
Luke Skywalker's peace is broken by a sense of painful loss. He realises that death has taken his best friend. He also senses someone powerful approaching to end his long solitude on an island of the ocean planet, Ahch-To. Awaiting the mysterious arrival, he re-lives the events of fifteen years before when his nephew, Ben Solo, succumbed to the Dark Side, destroyed Luke's Jedi Academy and ripped apart his family and his life.

Lost in his memories, Luke tries to prepare himself for the coming encounter.

This morning's bright sunshine had faded, turning the sea and sky as grey and bleak as the Jedi Master's thoughts. Last night's dreams had been filled with dark feelings of loss, betrayal, pain and falling… Waking with a jolt, a realisation hit him. Han? He reached out for his friend and felt nothing. Wide awake now, he extended every strand of his sluggish powers, but there was no sense of Han. That warm, prickly presence he'd lived with, since he was barely a man, was gone.

Luke sat up in the dark, a choking lump in his chest, feeling his friend's pain. Restless and grief-stricken, he rose before the sun. The galaxy had lost someone irreplaceable. Struggling with his feelings, he got dressed, managing it today with particular care. He put on his full Jedi regalia and least tattered cloak, sensing that after so many years alone on this craggy island, somebody was coming.

He gazed out at the ocean, as he had so many times over thousands of days. Images and words from the past haunted him. He had tried again and again to rid himself of regrets. What was done was done, but still he found memories repeating endlessly behind his eyes...

"Daddy! I been in the cockpit!" The little bundle of energy that was Rachel raced into the outstretched arms of her laughing father.

"Oh, have you now? With Uncle Han and Chewie? I bet Mommy and Aunt Leia weren't around. I'm right, aren't I? Am I right?" Luke smiled into her ear as he picked her up. Little Rachel cackled.

"Yeah, well. They came and found us, kid. You might know." Han gave a dramatic eye-roll and glared over his shoulder at Chewbacca. "This great, useless fuzz-ball didn't keep a lookout like he was supposed to," he finished in disgust. Chewie whined mournfully.

"When are you going to stop calling me kid?" Luke protested, not for the first time. "I'm the last of the Jedi. How about finally showing me some respect!"

Han punched him on the shoulder. "Oh yeah? Don't go getting delusional, Jedi Master! You'll always be a kid to me."

The two old friends took the little girl, each of her tiny hands clasped warmly in one of theirs. It was a gorgeous spring day. Fruit tree petals were falling softly around them. They picked their way slowly across the daisy-dappled lawn to the Jedi Academy, chatting and swinging Rachel back and forth between them.

"How's Owen been doing?" Han asked casually. Luke smiled, suddenly shedding years and looking every bit a kid again. "He's great! Nothing like I was. He's patient, studious, intuitive. He takes the training seriously but he knows when to laugh, you know? Puts the older apprentices to shame. He's good." Luke shrugged his shoulders modestly. "A fast learner, but he doesn't get cocky with it. He likes to help the others."

"You and Sami must be proud. He's a great kid. He'll make a fine Jedi," Han smiled wistfully. Luke looked sidelong at his friend, surprised at the compliment. He examined Han's thoughtful expression. The conversation lulled for a few moments, each lost in his own thoughts.

"When are you going to start training Rachel?" Han asked.

"I don't know," Luke replied. "The Force is really strong in her. I should begin soon; she needs to learn how to sense and control right from the start. She's so young, though." He smiled adoringly down at his daughter.

Han cleared his throat. "Luke," he said, "can I ask about Ben?" Luke shot him a quick look, uncertain how to respond. It was rare that Han used his real name instead of calling him kid.

"What do you want to know?" Luke asked.

Han sighed and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Leia… Leia and me. We're worried about him." He let go of Rachel for a moment and ran his hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration. "He's become distant. Cold. He feels like a stranger to us. I know he's always been moody and I know he's at that age, but it feels like more than teenage angst. Especially to Leia, and she feels things more than I do. We don't know what's going on in his head. Now, he says he wants to change his name!"

"He did mention that to me a while back," Luke sighed. "Kylo. Why, Han? Did he say? You're right - I just can't seem to connect with him these days. We used to be close. Even when he had his dark moods, he would open up a little. He doesn't talk to me anymore."

"I know, I know. All he talks about is your father! He even snapped at Rachel yesterday and he's always been soft on her. The way he looked at her scared me. He's angry and secretive. He's got some pals but they're not from the Academy. He spends a lot of time out now, cruising around with these boys." Han looked Luke in the eyes, his expression anxious. "He has Darkness in him, Luke. Leia thinks we should send him to stay with Lando. Forget the training for a while. Fly some ships maybe. Just be a kid." Han had never been one to talk openly about his worries. Luke was flattered to be consulted but he was disturbed at his friend's honesty and felt torn between diplomacy and sharing his own serious concerns.

"It could be good for him," Luke agreed. "He's a great young man. Ambitious, insightful. I think he gets a little jealous. Owen's so strong and some of the younger kids are really good. Little Rachel's still small but her raw power is obvious. He always wants to be the strongest but he can't seem to look for that strength within himself."

"Kid, you're trying to be kind, but you know these traits that he has are bad. Wrong! They lead to the Dark Side." Han said.

"Yeah, Han, but I'm not just being kind. I love Ben - you know I do. He's got so much good in him too. The Force is always in balance. I was angry and impatient. I wanted to kill Vader. Yoda despaired of me – thought I'd never make a Jedi. I will talk to Ben tomorrow. He'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

Luke wished he felt as confident as he sounded. He was deeply worried about Ben and not at all sure how to help him. It had been many years since he'd been visited by his Jedi Master spirits. Perhaps they thought he was old and wise enough to handle anything now, so left him alone, but he wished for some guidance from Obi-Wan or Yoda. He really didn't know what to do to help his nephew.

Ben went to stay with Han's old pal, Lando, for a few months. He wasn't happy about leaving his friends and his studies, but Luke had talked to him lightly about needing time off and cultivating varied interests. The young man had reluctantly agreed.

The Skywalker children continued to thrive. It had taken a long time, but Luke had finally stopped berating himself over his marriage. It had always felt right. He was doing good things and Sami was such a kindred spirit. She believed in the force and in his vision for rebuilding the Jedi. She was amazing with the young apprentices and they adored her. She was Luke's best friend and the most beautiful woman he'd ever known – apart from Leia! He had fallen in love sixteen years before, with dark-haired, generous, incisive Sami, whose Grandfather had been on the Jedi Council with Yoda and Qui-Gon. As the only Jedi left, Luke felt that the old rules and doctrines could be relaxed in the present situation of the Jedi's near extinction. What did it really matter if he was celibate or not? What mattered most was that the Force was growing and working for good in the galaxy. He didn't see what his private life had to do with that. Sami supported his work devotedly and, in time, they were blessed with two wonderful children – both strong with the Force. Owen and Rachel were Luke's and Sami's pride and joy. He knew that the new Jedi needed him, but he felt that the new Jedi needed new blood too. He revelled in his many roles: husband, brother, father, teacher, mentor, friend.

Then came the night of the great tragedy. The end of everything Luke had loved - everything he had worked so long and hard for. The end of his happiness and of all his most cherished hopes. He'd been attending to a petty chore at home, with R2-D2 faithfully dogging his steps and making Luke laugh with his tart comments. He'd left the Academy for a short time, with Ben and some of the older apprentices in charge, coaching the younger ones. The Autumn night was falling early. Sami had taken Rachel with her to the Academy to finish up and see the students safely home. Luke felt a wrenching shudder in the Force. Fear gave him speed and he ran through the streets, his dread building with every second, Artoo racing after him. Around the last corner, he'd frozen in shock at the sight before him - the Academy burning to the ground and his young apprentices lying dead on the ground.

Despair ravaged him and he fell to his knees. There, just a few feet away, lay Owen. Dear, sweet Owen with his eyes open, staring up at the dark sky. At his side lay his best friend, with Sami laid over them both. All three were dead. Sami had died in vain, apparently trying to shield the boys with her body. Luke looked around wildly through the falling rain and saw figures on the other side of the burning building, cloaked and hooded. A crowd of them, all similarly dressed, laughing. They carried crudely made lightsabres, fizzing with ungoverned energy. Luke howled his rage and grief as he stumbled to his feet and weaved towards the sinister group.

"What have you done?!" He screamed. His attention was ripped from the group by a high-pitched cry and he saw a tall figure coming towards him, cloaked and masked, sabre in one hand and the other hand dragging his little Rachel along. Luke froze in terror. "Stop. Please. Don't hurt her."

"Daddy! Ben hurt me!" whimpered the little girl.

"Ben? Rachel… Ben? Where?" Luke croaked, looking around in confusion. The tall, thin figure removed its metal mask and Luke saw the face of his nephew, twisted with hate.

"Your Academy is finished, uncle!" He sneered. "Did you really think you could rebuild the Jedi Order? A puny old man with limited powers who has broken the Jedi code?" Luke was speechless with anguish. Rachel squirmed in Ben's grip.

"I know," Luke responded, trying to think fast. "It was foolish of me. I'm not strong enough, Ben."

"MY NAME IS KYLO!" his nephew raged.

"Kylo. Please. Sami and Owen…" Luke's voice cracked. "Please let Rachel go. She loves you. She's just a baby. Please, Ben."

"Kylo," the monster replied in an icy voice.

"Please, Kylo," begged Luke.

"I will take her," gloated Kylo. "She's strong. I will train her my way!" Suddenly, a blaster fired from over Luke's shoulder and hit one of the hooded figures in the arm. Kylo pushed Rachel towards one of his group and then turned on Luke, brandishing his sabre. The blaster fired again, at Kylo this time. He raised his hand, palm outwards, and the blaster's beam of energy froze in mid-air.

"Ben?" Came Han's voice. "Ben! What are you doing? Let Rachel go!"

Kylo turned his head at the sound of Han's voice. "Father," he murmured. "I have a fancy to keep her as a pet." He smiled horribly. There was no light or life in his eyes.

"No!" Luke drew his lightsabre and flew at Kylo. Their sabres met in an explosion of energy. Luke's desperation fuelled his attack which was all fire, rage and instinct. His mastery shone as he easily parried and thrust against Ben's strokes. The sabres clashed again and again, green against red. Kylo was obviously the weaker fighter: defending against the fury and skill of his uncle, until one of his evil group dashed in behind Luke and stabbed the Jedi Master in the leg. Luke crashed to the ground and Kylo raised his sabre for a killing stroke.

Then, an agonised voice cried, "Ben! No!"

Kylo looked up and saw his mother approaching, hands held out in front of her in a placating gesture. "Son!" Leia called. "Stop this. You are hurting people… people who love you. This is madness! It will only lead to the Dark Side!"

Ben Solo laughed; long, loud and soullessly, to the horror of his watching family. When he could contain his amusement, he smiled and said: "Lead to the Dark Side? Lead to it? I've been on the Dark Side all my life! You fools; you think you love me. You have no idea who I am!" His voice shook with emotion. "You wanted me to be a good little Jedi like my Uncle Luke. What about what I want?! You know nothing! You are all idiots!"

Kylo's henchmen moved in and held each survivor hostage as Kylo grabbed Rachel roughly and marched her to an awaiting cruiser. Luke, Leia and Han looked on helplessly as the hooded figures then dashed after their leader onto the ship. The engines bathed the destruction, the faces, eyes and tears of the watchers in a soft blue glow.

"Rachel," whispered Luke.

In the lonely years since, he had failed to erase from his mind the horror and grief of the carnage Ben Solo had caused. Today, he stood desolately on the cliff-top, wondering once again if he should have stayed with what was left of his family.

"Your leg will be fine but it will need some care for a few days. Where are you thinking of going?" Leah asked.

"You can't just leave! Come on, Luke. You've never run away from anything. You will heal. We'll be ok. We'll find Rachel." Han said; there were tones of desperation and false positivity in his voice.

"No." Luke spoke quietly. "She's gone. He'll turn her or kill her when he gets bored."

"Don't say that, Luke!" murmured Leia. "He's not all Dark! I can feel his confusion."

"You have to stay," Han urged him, pacing restlessly. "Ben needs your help. You can bring him back. We have to do something!"

"I can't help him," Luke replied. "After what he's done? It's too late. He is lost to the Dark."

"We've got to find him," Leia reasoned. "He won't hurt Rachel – he loves her. He will give her back to us. I know he will."

"You find him!" Luke looked up at them with wild eyes. "Find my little girl. Your son has wiped out my family! I am done with this. Finished with trying to do right. What has the Force done for me? Where am I now?"

Han and Leia watched Luke unravel, burning with his pain and anger. Who was to blame? All of them or none of them? Luke felt the full impact of responsibility. He had been Ben's mentor, and had watched him growing darker day by day and been unable to find a way to help him.

Crippled with grief, he took a cruiser the next day. He tenderly carried the bodies of Owen and Sami on board, one at a time. "I will take a little time to look for answers and think things through," he said to Han and Leia. "There are legends of the First Jedi Temple. I think I can find it. Maybe I will find something to help." His eyes were distant.

"We will find Ben," Han promised him. "Come back soon. We will get Rachel back and keep her safe with us."

"I'm sorry," Luke whispered.

"No! Don't…" Leia choked. "Take some time, but not too long. We will get her back. Just remember that we love you and need you and she will need you."

Eventually, he had found a little peace on his island with the wind and the waves. He'd buried Sami and Owen up on the cliff-top with the best view, so that he could talk to them while the elements soothed him. He knew he couldn't stay there forever. He wanted to return but he was afraid to, in case they had not found Rachel. Or Ben had killed her. Or maybe they had found her but she would hate him for not protecting her and her Mommy and Owen.

Then one day, when he found the courage to try a test run, he discovered that the ship's power converters had malfunctioned. Without Artoo's help, he couldn't fix his ship. Finally, after much agonizing, he traded the ship with the poor islanders across the bay. They broke it up, sold it for scrap and would now prosper for decades. He was happy for them. In return, they promised to bring him food and supplies for as long as he stayed. Not that he had a choice of whether to stay or leave any more.

So, today had finally arrived. Someone was drawing near. Luke had heard the hum of a ship's engine touching down. That was a sound he hadn't heard for a very long time, and yet he wondered at how strangely familiar it was. He sensed great power in the approaching figure. Ben,he thought. Stronger now with the Dark Side. He's come to finish it. The end of the Jedi. There will be no balance in the Force once I am gone.

He found himself struggling to care about his fate. He'd been alone for so long – anything that would end his crippling loneliness and self-punishment was welcome. Overwhelmed by defeat, he realised that death held no fear for him anymore. All that mattered to him now was: would Obi-Wan and Yoda forgive his failure? And would Rachel find understanding and forgiveness for his weakness? Clever, beautiful, determined little Rachel. He hoped Han and Leia had found her, kept her safe and made her happy. Explained to her what had gone wrong. He wondered what she looked like now that she was all grown up. It was too late to wish he'd been there for her. Now, she would never get to know her father. She would never fulfil her potential. She would never learn the ways of the Force... unless the unthinkable had happened and Ben had turned her. He pushed that thought aside, fighting back despair. He wondered if she even remembered him, or her beautiful mother, or her talented big brother.

His visitor was here now, close behind him. He took a long, last look at the grasping waves and swooping sea birds, hundreds of feet below him, and whispered a thought to Han; to Sami and Owen, lying long and cold in the rocky ground at his feet. I am coming, he thought. Then, breathing deeply, trying to calm his mind and emotions, Luke Skywalker, last of the Jedi, turned slowly around to face his destiny.