Hey guys! Here is the final part of the story...I hope you enjoy the last part of the story; It was so much fun to write, causing me to spend hours writing this story, writing as fast as I could, barely able to write down all the words as their flew through my mind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Alvin and the Chipmunks!

Brittany's eyes flitted back and forth from wall to wall, taking in the familiar paintings that she had seen over the year, just in a completely different way. Two of them were ones that she had herself, hanging proudly up in her room. She slowly stepped into the room, the newspapers covered in bits of paint crinkling under her feet.

She blinked repeatedly at what she was seeing as if she could not believe it. Taking a deep breath she turned to face Alvin who was nervously standing by the door, eyes on her.

"Explain." She stated as calmly as she could. Alvin slowly nodded, walking over and placing one of the chairs in the room behind her and, as she sat down, he grabbed one himself and sat down across from her.

"Well, as you can see I'm-" He stopped here, unable to say the words.

"The Mysterious Painter." She whispered in disbelief. Alvin slowly nodded, "B-but how, you always said…" She trailed off here.

"That I hate art? That was part of the lie; to keep everything a secret." Alvin stated. Brittany stared at him for a minute, face blank.

"Start at the beginning. Tell me everything." She demanded. So with that, Alvin started his story; how he would always spend time at the late Ms. Danvers house, eat cookies and watching movies. How he found her husband's art room, spending hours in there, reading through all his notebooks and studying all his drawings.

How, soon, he started creating his eyes drawings after Dave bought him a sketchbook. How Ms. Danvers told her son and, soon, he was also learning about art from Mr. Danvers. How he would spend his Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the High school with Mr. Danvers, and Saturdays at Ms. Danvers. How, in third grade, he gave his first ever individually done art board to Mr. Danvers and he asked him to join the Art Show.

"I was so excited he had asked me to; that I, a little third grader, could be part of the big art show. But I was worried about what everyone would think." At her confused look, he continued, "I was the prankster, the person everyone saw as a troublemaker. And I was, I mean, I only started spending time with Mama Danvers because I was running away after pranking someone and, seeing her on the porch, asked if I could hide with her."

"Most people thought that I could care less about school; that I was slow and stupid. After a while, I kind of grew to believe them. So the thought of telling people that I had a 'gift' at painting. That, according to Mr. and Mama Danvers, I was a child art prodigy," Brittany was stunned at that; that Alvin was a child prodigy, "I worried that they would find a way to tease me about that, as if it was something bad."

"But, why not tell your brothers? And me and the girls? We wouldn't have teased you." She stated sincerely.

"I knew you wouldn't, but I was unsure in my art. I didn't tell anyone about. I mean, Mr. Danvers found out from Mama Danvers and they told Dave. I've never told someone, myself, that I could paint. So, when Mr. Danvers stated that he had an idea for me to still paint in the art show, yet keep my secret, I jumped on board." Alvin stated.

"I wasn't trying to purposefully hurt anyone's feelings through this secret; I just wanted to keep it to myself."Alvin promised, staring into Brittany's eyes to show he meant it. She smiled and nodded.

"I know you weren't, I understand why you kept it all a secret. But why make fun of art the way you always have? What did that accomplish?" She wondered.

"At first, it was just part of the fun. I started it to mess with everyone. But soon, it just became a part of being The Mysterious Painter, a way to keep my secret safe. Who would suspect someone who hated art as much as I did to be the Mysterious Painter?" He explained. She chuckled slightly at that.

"Yeah, that's true. We never thought the Mysterious Painter to be anyone like you; it seemed too farfetched." She stated, amused, "How wrong we were…"

Alvin continued from there, how he and Mr. Danvers diligently kept the secret, only letting a few details out(most of them to her, Brittany proudly pointed out). That, of course, led to the paintings that he had given her.

"You found out my favorites from me." Brittany realized. Alvin grinned.

"Yeah. Mr. Danvers had told me the day before that you had asked for some. So at lunch the next day, I goaded you enough to find out which were your favorites. Then I painted them, wrapped them up, and dropped them on your front porch." He explained.

"And you had such a straight face at Christmas when I was opening them too!" She exclaimed which Alvin laughed at.

"Oh trust me; I may have had a straight face, but I was a complete bundle of nerves. That's how I found out I had feelings for you. When Dave commented on your crush, he was actually talking to me. That, of course, made me pause and realize that I did have feelings for you." He confessed.

"Well then, it's a good thing for Dave I guess." She joked, "And the rose drawing?"

"Well, you had just told me at lunch that you were upset about the day, so when I was in art class, I drew it for you, left class early, and taped it to your locker." Brittany sat up at that, her thoughts changing.

"About art class. That's the reason Mr. Danvers never kicked you out and kept giving you good grades! Because you actually were participating, just not in the way everyone expected. But what about all the stick figures people saw you drawing?" She wondered. Alvin shrugged, grinning.

"It was a cover; I drew those for the first few weeks and then, after a while when no one seemed to care about me anymore and just ignored me, I started painting my actual art show paintings." Alvin explained.

"Were there any close calls?" She wondered and Alvin nodded at that, explaining about the time with Mr. Truman and, more recently, with Brittany.

"So that's why you looked so nervous! I was so confused, but ignored it, thinking I was seeing things." She chuckled, shaking her head, "And why Mr. Danvers was so quick to give me a new story idea and get rid of me!"

"Yeah, we just didn't want you to see my painting." Alvin explained.

"What were you painting?" She wondered. Alvin stopped at that, slowly grinning.

"My first painting to the art show this year. Hmmm…I guess I could show you it early…" He grinned at Brittany's excited expression. Standing up, he walked over to the corner of the room and picked up the finish painting, holding it towards his chest. Sitting back in his chair, he handed the snowflake painting to Brittany. She gasped, taking it gingerly as if it could easily break.

"It's amazing, Alvin…"

"It's my favorite one I've ever made." He softly stated, smiling lightly. She handed it back to him after a few minutes of examining it. Brittany then sat back in her chair, looking around the room.

"So you really painted all of these paintings…" She seemed to realize. Alvin nodded, glowing with pride: the only people who complimented him for his paintings were Mr. Danvers, Mama Danvers, and Dave. Everyone else thanked The Mysterious Painter- never Alvin Seville. She looked up at him, suddenly unsure, "Do you think you could paint one for me?" He furrowed his eyebrows at that, confused on what she meant.

"What do you mean?" He inquired. Blushing slightly, she explained.

"Well, I want to see you painting one. Do you think I could watch you paint one?" Alvin was stunned; he definitely didn't expect her to ask that, ever really. He was shy about her watching him paint, but seeing her pleading look, he smiled and nodded.

"Sure. I was planning on working on the next painting for the art show today, so if you want you can stay and watch. Though, I can't guarantee it will be fun." He warned. She shrugged, grinning.

"I think I'll manage." She assured. With that, Alvin stood and placed the snowflake painting back in the corner of the room before moving his seat to face his covered easel where his next painting sat. Pulling out his art supplies as Brittany pulled her chair up to his side, he slipped off the cover.

He smiled at Brittany's gasp of awe, even though he was only starting to paint the painting, most of it just outlined. It was a picture of a frozen pond, beneath a beautiful tree, whose branches were covered in frost and snow, surrounded by snow piled on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed and started painting, his girlfriend watching him as he did, time passing quicker as Alvin continued his painting.

Christmas came fast, and with it, finals were finished, school was done, and the group of friends spent every day together, sometimes as individual couples and other times as a whole group. The Christmas spirit was felt by everyone as each day slowly passed by.

Trees were decorated, treats were made, music played, and presents were bought. Finally, the day was here and the Seville boys all loaded up their presents and headed once again over to the Miller's house. Once they arrived, they place all the presents under the tree, except for one, which Alvin quickly hid behind the coach to be opened in private later.

They went in a line, each opening one present, exclaiming what they got and thanking the person who got it for them. Finally, the present opening ended, Alvin grinning secretively, when Brittany frowned in confusion at him when she opened no presents from him. Soon they broke apart, Ms. Miller, Theodore, Eleanor, and Dave going to cook Christmas Breakfast. Jeanette and Simon challenged each other to a game of chess, but when Brittany made to follow after them, Alvin stopped her.

"Hey Brittany." She turned to look at him, curious.

"Yeah?" She wondered. He pulled out his present to her from behind the couch and grinned.

"You still have one more present to open." He pointed out. She was confused on why she didn't just open it with all her other ones, but relented and followed Alvin to her bedroom. Sitting on the floor, he handed the present to her. Curious, she ripped off the wrapping paper and gasped.

"When did you have time to paint this?" She wondered. It was a fair question; since having told Brittany his secret back in October, she had taken to visiting him in his paint room often, which stunned the other four members of their group the first time they saw her going in there, when they were all hanging out in Simon's lab with the door open. Brittany smiled, picturing their reactions.

She had been spending the day in her room, finishing up an article for Journalism that was due Monday on the winter sports teams and, after finishing, had raced over to Alvin's, who she knew was spending the day in his painting room, trying to finish the pond painting.

"Hey Dave!" She exclaimed when he opened the door. He smiled, having found out from Alvin about her knowing the secret, Alvin confirming his guess two days ago.

"Hey Brittany. He's down in his room. But be careful, Jeanette, Simon, Eleanor, and Theodore are all down in Simon's lab." He stated, mischief gleaming in his eyes. She grinned and nodded.

"Ok, thanks Dave." And with that she headed down to the basement, pulling open the door and starting down the stairs, the light from the windows bright enough to make the stairs visible. She grinned widely as she heard laughter coming from Simon's lab. Stepping to the ground, she saw his lab room door was wide open. Eleanor, giggling at something Theodore had said, spotted her first.

"Brittany!" She exclaimed. Everyone turned to face her and stood.

"You finished your article?" Simon assumed. Brittany nodded.

"Yeah; took longer than I expect, but I finished. Why teachers think it's a good idea to have things due on a Monday, I'll never know…" She muttered, making them all laugh.

"You coming to join us? Theo and Eleanor made sandwiches." Jeanette stated, point to the lab table behind him where a plate of delicious looking sandwiches sat. Brittany shook her head.

"Sorry guys, I already promised Alvin I would spend the day with him." She stated. Simon snorted, pushing his glasses further up onto his nose.

"Good luck on getting him out of his room; he's been stuck in there for hours." He offered. She shrugged, smiling.

"It's ok, I don't need to." And with that, she turned to face Alvin's room, walking forward and twisting the doorknob. Opening the door slightly so they others wouldn't see inside, she turned to face them, "But thanks anyway Simon." The picture was priceless.

Eyes wide, mouths dropped open at the fact that she had opened Alvin's room door, something none of them had ever had the guts to do. Brittany desperately wished she had a camera so she could take a picture of them. But shaking her head, she turned back to the door, pushing it slightly open more so she could slip in. Alvin was facing her, having heard her speak to Simon through the crack in the door and, seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes, grinned before calmly speaking.

"Oh, hey Britt! You finally finished your paper?" He wondered.

"Yup; it's all done now." And with that, she closed the door behind her, taking one last look at the still stunned faces of the other four, which had grown even more shocked at Alvin's calm words, realizing that Alvin had actually shown Brittany his room and allowed her into it whenever she wanted to visit.

Needless to say, Brittany spent the next few minutes recanting all that had happened and described each of their faces, which they laughed about for a while as well.

After that, the four had tried to sneak a peek in the room every time she went in, or asked her when alone what the room was, but she wouldn't budge. Alvin didn't understand it, but she had taken to constantly watching him paint whenever she could, leaving him barely any time to paint this painting for her and keep it a surprise.

The painting was a blended kind of painting, depicting the first day they started dating- in that children's park down the street- in the corner was the day of the date(May 28). Alvin had spent much of his art classes and time at night, or when Brittany was busy with something, working on this painting and had finally finished it a week ago.

"Mostly in art class or when you were busy." He stated simply, "Do you like it?" He wondered.

"Of course I do Alvin, it's beautiful…" She whispered, wiping away some tears before leaning forward to kiss Alvin, "Thank you."

After a few more moments in silence, Brittany reluctantly stored the painting under her bed, for fear of one of the girls or Ms. Miller finding it and discovering Alvin's secret. They then headed back out to watch Simon and Jeanette play chess as they waited for Christmas breakfast to be ready.

After a long day, the boys headed home to go to bed. And before she went to sleep, Brittany pulled out her present from Alvin, staring at it for a while before going to sleep with a smile on her face.

The rest of the holiday's passed quickly, the group once again spending New Years Eve at the Seville's house. Brittany and Alvin had their sort of second New Years kiss, spending the hours together, playing games and sitting down in Alvin's painting room.

Alvin had taken to teaching Brittany how to paint so she often spend her time there, switching between watching Alvin paint and reading over the late Mr. Danvers art books. Alvin had started focusing more on his paintings as the art show was getting closer. It had become a game to Brittany to try to get 'information' out of him, or really, see what she knew that she could put in her paper, but he was firm on keeping everything a secret.

He had already explained to her that they planned to reveal his identity next year when he was graduating so they wanted to keep all the secrets until then. Brittany was ecstatic at hearing this, imagining everyone's reaction to finding out Alvin Seville was The Mysterious Painter.

The school year started yet again and both got caught up in homework, not able to hang out unless they were doing homework together. There were no walks around town, or random trips to the ice cream shop. Instead, they spent time together doing homework in Brittany's room, Alvin's room, or Alvin's painting room.

Brittany's learning of art had stalled in favor of school, but she still loved to watch Alvin painting his pictures- seeing him make each one, feel pride in the fact that she was one of the only people who got to see them before the art show and actually got to see the process behind them.

Alvin was so captivating to watch; he was so focused on his paintings, a certain serious nature overtaking him as he painted. He was very detailed, not rushing any little part of his art- each part being equal important to the overall picture. When she was just stressed out, she would stop and watch him paint, growing calm as she did before going back to her work, less stressed now.

As for Alvin, he was so glad that he had told Brittany his secret, because now he had someone to talk to about it; to even share it with, as she showed an interest in wanting to learn art. Over the years, he had grown used to his painting room being empty except for him.

But now that Brittany knows, she often spent her time down here, keeping him company and complimenting him on his art work. And teaching her reaffirmed Alvin in the idea that he wanted to be an art teacher. It was a relief having someone to teach; he had gotten tired of seeing people's art in class and not helping them.

But now, he got to help Brittany and get all his knowledge out of his head where it had been boxed up over the years. It encouraged him enough to speak to Mr. Danvers about his ideas after High School. It was after school, during one of their Tuesday meetings that Alvin brought up the topic. Mr. Danvers was sorting through the art work that his beginner's class had just turned in yesterday when Alvin stopped painting.

"Mr. Danvers?" He looked up at that, setting the sketchbook paper he was studying down on the table.

"Yes Alvin?" At that, Alvin stood, walking over to his desk. Mr. Danvers sat up, figuring it was something serious.

"I wanted to tell you that, after I graduate, I plan to go to college to become a high school art teacher." Alvin hesitantly confessed. Mr. Danvers face lit up at that as he grinned widely.

"Alvin, that's fantastic! I'm absolutely sure you will be an amazing art teacher…" He confidently stated. Alvin smiled at that, less nervous now.

"And- well, I was wondering if I could student teach under you?" Alvin wondered. Mr. Danvers smiled turned proud at that.

"Alvin, I would be proud to have you as a student teacher. I'd even be proud to leave my job to you after I retire, if that is what you wanted." He assured. Alvin brightened at that, grinning in relief.

"It is; I really love this school and would love to come teach at it." Alvin stated.

"Well then, I guess we have it figured out." Mr. Danvers figured.

"I guess we do." And with that, Alvin went back to his painting; Mr. Danvers going back to studying his students drawings. Sooner than expected, Valentine's Day came. It was just as sickening this day, even though both Alvin and Brittany were together.

Sure, they loved each other, but they weren't all lovey dovey to one another. Alvin also liked to point out that, pretty much every single couple he had seen together had broken up, some even having been in other relationships since then. And yet, were still shooting glares at each other as if they had just broken up. Alvin sighed; sometimes he just did not get people his age…

"Hey Alvin!" Brittany exclaimed, walking up to him. He smiled, hugged her tightly. They hadn't been spending much time together lately, pretty much because of Alvin. She'd always invite him over to her house, but he would decline with some lame excuse and race away. But, that would stop after today, Alvin was happy to remember. Pulling back, he pecked her on the lips, "Ready to deal with today?"

"I don't think I ever will be. What about this day, makes all these couples act like this? I feel like I've walked into a soap opera…" Alvin stated, shuddering. Brittany laughed.

"I guess it does feel like that." She agreed. The bell rang, so they said goodbye and headed to their classes. After a while, the bell for lunch rang and Alvin raced through the hallways, stopping outside of Brittany's third period class.

It was her English class, and she absolutely adored her teacher(Mr. Geralds) and often stayed back to talk for a bit. After the rush of classmates emptied the classroom, Alvin looked in and grinned, seeing Brittany talking to Mr. Geralds. Mr. Geralds looked up and grinned, seeing him.

Mr. Geralds was probably one of the only teachers who didn't hate Alvin- he was about sixty years old, with pure white hair and a wrinkly face. He was only a few years older than Mr. Danvers, yet had aged quicker than him by far- Mr. Danvers was already pretty young for his age.

He was determined in believing there was more to Alvin than most teachers thought. Alvin had had him as an English his freshman and sophomore year and he was always patient with Alvin. He defended Alvin when teachers spoke bad of him(as Mr. Danvers had told him), especially when he found out that he got B's and A's in every class; that his attitude was the only problem.

The second Alvin had been told all this by Mr. Danvers, he instantly turned around in Mr. Geralds' class. He didn't care if Mr. Geralds figured out everything; a man as kind as him didn't need to deal with kid's with attitudes. He was upset when he got his schedule this year and saw that he didn't have Mr. Geralds again. But, he often met Brittany here before lunch and got to talk to him.

"Hello Alvin." Alvin smiled, dropping his usual persona- which brought a knowing glint to Mr. Geralds eyes. Alvin wasn't completely sure, but he sometimes felt that Mr. Geralds knew he was the Mysterious Painter, but the man never commented on it, or even hinted about it. Not even when he got a replica of the art board of himself in the art show with a person note. Alvin smiled, thinking back on what he had written.

Hello Mr. Geralds; I wish to thank you for all that you do. One of the reasons that I chose you as one of the teachers featured in my art show is because, well, I'm not the kind of student most people would expect me to be. Actually, I think it is because of that that I act the way I do. But, you have never judged me or seen badly of me, even with the persona that I always display to everyone around me. Sadly, my ideas to keep people from guessing my identity put me in a low respect of theirs. But you never cared about what they said, or how I acted to you. You saw more in me and pushed that fact to others. Now, this note may just give away who I am, but I don't care if it does, because even if you did find out my identity, I would trust you absolutely with it. Well, as this note seems to be going on and on, I will end it now. But thank you Mr. Geralds; for everything…

The Mysterious Painter

After making that personal note that gave away a lot of who he was and could make everyone figure it out, not a word came out. Not once did he mention that he got a personal note, and he didn't mention anything to Alvin(excluding a few knowing looks that made Alvin think that he had figured everything out) that he suspecting something.

"Hello Mr. Geralds; have you had a good day so far?" He stated, stopping by his desk.

"Yes I have. Still annoyed with all the couples out there?" He joked, remembering Alvin complaining to him last year on Valentine's day about people's attitudes that day.

"Of course. Anyone driving you crazy in class today?" Alvin teased. He laughed.

"No more than usual. Well, I'm guessing you two need to get going now?" He wondered, watching their eyes as they glanced at one another and inched closer to the door. They relaxed and nodded.

"Yeah, everyone's waiting on us at lunch." Brittany explained, blushing slightly at being caught. He nodded, grinning.

"Well, don't let old me hold you up. I'll see you both later." He finished. They nodded, saying goodbye before heading out of the room.

"Do you know yet if he knows your secret?" Brittany questioned in a low tone. Alvin sighed.

"I have no clue. Sometimes it feels like he does, but other's it seems he doesn't." Alvin stated. Brittany made to turn right down a hallway, but Alvin stopped her, continuing on ahead.

"Ummm…Alvin, the lunch room is that way." She pointed out. He rolled his eyes.

"I know that. I just have something to show you." He stated. Confused as she was, she just nodded her head and allowed him to pull her where he needed to do. She was not really surprised when they ended up at the art classrooms; it was his favorite place to be in school.

Mr. Danvers was out, but he always left his door open for students to come in a work on projects, or turn things in: no one dared steal from Mr. Danvers. The classroom was empty of students though, most taking advantage of the fact that it was Valentine's day and spending time with their boyfriend/girlfriend.

Brittany stayed by the door, watching as Alvin went to the classroom supply closet. A few moments later, he returned with a long object, wrapped in tissue paper and ribbon. Handing it to her, she grew curious and excited, it being the shape as all of her other presents.

Carefully taking off the ribbons and setting them on the table, she unwrapped the tissue paper. Setting that on the ribbon, she stared down at the painting and smiled. It was in the same style as her last Christmas present; a bunch of colors thickly lined on the page, creating light shapes as if it was a memory someone was looking back on. And in the corner of the page was the date(June 15)

It was a sidewalk view of a date of theirs this summer at the ice cream shop, the date where they had their first kiss- which was being displayed in the picture.

"Is this the reason for all your bad excuses lately?" She assumed, raising an eyebrow at his sheepish expression, "It's amazing Alvin. Thank you…" She whispered, eyes wet. After staring at the painting for a little longer, she gently wrapped it back up, tying it again with the ribbons before setting it down on the desk, pulling her backpack in front of her, to Alvin's confusion.

"I have something for you too." She stated, pulling out a black box. Confused, Alvin took it, setting it on the table. Opening it, his eyes widened in surprise, "I had Mr. Danvers help to find the perfect set…Do you like it?"

Alvin was speechless; the box was filled with sets of oils, organized on different shelves that could move- this was one of the best art sets he'd ever seen and one he had wanted for a while, but never had the time to get it. He looked up, eyes wide at Brittany who was smiling nervously, before grabbing her, pulling her into a tight hug. She sighed in relief, hugging him back.

"Thank you Britt." He whispered. They stepped back a little bit later, chuckling, "Come on, we better get to lunch- the others are probably wondering where we are. We should leave our stuff in here and get it at the end of the day so we aren't lugging it around." Alvin suggested which Brittany nodded to.

With that, they put the stuff away, and quickly headed to lunch, grabbing their food and sitting down at their regular table.

"What took you two so long to get here?" Eleanor wondered.

"We got caught up talking to Mr. Geralds." They nodded at that, understanding now.

"So, how is your first Valentine's as a couple?" Theodore wondered.

"Just as nauseating as last year." Alvin bluntly stated, Brittany nodding in agreement. They all rolled their eyes at that.

"You two are so alike…" Simon stated, sighing. They just grinned at him, starting to eat their food. The rest of the day passed by quickly and, at the end of the day, Alvin grabbed his new paint set, placing it in his backpack, before grabbing his gift to Brittany. Quickly making his way through the hallways, he smiled, seeing her by her locker. Stopping quickly, he handed it to her.

"Here you go!" He stated. She grinned, closing her locker and taking the wrapped painting from him.

"Do you want to go to my house? I can put this away and we can spend time together. I think the guys are also coming over to spend time with my sisters." She speculated. Alvin smiled, grasping her hand as they walked out the school doors.

"Sure; we can finally fully watch Disney's Robin Hood." Alvin had demanded that she watched that movie when he found out that she had never seen it; it had always been one of Alvin's favorite movies growing up.

So when he found out during one of their dates that she had never seen it, and didn't even want to, he was determined to get her to watch it. But, they never seemed to have the time to sit down and actually watch it- but they would this time! (Alvin was hopeful…) They met the rest of the group on the way to Brittany's house. Brittany grinned proudly when Eleanor wondered what she was carrying.

"It's Alvin's Valentine's gift to me." She stated which surprised everyone.

"Wow Alvin; have you opened it yet, Brittany?" Jeanette wondered.

Yeah. I love it…" She sighed, pecking Alvin on the cheek.

"What is it?" Simon questioned.

"It's a secret." Alvin stated nonchalantly.

"It's ok, you can tell us- we won't tell anyone!" Theodore exclaimed.

"We know that, Theo, but it's a secret between Alvin and me." Brittany stated. Though sad, they understood and continued on to the house, laughing and joking about all the over the top love dovey couples at school today.

They spent the next few hours gathered in the living room, doing their homework together, and playing games when they were all finished. A little bit before six, Theodore, Alvin, and Simon had to head home for dinner, promising to spend time together tomorrow afternoon.

The next two months passed by quickly, and soon it was the beginning of April- the fifth to be exact, which just happened to be Brittany's birthday. It had become a tradition now for Alvin to give her paintings as gifts so Brittany was excited to see what the next one was. She often tried to get it out of Alvin or sneak into his painting room to see it, but he always had it hidden away and would never let her see it.

So, since today was her birthday, she was excited to finally see it. She had gotten birthday wishes all throughout school from each of her teachers and her fellow students, but despite how good of a school day it was today, she couldn't wait to get home and have her birthday party(which the Seville boys were, of course, invited to).

Lunch was agonizing for her as she tried to get answers about her party or presents, but no one would give anything away, no matter how hard she tried. So, she was surprised that she didn't squeal in excitement when the final bell rang. Quickly packing up her backpack, she raced out of the door past the usual class rush, arriving at her locker in record time.

Opening her locker and switching from her locker to her backpack, she grabbed everything she would need for homework over the weekend. She started when someone next to her cleared their throat. Looking over, she smiled at Alvin who kissed her cheek.

"So, how's being seventeen going so far?" He wondered.

"No different than being sixteen was. And shouldn't you know, you turned seventeen back in September." She stated, narrowing her eyes at him. Alvin just shrugged, grinning. His birthday was September 16th( yes, he was seven months older than her, ha-ha-ha…), she had gotten him a new easel, as his own was about eight years old and had seen better days.

"Yeah, but it's different for everyone." He countered, "Now, are you ready for your party?" Brittany nodded furiously at that, closing her locker and following Alvin out of the school, heading to Brittany's house.

"So how is everything with your project?" Brittany wondered, sending his a pointing look which she hoped he would understand. He nodded, signaling he did. Though they both knew the secret now, they didn't like talking about it unless they were alone with Mr. Danvers or in Alvin's painting room.

"I'm almost done. I mean, it's due in two weeks so I'm a little stressed, but not too much." He stated. Brittany was excited for him; the art show was on the twentieth of this month(exactly fifteen days away) and Alvin had one more painting to finish, but he was struggling with it a little.

It felt strange; this was the first year where she didn't slave over knowing some crucial knowledge of the Mysterious Painter. She knew it all now, and would not tell anyone the truth. But it felt weird, having already seen all the paintings that would be displayed, even watching the Mysterious Painter paint them over the past year or so.

She often had to hid smiles and chuckles when she saw others at school racing around all year to find out secrets about the Mysterious Painter; Brittany couldn't believe that she used to act like that. No wonder Alvin made fun of her for it all the time…

Alvin looked down at his girlfriend and smiled at the sight; she was bouncing up and down with ever step, going as quickly to her house as she could without looking too eager(which she failed on; everyone who looked at her could tell she was really excited for something and couldn't wait to get there).

They finally arrived at the house and were surprised by everyone(the rest of the group got out of school early to get everything set up). Hugs were given, games were played, delicious cake was eaten, and presents were opened. As Brittany thanked everyone for their gifts, she moved for Alvin's , but he stopped her as always.

"I'll open this one later though." She stated, setting Alvin's gift to lean again the couch. They watch a movie after that, overloading on snack before Alvin and Brittany snuck off to go open Brittany's present in her room. Opening it, she gasped at the painting. In the same style as the last few paintings, it was a painting of them sitting face to face in chairs in Alvin's secret room, the day he revealed his secret to her, with the date in the corner(October 18).

"Thank you Alvin; I never get tired of these." She whispered, "I just wish I could hang them up. But, I know I'll get to sooner or later." She reassured herself after sliding the painting on top of the other paintings he had given her.

"Yeah, when we finally decide to tell everyone my secret." Alvin stated. With that, they all headed out into the living room, where sleeping backs were piled on the floor and blankets covered the couches. They stayed up late, playing video games and watching movies before they all drifted to sleep in the living room.

A little more than two weeks later it was the art show. And despite the fact that she had already seen all the finished paintings over the year, it felt different when they were all together in their section. They affected her in a different way, still stunning her with all their beauty as they displayed different scenes of winter.

Her and Alvin's favorite was still the first painting though- the snowflake one. Thoughts going to Alvin, she turned from taking pictures of the paintings to see Alvin leaning against the same column as always, watching everyone with a smile on his face. He always lit up when he saw people complimenting and enjoying all the hard work he did on his paintings…

The art show was soon over, to the disappointment of everyone, as they would have to wait another year to see more paintings from the Mysterious Painter. What most didn't know though was that that would be the last year of the section.

Alvin and Mr. Danvers had finally talked yesterday and had officially decided that next year would be the last year for the Mysterious Painter's section of the art show. Even more, next year would go a little different than the art show in the past, and Alvin was excited for those events to come to pass.

Only he and Mr. Danvers knew what would happen and, well, the principal- Mr. Young. Not even Brittany or Dave knew the details for next year… The rest of the year went quickly, homework being finished, projects turned in, papers written, and finals taken. Soon, the last day of the school year was finished and everyone headed over to the Seville's house to celebrate.

They spent the afternoon in Simon's science lab, Brittany and Alvin both firmly declining everyone's pleading if they could see Alvin's secret room. They ate sandwiches, talked, and laughed about how good of a school year it was, reminiscing on past years and thinking about the fact that this next year would be their last.

A few days later, it was Alvin and Brittany's one year anniversary, which they planned to celebrate by the water fountain in the middle of their town later at night when everyone would be in their homes(sometimes it was a great thing to live in a small, family run town…). They ate at the food court nearby for dinner, before that having spent the afternoon playing games at the arcade next to the food court. The ended the date, sitting on the wall of the water fountain, holding gifts for each other. Alvin handed his present to Brittany, who was surprised at the incredibly small package.

"I know I usually get you paintings, but I felt like getting you something different for our one year anniversary." He stated. Curious, she opened the box and gasped. Setting the lid of the box down on the water fountains wall, she reached into the box and gently lifted a beautiful silver charm bracelet, dangling with little charms.

"It's beautiful Alvin." Alvin smiled.

"Since all the gifts I've gotten you, you've had to hide, I wanted to give you something that you wouldn't have to hide and could show everyone." She smiled, eyes wet as Alvin reached over, clipping the bracelet onto her right wrist. Sniffling, she shook her head before handing her gift, unwrapped to Alvin.

"Sorry it's not wrapped. I was worried I would ruin it if I did." Alvin started down at the piece of paper in shock. It was a sketch, beautifully done and detailed, of Alvin's secret room.

"I-I know it's sloppy and rushed, but I felt like giving you something that showed I had remembered and learned all that you taught me about art." She stated, staring down at her lap and nervously wringing her hands. Alvin placed the paper on his lap before reaching over and lifting Brittany's chin, kissing her sweetly.

"It's amazing Britt." He whispered. They headed home after that, Alvin dropping Brittany off at her house before heading home to his own, both going to sleep with a smile on their face. The summer passed quickly, everyone spending time relaxing, but also figuring out their future plans.

Simon and Jeanette were already practicing college essays every day, making sure that, but the time they were actually applying to college, their essays would be perfect. Both Eleanor and Theodor were going into culinary arts for college, Simon was going to become a Biologist, and Jeanette wanted to become a librarian.

As for Brittany, she was going to become a journalist, working in the town's newspaper. The others often questioned Alvin on what he was going to go to college for, but as all of his plans involved his identity as the Mysterious Painter, he was incredibly vague about it.

The most Alvin ever stated was that it had something to do with his secret room which, of course, gave absolutely nothing away. Though nervous for the quickly approaching future of adulthood, they were excited to start doing what they love. Alvin especially was excited; soon he would be known for his paintings, no longer hiding behind a fake name.

Soon, it was the first day of school again: The last one the group will ever have all together(Brittany joked that, since Alvin wanted to become a High School teacher, he would never really escape high school- he'd just take a little hiatus for a few year before returning).

It was strange for them all though; it seemed like they were only freshman, the youngest going to school, but now here they were, suddenly seniors and about to turn eighteen sometime during this next school year. As the others reminisced on their memories and how much they'd miss this school, Alvin was glad that he would be coming soon.

High School was definitely not a cake walk for him, what with all the stress his paintings created, and how a lot of the teachers hated him because of his persona. He was often ignored by his fellow peers because of his attitude, or that fact that they perceived him as slow and dumb. He couldn't wait for the art show, when he could start being himself and show everyone who Alvin Seville really was.

Alvin's first few days were spent finalizing the art show plans with Mr. Danvers, as they got permission from the principal. Principal Young didn't know the exact happenings, but he was all too happy to go along with their plans if it had something to do with the Mysterious Painter. But, he had promised to keep silent about everything, and not even tell his own wife.

He didn't even know that Alvin was a part of it, having only spoken directly to Mr. Danvers about it- they were determined to surprise the principal too. Alvin still had art in his final period, and still had art meetings with Mr. Danvers every Tuesday and Thursday. His Eighteenth birthday passed quickly, Alvin taking pride that he had turned Eighteen before everyone else- well, excluding Simon who's birthday was August 13th.

The year passed quickly as first semester finals slowly approached. The group was astonished at how fast time was flying by; it felt like it was still August, but it was actually the end of November. Finals finally came and, luckily, all of them passed with good grades. Once again, the tree was decorated, Christmas music played through both houses, gifts were bought, and snowball fights were started.

Each teenager gave Christmas their all, as it could very well be the last one they were all together for a while. Only Alvin and Brittany planned to stay local for college, hoping to get accepted into the College in the closest city to their little town. Simon and Jeanette were determined to get into one of the Ivy League schools, while Eleanor and Theodore wanted to get into a Culinary Arts College in California.

One Christmas day, presents were unwrapped, some for future life(things they would need in college) and others just things they wanted(books for Jeanette, a new camera for Brittany, etc.). And, of course, while everyone was busy with the usual Christmas traditions Brittany and Alvin snuck off to open Alvin's gift to Brittany.

It added to the collection of paintings Brittany had under her bed. The same style as all the ones before, depicting their first New Years as a couple, as they were in mid-kiss, the date transcribed in the bottom corner(January 01).Their second New Years passed, spent at the Seville's house once again, each teenager celebrating before the school year began.

Alvin got working on Brittany's Valentines' gift early, finding it a good idea to do a painting of their last Valentine's as a gift for their second one, the picture taking place in Mr. Danvers classroom as they exchanged gifts, the date in the corner(February 14). He finished it a week into the school year before he started focusing on his art show paintings, wanting them to be perfect for his last year.

The last theme of the Mysterious Painter's art show section was a dedication to the school. Alvin picked classrooms in the school(giving slight hints as to who he was, as all the classes were with teachers he had had). Mr. Danvers, Mr. Geralds, Principal Young's office, Mrs. Penny's(middle school science teacher), etc.

And each picture depicted a class in there, in the middle of the lesson while the teacher taught up at the board. And, if you looked close enough, in the back of each painting was a boy with brown hair, wearing a red jersey, a red cap, and with a black backpack by his desk-him. The painting was a view of the class from the back wall, so it luckily did not give him away by showing the big yellow initial on his cap and jersey.

Then again, not many people would study the blended painting enough to notice the common character, and definitely not suspect his identity- though admittedly not many people at school wore ad red jacket and cap. It was hard to make out any faces in the swirled paintings, even the faces of the people whose profile was visible.

Valentine's day was just as nauseating for Brittany and Alvin as always, though they stopped in Mr. Danvers room to exchange gifts. Brittany adored her painting and exclaimed that she couldn't wait for the secret to be revealed so she could finally hang all the paintings up.

Brittany had gotten him a book, describing in detail all the paintings done by his favorite artists, which he was determined to start reading that night. Just as Alvin was finishing up his last few art show paintings, the announcement came. Alvin was excited all day, though hid it well- only Brittany sensed something was different, but when she asked she gained no reply.

At lunch time, Alvin quickly race out of Mr. Geralds class(yup; he got him again!) and met up with Brittany just as she was walking out of Journalism class, dragging her to lunch. Sitting down quickly, this time both of the facing the gym stage where all the chorus and band concerts were held, they waited for the rest of their friends to join.

After they did, they all talked together, about the usual things- classes that day; stupid things other students did; presentations; projects. Theodore was currently relaying a hilarious story about another student's cake in Culinary Art's class going totally wrong, when a voice caught their attention.

"Hello? Students? Can I have your attention please?" Looking up to the stage where the voice was coming from, they all saw Mr. Danvers holding a microphone. After a minute or so, everyone was quiet. Alvin quickly noted that all the High School faculty were standing around the walls of the lunch room, confused expressions on each face.

"Thank you. No, as you all know by now, The Annual Art School here at our school is in a month." Everyone cheered at that, excited to see all the paintings- especially in regards to the Mysterious Painter, "Yes, I've very excited as well. But, this year will be a little…different." At that, the room grew completely silent, everyone curious on what Mr. Danvers meant.

"The Art Show will, of course, start on the twentieth of April and run for three days. But, with Principal Young's permission," At Mr. Danvers gesture, the student body turned to see him standing next to the door of the room, waving and smiling(most of the students finally noted all the teachers surrounding them as well, "I have…extended the art show one day." He dramatically stated. Everyone looked around, confused on what the big deal and that was. Sure, it was more time to see the paintings, but still…

"Oh, sorry, I should probably explain myself. Students and Staff, I have something I have to tell you." He paused here, taking a deep breath, meeting Alvin's eyes for a second, "As you know, years ago I created a new section in the art show: The Mysterious Painter." Whispers circled the room at that, an excited and wondering tone to them as they wondered why that was being brought up.

"Now, I had previously had the idea of such a section since I was your age- and yes, I have been your age." He sternly stated at some of the snorts that echoed around the room, "But I could never find the right student to take on such a responsibility-until a little more than nine years ago."

"Now, I know you have a lot of speculation on The Mysterious Painter, as I expected there would be when I first saw this child's potential." Most of the people scoffed at that word, seeing it as an insult, "And no, I am not calling a teenager a child, I am merely calling a child a child." At everyone's confused look, he continued.

"The truth is, he was at that time- yes he still is a guy." He paused at, clarifying because of the looks some gave him, "In fact, The Mysterious Painter has always been a guy." He hastened to explain at that, "Now, I'm not saying that I only choose guys- trust me, my mother would have slap any thoughts of gender equality out of me growing up." He had a sad smile here, remembering his mother.

"What I mean to say is that the same exact Mysterious Painter creating paintings for this year's art show, is the same exact person who created the paintings for the first Mysterious Painter section." Everyone erupted at that, shocked that it had been one person doing all those paintings all these years without telling anyone(at least that they knew about).

"Now, I am sure most of you math fanatics have already figured out how young he must have been when he started if he is still a student now." He stated, gathering everyone attention; continuing when they were all quiet, "And you would be correct- The Mysterious Painter is an art prodigy, learning how to paint and draw from the age of six, being the Mysterious Painter since he was nine." He stated.

"So, by those numbers, we come to my next point which I don't believe many of you will take well." He sighed here, looking down at the microphone in his hands. Gathering the courage, he looked up at the room and spoke, "After this year…I will be discontinuing the Mysterious Painter section of our art show."

Everyone exploded at that, appalled at the idea that the section was being discontinued considering how loved and popular it was. Even the staff was barely controlling themselves; the Mysterious Painter had made their school so much fun over the years with their paintings and speculation on their identity. Soon though, everyone called down to here an explanation, looking incredibly downcast.

"Now, I understand why you are all mad about this. I myself am sad about it as well." Yells like 'well then, don't discontinue it!' echoed around the room, "But, the thing is, that the Mysterious Painter is graduating this year and moving on in life." Everyone quieted at that, excited to learn more about the Mysterious Painter, "I may continue this section in the future, if I find someone worthy of the post who can keep it a secret. But until I find that person, it will be discontinued." He stated firmly.

"Now, as we have reached that point, I will move on. As I stated at the start of speaking, I am extending the art show one day." Pretty much everyone in the room was startled at the jump Mr. Danvers just made, "And I can promise that none of you will want to miss the fourth day. That is because the fourth day will be dedicated to The Mysterious Painter." Whispers started again at that; wondering what a day about The Mysterious Painter would mean.

"The event will take place here in the gym, in the prediction that there will be a lot of people attending." They shrugged; since it was about the Mysterious Painter, the corner the art show usually was in would be too small for the people who would come, "This event will display the new paintings for the art show section this year, as well as the paintings from every year before now since the first." He stated.

"About an hour into the event, I will get up on the stage, like I am doing now," He gestured to his feet at that, "And give you a little background on the person that is The Mysterious Painter. And, after explaining all that, I will reveal the identity of The Mysterious Painter." Everyone was shocked and excited by that; now they knew exactly why it had been moved to the gym- everyone in the whole town will want to come. Looking around the room, he smiled at seeing everyone's reaction.

"Well, I hope this announcement has gotten you all excited for the upcoming art show, and I hope that all of you will be able to attend. One of the three days to see all our student's hard work on their project they've made throughout the year, and I hope you all show up for the fourth day, to find out about the Mysterious Painter's identity. And who knows, maybe it will be someone you guessed it would be…" He hinted at, which got everyone even more excited. Mr. Danvers was about to walk off the stage before he stopped, seeming to remember something.

"Oh, and to the Mysterious Painter," Everyone wildly looked around the room to see if anyone sat up at that, or if Mr. Danvers was looking at anyone specifically- but he was just staring at the back wall, "Don't forget that tomorrow is the due date for the next finished painting for the art show. I expect to see it sitting on my desk by the end of the day." He sternly stated.

Alvin resisted the urge to roll his eyes at that. Tomorrow was a Thursday, so Alvin would obviously be giving his finished painting to Mr. Danvers during their meeting after school- he just said that to get everyone even more excited.

"Mr. Danvers, he's such an entertainer…" Alvin muttered so only Brittany would hear. She grinned, nodding slightly- just as excited for the events coming up soon as everyone else. A few weeks later, it was Brittany's birthday and she once again got a blended style painting for her birthday, this time showing their one year anniversary at the water fountain where they exchanged gifts; the date in the corner with the number of years they had been dating for(May 28-1).

Though the art show was incredibly close, Alvin was done with all the paintings except for one and he was inspired by it every time he sat down to finish it, excited to finish his final piece for the art show. So he had enough time to paint a new painting for Brittany's slowly growing collection.

As the days till the art show dwindled down, excitement was felt by everyone in the town, who couldn't wait to find out the secret that had been driving them insane for eight years. Students often sent glances around the classes and hallways, wanting to find any semblance of a person who acted nervous or quickly changed the subject when The Mysterious Painter was brought up.

Alvin watched it with amusement; he'd been around long enough as the Mysterious Painter to know how to act to keep everyone from being suspicious of him. But, it was their choice to do that, so he often just continued on to his classes, wondering what they would think in that moment if they had known the real Mysterious Painter had just walked by them and they didn't even notice.

Soon, it was the day of the annual art show premiere and a buzz followed the school. Everyone walked slow as they passed the corner of the school where they art show was held, grinning as they saw people setting things up- students coming out during all of their art classes to display their paintings and artful creations.

Many glanced over at The Mysterious Painters section, hoping to see his paintings set up, but none were to be seen. Mr. Danvers always put up those paintings after school when no one was near, and left them covered until the show began, which he would then unveil. The school was full of energy, excited yet saddened to see the last paintings of the Mysterious Painter over the next few days.

Students could barely focus in class, though luckily for them, neither could the teachers- who tried to teach for the first few minutes before giving up and asking students to just get started on their homework and projects. Finally, the school day was over, and Alvin and everyone were getting ready to head back to the school to see the art show. When they were finished, they left the house to pick up the Miller's for their last high school art show premiere(not for me though…Alvin thought to himself).

The school was packed, everyone coming for the opening day, unless they had a prior engagement that they couldn't miss today and would come either tomorrow or the next day. Alvin smiled, taking his same spot that he had taken for the past eight years, feeling a pang of sadness of never seeing his paintings in this section ever again; never see the awe on people's faces as the gawked at what he had created.

Of course, he would still paint after this, just more public and under his real name. But he would miss that look of wonder and curiosity as they pondered on just who, exactly, was behind the paintings- never once looking back and zeroing in on the person watching from outside the section, who was the exact person they were thinking of.

"Lost in thought?" A familiar voice next to him questioned. Brittany had finally finished taking pictures of all the paintings and had come to stand next to Alvin, her new camera's strap hanging around her neck.

"I'm just going to miss this." He quietly stated so only she could hear. Brittany's smile was bittersweet at that.

"Yeah…We're graduating soon and going on to College and life as adults. I'm going to miss it here, being a student with all the deadlines, and all our classmates that we have grown up with. We will never been with this whole group ever again. It's a strange thing to think about and realize that it is actually reality." She stated.

"But, we'll come back to this town of course; I plan to live here when I get my degree in Journalism and take a permanent job at the town newspaper, instead of just being an intern through College." She stated.

"We both know I'm coming back here. I can't leave this school, or this town- it's my home." He stated, smiling slightly. They hadn't talked much about their future together, but Alvin didn't want to rush anything. He was content with his life with her right now, and the important choices like getting married, buying a home together, etc. would come when it was time.

They stayed standing there, leaning against that column for the rest of the night, and when Dave called for everyone that it was time to go, they stood and quietly headed out of the school with their group, content not to talk right now and just be alone with their thoughts- wondering what would happen after Alvin's secret was revealed.

The next two days passed quickly for the town. The next two art show nights were packed once again, a lot of people revisiting as they were caught up in the excitement of everything, most holding on to the hope that they would see the Mysterious Painter and recognize him. Alvin wished he had some way to stop them from going there again as it would be a waste of excitement- he would only go back to the school for the fourth night of the art show.

And even if he had went again, they would not have seen and recognized him, just as they never had in the years previous. The fourth day of the art show came quickly. Most students tried to get a look at the gym, which had been roped off and closed so they could set up for that night's special show.

Lunch was outside that day, with the kitchen doors laying wide open for the cooks to still make breakfast and lunch. The set up tables around the door with certain food on each table, organized just like the widows in the cafeteria/gym. The windows that showed the cafeteria to the kitchen were covered with metal shutters and locked.

Even the stage doors that led to the music rooms were locked so students couldn't sneak it that way and see the set up. Only the people setting up were allowed in and a few other people- Mr. Danvers, the Principal, and Alvin. Though Alvin didn't use the key he had to the stage door(the least noticed entryway) as he didn't want to run the risk of anyone who was setting up to see him and grow suspicious.

Dave, while everyone was in school, snuck down to Alvin's painting room and took all his paintings, placing them in his car before driving to the school. He parked next to Mr. Danvers car and, opening the unlocked back, placed all the paintings there. Once he was finished, he and Mr. Danvers helped carry them in as Mr. Danvers had made sure to make Dave one of the people helping set everything up.

The few students who had chosen to eat their lunches in the hallways, watched with wide eyes as the two brought the last few paintings into the room, having brought most of them through the school while everyone was in third period and the hallways were pretty much empty.

No one was suspicious of Dave Seville helping as a lot of other parents in the town had volunteered to help. Even Ms. Miller was in there, setting up easels and focusing on the design of the cafeteria/gym.

Lunch was fun for Brittany and Alvin as their friends sat there, excitedly rambling on and on about their predictions for tonight. And at the fact that The Mysterious Painter could be sitting next to them and they would have no clue(they took a lot of amusement when Eleanor said that as Alvin was, quite literally sitting right next to her).

Art class was interesting as well as all of the students stated how they couldn't wait to find out who The Mysterious Painter was as they had so many questions to ask him on how he did his paintings, who his favorite painters were, and what his favorite style of art was.

Most people wanted to ask if they could, somehow, get a copy of one of his paintings- a common thing going on around school. Mr. Danvers and Alvin kept sharing glances at everyone's conversation- both excited and nervous for the night. Soon, school ended, but as it was a Thursday Alvin stayed back, Brittany joining him this time.

The set up in the cafeteria/gym had been finished and all the adults had gone home when Mr. Danvers ran over after the bell to rope it off, even from the people who had been helping. While Mr. Danvers went through the regular cafeteria entrance, Brittany and Alvin went through the band rooms, using Alvin's key to get onto the stage.

Maneuvering around the few tables and chairs which could not fit in the compartments under the stage, they stopped at the end of the stage, looking around the cafeteria/gym. There were eight sections set up. The first year paintings were set by the main entrance to the cafeteria, and from there the years went up, ping ponging from wall to wall, ending on the right side of the stage, across the room and opposite the first section.

"You excited?" Mr. Danvers stated from behind them as he closed the curtains to hide the leftover chairs and tables from their view.

"Yeah, it's nerve-wracking though, knowing that soon my secret will be exposed. I can't even begin to imagine what school will be like tomorrow…" Alvin muttered.

"You'll probably be stared at from the second you arrive at school and during every class, even by the teachers." Mr. Danvers assumed.

"And don't forget your brothers and my sisters; they don't know yet either and you have to go home with them." Brittany pointed out, grinning. Alvin sighed, defeated.

"Well, that's one awkward car ride coming soon…probably another one for when we go to school tomorrow." He remembered.

"It must be strange though; you've both kept this secret for years and now it will be revealed…" Brittany stated.

"Yeah, it's a weird thought to think that I'll go to school tomorrow and not have to pretend anymore that I hate art. I can actually and truly participate in art class tomorrow." He laughed here, "I wonder how Mr. Truman will react to this information…" Mr. Danvers grinned at that.

"Maybe I should take tomorrow off; let him take the class for the day…" Mr. Danvers teased, looking as if he was thinking. Alvin shuddered.

"Don't even joke about that. It would pretty much be a class of everyone staring at me, making me prove to them that I was the Mysterious Painter and it wasn't some joke or something." Alvin stated, repulsed.

"Well, we have about two hours until the event starts. I guess we'll just have to wait and see instead of speculating on everyone's reaction…" The next two hours passed slowly, but soon it was thirty minutes before the event would start and everyone was piling into the school, buying food that lined the outside of the cafeteria. There were even a few camera crews from new stations around the area, as the original Mysterious Painter was to be revealed tonight and even people in nearby states were excited to know.

The doors were to be opened by Mr. Danvers at precisely five, who was in the room making some finishing touches on the room. Brittany and Alvin were in there, Brittany taking pictures for the newspaper and Alvin walking around, looking at all his paintings. He grinned when he stopped and stared at this year's paintings, seeing his own figure sitting in each classroom. He wondered if anyone noticed his hints in the paintings, or if they just brushed them off.

Finally, the doors were about to be opened and Brittany and Alvin snuck up onto the stage to hide, planning to sneak out into the crowd with the room was packed. Dave had told the girls and boys that, since Alvin was already at the school of his usual Thursday activities, he would stay there for the show. Brittany had gone early to take pictures of the art show before everyone swarmed the room so they weren't joining them on the car ride.

Soon, Mr. Danvers opened the doors and everyone moved into the room, gasping at seeing all of The Mysterious Painter's paintings from art shows over the years all in that room. Most immediately ran to look at their favorites, holding cameras and phones. The younger students who hadn't seen some of the first years of sections went to those, marveling at the beauty of them.

The adults that had seen all of them, started over- remembering what their children in high school had told them; that the first year paintings were made by a third grader. It amazed them, considering the talent of the paintings. After about five minutes, Brittany snuck into the crowd as no one was paying attention to the stage, too focused on the paintings. She walked over to her friends and sisters, Ms. Miller having joined them.

"Hey Brittany. Did you get all your photos done?" Theodore questioned.

"Yup; I did." She stated. Jeanette sighed.

"You're lucky to have gotten to see the set up early; and all by yourself. We have to practically fight through the crowd to get to somewhere." She explained, gesturing to the people around her.

"Where's Alvin?" Simon wondered.

"I believe he was finishing up a few things in his after school activity." She lied, when really he was currently sneaking off of the stage through the back door and walking to the kitchen, so he could enter the room that way, avoiding everyone's attention.

He didn't want to be in the middle of the crowd or near his siblings and friends when his identity was revealed: he planned to sneak in through the cafeteria door while everyone was watching Mr. Danvers standing up on the stage, gathering their attentions. He would stay by the cafeteria shutters, out of plain few as everyone would expect him to be standing in the crowd.

"What does he do on Tuesdays and Thursdays? He's never told us." Eleanor remembered. Brittany shrugged, pretending she didn't know either, sharing a look with Dave. They walked around the room after that, marveling at all the paintings they hadn't seen for year, each pointing out their favorites from each year and overall.

Though Alvin seemed calm if you looked at him, he was a ball of nerves. He was worried on how everyone would react when they found out he was The Mysterious Painter. He wasn't oblivious; he knew what most people thought of him- it was what he wanted them to think so they wouldn't suspect him being The Mysterious Painter. But, while those ideas have been an advantage to him over the years so he could keep his secret safe, right now it kept him at a disadvantage.

Everyone openly admired The Mysterious Painter, speculating on how good of a student he was and how respectful he must be. And Alvin was a good student and he was respectful towards people, but people hated his attitude, thinking he was arrogant and annoying, always ready to tease someone. And they were right, Alvin was a prankster and a teaser; had always been his whole life- that was a part of him.

But everyone saw those attributes in a negative light, labeling him as a troublemaker, when he wasn't really- had never caused too much trouble to people, and was never cruel or mean to anyone. People just heard his constant teasing and thought he was being mean and cruel, but teasing was his way of joking and he meant nothing rude by it.

He was worried that everyone would be disappointed; that they second his secret was revealed that they would be outraged. And they have every right to be; though Alvin's teasing wasn't cruel, it was still annoying and painted him with a bad image that people had immediately taken as the real Alvin Seville, instead of looking deeper. Even his own friends and brothers thought that was the real him, though they at least knew he was kind and a good person.

They thought the teasing and hatred of art was a part of him and never chose to look deeper. Only Brittany stopped and saw something different in him, saw who he really was. Alvin shook his head; he couldn't change the past. He had made the decision to act like he hated art and had chose to be an unnecessary big teaser and he would have to live with that and just try hard over the next month or so to change everyone's idea of him.

"Hello everyone?" Mr. Danvers voice sounded around the room through the microphone he held on the stage, making everyone immediately quiet down and focus on him. Excitement moved around the room as they knew what this meant, "The art show has been going on for an hour now, so, like I promised, it is time I told you a little story." He sat down on the chair he'd placed there, not wanting to stand while he explained.

"I guess I should start from the beginning- so you get the full story. It wasn't I who discovered The Mysterious Painter first: my mother did. It was a few years ago, about ten to be exact. I had just gotten home from work on a Friday afternoon when my mother called me. She told me that there was a kid in her neighborhood who came over to her house often and had taken a special interest in my late father's art studio in her house. She spoke of the talent the kid had grown to have wit hart, of how he flew through each book my father owned on the study of art, and how much he loved the subject." He started, looking around the room.

"I was excited to here that a young kid in first grade had taken such a focus to art, enough to catch the attention of my mother. When she asked me if I would take some time after school to work with the kid, I agreed immediately. But, the second she mentioned the kid's name, well I had to say I grew skeptical." He chuckled here.

"I had heard a lot about this kid around school and town: he had quite the reputation, despite the fact that he was only a first grader, he was seen as a rambunctious kid, always ready to get into trouble." Everyone exchanged glances at that, not expecting such a painting of The Mysterious Painters beginning.

"In fact, the reason he started spending so much time at my mother's house was because he would prank someone, or create some kind of trouble, and run away to hide from people; my mother often saw him racing by to hide and invited him to hide with her. Soon, he started spending hours at my mother's house, baking with her, reading with her, watching movies, and of course going into my father's art studio." He explained.

"I knew my mother adored the kid from how she spoke of him, but my mother had always had the habit of seeing the best in people, no matter what anyone else thought. The kid was not a mean person, or cruel, he just liked to have fun, which created trouble for other people when he played pranks on people." He added at everyone's shocked gazes.

"But, I agreed and headed over to my mothers, as she said that the kid was over at her house right now, drawing in my father's art studio. When I got there, I was absolutely astonished at the kid's art skills; I should have known by then not to underestimate my mother." He joked, making everyone chuckle as they remembered the late Ms. Danvers.

"Here was a little first grader with a reputation, creating art that my best high schooler's couldn't even do! My mother had found a true child art prodigy. So I put the child's reputation behind me and spent a few afternoons a week with the kid in my art classroom, teaching him more and more about art. He slowly perfected his skills, learning all the different types of art that he could learn." He smiled, remembering Alvin back at that age.

"Soon, my idea of this kid was washed out of my mind completely. He was seen by people as slow and unfocused, but he was absolutely brilliant, soaking up any information you gave him- you just had to leave him alone to his own devices for him to learn quickly." Alvin blushed at the praise Mr. Danvers was giving him.

"It was in his third grade that, when he was bringing me his first individual painting he had done himself," Mr. Danvers pointed to one specific painting in the first section, "that I offered a position in my art show. He was absolutely shocked, as even he knew how hard it was to get into my art show." He paused here, looking around the room.

"But, he hesitated, wondering what everyone would think. He was incredibly self conscious of his art as he knew what everyone thought of him." People frowned at that, not liking the fact that a little third grader had such a reputation. People thought back to the first art section year of The Mysterious Painter, but couldn't think of any with such a bad reputation.

"He was worried though, that even if they loved his art, that the second they saw his signature, they would grow suspicious and think it wasn't true or think less of his paintings. So, I came up with a different idea: he became The Mysterious Painter. This way, he could proudly show off his art, and his reputation would affect everyone's thoughts of his art." Mr. Danvers grinned here.

"We definitely did not expect the hype that his paintings got. Everyone became obsessed with who the real painter was. After seeing everyone's reaction, I went to The Mysterious Painter; asked if he would change him mind and reveal himself, enrolling his paintings in the art show under his real name." Mr. Danvers frowned here, sadness and sympathy etched across his face.

"But he immediately refused; still lost in those same thoughts of rejection. He created a persona, one that made everyone think that he hated art; that he didn't see that point of it. In the middle of the excitement about The Mysterious Painter, it drove everyone crazy that he had such 'disrespect' for art." Mr. Danvers stated, using air quotes.

"It made it so people disconnected The Mysterious Painter with his true identity, not believing someone so gifted at art could be so hateful towards it, even if it was all a game." Whispers echoed around the room at that, not having expected such a fact. The real Mysterious Painter pretended to hate art? No wonder they had never figured out his identity!

"Over the years, as you searched and searched to find who The Mysterious Painter was, he stayed in the shadows, never joining any conversation about the subject. Not even his friends or family knew the secret. Only myself, my family, his guardian, and one other person knew the truth." Everyone was astounded at what Mr. Danvers just said- that such low numbers knew the secret.

'Guardian?' Some people wondered, as usually you wouldn't call them just a guardian, but instead dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, etc. This was quite the information overload; they never thought the Mysterious Painter situation was so complex; they just thought it was a fun game to make the art show popular.

"It had been eight years since the first Mysterious Painter section of the art show started and, as I told the high school a month ago, I am discontinuing The Mysterious Painter section of our art show after this year." Everyone was sad at that idea, "That is because The Mysterious Painter is graduating this year, and I would like to choose a student worthy of the position properly, not just rush to find one over the rest of the year and the summer for the next art show."

"As for The Mysterious Painter…" He trailed off here, not knowing what to say, "He agreed that now was they time to reveal his identity and has helped me throughout the year, come up with this 'fourth day of the art show'. Now, many of you may be shocked, or astonished by just who The Mysterious Painter is. Some of you may even think I'm lying, making up who he really is, but I assure you, the person I say, is the real Mysterious Painter." He firmly stated.

"Now, to have some fun with his identity reveal, The Mysterious Painter really focused on this year's art show paintings." Everyone turned to look at that section and nodded, "In each, you see a class, each seeming as if they were randomly chosen. Well, that is not the case." Whispers circulated at that, everyone trying to get a closer look at the section, or pulling out phones/cameras with pictures of that section.

"In each painting, is a classroom that The Mysterious Painter has been enrolled in throughout the four buildings of our school. And, if you look closely in each painting, you will find one student; one student dressed exactly the same in every single picture, from a younger him in the same outfit, to his own self in this year in the same outfit. That person, is The Mysterious Painter." The paintings and pictures were studied intently, trying to find a similar person. But all the outfits look the same.

"Wait a minute…" Simon muttered, looking from painting to painting. If he didn't know this outfit perfectly, he would have brushed it off. But, sitting in the back of every classroom was a kid in a red jacket and red cap. If he even looked closely, he could just barely see the top of a yellow symbol on the cap.

His mind raced, taking in all that Mr. Danvers had hinted at. He has a guardian, is a prankster, pretends to hate art, and never talks about The Mysterious Painter. He is graduating this year, always spent his days at the late Ms. Danvers house, and spent some afternoons at school with Mr. Danvers.

Eyes widening, remembering that Mr. Danvers said his guardian knew, Simon looked up at Dave, who was staring back had him with a knowing look in his eyes. He turned to face the stage, to see Mr. Danvers was also watching him, a proud look in his eyes. Alvin..? He thought to himself. He woke up at that, quickly looking around the room for his brother. Knowing Alvin, he would stay clear of the crowd, liking to stay out of the spotlight.

Simon froze when he finally spotted him in the back of the room, leaning against one of the cafeteria shutters. He seemed relaxed, but Simon could see the tension that filled him in his eyes, tensed shoulders, and clenched fists. As if sensing his gaze, Alvin met Simon's eyes and froze, seeing the realization in Simon's eyes.

Simon stood there, staring across the room at his adopted little brother, the brother that he had thought he knew his whole life inside and out, but now…now he realized there was so much more to his little brother than he had ever thought. Thinking back on what Mr. Danvers said, he felt guilt for ever allowing his little brother to think he thought badly at him.

He felt bad for even letting himself think badly about him. He knew his brother had a good heart, and was smart, he just let Alvin's attitude get to him and block that Alvin. 'I'm sorry…' Simon mouthed to Alvin. Whatever Alvin was expecting, it wasn't that. His eyes widened in shock at the apology. He had expected Simon especially to be mad at that.

But all he saw was sympathy, sadness, wonder, and guilt in his older brother's gaze. Seeing that his brother had accepted the truth and didn't think bad of him, Alvin let his stupid persona go, grinning happily, mouthing, 'it's alright, Si' to him.

Looking around, the room, Simon was shocked to see that no one else in the place had figured it out. I mean, sure they didn't know Alvin like Simon did, but his outfit was pretty signature. Who else wore a bright red jacket and cap to school? Looking to his friends, he saw them muttering about 'a student in a blue shirt and dark jeans in every picture', debating on if that was him.

Only Brittany stood off to the side, a knowing look in her gaze. Simon's mind jumped back to what Mr. Danvers said about one other person knowing Alvin's secret. If Simon had to hazard a guess, he was sure that someone was Brittany.

"Theo…" He muttered, grabbing his little brother's attention. He turned from the conversation, and seeing his brother's expression, walked towards him away from the crowd.

"Yeah, Si?" He innocently wondered.

"Look at the back desks of each room in the paintings." He muttered lowly so no one other than Theodore would here. Confused but curious, he nodded, gazing at each painting. Slowly the realization dawned on him.

"It's…" He whispered, seemingly too shocked to say Alvin's name, his gaze lying on the boy in the back with the red jack and cap- his brother's signature look. Theodore then looked around widely, searching for their other brother in the crowd.

"Back of the room, by the cafeteria shutters." He directed. Nodding, Theodore found Alvin quickly and grinned proudly- of course Theodore was too caring to see anything bad in something his older brother would protect so wildly. Alvin grinned back at his two brothers, relief shinning in his eyes at their acceptance of his secret.

"Well, of course him family would be first to figure the secret out." Mr. Danvers' voice suddenly cut in, making everyone turned to look at him. The crowd glanced around the room, looking for anyone he was staring at, but his gaze was staring nowhere near Simon and Theodore, "I show have known they know their brother too well not to figure it out when given the facts." He stated.

"Well," He sighed here, "I guess I should stop beating around the bush and reveal who it is. If you look at each painting, you will find a figure sitting in the back of each class, wearing a strange outfit: A red jacket and a red cap. Now, which senior in our illustrious school, comes every day, wearing a red jacket and a red cap?" He pretended to puzzle on. At that, all the students eyes slowly widened, realization hitting them.

'It couldn't be…'

'He's not serious…'

'That's who The Mysterious Painter is?'


"Yes, everyone, The Mysterious Painter is none other than, Alvin Seville." He stopped at that, waiting for everyone to explode. Voices soon rang out, stating their disbelief at that being the true identity of The Mysterious Painter. Even the adults were shocked; everyone in town knew about Alvin Seville and his reputation.

The news stations were confused, only one of them being from this town, so they had no clue what the big deal was about Alvin Seville. They kept trying to get information out of the crowd on who Alvin Seville was, but everyone was too shocked to get into an analysis of the person who was Alvin Seville.

"Alvin?" Jeanette stated, shocked.

"Yes, it is him." At everyone's look at his sure statement Simon shrugged, "Theo and I figured it out right before Mr. Danvers spoke, like he said." He turned to Brittany here grinning, "And my guess is that you, Brittany, are the one person who found out that Mr. Danvers was talking about." Her sisters turned to face her at that, as she laughed.

"Nothing gets by you Simon when you figure something out." She stated, laughing, "Alvin told me in October of our junior year." She explained.

"You've known that long?" Eleanor exclaimed. She nodded.

"Why else do you think I stopped bugging Mr. Danvers about The Mysterious Painter last year?" She wondered.

"I thought you had just resigned yourself to waiting to find out his identity!" Theodore stated, shocked as well.


"Wait…" Simon stated, his mind still speeding around and around, figuring things out, "Alvin's secret room. It's an art room, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's where he keeps all his paintings from the art shows." She stated. Jeanette gasped suddenly.

"That's why you got those two paintings! Alvin heard you mention what your two favorites were, and he painted them for you." She smiled slightly, realizing something else, "Aww, he liked you even back then…"

"Well, this is quite the revealing night…" Eleanor faintly stated.

"It is isn't it?" Dave stepped in.

"And you've known this whole time!" Ms. Miller exclaimed.

"Of course, I am Alvin's guardian after all." Dave explained.

"Where is Alvin?" Eleanor wondered, looking around the crowd. Simon leaned forward once again at that.

"Don't bring attention to him, as I doubt he wants everyone surging around him right now, but he's in the back of the room by the cafeteria shutters…" Simon warned. Jeanette, Eleanor, and Ms. Miller really wanted to look over, but they noticed all the people staring at them, trying to listen in on their conversation and chose not to.

"I can't believe it though…Alvin is absolutely amazing at drawing. He was always so believable when he said he hated art." Jeanette stated, with everyone agreeing, even Brittany.

"Yeah; Alvin, an art prodigy- who would've thought…" Eleanor stated.

"I wish we could somehow sneak to the back to talk to him without drawing attention to ourselves." Theodore wished.

"He isn't there anymore though… He told me that he would sneak into the kitchen after his identity was revealed so he wouldn't be swarmed by everyone." Brittany answered. Looking over out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Alvin had disappeared from the back wall.

"Well, why don't we visit him?" Eleanor innocently offered. They froze at that. They could do that, if they left the room, feigning leaving early, and sneak in there. Jeanette deflated at that though, as a thought came to her.

"But they locked the kitchen doors and none of us have a key…"

"Well…" Dave nonchalantly stated, reaching into his pocket, "It's a good thing I still have my kitchen key from volunteering to set up today." They grinned at that and slowly made their way out of the room, when asked they said they were leaving to 'go home early'. They left out the entrance and, as the outside area was clear of people, snuck through the kitchen door. Stepping inside, they saw Alvin standing in the room, leaning against the back wall.

"Alvin!" Theodore exclaimed. Alvin's head snapped up at that, growing shocked to see all of them.

"Guys?" He muttered, "What are you doing here?"

"We came to see you!" Eleanor exclaimed as Dave closed the door behind them, locking them in. They all surrounded Alvin, though not crowding around him.

"So…you guys aren't mad?" He hesitantly questioned. They laughed at that.

"Of course not, Alvin! We understand why you kept it all a secret." Simon stated, fixing his glasses.

"I can't wait to see what school's going to be like for you tomorrow…" Theodore wondered. Alvin groaned at that.

"Please don't remind me; I'm already dreading it. I can just picture all the gawking and suspicious looks I'm going to get." He grumbled.

"It's ok; if it gets too much, we'll protect you." Eleanor teased.

"What's got you so happy, Britt?" Jeanette inquired, staring at her grinning sister.

"I'm just glad I finally get to hang my paintings up." She excitedly answered. Everyone turned to stare at her at that, Alvin chuckling.

"Paintings?" They chorused; even Dave was confused.

"Of course you're excited about that…" He muttered, grinning.

"Wait. What paintings?" Everyone repeated.

"What do you guys think I got her for holidays and her birthday?" Alvin brought up.

"I've had all of them stacked under my bed, but now I get to hang them all up." She rambled.

"Awww…Why does she get all the paintings?" Theodore grumbled.

"Um…because she's my girlfriend." Alvin slowly stated.

"But we're your brothers!" Theodore and Simon exclaimed. Alvin just shrugged, grinning.

"And your point is?" Alvin joked, looking deep in thought. They just glared at him, "Nahhh, I'm just kidding- if I make you paintings, will you finally be happy and stop nagging me?" He teased. They pouted involuntarily, glaring at him, but nodded.

They spent the next while chatting, laughing, and joking about, jumping from subject to subject as time moved along. In the middle of a conversation about Theodore's newest recipe, the door opened and Mr. Danvers appeared.

"You can all come out now, everyone's gone." He stated.

"How did you know where we were?" Simon wondered.

"Well, Brittany and I knew Alvin would sneak away to the kitchen, so I figured she would tell you and, as Dave has a key, you would stay in here until everyone leave." He stated, holding the door open for them, "I've cleaned up the room and put away all the easels. All your paintings are sitting on the stage so you can grabbed them all to bring them back home."

"Thanks Mr. Danvers." Alvin stated, smiling. Mr. Danvers laughed.

"Oh, don't thank me yet. Tomorrow is going to be absolutely horrible for you. Everyone seems to have accepted that you're The Mysterious Painter, though some people are still skeptical. I think even some of the new stations are staying tomorrow and try to get an interview from you." He revealed. Alvin groaned.

"Well, doesn't that sound fun…" He sarcastically answered, turning to Dave, "Can I stay home tomorrow?" He put on his best puppy dog face here.

"Nope; sorry, but you're going to have to face them sometime. You might as well get it over with." Dave denied, pointing out the facts. Alvin sighed, but nodded.

"Don't worry; we'll all help you tomorrow. You won't be going it alone." Theodore reassured.

"Thanks Theo…" He returned, warmly smiling. After piling all of the paintings into the Seville's car, they said goodbye; the girls going with Ms. Miller and the boys with Dave. The next day came all too quickly for Alvin. He trudged down the stairs, grumpy. Sitting at the table, he dug slowly into his toaster waffles, hoping that the slower he ate the slower time would go by.

"Stop being so down, Alvin. The most people would do is stare, and maybe ask a few questions." Dave reassured.

"But what about the new stations?" He brought up.

"Maybe they won't be so bad." Theodore optimistically guessed.

"Let's hope Theo, let's just hope…" Alvin muttered, eating faster now. Soon they were grabbing their backpacks and piling into the car. They stopped at the Miller's house as always, waiting for the girls to come out and climb into the car. As they headed towards the school, Jeanette turned to face Alvin.

"The paintings you made for Brittany are amazing, Alvin." She complimented.

"Yeah! We watched her put them all up as she explained what each of them was." Eleanor explained. Alvin grinned at Brittany, amused. She shrugged, unaffected by his attitude.

"They'd been under my bed for too long. And they are amazing." She admitted, smiling thankfully at Alvin. As they pulled up to the school, Alvin took a deep breath. There wasn't anyone out in the parking lot as they had arrived right before the bell, to save Alvin from being surrounded.

Sighing in defeat, Alvin followed his brothers, friends, and girlfriend out of the car, waved goodbye to Dave, before walking into the school. The second Alvin stepped into the school, all conversations stopped as every person in the hallway turned to face him. He was shaken out of his thoughts by someone grabbing his hand tightly.

Turning to look to his left, he smiled gratefully at Brittany. With that, he and his friends continued through the hall, debating about the newest movie coming out that they wanted to see. Trying to ignore the stares, Alvin joined the conversation.

Having thought ahead the night before, Alvin grabbed all the things he would need for this morning; it made his backpack heavy, but it was so he wouldn't have to go to his locker this morning. He knew he would half to to get his afternoon books, but he might as well push it off as long as he could.

They soon split up to head to their lockers, each giving Alvin encouraging looks. Alvin followed Brittany to her locker, talking about their college application to college, planning to go in January. After switching out her things, Brittany closed her locker, leaning against it to talk with Alvin.

Finally, the bell rang and the two headed to class. Sadly, they did not have the same first period, but the classes were the same way. As they reached Brittany's class, they reluctantly said bye before Alvin turned and quickly hurried down the hallways to his class, trying hard to ignore all the stares and whispered words.

Seems the only topic of conversation today was him…Alvin snidely stated to himself. He finally reached his first period and walked in, almost freezing as he saw the room was absolutely silent, all the students and even the teacher staring at the door, more than likely waiting for him. Mentally sighing, Alvin turned into the classroom walking to the back, where his usual seat was.

Placing his backpack on the floor and sitting down, Alvin counted every second until the final bell would ring. It seemed no one was confident enough to walk up to him and ask questions, which he was grateful for, but the staring was nerve-wracking: Alvin just hoped they didn't continue this into class…

The bell rang and, to Alvin's relief, everyone turned to face the teacher as he stood and began the lesson. They had a test in the class on Monday(mental groan at that thought) so the teacher just instructed them on what to do before letting them each continue their study guide they had been given at the start of the week.

Already having finished his after school yesterday as he had no paintings to paint, Alvin reached into his backpack, pulling out a regular pencil and his sketchbook. He had come up with a new idea for a painting the other day and was excited about it.

He hadn't figured out all the details yet, so he was constantly working on it, drawing, erasing, changing, and redesigning. It was flipped on the page, the bottom of the picture being with the spirals- a picture of a town at night; a street deserted of people.

"Woah…" A voice from in front of him spoke. He froze, before his head snapped up. Apparently Henry Anderson had also finished his study guide early, and had plucked up the courage to turn around to talk to him, but instead had seen his drawing.

Hearing his voice in the quiet room, other's turned to look. The others nearby got a glimpse of Alvin's drawing and gapped in awe, before Alvin slammed his sketchbook closed, facing burning. Wanting to avoid all the stares, he burrowed his head into his folded arms on the desk.

What was I thinking drawing in the middle of class today? He demanded of himself. He often spent his classes drawing in his sketchbook, as no one really paid attention to him. He had thought everyone was busy with the study guide after a few minutes of no one looking back at him, so he chose to draw.

"He really is The Mysterious Painter…" Someone whispered near him, more than likely one of the people who had seen his drawing. Great, good to know you all trust Mr. Danvers when he tells the truth, Alvin sarcastically thought to himself. Whispers surged around the room again at the students' words, the teacher not even trying to stop them.

The rest of the class slowly went by, Alvin not even once lifting his head from his arms, knowing he'd only meet stares, ranging of different emotions. The bell rang and Alvin put his stuff in his backpack, swinging it over his shoulder and heading out of his class. He was just glad that his next class was with Brittany and Theodore.

Quickly entering the classroom, he slid into his seat between Theodore and Brittany; he was so happy today that this teacher didn't have assigned seating like the rest of his teachers, other than Mr. Danvers, had. Apparently, news had spread(through mouth, phones, or whatever) because everyone was whispering about the confirmation of him being The Mysterious Painter.

"Alvin, what happened last period? Everyone says you confirmed you were The Mysterious Painter." Brittany quietly questioned.

"We had some free time, and as no one was paying attention to me anymore, I pulled out my sketchbook to draw." He confessed.

"Oh, that's why they're all freaking out." Theodore remarked, glancing around the room.

That class passed a lot better than first period, Alvin being guarded by both Theodore and Brittany. Soon it was to third period, which Alvin had with Simon. Unfortunately though, the seating chart put him on the other side of the room, while Alvin was up front by the door. Well, at least he could escape quickly to lunch when the bell rang…

Walking into the class, he spared no glance at anyone in the room, already knowing that they were all staring at him, and plopped into his seat. The teacher walked in and immediately got into the lesson. They were to go through the science book and answer all the questions on the worksheet, to be turned in at the end of class. Alvin froze at her next words: They were to work in pairs today.

Could this day get any worse? He thought to himself, feeling all the students gazes on him; they wanted to pair up with him so he could answer their questions about everything. As some started towards him, they were stopped as a voice called out.

"Alvin! Would you like to be my partner today?" Simon's calm and calculated voice wondered. Feeling relief and gratitude to his other brother, he met his eyes and quickly nodded, standing up, grabbing his backpack, and speed walking to the other side of the classroom. Simon pulled a vacated chair up next to him as Alvin made his way over, smiling in understanding as Alvin slumped down into the chair.

"Thanks Si. I could not imagine having to be paired with anyone else…" He muttered. Simon nodded, pulling out his science book and a pencil. Alvin quickly copied his older brothers' actions, getting to work on their assignment. They spent the rest of the class immersed in their classwork, ignoring all the glances over to them and the whispers.

"How you've dealt with this all day, I have absolutely no clue…" Simon muttered at one point, glancing at the students out of the corner of his eye. Alvin just sighed.

"Well, what else can I do? Try to talk to them?" He snorted, "No thanks." Finally, the bell rang and the two brothers packed up, heading towards the lunch room like the rest of the students. Grabbing their food, Alvin exasperated at the fact that even the lunch ladies were looking over at him as they passed him food.

Alvin walked across the room, tense as he passed each table of staring students. They were all silent as he walked by, before erupting into rampant whispers after he had passed. Everyone at his table gave him sympathetic looks as he sat down beside Brittany.

"Everything's been ok today, right Alvin?" Jeanette hesitantly inquired. He grinned slightly at that.

"All the attentions strange, but no one has come up to me." Yet…Alvin stated in his mind, digging into his grilled cheese and tomato soup. He was in the middle of his meal when someone sat down in the empty seat across from him. Looking up, Alvin was surprised to see an adult instead of a student like he expected.

She was impeccably dressed, in a shy blue shirt, with a black suit jacket, slim fitting jeans, and stylish boots. From Brittany's gasp, he guessed she was some reporter she knew of, probably part of the news crew around school that he had, fortunately, not run in to today.

"Hello. You're Alvin Seville, right?" She wondered, though it was obvious from all the stares he was. She held her hand out, which Alvin respectfully shook, "I'm-"

"Angela Lunar…" Brittany whispered in awe. She turned to face Brittany and smiled kindly.

"So you've heard of me." She remarked. Brittany nodded at that, causing Angela's smile to grow before she turned to face Alvin, "My news crew was one of the one's filming last night's art show, and we were quite surprised. I mean, I am not from here so I was confused at everyone's reaction. But, your principal informed the other reporters and I about your…reputation." She stated, which made Alvin frown slightly, wondering what she had heard.

"If you don't mind me saying, I am incredibly impressed." Alvin's eyebrows shot up at that, that not being what he expected her to say, "I mean, a child prodigy from first grade, having outstanding grades, yet you developed such a persona that it made people write you off as a troublemaker. And the fact that you hid it from everyone for almost ten years…it's astounding." She complimented.

"Ahh…Thanks." Alvin stated, stunned at the reporters words.

"I was wondering if you would be alright with doing an interview with me and the other reporters." She questioned. At his expression, she spoke again, "I understand if it is a no, I mean it's a lot to take on. I can tell you're not much of a person for attention…" She commented, glancing around at all the stares and Alvin's tense figure throughout the lunch time.

"I…well, I'm not really a person for attention." Alvin started. He glanced around the room, seeing all the curious stares, before sighing, "But I know a lot of people have questions, and the stares will probably only stop when the questions are answered." He realized, going silent.

"It seems this topic has gained a lot of the popularity over the years, you have created quite the legacy in your secret identity- many other schools have adopted the same idea." She stated, "So, stares are only expected. But, I understand if you would rather stay out of the spotlight as much as you can. You're about to graduate high school, go on in life. I doubt you want this to follow you everywhere."

"I'll do the interview; it'll be nice to actually address people as The Mysterious Painter, instead of shying away from that." Alvin admitted. She grinned, excited at his acceptance.

"I'm glad to hear that, Alvin. I'm sure a lot of people will be excited to hear the whole story." She guessed, "Many of us news stations have to head back to our work places tomorrow, so would you be alright with meeting with us after school? We can do it in your art room class, so as to make you as comfortable as possible." She hinted at. Alvin nodded.

"Sure. It's my last class anyway. You'd just have to ask Mr. Danvers; but I'm sure he'll say yes." Alvin brought up, smiling.

"Thank you Alvin. And if you're worried for the interview, you can choose to answer whichever questions you want to, and can stop at anytime. We don't want to make you uncomfortable and nervous." She added, which Alvin smiled gratefully at, before once again shaking his hand, smiling at Brittany, and leaving the cafeteria.

"Well, that went well." Eleanor exclaimed, smiling. Alvin nodded.

"Yeah. I mean, I know people have a lot of questions." He countered, "I mean, even you guys had questions, and I answered those when we were in the school's kitchen. I need to answer other people's questions as well."

"It's a great idea Alvin." Brittany reassured, getting over her starstruck mania. They continued eating after that, and a little before the bell rang, he headed off to his locker to switch out his books for his next classes: math, and then workshop, and finally art class. As he turned, he slammed into Ashley Gergan, who owned the locker next to his. Since Alvin always stuffed his books into his backpack, his things were safe, but all she was carrying fell to the floor.

"Sorry Ash, I was lost in thought." He apologized, bending down to pick up the books with her. Ashley was a sophomore, and she was just as shy as Jeanette, if not more. Ashley lived across the street from the Seville's and often came over with her little brother. She blushed, nodding.

"It's ok." Her quite voice stated, "I was lost in thought as well…" Chuckling, Alvin looked down at the things on the ground and paused.

"Wow…" He muttered, staring at the opened drawing book. Alvin knew that Ash was in drawing classes with Mr. Danvers, who often told Alvin of her talent, but he didn't know that she was that good. Lifting it up, he stood.

"This is amazing, Ash." She blushed even brighter.

"I-It's just s-something I'm p-playing with." She brushed off, picking up her last book, "Not amazing like your art…" She trailed off, before freezing; it wasn't hard to tell that Alvin didn't want to talk about his secret identity. Alvin just grinned.

"Every artist is different, Ash." He reassured, "Why haven't you joined the art show? With an art skill like that, you could easily get in." She just shrugged.

"I just never really got up the nerve. I'm nowhere near as good as the others in that art show." She underplayed. Alvin frowned.

"Hey Ash, would you like me to help you?" She looked up at that, eyes wide.

"Y-you want to help m-me with my art?" She whispered, stunned. He smiled encouragingly at her.

"Of course. You're a friend; and you have a real talent. I have to do an interview," He pouted here, making her giggle lightly, "But I could come over to your house tonight to help with it."

"That-that would be great! Thank you." She exclaimed, hugging him tightly, before pulling back, blushing again, "S-Sorry." Alvin just chuckled, handing her back her drawing book.

"It's fine Ash." The bell rang here, "I have to get to class, but I'll see you tonight, 'K?" She nodded rapidly at that before heading to her class, practically skipping. Turning, he saw Brittany standing in front of him, grinning.

"What was that about?" She wondered. Alvin shrugged, grinning as they made their way to math class. Alvin grinned, explaining what happened and their plans for tonight.

"That's great; Ashley is such a great girl- all she needs is a little confidence and she can achieve anything." Brittany stated, as they slid into their desks in math. That class passed quickly, as they had a math test that took up pretty much the whole class, people too focused on the test to even glance at Alvin once.

After the bell rang, Brittany and Alvin split as Alvin headed to workshop. The afternoon was a lot better than the morning, as in workshop, they split up to finish the projects that were their finals for the class. As he was now revealed as The Mysterious Painter, Alvin was going all out and creating one of those artistic chairs that were often shown during the art show- He'd never done one before, but had always wanted to.

Before he knew it, the bell rang. Putting his started project away, he headed on to art, both excited and nervous for this class. Walking into the class, he saw that all the students were setting up their supplies.

"Alvin?" He turned to see Mr. Danvers standing in the doorway.


"I've been told that you are going to do an interview for the reporters after school, and that you wanted to use my class." Mr. Danvers explained which Alvin nodded at, "Well, you welcome to use my class for it."

"Thanks Mr. Danvers." He nodded, smiling, before walking into the classroom and to his desk. Alvin took a deep breath before entering after him, heading back to his usual seat. Setting down his backpack, he headed to the closet to grave his supplies and a new art board. Setting it up on his easel, he pulled out his sketchbook.

"Alvin?" Looking up, he saw Mr. Danvers smiling at him, a mischievous look in his eyes, "As you now don't have to keep your secret, I expect you to truly participate from now on."

"Yes Mr. Danvers." He stated, smiling before moving back to his easel. Opening up to the drawing from this morning, which he finally finished after the test in fourth period math, he dangled it over the top of his art board. Pulling pencils out of his art box, he got to work, copying the drawing full sized onto the art board.

It was refreshing to actually draw in art class and not having to worry about people seeing it. This drawing was what he was going to turn in for the final in this class that was due a few days before the last day of school. Towards the end of class, Mr. Danvers once again spoke up.

"Ok, everyone get in a circle." At his words, everyone stood, placed their backpacks and art boxes in the back of the room against the wall. They moved their easels into the middle of the room, resembling a circle. Pulling their chairs up to their easels, they stared at Mr. Danvers who sat just across the circle from Alvin.

He went around the room clockwise as each student showed the beginnings of their final project, other's commenting on the student's drawing; both praising it and giving constructive criticisms on it. When they finally reached Alvin, he smiled slightly as everyone held their breaths.

"Alvin?" Mr. Danvers stated, after the student next to Alvin was done. Reaching over, Alvin turned his easel around so everyone could see his drawing, his sketchbook still hung over the top. Everyone gapped in awe at the drawing, even thought it was barely even close to finished compared to the sketchbook drawing.

"I got this idea the other day; it's been hard to truly get it down on paper, but I finally did today. I thinking I'm going to go for more of a pencil drawing this time, than oils or paints…" He continued on, explaining how he wanted to stick to black and while in the drawing, and the few colors around those, such as gray. Finally, he sat back and waited for someone to speak.

"It's amazing." One student finally stated after a few moments of silence. He swallowed as everyone turned to look at him, "I-It's different from your usual paintings," He added, hinting at Alvin's prior secret identity, which Alvin nodded at, "But it's very detailed in the sketchbook and that already looks great."

The tension seemed to be released as more students went on to speak about his painting, complimenting it and some even bringing up things he could add. Soon, they moved on to the next person and the next. As Alvin looked around the room, sometimes complimenting others on their drawings and what they could do to improve them, he smiled.

He was worried this morning about school today and how it would affect the rest of the year. But, now he had an interview after school to discuss his life as The Mysterious Painter, and he would be going over to Ashley's house tonight to help her with her drawing. Even more, he was finally included in his art class and could finally say all the things he'd wanted to say over the years. Yeah, life was going good; and Alvin was happy for all that would come along…

And that's the end of this story! I am so proud of this story, and am still so amazed I finished it so fast; I mean, it was just a little idea I came up with one day after doing the dishes and I sat down to writing it. I had so many different goals; 20,000 words seemed so far fetched. But soon it reached 7,000, than 10,000. The 14,000 and it kept rolling from their until I wrote(according to Microsoft Word) 38,543(including plot summary)...Well, until next time I update a story!