He runs until he is completely winded, out of breath. He doesn't know what possessed him to kiss her. It was almost as if his lips were drawn to hers by some unseen magnetic force. He couldn't not kiss her. And then once his lips touched hers, it was like coming home, as if all the stars in the universe aligned to form this one perfect moment. And in that instant he finally admitted to himself what he knew from the beginning, that she was the one for him.

It was that look on her face that shook him to his core. He never wanted Anna Kendrick to look that way because of him. He knew he had hurt her with his actions, but there was no going back now. He had to make things right.

Anna stands in the park for an immeasurable amount of time, unable to move. She stares in the direction in which Skylar had disappeared, and when her phone buzzes with his incoming message she pulls it out of her pocket and reads.

I choose you.

She can't think of anything but the way his lips felt against hers. She's kissed other guys, but nothing was like this. She's even kissed him as Jesse Swanson before during filming, but it pales in comparison to Skylar kissing her. She knows she can't do this, that this is an impossible situation that will only end in heartache for all. She looks at her phone and his message, not knowing what to say. Does she choose him as well? She barely knows him.

She walks back to the hotel she's staying at and she knows one thing for sure, she needs to talk to Ben. She picks up her phone and dials his number, silently hoping he doesn't answer.

"Hey babe," he answers smoothly, causing her heart to constrict a little.

"Hey," she responds. "Listen, there's something I need to talk to you about." She pauses, and he doesn't say anything. "Skylar kissed me, and I'm sorry. I thought you should know because we're always completely honest with each other."

"Did you kiss him back?" Ben asks, but he doesn't sound angry, more curious.

"Yes," she admits.

"Anna," he tells her, "You know I love you, and I think you're great, and we have a great time together. But I can't be there with you as much as I want to be. And I understand if you're developing feelings for someone else, it's only natural. He seems like a good guy, but isn't he engaged to Anna Camp?"

"He is," she answers. "It's complicated. I didn't expect him to…I didn't plan for…"

"It's ok," he reassures her, "You don't owe me an explanation. We haven't seen each other in months. Why don't you figure out if there's anything real there, and then let me know, ok?"

"You're amazing," she tells him, "Seriously. You know I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you, right?"

"I know," he assures her. After they say their goodbyes, she sits on the bed for a while before changing and getting ready for dinner with her mother.

Skylar opens the door to the apartment he shares with Camp, happy to find that she isn't home yet. He feels like the world's biggest jackass, and he knows that Camp is going to be furious with him, as she should be. He scans the place and wonders if he'll even be allowed back here again once he admits what happened with Kendrick. He sits on the couch in silence waiting for her to come home, his arms folded across his chest as he stares into space.

He hears her key in the lock and his stomach clenches, but he doesn't turn to look at her as she enters. "Hey babe," he hears her say. Camp crosses the room and bends to kiss him. She aims for his lips but at the last second he turns, her lips landing on his cheek instead. "What is it?" she asks, able to read his body language well.

He twists the ring on his finger again before slipping it off, holding it up for her to see. "I don't like this ring," he tells her.

"Ok," she answers, "So we'll go pick out another one together."

"I don't want another one," he responds. "I don't want an engagement ring at all."

"What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?" she questions.

"Here," he says, closing his fist over his heart. "I always felt this way, I just didn't tell you because you were so happy. You've always been so happy with me. And I've always been happy with that fact. But it's not enough now."

"What changed?" she demands. When he doesn't immediately answer she adds, "It's because of Kendrick isn't it?"

"How did you…what are you…" he trails off.

"I see the way you look at her," she interrupts, beginning to pace the room. "I'm not stupid, Skylar. I know you always had one eye on her, but she never looked back. I told myself it was just the movie messing with your head, and for a while I believed it. But lately…"

"I know," he whispers. "I kissed her today. I swear I didn't mean to, it just happened."

Camp's eyes fill with tears. "I thought you loved me! You wanted to marry me. God, Skylar, you proposed to me!"

"I know," he replies, unable to look at her. "Please don't blame Kendrick. This was me, it was all me."

Camp doesn't say anything for a while, her hands covering her face as she cries. "I don't know what to do with all this. What do you want, Skylar? What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know," he answers truthfully. "But I need to figure it out."

She slips off her engagement ring, placing it next to his on the coffee table. "Follow your heart," she tells him. "I don't want to marry someone who doesn't want to marry me. No matter how much I love you, it won't matter if you don't love me back."

"I didn't say I didn't love you," he corrects.

"But it isn't enough," she amends.

"I just feel like I need to sort out my feelings. Like I wouldn't even be having these feelings for Kendrick if everything was as it should be, you know? Listen, I'll go. I'll head back to LA and you can stay here. We'll figure things out. I just need to be honest with you. I feel like I've been wanting your happiness for so long that I forgot to think about my own."

"Gee, that's nice," she says bitterly. "Then go. And find out whether it's just cold feet or if it's real. And let me know," she sighs.

"Thank you," he whispers. He moves around the apartment, gathering his clothes and what few belongings he needs, and heads to a hotel for the night. He expects to feel sorrow or remorse, but instead he feels like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Now he can finally be himself and act on his feelings without guilt or shame.

Anna Kendrick leaves the restaurant, after having a slightly awkward dinner with her mother which results in a barrage of questions regarding her love life for which at this time, she doesn't have answers. She tells her mother about her falling out with Ben, and how she and Skylar had become friends recently. She leaves out the part about the kiss, not wanting her mother to judge either her or Skylar, but it's all she can think about now. She hugs her arms tightly to her chest, cold in the unusually brisk May evening.

Her head is down as she enters the hotel, not wanting anyone to recognize her or approach her. She just wants to go to her room. She takes the elevator up to her floor, exits and walks quickly past the ice and vending machines. "Anna?" she hears, and she freezes as her brain registers his voice. She back steps a few paces and stops to see Skylar, in pajama pants and a tight fitting black t-shirt, trying to get ice out of the machine.

"What are you doing here?" she questions.

"Eh, well," he begins, "I didn't think it was appropriate to stay in my place after I broke my engagement with Camp."

"So you're not together anymore, why?" her eyes are wide as her heart begins to pound, fearful of his response.

"Because of you, because of me, because of this," he gestures between them as they had done earlier, closing the distance between them in two strides. His lips brush hers gently at first before he presses them to hers firmly.

"No, I can't," she says, breaking the kiss. "You only just broke up with Camp. I only just ended things with Ben. It's too soon. We don't even know each other, really."

He runs his hands through his hair. "You ended things with Ben? No wait, you're right, I'm sorry. I just couldn't not kiss you."

She smiles, though briefly, and his heart soars in triumph.

"I think I need to be alone for a while," she keeps her voice steady despite her racing heart, hoping she sounds convincing.

He doesn't reply, just nods in acknowledgement. She turns to walk in the direction of her room and is bewildered when she discovers it is right next to his. He shrugs innocently as he slips his key card into the door.

"At least I'll be able to share a wall with you tonight," he tells her with a wink. He pauses, his foot wedged in the door frame as he turns to look at her. "Hey AK-47?" he waits until he knows he has her attention, "All I'm asking for is a chance. Take some time and think about it, and let me know, ok?" he smiles at her warmly before he disappears behind the door.

She's awake for a long time, alone with her swirling thoughts as she tries to chase sleep. After a long while, she picks up her phone and opens his message from earlier. She thinks for a moment before typing her reply.
