his very happy sister that sat across from him and his girl next to Jesse. Jesse seemed happy to simply be near her.

Tread carefully my friend…. Tread carefully…

"So, has all the fame and glory gone to your head?" Jane teased while elbowing Jesse.

"Of course not; I'm still my same ole jet setting self." He laced his hands behind his head and stretched back as though reclining. "I'll be getting a massage as I 'walk' down the red carpet."

"Yeah right," Jane rolled her eyes.

"Oh I don't know," Trent interjected, "I wouldn't be opposed to a massage…later." He wiggled his brows and his girl gave a small smile with a faint blush.

"You guys really deserve this," she spoke up dropping her monotone speaking in a much more open manner than Jane- or anyone other than Trent, had ever seen.

Jesse sat up and looked at her.

Damn, we've managed to impress the bookworm!

"Thanks," he almost mumbled.

"Stope it or you'll make him blush," Jane pinched Jesse's cheek playfully.

"Okay guys, we're here." Jane noted on the slowing of the limo. "Have fun out there." Jane hugged Jesse just before their door opened and he got out. He looked back and held out a hand for her to join him and together they entered the picture snapping frenzy.

"Our turn I guess," Trent found himself suddenly feeling much like he did the first time that he had performed for an audience. He was nervous.

She leaned over and he thought it was to kiss his cheek, but instead she whispered into his ear. He had no time to respond because Jesse and Jane were waiting on them. He exited the limo and after taking his girls hand they joined the rest of The Spiral. It was a lot more lavish than any of them had imagined it would be. Quinn had done an exceptional job of putting this whole thing together at the last minute. Quinn, her sister, and Jane let Brad and The Spiral take center stage for the question part of the event. Quinn watched with a ready eye for anything that might go sideways, but fortunately everything went smoothly. The Spiral was being received well by the reports and all of the main players that were there. Quinn was more than a little pleased. It made her feel a bit of pride that she was a part of something that was changing the lives of four guys that not only needed it, but deserved it. They were all basically good guys to her and now they were all going to benefit from it.

Nick's date looked upon the group of young men and at Nick in particular. They were such characters, each in their own individual way and together they were family. She stood with the other young ladies that she had met. Everyone had made her feel welcome and for that she was greatful.

"How does it feel?" Quinn whispered the question to her sister.

The small woman shook her head slightly with a slight blush before whispering back. "He's worked so hard for this…"

"What did you say to Trent in that limo," Jane asked her in her other ear. "He was about as red as you when he came out."

This time the petite woman did a full on high school style blush and promptly decided to ignore Jane's question. Jane drew her own conclusions and the quartet of women put their full attention back on the group of men before them for the remainder of the press conference.

"How soon do you think we can cut out of here?" Nick was looking down at his girl with a dreamy expression.

"I don't know; it's your party so…" she looked around. "Maybe we should check with Quinn or Brad."

"I love you."

She looked back at Nick surprised. There was no time to respond as Max interrupted.

"I'd like to cut in."

He didn't wait for a response and took Nick's momentary silence as the opportunity to move the stunned young woman away on the dance floor.

"How you doing?" Max studied the silent woman.

"Uh- good, I'm good."

"Nick really likes you, ya know."

She nodded slowly still looking towards where Nick stood.

"He's my best friend."

She brought her full attention to Max.

"I know. Nick is a great guy."

"Max, may I have my date back?" Nick cut in and in the same manner as Max; he proceeded to whisk his date away on the premise of dancing in a quiet corner. The couple passed gentle smiles between them and a simple understanding that things were changing…for the better.

"Someone's in love," Jane observed Nick and his companion's interactions while dancing with Jesse.

He's not the only one…

"You're gonna be a great mom."

Jane looked at Jesse sharply.

"Trent didn't tell me; I overheard him."


They made their way to an outside area.

"I didn't-"

"It's okay."

"Really? I'm glad you think so." She looked out into the night sky. "I won't be having any more of these nights."

He listened to her.

"No more being you guys equipment helper and staying in bars til half the night. No more sneaking drinks and hanging out with- with you guys until all hours then taking a mental health day to sleep it off."

"Trent never let you party with us like that." Jesse spoke quietly with playfulness around his mouth.

"Yeah, but I had that option kind of," she admitted with a laugh. "Things- my life is changing so fast. Sometimes it feels like I can't keep up." She continued looking out into the night. "I haven't a clue about how to be a mom."

"You'll figure it out; you always do." He glanced at her side profile. "I love you Jane. Always have, always will." He covered her open mouth with a hand. "Don't apologize or anything like that. I said it because it's true and we don't have to talk about it. When I found out about you and DeMartino I was…"

"Shocked?" she supplied turning to face him.

"Hurt," he corrected still looking away. "I took one look at you and realized that he wasn't some dalliance or one-nighter that you would get bored with. You had feelings for him; you loved him- love him. You love DeMartino," he said it as though saying it out loud would somehow make it better for him- it did not. "I had come back to tell you how I felt, but timing was never my thing. I was too late. When you rushed in to get ready for your date with him- I knew it. Deep inside, I knew… It's not like I didn't know that you were dating guys, but a relationship? I guess I just thought that we would-" Jesse cleared his throat feeling that he had said way too much.

Jane had unshed tears in her eyes as she looked at her friend.

"You thought we would what?" her voice almost trembled.

He finally looked at her.

"I thought that we would be together. I thought that somehow we would realize that in spite of everyone and everything else, we loved each other and we belonged together. I didn't count on you being smart enough to move right on past me and to another."

"Jesse I do love you, but-"

"But I'm not him." He patted the hand that she had on his arm. "I'm glad that you're happy. It really is the most important thing to me." He gave her a genuine smile. "Well, it was. Now I want you and the baby to be happy."

Tears streaked Jane's cheeks and she hugged Jesse tightly.

I don't deserve your friendship or your love.

"Shush, don't shed tears for me. Be happy and live the life that you want to live."

He used his thumb to wipe away her tears and the cool night breeze dried the streaks on her face. The two looked at each other for a while before Jesse threw and arm around her in a gentle squeeze before they went back inside.

I knew he was still hung up on her, but I guess I didn't know how much. He still so in love with her. It'd be beautiful if it didn't hurt me so damn much. Guess that's why he hadn't bothered to call or anything since the bar. I'd better get out of here before he sees me…it was nice while it lasted Moreno.

Max made his way outside to where Jesse and Jane had come from. His phone had rung and he wanted some privacy for the call.


"Hi Max it's me- Stacey."

"I know- I mean, your name came up."


"I saw highlights of the concert on the webpage. I wanted to congratulate you. I hope that you guys get everything that you want. You're a good man Max."

"Thanks Stacey." Pause. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. Bye."

She hung up the phone and Max stood there, phone in hand momentarily caught in their past.

"You okay?" Trent's voice broke through Max's thoughts. Max nodded and went back inside leaving Trent with his girlfriend.

"Hey you," Trent swung her into his arms. Her surprised laughter was like music to his ears. "You know, all I've been able to think about is what you said in the limo."

"Really?" she murmured demurely.

He nuzzled her neck.

"Tonight- this whole tour has been wildly successful. It's hard to believe that The Spiral has made it."

"The Spiral has earned it. You've earned it," she reiterated. She let a hand trace the outline of his face marveling at his angles and the slight scruff of a five o clock shadow that he currently wore. "I talked to my folks earlier. They said to tell you hi."

"Really?" he pulled her closer.

"Well actually, they wanted to make plans for dinner with us whenever you were near or in Lawndale. I think my dad wanted to talk to you about some new recipe for something or other and my mom- I think she's offering an olive branch."


He leaned down and kissed her softly.

"You'll be graduating soon…"

"You'll be on tour in a few months…"

"We'll have to find a place to live….something more permanent than your apartment," he put his thoughts out there as a feeler to gage where she was at.

"It should be somewhere that keeps you inspired…" she spoke thoughtfully.

She's thought about it too, good.

"It's good to have a place to put down roots… build something together….."

"It'll be different trying to meld our personalities under one roof."

"We'll have to understand about practices running long."

"Writing at weird and sometimes inconvenient times…"

"It'll get tense."

"It'll be worth it."

"You saying what I think you're saying?"

She gave him a heart melting smile before speaking seriously.

"I love you Trent Lane."

His cheeks flushed the slightest of red as he let his lips brush over hers briefly.

"I love you too Daria Morgendorffer."