Guys…or at least people who have desires for girls and what's in between their legs (Oh please don't get disturbed with the blunt swearing, we all know we desire a girl's affection and her vagina in the end, or even just one of the two.) knows that they love gifts. One important and very basic part in earning a girl's affection, giving them shit…not the literal shit, I mean things that reflect towards their personality and sense of satisfaction. Though I'll be honest, why would Kyu want a dildo if she's Bi, worst part that she even has all the money in the world.

And this reality has the same thing with our own, I'm still in a 21st century world so don't get disturbed that I'm in the future except for the fact why Europe is shit right now. Anyways back on the track, most gamers in Huniepop would rush their way in getting one of the girls of their liking pants down after watching a YouTuber play. This would result the player having sex with three and possibly four girls in a matter seven days.

That's the sad part though, you'll get to know the girl and earn her affection with Q&A's and just giving her gifts every day. No one would pay attention in the calendar system; for some reason the game has a monthless calendar so I couldn't really tell what date was during my experience in game.

In real life, don't get too close. Being too clingy with that certain girl that gave you the pumps in your chest would make her lost interest and avoid you, wanting some space for herself. For Nikki…I actually don't know. She may be a gamer and a shut-in but I know her heart can be opened. Outside that hostile and cold girl, she can be weird and lively, we all know that spite her awkwardness.

Her birthday is still months away, and I plan to gift her something that will possibly thank me with her body, a giant arcade gaming rectangular box machine. That was a letdown though, I wanted to give it earlier but I felt it would be wrong and suspicious. Either that or I'll earn her trust and love. Maybe…after a week. Probably after five days.

Now, back to reality. I just left Kyu and Robert to their work. Robert…really does match up from what was in the game. In a brief session, based on the scripts followed by players, you are viewed to be weird and inexperienced with girls and Robert is one. But that's expected, Love Fairy Clients really are first and foremost virgins but not in the end of the contract as they emerge as experience chick magnet douchebags.

Spite Robert's horror, I know Kyu is there to help him out until he gets enough girls to flirt. I would just watch in the sidelines, entertained watching someone where I would've been. I know for a fact that writers would write their own fictions about OC's in the Huniepopverse, with the role of being Kyu's client. I'll just say I'm glad to whoever is writing my fate right now in the reality.

And there they go, I'll give Robert a mental thumbs up as he managed to win the girls attention and interest. By looking from his fake superior and arrogant look towards the sexy red-head, I can see that Audrey very much approved him despite her constant denial. Kyu being was giggling in the background.

"Hehe…what a life." With that I walked from the scene and went on to buy a gift for Nikki.


I would continue walking when suddenly someone bumped into my frame, almost making me lost my balance. The collision was hard, the kinetic energy applied almost made me a bitt dizzy that I had no time to focus on pushed me. The person didn't look what she or he was going and he or she was even running.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" A girl's voice said with worry and concern. The voice was familiar but I barely had all my concentration to recognize who it was.

"Whoa, easy there cowgirl. Ugh." I grunted rubbing my eyes. Damn, the girl has strength. Is this possibly Kyanna?

"I'm so sorry; I wasn't watching where I was going." Running blindly, yeah nice excuse girl cause I would not be buying it if you weren't a girl.

"Hey hold up girl, I'm fine no need to be...worried." Regaining two of my senses, I simply froze at the sight. I entered my personal zone, literally freezing everything around as I processed everything happening right now.

"Oh, I'm glad." And is that interest and skepticism in her eyes. Apparently, this girl is interested in me (I could tell by how she just looks at me) and that fuck things up.

In front of me was the majority of Huniepop players would logically chose, if they are given a choice to choose one of the twelve girls. One girl with blonde hair, a frilly and revealing college uniform and desirable and undeniably beautiful curved body.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why now Tiffany! Shit, Audrey and Robert are just meters behind from where we are! Huniepop Players and Fanfiction Readers! You do know why I'm fucking worried and sweating right now. A Q&A talk gave us the impression that Tiffany hates cheaters and double-timing guys. Her answer consisted of not wanting to see her ex's anymore in the future. And if she sees Robert with Audrey, everything will go fucking south!

Damn it what to do! What to do! I want Nikki and her only! Should I distract her, which would save Robert from being kicked in the balls like in that one story I read but in what way though!? Robert needs at least one hour for Audrey to be satisfied with his presence. One way is I distract her by hitting on her and go on an actual date, which would be breaking my promise of just ONE girl getting her pants down and making it TWO! There's even a possibility that Audrey, Nikki and Tiffany are FRIENDS!

Should I just leave and get on with it, there's seventy percent chance that she will encounter and dating Audrey and Robert. Making everything go south! Goddamn it! I hate choices.

What to do…with Tiffany…

"So…what's shaking bacon?" Oh god, she's interested in me. So much for two-timing huh, you bitch.

AN: And that's where you readers come in. Go ahead and review, should I date Tiffany, it will only make Tiffany interested in both me and Robert. Not only that, I might ruin the possible friendship between her and Nikki. Should I just leave her, it MIGHT ruin the OC I just met his day and that's one less or possibly two less girl for him to flirt.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next update. Have a good day's sirs and maams.

Omake: Something to pay back for my lack of content and delay.

"So Roberts…Mind if I borrow your Huniebee for a moment." He looks at me suspiciously.

"Why~…" He asks me slowly.

"Dude, you don't have to look at me like that. Besides, you do know I've where you are."

"That makes it more suspicious."

"Just give me the goddamn Huniebee" Eventually, he gave in.

*click*click*click* I looked back at Robert to see the effect, and it did.

"There…I just calibrated it for your use." I gave him back the Huniebee.

"Okay, but nothing changed." He said not noticing.

"Oh, you'll see….Later." I left the premise when Tiffany suddenly appeared out of nowhere landing beside the clueless Robert.

"Hey girl, you ready for our next date." Tiffany said.

"Sure ba-…wait, girl?" Robert quirked an eyebrow at that much to Tiffany's amusement.


"John! What did you do to me!?" Robert exclaimed glaring heavily at me just returning from a VERY awkward date as his penis wasn't there at the majority of it.

"Karma's a bitch!...Bitch!" I run from the angry gender bent Robert with Kyu laughing so hard at the background.

You know, if there's one feature that is truly amusing and amazing at the same time in the Huniebee, it would be located in the settings section where you can change your gender from male to female or vice versa. And it actually disturbing in real life.