Summary: It comes to Beerus' attention that a mistake has been made, his true rival overlooked. BeerusxPan

Chapter 1: True Rival

Fists clashed, the force of the impact causing waves of energy to burst outward. They matched each other step for step, blow for blow. The sheer power radiating off both of them enough to rattle the universe around them. It was a fight like he had never experienced in his long life. He was enraptured.

Glowing around his opponent, an aura like he had never seen, purple sparks flickering around their body. He stopped, desperately trying to make out the blurry figure before him.

Super Saiyan God.

But not quite like Son Goku's transformation. He had been red and blue. Red and blue. Not purple. Blue and red.

Blue and red. Purple.

Of course.

Beerus bolted up, his long sleep disturbed. But he wasn't as irritated as he normally might be. Instead he felt an anticipation that set his nerves on edge with excitement.

It had been so obvious. How could he have missed it?

He rose from his slumber with purpose, blinking his weariness away-a new destination in mind.

Son Goku and Vegeta.

Two beings which he had vastly underestimated.

Whis watched his pupils with amusement as they struggled through his rigorous training sessions. Saiyans were stubborn, he thought. But if anything their dedication earned his respect.

A loud yawn, and Whis did not need to turn to know who it belonged to.

"Oh dear, Lord Beerus, what are you doing up? Did we wake you?" Whis placed a hand over his mouth in mock worry, eyes dramatically wide.

Beerus scratched behind his ear, grumpy. "No." Whis looked at him curiously.

"Your alarms couldn't have possibly gone off yet."

He shook his head. "No, they haven't. I've awoken with new understanding. Earth, Whis. We need to go to Earth."

"Earth? Whatever for, Lord Beerus?" Whis paused, "I don't believe Bulma has summoned us with any particularly tasty treats."

The God of destruction gazed forward, watching the two saiyans spar, cataloguing their progression as he yawned again. "There's something I need to check."

Gohan had never felt warmer than the day he first laid eyes on his newborn daughter. It was if he had been wandering through darkness, unaware until that particular instant. He had thought he had been content before, happy-but now he understood he had only been half full.

When he held her tiny body in his arms, his heart had swelled with a love he had never known. And he'd been afraid. So small, so helpless. He would protect her-he had too. In that moment, his universe was abruptly reordered and indisputably at the center was his beautiful little girl.

His beautiful Pan.

"Hello, Pan. Daddy's been missing you all day. Yes, he has." He bounced her on his knee, placing a light kiss to her forehead. Then, he pulled back, gazing at her lovingly. She giggled at him, smacking her lips together.

"Daddy. Can you say daddy, Pan?" his wife asked encouragingly beside him. He tilted his head back, smiling at her.

Videl, his wife, his love, his life.

They sat together, leaning against one another. A family. His family.

And he had never been happier.

He rose, holding his girl close to his chest in a protective gesture. He glanced back at his wife. "Have you two been cooped up inside all day? Why don't we sit outside-get some fresh air?"

Videl sat up, "That sounds great. We can eat dinner in the yard. I'll get the food from the kitchen, why don't you take Pan out back?"


He held Pan tighter against him.

Gohan had never loved any two people more.

Pan sat, strapped into her carseat, which was resting on top a blanket on the grass. Gohan wiggled his fingers under her chin, and she laughed loudly in response. He reached for the rattle on the blankets, waving it in front of her enticingly. Her lips formed an O, and she made to grab at it. Her father placed it in her reach considerately as she ripped it from his grip with surprising force.

He wondered briefly if she'd be strong like he had been. And he was surprised to realize he felt more conflicted on the matter than he thought he might.

He didn't want Pan to fight. Not like he had to. He wanted a peaceful life for her, where she could worry about things only children worried about. A life that he had never had the luxury of being given the choice of.

He had been forced into learning to fight and survive at the tender age of four. He had never enjoyed fighting, never felt the rush as he broke bones underneath his powerful fists. It had always been necessary to him. He had tried to like it, perhaps when he was younger and wanting to be like his father. But it had just never set in. And honestly, he couldn't understand his father and Vegeta's imperative need to be in a constant state of training or battle.

He himself had given up training to be closer to his family. It just didn't seem worth it to actually divide the time between the two, his training seeming to pale in comparison to his real treasure. And he thought of his mother. Of a few months prior when his father had left again to go and train with Whis. His mother had been heartbroken, covering her sadness in a veil of anger. He never wanted to make Videl go through that. Never.

He had agreed though, coercing his mother into letting his father leave at the time. He felt bad for it. Because he knew his motivation had been purely selfish reasons. Despite the sadness in his mothers eyes he didn't stop himself from encouraging it. Pan was his main priority now. And if he wasn't training, someone had to be.


He felt guilty-he really did. Still felt the guilt nawing at his insides, eating away at him. It had been incredibly selfish. But it was for Pan-every decision he made would be for Pan from now on. He pushed a strand of hair out of her face gently, watching as she preoccupied herself with her toy.

His treasure-his life.

He glanced back through the glass door, sitting a little straighter as he saw Videl struggling in the kitchen. He turned back to his daughter, making sure she was fastened in her seat. He patted her head.

"I'll be right back, Pan. Daddy has to go help mommy." She babbled in response. He smiled, rising to go help his wife inside "I'll only be a few minutes."

Pan shook her rattle, fascinated by the object. She smacked it, bringing it to her lips as she bit down on it. When she removed it from her mouth a trail of saliva followed, and she made a happy sound.

"Disgusting, really."

A purple, catlike humanoid appraoched, licking his right paw. He was adorned in robes befitting a Lord. Beerus, God of destruction, stepped forward, stretching and cracking his neck from the long trip.

Pan blinked, large, obsidian eyes wide with curiousity-rattle forgotten. Pudgy hands reached out, fingers flexing. The God kneeled down, squatting on the balls of his feet as he narrowed his eyes at her. His tail swished back and forth, ears twitching.

"So you're the one."

She babbled nonsensical words, laughing for no particular reason as toothless gums flashed themselves at him. Beerus cocked his head to the side. "I can't believe I didn't notice before. You were right in front of me the whole time."

He leaned forward, lifting a claw to gently grasp one of the toddler's hands. He stared at the tiny hand in fascination. She squealed in delight. "I can sense it in you now." So small-so much power.

Light footsteps signaled an approaching figure, and soon another dressed just as royally as him was standing beside him. White, gravity defying hair, blue skin and a distinctly feminine face. "Oooo~~" Whis gazed down, his eyes following Lord Beerus' gaze. Pan bounced in her chair at the sight of him. "How kawaii~~ No wonder we overlooked her so easily. So tiny~~"

"Hmph." Beerus stood, and Pan's eyes trailed after him. She whined in protest at his departure, arms flailing in the air. "Her energy is already beyond that of what it should be, though she is humble. Her power is easy to miss. She will be mighty. My true rival." He watched her with a certain fondess.

Someone who would be his equal. He anticipated the moment they would finally battle.

"Son Goku will be so disappointed." Whis sighed, "all that training." Beerus hummed in agreement. And Whis shrugged then, as if it were suddenly inconsequential.

"Let's go back, Whis. I'm finished here." He yawned, tail swaying lazily behind him.

"Of course, Lord Beerus."

Fists clashed, the force of the impact causing waves of energy to burst outward. They matched each other step for step, blow for blow. The sheer power radiating off both of them enough to rattle the universe around them. It was a fight like he had never experienced in his long life. He was enraptured.

Glowing around his opponent, an aura like he had never seen, purple sparks flickering around their body. He stopped, desperately trying to make out the blurry figure before him.

Super Saiyan God.

But not quite like Son Goku's transformation. He had been red and blue. Red and blue. Not purple. Blue and red.

Blue and red. Purple.

Of course.

Son Goku would not be his rival. No. A mistake. Someone else.

He needed to know.

Suddenly the figure relaxed their stance, all traces of fight leaving them. They stood still and he watched. He blinked. And then he was looking at a child.

A giggle reached his ears, sounding distinctly feminine in nature. His ears twitched. Then she was running away, skipping through the stars. He chased after her.

She was his rival. She dared to leave before the battle could be concluded?

She ran and he chased. He cornered her in between a moon and a blue and green planet.


"Fight." he ordered.

She swung her hands back and forth playfully, rocking on her heels.


And then she was fading away.


"I am not finished with you. You are not permitted to leave."

But she was already gone, and he was alone.

Beerus recalled the entirety of the dream he had been graced with earlier this morning. The dream that had suddenly made everything clear to him. His rival had indeed revealed themselves to him the day that had been prophesied, but it had not been Son Goku.

"A father! We're having a baby! I'm going to be father!"

A child, not yet born, but growing. Already strong enough to help Son Goku ascend beyond his mortality.

When he had gone to see her she hadn't appeared as much he would admit. But hidden beneath was a power that would rival the Gods. The child didn't openly broadcast her abilities, one had to know what to look for.

But he had sensed it in her.

It irritated him that she was so young. He wasn't a patient deity. However, he supposed he would have to make do.


Whis turned to look at him expectantly. "Yes, Lord Beerus?"

"Wake me up in five years."

"Of course, Lord Beerus."

Waiting would be dull.

A/N: Hey guys! So I've had this in my head from a while. And honestly I think it would be an interesting twist to the series, even without the love interest. First chapter is a little short, but let me know your thoughts. Thanks!