Okay guys, this one is more backstory and less actual stuff. But it is important to the story. Everything will make sense later on when we have actual knowledge who Grimm is.

My breathing came out in hard pants. Smoke filled the room as I struggled to regain me senses. Two small figures sat behind me in anticipation while two much taller ones stood in front of me. With burning eyes, I strained to look at them.

"You must be able to control it, Dancing Wolf." An elderly woman came forward and spoke to me. She glared down at me with judging eyes.

"Yes, Great-Grandmother." I could feel the ice coursing into my veins once again, traveling through me to coat me in cold. My eyes changed once again.

"Just do your best." My father came forward with a handful on sage. Once glance at it from his eyes and it started to burn.

"Her best and the best are two different things, my grandson." She looked to the small figures next. "The three of you have powerful moroi blood coursing through your veins. Wind Singer, Iron Totem and Dancing Wolf, you three must be ready to take the clan and bring us into the new era. The age of the old moroi is dead. Our family will lead into the future. This is your destiny, this and nothing more."


Something I was laying on was soft. Comforting and warm.

There was a coppery taste in my mouth. I hadn't fed in a while though. Truthfully I could sleep for days. A small pinch in my right arm told me to open my eyes and inspect the damage.

With heavy eyes I opened them to glance at the offending arm. I had an IV stuck in it with a red liquid flowing into my veins. I was getting a transfusion by the looks of it. That would explain the taste in my mouth. The area around me was a bright sterile white. Blinding almost. And blurry as fuck. I seemed to be missing my glasses. I glanced around and saw them sitting on a bedside table.

With a grunt, I hoisted myself up into a sitting position and reached for my specs. I slid them on my face and suddenly my world became clear. I wracked my brain in an attempt to figure out why I was here.

Powers class…


Fighting Dimitri…

Mason and Irish Spring…

I smiled a bit. Mason was slowly growing on me. Sure he was cute, and nice. He was really a good guy.

I looked toward the curtain that separated me from the rest of the world. Maybe I should explore…

Luckily I wasn't in a Johnny Shirt (I suspected Lissa and/or Rose brought me a spare set of sweats from my room). My bare feet padded the floor gently until I remembered the IV in my arm. Unfortunately the pole where the now small sack of blood wasn't on wheels so I had one other option. I took the tape that held it in place off and held my breath.

"Cock sucking douche canoe in a shit river!" I always wondered if I had Tourette's.

About six seconds later, my curtain opened and Dimitri waltzed in like he fucking owned the place and gave me a look with a raised brow. "You shouldn't do that."

"It hurt being in there." By now my wound healed itself. "How long have I been out?"

"A little over a day. You are lucky it's Saturday morning and you have no classes. You should feed when you need it, Ms. Grimm."

"Not my fault that you guys didn't feed me while I was jailed." I smirked. "Mind if I go? I kind of want to bum around the library and try and read. Also I have homework that I have been procrastinating."

He looked at me for a moment. "Go. Do not deprive yourself of blood."

I grinned and started to walk. "See you in class, teach'."

"Your blood is very unique Grimm." He said. I stopped just before I left the room. "We had to take a sample for the transfusion. It is a blood we haven't seen in a long time. I can't believe that your kind still exists."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I whirled around with anger in my system. If I wasn't still so exhausted I would have gone into Frenzy. "You don't have the right to do that!"

"You must calm down. Only I know who you are. You are one of his children." Dimitri said calmly. "I know what has happened in your family. The death and loss you suffered. The training you were put through and the pain you suffered because of it."

"I don't need your pity." My voice sounded icy to my ears.

"Then I will give you my word. I will keep your secret and make sure you are not discovered."

"Why? You could have me expelled and I could get sent back. They'd come for me."

"Because I believe that you are not your ancestors. You should not have to pay for their mistakes." He walked towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You have potential to be great. As a teacher it is my job to help you do that."

I looked at him. I felt no deceit from his words. "Thank you, Dimitri."

"Stay focused!" Great-Grandmother called as I blocked a punch from Ingrid. Elsa was still too young to start combat training but she was allowed to meditate and study.

I countered with a roundhouse kick to her side and she went down hard. Her eyes looked to me from under her bangs and her sclera became black. Next thing I knew I was being forced backwards by an invisible push and I slammed hard into a wall. I pushed my spot and ice exploded.

Using what strength I had, I managed to force myself off the wall. Ingrid held her own until blood dripped silently from her right nostril.

"Finish her, Dancing Wolf." I hated that name. It was the name given to me by the land. "Finish Wing Singer and take your place as the new heir."

I breathed heavily as Ingrid stood with her head bowed. Blood continued to flow from her nose. "No, I won't. She's my sister."

"Very well, then you will die by Wind Singer's hand." She had hard eyes on Ingrid.

"I will never hurt my sister." Ingrid stood in front of me, blocking me from Great-Grandmother.

"You are both useless." Roots from the dirt slowly slithered around us and we were taken hostage and slammed into large trees. I felt something crack in my leg and cried out in pain as the roots started to constrict us. Great-Grandmother walked over to us and gave a cold look. "It will be a sad day when you three lead our clan. You cannot be weak. You will have to kill those you love, even if they are your blood."

"No! We will never hurt each other!" Ingrid called from my right.

"My grandson made a mistake marrying that woman you dared call 'mother'. Her moroi blood is weak. But at least she is gone and out of the way." Rage bubbled up inside me. How could she say that about mom? "You don't need nurture. She was a whore and a drunk. The only think she ever gave you was each other, and look how well that turned out. At least that whore is dead."

Ice exploded into my veins and I pushed from the roots, causing my freedom. I felt my blood boil. My world warped around me as I charged. How dare she…

How dare she…

"Hold her back!" I heard my father's voice as a large pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me back into a firm chest. I smelt an aftershave and I regained my mind.

Father was crouched over Great-Grandmother, her robes stained with blood. Her blood. Her blood?

I looked at my hands. They were sticky. Crimson coated them, under my nails. Splatters felt wet on my face and body. I felt my eyes widen and my heart started to quicken. I… I hurt her…

Great Grandmother's wounds already healed as she stood up. I felt someone grab my right hand and saw Ingrid. Someone took the left and I could feel Elsa's calming presence in my mind as the ice started to melt. The arms unwrapped themselves from me and went to go stand with my father and great-grandmother. I didn't think Uncle was expecting me to stay calm.

"Grandmother, you should rest." Father's little brother said. She said nothing and walked over to us.

She gave me a look with a dark smile. "You truly are like your ancestors, Dancing Wolf."

I exhaled a shaky breath and received a reassuring squeeze from Ingrid. "I will never be like them."

"Dear girl, you've just tried to kill the current head of our family. History will repeat itself, children. No matter how hard you fight it, it will repeat until the end of time." She passed us and walked back to our home.

I felt Elsa connect our minds once again as we all chanted our mantras in our heads and passed it through the channel.

We will never be our ancestors…

History will change…

Our fate is not sealed…

Well shit went down. You know a little more about Grimm, but what do you guys think? Any guesses yet?

Let me know! The more you guys review the faster I update!