Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

Warnings: same as in the first chapter. Also, future spoilers for Vampire Knight.


After a few hours of riding on the underground, going from place to place to make sure that no wizard could track her after she had arrived via Apparation, Euphemia settled onto the subway she actually wanted and pulled out a cellphone, hitting speed dial.

"Euphie!" a soft voice gasped after receiving the call. "Darling, shouldn't you be in class?"

After all, electronics didn't work on Hogwarts grounds because of the wards, so Euphemia usually had to sneak off of the grounds or wait for a Hogsmeade weekend.

Euphemia smiled softly at the sound of her Arietta di Angelo's voice. "Hello, grandmother. I realize I'm calling earlier than usual, but I'm afraid that…well, my secret is out."

"Ah." She could practically hear her grandmother grimace. "I should have known. I presume that it didn't go well, since you are calling me now. Are you alright? Were you hurt?"

"I managed to get away just fine." Euphemia reassured her. "Luna and Neville ran interference."

"I should have known." Arietta tutted fondly. "You did well to make those connections."

Euphemia smiled. "I'm lucky to have them."

"And don't you forget it!" her grandmother ordered playfully. "Now, dear, what are you going to do?"

Euphemia bit her lip thoughtfully, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "You mentioned a boarding school in Japan at one point. Could you tell me about it?"

"Cross Academy." Arietta said, and she could hear the smile in her grandmother's voice. "Run by a former Hunter named Kaien Cross, he established the academy after meeting Juri Kuran and realizing that being vampires does not automatically make us monsters as he was led to believe. His mission is to prove that vampires and humans can coexist safely and peacefully, though I'm not quite sure about his methods…"

"What do you mean?" Euphemia asked, intrigued.

"He decided to separate the humans from the vampires by forming two groups, which he calls the Night and Day classes."

It wasn't difficult to figure out which was which.

"Meaning that even if the Night Class students live on the campus with the Day Class, they don't have the opportunity to interact and truly coexist with the humans because they're kept apart." Euphemia finished with a nod. "I see your point. However…I see why he did that, as well. Humans aren't nocturnal, and we're negatively affected by sunlight, so that must be a scheduling nightmare. I'm not sure there even is a middle ground, here."

"Hm…" her grandmother hummed, not voicing either an agreement or disagreement. "He also keeps the Night Class dorms behind a gate, and neither class is allowed to visit the other's dorm or be out while the other is outside of their dorms."

"Safety precautions." Euphemia rebutted. "Understandable. If I remember correctly, Kaname Kuran attends and acts as the class president of the Night Class, correct?"

"Yes." Arietta confirmed.

"Then it's more than likely that some of the students are only there because he is, not because they—or their families—support the idealism behind the school." Euphemia decided. "And if the students don't actually want to be there, then Kuran is the only thing stopping them from drinking from the Day Class students."

"Also true." This time Euphemia was sure that her grandmother was smiling.

"Still, there should be some events that both classes can participate in." Euphemia mused, crossing her arms. "I'll think on it."

"I'm sure you will." Arietta said with a laugh. "Now dear, I'm guessing that you're asking because you are interested in attending the academy?"

Euphemia blinked.

Right. She'd forgotten about that.

Now, the question was: did she want to go?

…Eh, she had nothing to lose.

"I do." She said firmly.

"Then I'll make the arrangements." Arietta said decisively. "The school year in April begins in Spring, so since it's late February that should make the transition easier…and in the meantime…"

"I'll come home." Euphemia smiled.

Please review! :)

I promise I'll explain how she has grandparents when, as far as we know, all of canon!Harry's are dead. Probably next chapter. Might change it a bit from the story I came up with for the original version of this.