Kate wanted to go out bar hopping, but José told her they couldn't.

"Why?" she wanted to know.

"Because the bars are all closed."

"Why are they all closed?" she asked, with a look on her face much like the one she had two years ago when she discovered there was no Santa Claus.

"Because of the Coronavirus," José explained.

"Coronavirus? What's that?" she asked.

"It's like a deadly flu. We need to stay quarantined."

"Quarantined? What's that?"

"It means we can't leave our apartment. It's very contagious. You do know what contagious means, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Kate sniffed, offended.

"Okay, then," José said, "use it in a sentence."

Kate gave it some thought, and then proudly told him, "The older I get, the more my contagious."