To Walk with Death - Chapter 2

A.N.- Thanks for reading and reviewing! I was going to wait a week before posting the next chapter but I was very excited to post the second chapter after reading your reviews so enjoy.

Disclaimer- Still don't own PJO or HP.

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The sky was rumbling in his anger as Zeus looked through the viewing pool at the newest demigod. It was obvious the half blood was the child of his brother even if most of his powers from him were not displayed in the brief fight. The king of gods could also feel another's godly powers in the boy making him a rare twice blessed.

He wondered just how his brother had managed to keep this demigod a secret from him. It must have been the faint feel of the Mist and Magic that had been wrapped around the boy that purposefully hid him from Olympus just before breaking down when the boy began to use his newly discovered powers, he mused. No matter the child had to go. Zeus prepared to strike him down with a storm using its lightning since he did not have his Master Bolt. It formed above Camp Half-Blood, but before he could kill the unsuspecting boy another had arrived in the throne room. Someone who was not allowed on Olympus at this time of year which further irked Zeus as his brother was deliberately disobeying him once more.

Everything seemed to get colder and the lighting in the room dimmed. Shadows were lapping at the walls, and the feeling of dread swarmed the throne room. It was all signs of his brother and Zeus' temper spiked making thunder crash ominously in the darkening sky with the spike of his irritation.

"I would not do that Zeus if you wish to not have war on two fronts." A figure said who was drenched in shadows before they dispersed leaving Hades right next to him. His oily and eerie voice almost caused a shiver to run down the spine of the other god. But Zeus refused to show any reaction to his brother.

"You dare threaten me!" He bellowed and lightning flashed in the background. "After what you did to my daughter!"

Hades looked at him coolly. "I could say the same. You killed Maria and I have not let that go despite the years that have passed."

"If I want him killed then I will kill him brother. I am the king of the gods and I will not allow this twice blessed demigod to live."

The shadows around Hades feet lapped up in his rage. "I will have my revenge if you so much as touch a hair upon his head. I swear it on the River Styx." Thunder boomed after the oath was spoken.

Zeus turned fully towards his brother and almost reluctantly the skies cleared.

"How do I know it wasn't you who sent that boy to steal my Master Bolt?"

"You have become even more paranoid since last we have spoken. I have not stolen your weapon. Poseidon has so don't even think of trying to harm my child for our brother's theft."

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He looked up at the reluctantly clearing black clouds which had rolled in out of nowhere. After crossing the boundary line was when he first noticed them, but thankfully they were clearing so once more the sun was shining beautifully down over the area. Those dark clouds had looked almost like a storm was about to happen and it was about to strike him with lightning. He shook off the feeling of paranoia knowing it was best not to dwell on it. The moment he walked over the boundary he had felt heavy wards tingle his skin and surprisingly it gave him back some of the energy he lost fighting the monster. He even felt less sore. It was like some kind of magic had washed over him as he walked passed.

Harry looked down from the hill to view over the camp. From what he could see there were multiple cabins and each of them looked different from the others. He saw a big blue house further away with a wraparound porch it looked like the place he was supposed to go. He started to walk down the hill still viewing his surroundings. There was an open air pavilion, an amphitheater, and a circular arena. They looked brand new as if they had just been built they were that clean and shiny. There were kids in bright orange shirts with the letters Camp Half-Blood spelled out on it. They were doing various activities, but most paused what they were doing to gawk at him. Harry was not used to the attention since people were usually put off by him so he hurriedly continued to the big blue house to get out of the spotlight. It was weird being noticed for the first time, but it gave him hope that he might be able to make friends there at camp.

When he came to the bottom of the steps of the porch a man in a wheelchair moved out of the front door with a kind smile on his face directed at him. "Hello young man. May I ask you your name?" The man motioned for him to follow him back into the house.

"Harry Potter," the twelve year old answered.

"Well Harry, my name is Chiron and I am the activities director here at camp." They came into an office like room where a pudgy man sat behind the desk staring moodily at the diet coke in his hand. He only looked up when Chiron cleared his throat.

"Oh great another brat," the man said glaring with bloodshot eyes at Harry. For some reason, the boy felt a shiver go down his spine at the powerful aura that the man gave off. It made him even more curious to find out who the person at the desk was. "And a twice blessed at that. Don't get yourself killed the paperwork is horrendous." After saying his piece the man walked out of the office with a mutter about going to take a nap.

"A twice blessed?" Chiron asked for confirmation, but seemed to believe whoever that man was.

"Yes," Harry confirmed.

The activities director scrutinized him even more after his answer and it looked like he came to some understanding about something to do with Harry. The demigod chose not to ask what the look Chiron was giving him because he was too curious about the man who had just left.

"Who was that?" Harry asked taking a seat in the chair Chiron offered him. He set his spoil of war down on the floor.

"Mr. D, he's the director of the camp." Chiron answered. "Now I just have a couple questions for you before I get you settled at Cabin Eleven."

Chiron directed his wheelchair over to be across from Harry at the table. The twelve year old noticed that the large open office was made in mind of the wheelchair bound man.

"First off, were you in injured from your journey to the camp? If so I will take you to the infirmary first."

"Just bruised, I think." Harry stated. "I think they'll heal fine enough on their own."

"Good, good." Chiron said before moving onto his other question. "Are you aware of whom your godly parents are or are you yet to be determined? I have not heard word from Olympus, but some demigods come here already aware of whom their godly parents are."

"I'm the Firstborn Son of Thanatos, but I don't know who my other godly parent is."

Chiron's eyebrows rose in shock as he seemed to be thinking over the parentage that was known to Harry. The twelve year old figured it must be a little shocking due to the fact that before Harry, Thanatos had never sired a child before much less a demigod. Harry had to wonder why Thanatos had even bothered to send his essence into one of his parents when he never had children before then. Not that the black haired boy wasn't grateful. After all he did like being alive, but it still made him wonder why Thanatos would do something he hadn't done before in in all the years that he had existed before Harry's birth.

"Well Thanatos does not have a cabin so you will have to bunk with the Hermes cabin unless your other godly parent does have a cabin then in that case you would be going to live in theirs. I do have to say you look very much like Thanatos and I don't know why I was even surprised." Chiron gave a small chuckle. "Well Harry I don't think it necessary to have you watch the orientation film so I will lead you over to Cabin Eleven and leave you in the very capable hands of Luke who is that's cabin's head counselor. On the way I will give you a tour so you know where everything is."

After they were both on the wraparound porch Chiron was getting out of the wheelchair. Harry was surprised that the Chiron turned out to be a centaur because he hadn't been expecting that when he first saw him in a wheelchair. He acted nothing like the centaur he had met in the Forbidden Forest back in first year. Chiron then began the tour of Camp Half-Blood and Harry took it all in with curious green eyes. It was like a whole new world was being opened up to him just like Diagon Alley had been like to him when he had turned eleven. He wondered how different his life would be like now that his heritage was now known to him. A part of him hoped for siblings just so that he had real family and no the Dursleys did not count to him. The rock climbing wall looked cool even if there was lava and boulders to contend with. The other cabins that each showed an aspect of the god or goddess those children belonged to were also interesting. Chiron pointed out who they belonged to as they passed them. They were all unique in their own way. The most noteworthy were the huge cabin that belonged to Zeus and the pink monstrosity that was the Aphrodite cabin. The ugliest one was Ares cabin but Harry chose to keep that opinion to himself lest he piss off Ares if he somehow managed to hear him.

"How come the first three cabins are empty?" Harry asked as they were heading towards where a brown worn out cabin that was the last of the cabins.

"Number Two will always be empty as one of the things Hera is the goddess of is marriage so she wouldn't be having affairs with mortals. It is an honorary cabin that was placed there for her. The other two are for the two of the gods of the Big Three and all three brothers made a vow to not sire any demigod children. Ah and here we are." Chiron announced to him just as they got to Cabin Eleven where an older blonde haired teen with a wicked scar on his face was coming out of the door of the Hermes cabin.

"Ah Luke, I am glad I was able to find you so quickly."

Luke smiled at Chiron. "Hey Chiron, you were looking for me?" He inquired.

"Yes we just received a new camper this morning. Luke this is Harry and he will be staying in Eleven until he is claimed. Harry this is Luke Castellan and he is the head counselor of the Hermes cabin. I will leave you to get acquainted. Harry if you have any more questions for me let me know if not then I will see you at lunch."

"Thank you for the tour," Harry said feeling nervous all of a sudden at the fact that he was going to be left alone with someone closer to his age. He had never had all that great of an experience with people close in age with him. The only exception was Hermione but she had to continuously push her unease that she felt when she was around him. He watched Chiron head in another direction before he finally gathered the little confidence he had to face the older boy.

"Well let's get you settled in, Harry. Then we'll figure out where to go from there. Hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor. We're a bit crowded this summer." Luke stated as he ushered Harry in.

The dark haired boy took in a deep calming breath knowing that his life was very different than it had been just a few days ago. Whether he was ready for the changes had yet to be determined.

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And yes Harry is the son of both Thanatos and Hades.

A.N.- Reviews motivate me to update faster. ;)