Power 7

A/N: Yo. I'm late. I know. Sorry 'bout that. First, school was terrible, but now I'm out. Also, I was on vacation for about a week. But now I'm back. Time to make my story build up more!

Bill rolled around in his blue bed. It was covered in brick patterns as well. Bricks would always be something he loved. Dipper said it freaked him out too much, but Bill blew it off.

'Ugh. Pine Tree.' Bill groaned. Bill tried to get the thought of Pine Tree out of his head. Caring Pine Tree. Nice Pine Tree. Funny Pine Tree.

"Ugh!" Bill threw the pillow he was hugging at the wall. It made a thump sound as Bill sat up. He was so tired of thinking of Pine Tree! It was like that last night too. Bill didn't know how to stop it.

It worried him that he couldn't stop it. He was thinking and dreaming of Pine Tree, and couldn't stop it. "I'm supposed to be a dream demon. Or at least was. Why can't I get a kid out of my head?"

Bill wasn't answered, making him more irritated. He grasped his hands at his head, pulling his bright blond hair, as if he were going to just pull Dipper out of his thoughts. Sadly, that didn't work either.

'Or it is it sad?' Bill shook his head. 'Stop it!'

Bill kept trying to sleep, but since he's only been a meatsack for a month, he didn't know any tricks. He hated it, but he needed to get help. He also hated where his only source of help would be from.

It was the middle of the night, he couldn't go anywhere. There was only one place he could.

Bill groaned as he stood from his warm bed. He slowly started moving towards the door. Using a blue glow from his power, Bill opened it. He shuffled over to Pine Tree's room.

Bill soon heard the meatsack voice in his head, 'I don't think I should be doing this.' Bill's dream demon side retorted back, 'Oh shut up! We've done this before! Floated around, invaded dreams. It's all good!'

'Yes, but we weren't a human then!'

'I prefer the term meatsack, and how does that change anything?'

'There are standards now!'

'You're no fun!'

Bill listened to his dream demon side and smiled. He slowly opened the door, trying not to wake the sleeping Dipper up. After slipping into the room undetected, Bill marveled in how Dipper made his room. It had an eerie but beautiful glow as there were dim lights on the ceiling that looked like stars. Was Pine Tree going for a space theme? Though when Bill looked down, he saw Pine Tree had a lot of work to do.

There were random plants sprawled all over the floor. It was miraculous that they were still alive, and Bill guessed it was because Pine Tree kept them alive.

"Damn Pine Tree…loves plants so much. Why must his powers revolve around that of all things?" Bill mumbled.

'Just be glad it isn't fire.'

Bill couldn't disagree. He made it over to Dipper's bed, which was in the middle of the room. Bill noticed that there were other things in the room too. Such as a desk, and a closet full of the same clothes. Bill looked at the clothes in the closet. They were a little different than what Dipper wore when he was 12. "Though I guess now he's 16."

Dipper didn't have his signature hat anymore. In fact, Bill thought he may have harbored hateful feelings for it, because it reminded him too much of Gravity Falls. He also didn't have the vest anymore, but it was just a normal red T-shirt. But as Bill moved closer towards the closet, he could see Dipper had more than just red t-shirts and shorts. He had suits. Real, proper suits. Like the one that Bill made him put on that one time.

Where Dipper unlocked his close to full power.

Did he think the suit helped him do that? Or did he just like the look?

'Hey, I'm not here to figure out Pine Tree.'

That line of thinking only went so far for the former triangle. His curiosity got the best of him, and he zoomed around the room, floating most of the time, and ransacked the place. He wanted to know a lot about Pine Tree.

As time went on, he became less and less quiet.

Bill hadn't really found anything. Until he found a box under Pine Tree's bed.

"Jackpot!" He whispered. Bill sat on the ground, and leaned on Dipper's bed. He opened the wooden box.

Before he looked, Bill decided to guess what he'd find, "I bet it's a bunch of family stuff. Or a secret hobby! Or…well, I don't know."

Bill decided that there was too much suspense, and he looked inside the box. Inside, there was a lot of recent stuff. It was a lot of stuff and him and Pine Tree together.

"What is all this?" Bill whispered to himself. He picked up an object in the box. It was a ticket stub. It must have been from Pine Tree Point. Bill looked to the left. There was the flower that Bill had given Pine Tree during a lesson on how to use his powers. Specifically, the first lesson. Bill turned his head to the right. There was a bit of the stop sign that Dipper had hit when they first made the mobile home.

'How does he have all this stuff?' Bill kept looking. There were a few pictures of him and Bill there. Then, there was a tape recorder, sitting on top of the pile.

It looked new for what it was. It was a nice silver, and stuck out from the other things inside the box. There was red button on the side, and then another that was for playing recordings.

"What is this all about?" Bill questioned. He examined the recorder. Nothing gave him answers.

Bill pushed the box to the side so he could be comfortable when he listened to the recording. There was a recording, right? Bill was right. He pressed play, and he could hear Dipper's voice in the recording. Dipper's a-little-more-mature yet gentle voice.

'Did I seriously just think that? The hell?' Bill thought.

"Dear Bill. Oh man, this is so dumb. But I keep telling myself it's necessary. Will I edit this out? No, no I won't. I have to keep this all.

Okay, okay, I'm good. So, it's been like a month since I've had your powers, and have become 16. And a month since I figured out everyone hated me…hehe."

Bill paused it. He felt a little ashamed at that. 'Ugh! Stop feeling feelings, Cipher.'

"I don't know how I feel about that anymore. I mean, yeah, I may miss Mabel a little…but now, after learning so much, it pales in comparison.

You must be confused to why I'm making this recording. Well, think of it like audio journals. To you! I don't know. I just thought it would be a way to tell you things…to tell you things I really don't want to I guess? I don't know. I'm just an awkward sixteen year old boy so cut me some slack, okay?"

Bill chuckled.

"Anyway. I've got something I really need to let out. I…I" The tape paused.

'Spit it out Pine Tree! Dammit!'

"Let me go back and explain some stuff. Ever since I got your powers Bill, things have been really weird. And I mean it. Now flowers and plants are wherever I go. And I never have even seen you do that before! Anyway, they're wherever I go. Also, there was that form I've taken. You know, with the blue and yellow everywhere. You told me it was my second form. Just second? There's more? Because that felt weird…but I felt so…alive I guess. It felt great, I'll say that. And, I guess I want to know more about it? I'm going to ask you at some point, but my dumb butt won't do it."

Bill paused the tape. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 'This sounds more like a cheesy meatsack love letter…'

The former triangle pressed play on the machine.

"Okay. Now that that's done, I guess I should get to the next thing? Man, I don't even know when I'll let you hear this recording. Ugh, I didn't plan any of this."

Bill chuckled at Pine Tree's little antics. His heart beat a little faster. Another meatsack quirk? But he wasn't doing anything that active…

"Bill, this has probably been the best time in my life. That's the last thing I'll say before I say the biggest thing I guess.

And the biggest thing is…I wish our time together was closer! There I said it!" The tape abruptly stopped.

Bill just stared at the tape recorder, flustered. He didn't know what to say. His cheeks turned red hot. Probably as red as Pine Tree's were.

'What is this feeling?' Bill's mind eventually demanded. Bill was so confused. He had never experienced a feeling like this. Looking at all of Pine Tree's stuff, looking at his personality, his quirks, everything. It made him just want to be with him more.

'But dream demons can't do that!' Bill's demon side screamed. He nearly had to say that they were right. Unfortunately, he had other things to attend to, because Pine Tree was waking up.

Dipper opened his eyes to see Bill right in front of his face. He jumped from his bed and screamed. He grabbed a pillow and threw it as hard as he could at the former demon.

Bill didn't even flinch as it hit his face.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Dipper screamed.

Bill was silent. He had no words. Nothing to defend himself. No witty remarks. He just, was still blushing.

"Um, hello? Are you going to answer?" Dipper demanded. Bill looked at the box. He picked it up, and nervously showed Dipper what he found.

Dipper screamed loudly and snatched the box, "I wasn't ready to give you this yet! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod…"

Bill couldn't help but laugh now, "You okay Pine Tree?"

"No! You came in my room, and now you got your hands on this! And now what? I just embarrassed myself in front of you and ugh!" Dipper covered his head with the covers, pulling them tight.

Bill, panicked and yanked them off.

"What the hell Bill?"

"You were trying to choke yourself!"

"What no I wasn't—"

"Okay, so I saw the tape. And I guess it was a little weird…but not that bad. And I guess I may agree?"


"I agree! Okay! I want our time to be better, and also our time together has been the best it ever has been! Ugh, do you know how weird this is? I'm a dream demon. I'm not supposed to feel like this." Bill felt the tears threatening to come to his eyes. And for what?

Dipper let the covers fall down. He hesitantly hugged Bill. "Hey, you aren't a dream demon anymore. You're like me! A Halfling now."

"I guess…"

"Say it."


"Say you're a Halfling and proud."

"I'm a Halfling and proud…"Bill mumbled.



"Now say it!"

"I'm a Halfling and proud!"

"That's better!"

Dipper and Bill laughed, and soon Bill forgot all about why he wanted to go to Pine Tree in the first place.

A Few Hours Later…

Bill sat on Dipper's bed. They had talked throughout the night, and now it was the wee hours of the morning. Pine Tree was asleep in Bill's lap. And he seemed comfortable, and Bill supposed he didn't mind.

Soon, Bill could hear the dumb voice of his mind once more.

'Dream demons. Can't. Love!' Bill's mind shouted.

Bill had had enough. He sided with his meatsack side, 'Fuck you!'

A/N: Yes. I just did this. Hehe, all aboard the finally we're actually getting into BillDip shit train!

Yeah, this chapter feels weird to me, but I think it works. While not all relationships require tears, some can be dramatic in their own way. That's what I wanted to show.