Chapter 14: Kannazuki

She continued to see the continuation of her dream.

When that back was turned to her, everything suddenly become paler and paler. The final moment was very ambiguous and yet, she could not forget it.

"When you cross your path with the Green beast, you may be able to find something that you can engross through him."

An ephemeral dream that would never lasted forever. Though, something did retain in her memories. Divination of deity.

Was that a prophecy? My future? Before I was mature enough to fully understand my life, those memory pieces of puzzles already split up to different areas of my brain. When?

And, when she reached to the stage of adolescence, she buried everything in the deepest part of her heart. What she desired the most.

I was bored of this monochrome world that didn't have what I was searching for. Not recently. Very long time ago. The hole that I had tried to fill through books.

Unconsciously, she avoided the full acknowledgement of her true self. A defense mechanism created to protect her from emotional anxiety.

Had I ever told myself that I want to live my ideal future tomorrow? No. I simply lived in my own miniature garden while being swept along by the flow of time.

In consequence, that Pandora box was forced to open by the hands of a real Green Beast. Ironically, that beast became the detonator that triggered her rampage and it also became the emotional crutch

If I already felt disinterested with this world and never yearned for tomorrow, why did I continue to linger in this world?

Now that mentioned it, when did my childhood memories become unstable?




Why did I repress those memories anyway?

In the midst of questioning herself, a certain disturbing memory suddenly delayed her process of thinking.

Once, someone quoted "Some things are better left unknown if one wants to be happy.".

When Shinatsu analyzed the whole process of their plan from A to Z, what they were doing would be no doubt engraved as crime.

So, if there was a possibility, there could be another course of time where she did not know about Jungle or the world of Kings. In that universe, she becomes an existence known as 'mob character' and Jungle would continue their revolution with only four people and a parrot. She could confirm that this raid would still happen without her.

That "Kazahinomi Shinatsu" may be able to live in her miniature garden without facing any carnage or to be surrounded by these people who have a screw loose. In other words, that could be a form of happiness without knowing the unknown.

For Shinatsu, she would never return to that miniature garden by any means. If not, she would not have the chance to feel this great joy.

Although she was already outside of Mihashira Tower, her distance vision was good enough to form sharp images on the retina.

Through the transparent window, she could see transition of light from dark to light, one color to another color.

The production of various colors of light by the mixing of two colors.

The overlap between the wavelength of red and green light.

If she had to use scientific terms, color addition. Additive mixing of two primary colors of light. Combining distinct frequencies of light.

However, this was neither a scientific experiment or natural phenomena. This was a phenomenon created from the clashing between the aura of the Green and Red King.

From the outside, it looked like a wall of with two spotlights that represented the colors of Christmas. From the inside, it was an endless battle waltz between the newborn Red King and the Green beast.

Was this also the feeling of viewing different types of perspectives in art? Even though this was not a linear perspective drawing nor a video that was recorded but reality?

How unfortunate. Truly unfortunate. It'll be over soon.

Shinatsu could not believe herself to repeat the same words Yukari said inside her mind even if it was her true feelings. She already knew this would not last forever because there was not a word known as 'unchanging' at all.

Sooner or later, Nagare would be arriving to where the Dresden Slate was. The Blue King would be waiting for his arrival and deal the final blow. That would be the crucial moment to green-light their final move.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself even though you're not fighting, Shinatsu."

Her rapid train of thought was negated by the voice of the teenage boy who approached from behind. Instead of getting surprised, her eyes glued to Mihashira Tower while moving her lips.

"You're also mesmerized by this scenery, aren't you? If I have to borrow Yukari-san's words then it should be beautiful, isn't it?" She emphasized his favorite phrase which earned a chuckle from the latter.

"Even if you want to continue to observe, we still have one more mission complete. Let's go before Nagare uses up his HP once he arrives to the goal."

Hearing Nagare's name, instinctively, Shinatsu turned her back and nodded. She would not have second option if it was something involved the Green King.

"I have engraved everything inside my memory. No regrets."

A smile formed on her face but, that smile was not a simple one such as a friendly smile. She did smile from the bottom of her heart but, the raw emotions leaking out from her eyes could make one feel eerie.

Entertainment. Satisfaction. Fascination. Delight.

A mixture of positive yet twisted emotions filled her eyes. Despite that, her reasoning maintained inside her head. A fusion of instinct and reason.

"That smile is quite creepy so don't show it to me." Sukuna groaned. He was utterly stunned by her attitude.

This would be when he felt a similarity between Shinatsu and Yukari. They said that he is selfish but there was no doubt these two are even more stubborn and selfish than him!

"Iwa-san might have started his hiking already so we should make preparation then."

An explanation for readers who are confused at the meaning of the tile of this chapter, Kannazuki. In Japanese, Kannazuki is the traditional name for the tenth month, October. Before Japan adopted Gregorian calendar in 1873 as part of Meiji Restoration, the traditional Japanese calendar was used when Japan was founded by Emperor Jinmu in 660 BC. The calendar is based on Chinese calendar which was introduced in the middle of sixth century.

Every month has a traditional name and the meaning of each month is quite poetic. Kannazuki is written as 神無月which can be translated as "the month when there are no gods". This comes from one of Japanese folklore mythology (Shinto) which said that in this month, the eight million gods of Japan left their shrines and assembled at Izumo Taisha.

I thought that Kannazuki would be a good motif to describe the current battle between the Kings which occurs Mihashira Tower where Dresden Slate is located. Before the main arc of Season 1, it was possible for two Kings (Red and Blue) to cross their path but literally impossible for all the Kings to assemble in one single location. Most of them would stay in their own domain. Now, because of Dresden Slate, the remaining five Kings actually congregated in Mihashira Tower. And in this chapter, Shinatsu is describing what

Kings = Eight millions gods of Japan

Mihashira Tower = Izumo Taisha