Chapter 26- homecoming

Oh my gosh guys, this is the last chapter! Can you believe it? I can't. I'd like to thank each and every one of my loyal reviews for taking the time to review the chapters. You don't know how much that means to me. I'd also love to thank all of the beautiful people who followed this story and read every chapter who may not of left review, I still love all of you guys just as much as those who did review. Life is busy and I know that not everybody can leave a review.

Now I hope that this chapter exceeded all of your expectations for the story. I know I love the ending and I really hope that you guys do too. Let me know what you think in a review! Lastly, I'm sending you all lots of love and happiness. Xoxo

The next day

"Aw, look at them. The twins look so peaceful," Lexie comments as Mark drives their family car into the car park at Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital. Lexie had spent most of the long drive looking back at the twins and admiring them.

"Babe, you've spent the entire trip home looking at them. I'm worried you've forgotten what I look like," Mark replies.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I neglecting you?" She giggles as she turns around and faces Mark.

"I forgive you," he grins. "Anyway, we're here now," he says with a smile. He gets out of the car and he walks over to the passenger side to help Lexie out. The new parents then each get out one of the twins, Lexie grabs Grace and Mark grabs out Oliver. Lexie flings the nappy bag over her right shoulder and they hold hands as they walk into the busy hospital. They choose to walk through the regular entrance of the hospital to avoid any unnecessary drama in the ER.

"Can you page Dr Meredith Grey and Dr Derek Shepherd to conference room three please?" Lexie asks the nurse that was sitting at the reception desk.

"Do you have an appointment to see Dr Grey or Dr Shepherd? I can't page either of them without an appointment," the nurse replies.

"You're new here aren't you?" Mark asks the nurse.

"This is my 3rd day," she replies.

"Thought so I hadn't seen you around before. Now you're trying to do the right thing and follow proper protocol. But you'll soon learn that this hospital doesn't seem to care much about the proper protocol when it comes to some things. Now, this is Dr Lexie Sloan, otherwise known here as Little Sloan, Meredith's sister and Derek Shepherd's sister in law and I'm Dr Mark Sloan, Lexie's husband. Now this beautiful woman has just had twins while at her high school reunion and her sister or brother in law have no idea. Now, could you page Dr Meredith Grey and Dr Shepherd to conference room three please?" Mark says.

The nurse nods her head quickly pages Meredith and Derek. "Mark, I think you scared her," Lexie says as they head to the conference room.

"I know. But she had to hear it," mark replies.

"But still, you didn't have to scare her," Lexie says. As they enter the conference room they patiently wait for Meredith and Derek to enter.

"Meredith!" Lexie says joyfully as she sees her sister come into the room. "Hey Derek," she adds casually.

"Lexie! I wasn't expecting you back so soon. What happened? Was the reunion a flop? It's okay, you don't need those people anyway," Meredith says rambling.

"Meredith. The reunion was great. We brought home two little people," Lexie smiles before stepping to the side of the table that contained the baby carriers.

"Oh my gosh! You had the babies! They are beautiful Lex!" Meredith says as she walks over to the beautiful babies.

"Oh my god, congratulations mum and dad," Derek says happily.

"This is Oliver James Everett Sloan and this is Grace Elizabeth Sloan," Lexie smiles happily.

"Why didn't I get a phone call?" Meredith asks as she walks over to admire the to two brand new additions. Derek follows her.

"We wanted some time, you know, with just the two of us," Lexie smiles.

"Lexie, I get it, it's fine," Meredith smiles. "Who are the god parents?" Meredith asks.

"Mark and I want You and Derek to be the god parents. You both have really guided us and you are the perfect people to guide our children. And I know then you'd still be the Aunty and Uncle anyway, but this just feels more special to us," Lexie says.

"Thank you Lexie," Meredith says happily.

"Hey, do you guys want to hold them?" Lexie asks.

"We'd love too," Derek replies.

Lexie carefully takes out the babies and hands Grace to Derek and Oliver to Meredith. They both look down lovingly at the babies they were holding in their arms.

"I can't believe that I'm holding one of your babies, especially after all you went through. No offence, I know you thought you were dead inside, but you are very much alive inside and it was stupid of you to think that in the first place," Meredith says.

"It was a moment, I'm allowed to have moments," Lexie smiles.

"Meredith has moments all the time, it's okay," Derek replies.

"Mark, can you please go collect our other children. I think they might like to meet Grace and Oliver," Lexie says.

"Okay," mark replies before beginning to walk out of the room. He stops at the doorway, "what day is it?" He asks.

"Mark, it's a Saturday. They're both upstairs. I dropped them off this morning," Meredith replies.

"Ah, thank you Mer," he replies before continuing.

"And I though women were the only ones to get baby brain," Lexie laughs.

Scene break

"Daddy!" Layla and Sydney exclaim as they see mark enter the daycare.

"Hey gorgeous girls," he smiles as he embraces the hug the girls were giving him. "Guess what? Mummy and daddy have a surprise for you," he says happily.

"Where Mummy?" Sydney asks confused.

"Come on, I'll show you," he smiles.

"Okay," both girls reply. They take Mark's hand and he takes them down to the conference room. "Now, when you see mummy you need to be on your very best behaviour. You need to use your inside voices and you have to be very gentle. Okay?" Mark asks.

"Okay," Sydney replies and Layla nods her head. Mark opens the room and the girls immediately see Lexie.

"Hey Princess'," Lexie says happily as she holds her arms wide open for a hug.

"Mummy!" They say happily and as per Mark's instructions they quickly walk to their mother and she embraces them with a hug.

"Daddy said you had a surprise!" Layla exclaims.

"Where your big tummy?" Sydney asks confused.

"Mummy had your little brother and sister," Lexie smiles.

"You did! Can I seem them?" Layla asks.

"They're behind me," Lexie smiles. She moves to the side with the girls and they see the babies.

"I love them already!" Layla says excitedly as she walks over to her baby brother and sister.

"Babies," Sydney says.

"This is Grace and this is Oliver," Lexie smiles as the girls both huddle around the girls and gently give them a kiss.

Mark and Lexie look lovingly at their children as they watch Sydney and Layla interact with the newborn babies. They giggle as Layla suggests that the babies could come to school with her for the day. They smile as the girls give the babies lots of kisses and tell them how much they love them already. But most of all, they stand back and admire how perfect their little family is.

Life is a storm. The thunder, lighting rain and wind can easily was away your dreams, your hopes and your plans. The wind blows and you have to alter the direction of your whole life and overcome all the rain. That's what Lexie Sloan's life was, a storm. She was forever altering her life when the wind blew it in all different directions and when the rain washed away her dreams she had to make new ones.

But once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure whether the storm really is over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what the storms all about. For Lexie Sloan, she had finally found her new life through the Storm.

The end :)