Hello everybody my name is Xanto and welcome back to another chapter of "The Blonde Criminal".

Sorry for the long inexcusable absence. The chapter will also be kinda short as well. Sorry I guess.

Question time!

Q.) Wasn't Tracey a baby at this point in the gta storyline?

A.) No, no she wasn't. Why? Because I said so.

Q.)Is this story dead?

A.) Yes, yes it is.

Q.)Plz update soon?

A.) Ok.

No more questions. Wow that was short. Oh and also I have decided to take a few girls off the harem. I didn't feel like adding them in the end and I didn't like the thought of having over 10 girls in a harem. So yeah, Saeeda Kadam, Lacey Jonas, Antonia Bottino, Poppy Mitchell, Rae, and Ursula will not be making it into the harem. Sorry 'bout that.

Fun Fact: I said I didn't like the idea of having over 10 girls in the harem but if you count who's left you can see there's 11 left. Shh, no one needs to know that... oh wait.

Now without a further a do. Let the story continue.

Enjoy... Or not, your choice

Tracey De Santa's day couldn't have been any worse. Not like it was in any way to begin with. Laying down against her bed she let release a stressful confusing moan as she buried her face in her pillow. Usually one would ask what a beautiful woman would be all worked up over for being in such a mood, however knowing someone like her it is presumed that the issue was probably something utterly ridiculous to make a fuss over.

Glancing over to the side of dresser cabinet, we can see a computer tab opened to a very familiar site any teenage or young woman would be crazy over.

Fame Or Shame

Yup, truly something ridiculous to be stressed out over.

Looking closer on the screen we can see that the tab was open to the audition section of the site with a small pop up stating that her resume has been accepted.

"Dancing... out of everything I had to pick dancing as my talent..." Tracey mumbled to herself. She then smacked her hands and legs down in a fussy manner. "I'm a horrible dancer!" She yelled into her pillow.

After unleashing her pent up stress on her poor poor mattress, she sat up right and grasped the side of her head with both her hands. "Uuugggh! What am I gonna do? I'll be a national... no... a global laughing stock. I won't ever be able to show my face in public again."

She stood up from her bed and started to pace around her room. "Alright what can I do, I can just not show up... Yeah that's right... " She frowned at the thought of it. "But then they'll just release my name and humiliate me just like the previous contestants who did the same thing." Snapping her fingers she looked and pointed to herself through the mirror. "Maybe I can have Va-... No she'll be outta town for a few weeks."

Once again, Tracey became anxious about the event that should be taking place in the near future. Squeezing her knuckles together, she grabbed her pillow and threw it against her mirror while letting out an unholy, ear-raping scream.

Outside her room, Jimmy flinched at the unexpected burst from her sisters room as he walked pasted it. "Sheesh, someone's bloody river is flowin'..." He mumbled to himself as he made his way down the steps. Just as he was near the bottom the doorbell suddenly rung.

"Jimmy! Can you get that for me please? I'm busy making everyone lunch right now." Amanda yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah, I got it mom." Jimmy grumbled to himself. He then proceeded to open the door expecting to see some sort of salesman only to come face to face with a foreign beauty, and like the hormonal virgin he was, he stood there gaping at the her as he eyed her up and down.

"Ummm, hello?" The lady gave an awkward smile. A little creeped out from the mans ogling.

Jimmy shook out of his daze as he tried to replace it with some time of bad boy look by leaning against the door with his legs crossed while tilting his hat a little to the side. "Sup shawty, what's a fine girl like you rollin' up J'love's crib fo'." He 'flexed' his arm bit as while wiggling his eyebrows slightly. "That's me if you're wonderin' hehe~

Now feeling really uncomfortable with the sudden flirting, if that's what you could call it, the lady reached into her purse as she retreated slowly. "Umm, I zhink i got zhe wrong house." She waved awkwardly.

"W-Wait! Can I at least get your number?"

"Naty?" Tracey's voice called out interrupting her brothers advances as she descended down the steps "Oh my god what are you doing here I thought we were going out next friday?" Pushing Jimmy out of the way, she ran up to her new friend as they both exchanged hugs.

Breaking away from the hug Natalia could only smile gratefully at Tracey's sudden interruption from this sudden awkwardness. She then proceeded to reach into her purse. "Da, ve vere but you forgotz zhis." Natalia then handed her a phone.

"My phone? What the hell I didn't even know it was missing!" Tracey spoke surprised as she grabbed it. "Thanks girl you're the best! Oooh! You just came at the right moment. I need your help with something, here follow me!" She then grabbed Natalia's hand as she led her into her house pass her dumbstruck brother.

He could only watch as his sister dragged the foreign beauty up the stairs away from his sight leaving him to contemplate on his own thoughts. "You'll get 'em next time J-Dawg. You'll get 'em next time."

Shutting the door behind them, Natalia watched Tracey shuffled about her bedroom putting items away in there proper location. She took this time to soak in the blonde's living quarters. "Nice, room you have here. Kinda smoll, for my taste if you ask me though."

Tracey rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well it's not like we all have a millionaire sugar daddy taking care of our living expenses..." She then turned her head slightly as she stared smirking at her Russian companion from the corner of her eye. "Oh wait..."

Now it was Natalia's turn to roll her eyes at her friends demeanor. "How many times do I have to tell you, he's not my sugar daddy. He's merely my boss. Nothing more, nothing less."

Tracey couldn't help but laugh at this. "Ok sister~."

Brushing off Tracey's sass, Natalia decided to make her self comfortable as she plopped herself on the bed. "So, vat is it that you needed my help for?" She watched as her blonde companion's mood suddenly shifted as her body started to shuffle a bit in embarrassment. Just judging by this factor, she could already tell this was gonna be good.

"Ooooh~ something's going on vith you... Vhat is it? Is it a boy?" Natalia teased.

"W-What? N-N... I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Tracey all but yelled out in a fluster.

Her friend however, decided to take it a bit futher. "So you're seeing another man behind your boyfriend's back?! Tracey you naughty girl~"

"No, I would never! I love him and he loves me! There's no way we'd betray each other's trust like that..."

"Hmm, let me be zhe judge of zhat. I'd like to meet this 'BOYFRIEND' of yours."

"Ughh! I didn't drag you up here so you can interview my love life."

"Da da..." Natalia waved off. "So what is it zhat you need zhat caused you to drag me all zhe way up here?"

Releasing a long stressful sigh she's been keeping in, she tried to explain what's going on. "Well, it's just..." She twiddles her fingers a bit. "It's better if I just show you..."

Walking over to her laptop, Tracey proceeded to open a certain tab before grabbing the laptop and handing it to her friend.

Confused, Natalia grabbed the laptop and took a look at the page that was opened. "Fame... Or Shame?" Glancing back at her friend with a raised eyebrow she questioned her. "Is zhis vhat you wanted me for?"

Tracey reluctantly nodded.

"So... I'm guessing you auditioned yourself for zhis show... correct?"

Again Tracey nodded.

"Ok but vhat does zhis have to do vith me?"

"Just look at my application..." Tracey said as with comical tears.

Glancing over Tracey's audition application, she came upon the choice her friend used to enter herself in. "Dancing?"

"YES! I'm a HORRIBLE dancer." The blonde confessed.

"Oh come on... it can't be zhat bad." Her friend reassured. She then whipped out her phone from her pocket. "Here I'm going to play a song and I want you to feel zhe music flow zhrough you. Zhen, when you're ready, I vant you to let loose. Can you do zhat for me?

"Naty, I don't think this is a good idea..."

"It'll be fine~ Just do what I tell you and everything will be great!" And with that said, Natalia pressed shuffle on her playlist.

Half an Hour Later

"Oh my god zhat vas horrible..." Natalia groaned. "Please, don't do zhat again..."

"Do you get it now?" Tracey said as she pulled up a chair by her desk and sat down. "I really wanted to make a big impression of myself you know. To show that little young Tracey De Santa has something good under her belt than just a pretty girl with a nice butt and a good pair of tits." She frowned at the thought of this. "Maybe some things weren't meant to be..."

For once in her life, Natalia didn't know what to say. Through out her entire life big and small, good and bad, she's never come to situation where a friend needed her moral support now more than ever. She was never really experience in this line of field. All she ever knew was how to be a good secretary. To bring fear and reckoning to Mr. Madrazo's "good" name. That's what she was good at. Now, to be honest she's wondered if her life was a mere coincidence. If she was ever meant to find meaning in this world. If she was ever meant to find friends who actually cared for her for just her. If she was ever meant to fall in love...

She shook away such thoughts. now wasn't the time to go down memory lane. Her friend needed her, and it will be her she will get.

"Vhat if, I showed you some 'moves'."

Raising an eyebrow, Tracey stared at the Russian questioningly "You..." She pointed out. "You know how to dance?"

Natalia smirked. "Da."

That was all she needed to say as Tracey practically glomped her in a giant hug before planting a giant kiss against her forehead.

To say everything was going great for Naruto was not necessarily correct. It was good because with Leon leaving he was finally given the title of owner of the Vanilla Unicorn. It was bad because Leon finally left. To say he won't miss the man was a lie. They were both like brothers in all but blood for as long as he could remember. Though at first he didn't understand why Leon put so much faith on him. Now he was grateful he even so much as trusted him.

Aligning some files using his desk, he placed them neatly inside one of his filing cabinets before shutting it. Placing both hands against his face, he sighed tiredly as he used his fingertips to rub his eyes awake from the sudden drowsiness that's been overtaking him. Three soft knocks against his office door snapped him out of it. "Come in."

The door creaked open just enough for Nikki to peak her head though. "Excuse me Nar- umm sir."

"Formalities are no longer required as long as I'm your boss Nikki. Speak to me as you've always have." Naruto calmly assured.

Nikki smiled at this as she opened the door wider to reveal she was wearing a gray thick coat underneath the lavish body she possesses. "The club has been closed and organized. All the guests have also left as you requested."


She frowned. "If I may ask... Why are we closing so early? This is usually the time when the club is most active."

"I know."

She was surprised. If he knew, then what was his motive behind all this?

"I can see you're confused Nicky. Kinda odd how your real name is Nicky but instead of the letters 'cky' you changed it to 'kki' as your stage name."

She blushed in embarrassment as she turned to avoid his gaze.

Naruto chuckled seeing her reaction. "Relax, it's nothing to be embarrassed of. If you ask me not a lot of people wouldn't even think your real name is similar to your stage name."

She could only nod dumbfound at this. "But...why are we closing so early?"

Leaning back against his chair, Naruto couldn't help but answer. "You know, I've thought long and hard about this. But this club is going to be seeing it's last days."

Red Flags started to suddenly appear in Nicky's head, she couldn't help but feel panicked. Why wouldn't she for all she heard from that was that she would be jobless. No Job means no money, no money means you can't pay rent, if you can't pay rent you practically become homeless. She suddenly slammed both of her palms against her bosses desk causing him to jump in surprise. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO NOW HUH?! DIDN'T THIS PLACE MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU?! DIDN'T WE MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU?!" She seethed in anger. "WAS THIS ALL YOU WERE AFTER? ONLY TO TOSS US ASIDE LIKE A BAG OF EXPIRED MEAT?!


"Why?" She croaked. Her voice suddenly betraying her as tears suddenly threaten to come pouring down. She brought her hands to a tight fist, her knuckles turning whiter than snow as she turned her head away from the man she started developing feelings for. "Why would you do this to us?"

She suddenly felt two arms wrap around her waist as she was pulled into a hug from behind. Judging by the stiffness of them she knew who they belonged to and she hated it. She wanted no comfort from this man, but she couldn't even fight against him for her emotions were outweighing her physical strength.

"You've misinterpret what I've said said Nicky." He whispered soothingly into her ear.

The sudden warm huskily voice entering her eardrums sent shivers down her spine. She couldn't help but feel ashamed of herself. She was furious at the man who would ruin her but was still able to cause her body to shake in a burst of pleasure. It was like her mind and body were two separate beings. Never bound to become one. However, his response to her vocal outburst was not what she expected, so she couldn't help but lean in a bit to learn more about what he has to say.

"I mean no harm to befall upon you or the girls here whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally, or financially." Naruto smiled softly as he started to trail his fingers up her ribs and down her chest. "Your current line of work will no longer be required. However that doesn't mean I will not compensate you for your services. For someone as beautiful as yourself along with the girls here, I'm sure you all will be very happy with what I've got planned for all of you."

To say Nicky's mood swing turned a complete 180 degrees for the second time tonight was no joke, her distraught anger was showing no more and instead was replaced with such curiousness. "Oooh? Can I ask what is it you have in store for us." She reached behind her and traced her right finger down her bosses jawline.

He chuckled at this. "In due time my little vixen. In due time."

Before they even knew it, she brought his head down causing the two exchanged a long succulent kiss that would soon lead them to one passionate time.

It has been nearly a week since Natalia has been assisting Tracey in her dance routines, to say she hasn't improved during her training would be a lie. Despite her terrible performance she gave just days ago, her drive to succeed in this matter outweighed her drive to fail. Her determination in this even surprised Natalia herself, she was getting the moves down quicker than she did when she first started to take dance courses.

Taking a look at these two women, we can see them hand in hand, feet and hips moving to the rhythm of the music as they each took turns twisting and twirling in each others grasp. To say that these two weren't having fun was a lie for every time they twirled and leaned back into each other with their faces mere inches apart they exchanged smiles as laughter escaped them every now and then.

It all came abruptly to an end when the music ended with Tracey leaning back with one foot in the air while Natalia supported her by wrapping her arm under her back.

Pulling her back up the two were breathing heavily as they both reach for their own respective glasses of water and took a drink of it.

"Zhat was *breath* pretty good." Natalia praised.

"Yeah well *breath* I did learn from the best."

"Aww, I'm not zhat good."

"Are you kidding me? Just because of you *breath* I've never felt more confident than ever on nailing this audition." She assured. Tracey suddenly grabbed her friend's hands. "Ooh, you have to come see me audition live."

Natalia smiled as she rose an eyebrow. "You sure? Vhen is your audition?"

"Next Wednesday 4 o'clock sharp at the Maze Bank Arena." Tracey smiled at this.

Her friend seemed to be lost in thought, seemingly contemplating her decision. "Ok, fine I'll be zhere."

Tracey couldn't help but 'eee' in delight as she brought her friend in for a hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou" she spoke rapidly as she jumped in glee. After a moment she suddenly pulled away abruptly. "Wait here, there's something I've been meaning to give you. I've been waiting for tomorrow but I just can't anymore." Tracey said as she bolted from the living room.

"Tracey if it's something important I can vait until tomorrow you know."

"NO!" Tracey yelled as she hurried up the stairs. "No more waiting! You can't stop me!"

Natalia could only giggle at her friends childlike manner before speaking to herself. "Ok zhen~" Humming to herself, Natalia began to gaze upon the living room seemingly soaking it all in like she did with Tracey's bedroom. Her eyes wandered from place to place until something among one of the shelves caught her eye. "Hello zhere.. vhat do we have here?" Grabbing the folder like object, she turned it over only to read the cover on front. "Townley Family Photo's?" Opening up the first slide, she saw various pictures of the younger version of the man her dear Naruto was affiliated with along with with what she assumed was the man's wife posing in various wedding outfits with the wife seemingly pregnant judging by the bulge on one of the photos. Flipping over to the next slide, she saw the pictures who she quickly knew was Tracey during different segments from her life. From her baby photos to various event's in her life. One photo that particularly stood out to her was a 6 year old Tracey looking cutely angry in a gumby costume as she crossed her arms pouting at the camera.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Natalia squealed in her head. Even though that was she thinking, in the back of her mind she couldn't help but wonder why Tracey's real last name was Townley and not De Santa? Was she keeping secrets from her? Did she not trust her enough to tell her of her past? Was everything Tracey told her a lie? Something she made up so when her time comes she'll leave without a second glance? No that can't be right. Of course it isn't. "You zhink to much Natalia." She laughed at herself. Skimming past the next slide of Tracey's younger sibling, she came upon the next slide of photo's that took her by surprise. There Tracey was a 15 year old girl with what she assumed was a 17 year old Naruto. The photo was pretty harmless with her just blushing angrily like any teenage girl while Naruto had his right arm wrapped around her with his left hand up against his face giving a peace symbol with a smile and a wink on his face.

"So zhey know each other? Zhis is probably a mere coincidence. Da, zhat's it. I bet zhat's all to there relationship." Natalia laughed nervously inside her head. However, as she continued to skim through the slides of these two, with each flip becoming quicker than the last, her surprised face started to turn into that of hurt and betrayal as she finally settled upon the last photo of them in a more current time. A photo of them leaning into each other kissing by the docks of Vespucci Beach with there arms wrapped around each other lovingly.

Something in that very moment broke Natalia in a way she's never felt before and for once in her life she's experience a pain that will never leave her mind for as long as she lived. Having seen enough, she closed the folder and placed it back to where she found it. Grabbing her purse she then proceeded to calmly escort herself out of the living room, out of the De Santa residency and into the drive way below.


Every muscle tensed as soon as she heard that voice. As soon as she heard HER voice. It wasn't long until she felt her presence looming over her.

"Naty *gasp* where're you going?" Tracey asked as she seemingly tried to catch her breath. She made a grab to Natalia's hand only for her to tug it loose.

"Don't touch me..." Natalia muttered as calmly as she could.

"What? Oh come on Naty we can play this game later..." Tracey smiled as she mistakenly reach for her friends hand again. "Look let me jus-"

"I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME!" Yanking her arm away from her supposed 'friends' grasp Natalia glance back at Tracey seething in rage only to stop once she saw the confused, heartbroken face she wore. "Just... just leave me alone." Not even waiting for a response, Natalia quickly rushed out of the compound leaving a distraught Tracey in the center of it.

Shutting the door to her vehicle, Natalia sat silently within it letting her emotions course through her as she tried to maintain composure, but to be honest it was proving rather difficult to do so. To find out that the man she so dearly loved, the one she spent reminiscing about every day of her life and practically confessed to just weeks ago was seeing another woman?! But not just any woman, it had to be someone she, too, held dearly. Someone she saw as a sister whom she believed she could rely on through any and every crook and cranny life takes her. For once in her life she couldn't keep her emotions in check.

For once in her life, Natalia let her feelings go.

For once in her life, Natalia cried.

And done.

Hit 'em with the depression ball boys. I hope I so dearly fuck your days up good. :3

Love it? Hate it? Leave a review down below... But please oh so hate it.

Thank you everybody for reading and I'll see you next time.


Somwhere on a cliff overseeing Los Santos

"So... Michael, this is where dead men come back to Life, huh?" Trevor spoke as he peered over the city. He scoffed at the thought of it. "It's been nearly ten years. Oh, but you'll keep for another day or so huh, old friend?"

Seething at the thought of this Trevor's jaw clenched as his right hand balled into a fist. "You motherfucking fuck! I grieved for you! And that kid! But you weren't fucking dead..." Looking down in remorse he continued. "But him... Oooh that kid, he was more of a pal than you have ever been Mikey. I saw that look in your eye when he was in action, you were jealous huh? You thought he would have done taken everything from you huh?" He laughed a delusional laugh." Well he would. He would be twice as better if you haven't gone and FUCKED everything up! RAAAGGH!" Kicking a pile of rocks down the cliff, Trevor took a moment to get himself together before looking back at this dogshit of a city. "You were my bestfriend Michael... well guess who's come to shit on your doorstep you dead fuck!"

With that done and said, Trevor turned his attention back towards his truck where he then proceeded to make his way towards the city of unquestionable doubt.