Hey guys!

How is everyone doing?=)

Well, a few words before I'll let you read this first introductory chapter.
I've really just wanted to post something again, something I could share with you, and my choice fell on Star-Crossed, pairing: Drake and Taylor.
Now, I need you to know that it's been ages since I've watched the series, so please don't be too disappointed when I am digressing from the canon of the series or if the characters are a bit AU.
I wish they had put more effort into the show (meaning: continuing it), because I think it has so much potential, because of several topics that are in there (racism, integration, peace, war etc.).

However, I am not yet sure where this story will lead (it will definitely centre on Drake and Taylor though (yes, she will be pregnant!)) and I cannot promise you to update frequently, but we will see how it goes...

Feedback, wishes, ideas is always appreciated, but please be nice. =)

Without further ado: Have fun!

"Oh my god, look at them!"

"Are those…"

"The aliens? Totally!"

Taylor and her friend Zoe stood next to the school entrance as the bus from the sector arrived. From the outside it looked like any other school bus would. A sickly shade of yellow, old and run down.

Except that the students on board were no normal students and the bus driver was not the ordinary cranky, big man who was always ranting about the students and mumbling weird things to himself. He was more of a trained soldier who could shoot someone without batting an eyelid from a far distance.

As for the students, they weren't Americans.

They were foreigners.

Not from another country though.

They were not even from this planet, let alone from this galaxy.

No, they were no humans.

But they did look like them from the outside.

Their appearances were ordinary. Two legs, a body and two arms; just one head with all its obvious abnormalities; two eyes, one nose, two ears and a mouth.

Their skin colour was inconspicuous, for one small detail that did differentiate them from humans. There were black markings on their skin. Black lines ran over their bodies in an artistic way. It was almost as if a painter had taken a brush full of black paint and created an artwork on their bodies. He had spread delicate patterns on their skin for everyone to see.

However, appearances were just that and nothing showed the real differences yet. The ones that lay beneath the skin.

Everyone was watching as seven atrians left the bus. Guards flanked them for everyone was nervous and afraid. They all had been for weeks now, in anticipation of this day.

The day when the integration programme, carefully worked out by the government, started. Atrians and humans should live in peace from this moment on forward.

Taylor raised an eyebrow as she watched the show. The atrians looked ahead, some trying to avoid the eyes of the humans, some looking for their attention. The humans looked curious and some scornful and frightened.

There was a boy leading the group of foreigners towards the school building. A tall, pretty broad shouldered bloke was following close behind him. He was by far the one that stood out of the crowd. A bully, Taylor could see that. Someone to be afraid of.

There were two girls, one obviously exciting and grinning from ear to ear, the other rather suspicious and maybe even vicious, even that Taylor could see.

But maybe ordinary human clichés didn't apply to alien people…well, she would certainly find out.

"Come one, Zoe. We'll be late."

She walked through the side entrance of the school, deliberately avoiding the crowd that blocked the main entrance.

"There are already loads of rumours about the atrians, you know." Zoe said.

"Sure, what's the latest?"

"They have two lungs and two hearts."

"You don't say."

"Meaning they are stronger and have a very high endurance."Zoe grinned.


Zoe shrugged. "Just saying. The tall one was pretty handsome."

Taylor grimaced. "Ew. They are aliens!"

"But the tattoos look pretty bold, don't you think?"

Taylor pursed her lips. They were from another planet after all.
Though, everyone had always expected green marsians when speaking about an alien invasion. Not some sort of handsome human looking guys with tattoos.

"Don't be ridiculous." Taylor quickly snorted shaking her head. Her heels clicked loudly in the hallway. Some girls were throwing jealous looks at her as she and her friend passed.

At the end of the hallway they had to turn right and Taylor came first face in contact with a broad chest. When she looked up with her face in angry creases she stopped. She had actually been about to throw something mean at whoever had the nerve to block her way, but as she saw the frightening face with that hard expression she swallowed her tongue.

She was staring in the face of the tall atrian guy.

He looked at her and for just a second he looked just as taken aback before he simply pushed past her.

Taylor turned around to look after him, kind of confused. When she noticed that everyone was staring at her she shouted: "Watch where you're going!"

Zoe sniggered quickly following Taylor to their next classroom.

Today, it appeared that in every lesson the teachers reminded them that they represented the whole human race and that they were to behave and be nice to the atrians. As if they hadn't been listening to those 'reminders' for weeks now.

It was only in the last lesson that Taylor met most of the atrians together in class. Thus she finally got names.

There was Roman, apparently someone they looked up to; his sister Sophia, the smiling girl; Drake, the big bloke and Teri, a rather miserable looking girl.

Gloria, their teacher, entered the classroom and opened the lesson for discussion.
"This lesson we'll be digressing from our topic. I want to use the time for you to introduce each other. Everyone can ask each other questions."She announced looking from atrians to humans. "I want you to get to know each other. Discover similarities and differences. Does someone want to start?"

"Is it true you have two lungs?" Someone from the swim team asked.

The atrians nodded.

"Wow." The girl said. "Does anybody of you would like to be on our swim team?"

There were gasps of shock from her fellow students from this forward outburst, but the captain of the team would not here it. She just rolled her eyes. "What? I want to win the trophy this year!"

Sophia nodded eagerly. "I would…"

"I don't think that is a good idea." Roman interrupted her.

"Roman!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Why not?" Asked somebody else the atrian interested and a bit offended.

Roman seemed speechless, but Gloria quickly jumped in.

"I guess, what Roman means is that it is questionable if an atrian will be allowed to take part in a swimming contest."

"Because we are stronger?" Teri asked.

"Yes, that's what I mean. No one wants to race a team that is unbeatable."

Drake and Teri looked smugly around.


They did like the sound of that.

"It's not like we'd be taking drugs. If they are good swimmers, whatever, it's no one's fault and we are to integrate everyone, aren't we? So, how exactly do we do that when they are not allowed to participate in sports?"

Gloria seemed to be a bit taken aback, but she quickly caught herself.
"Well, you didn't let me finish. It would only be the competitions they are probably not allowed to take part in, but if you really want them on the team they can certainly join practice any time they want to."

She threw a look at Sophia and smiled which the girl returned looking pleased. But as she looked at the captain of the swim team she just shrugged her shoulders mumbling: "Whatever." Her pipedream of winning the trials for the championship easily this year just being blasted to ashes.

Sophia stared sadly at the desk in front of her.

"You have two hearts as well, don't you?" Emery asked quickly looking at Sophia.

"Yes, we have."

"Does that make an atrian love more than a human?" Someone asked and everyone laughed.

"It does not only make me love more, but hate stronger." Drake answered sarcastically.

"I was just wondering." The student mumbled apologetically.

"Not much of a philosopher, are you? So, I assume you do not have two brains?" Taylor asked and everyone laughed again.

Drake laughed humourlessly. "No, I don't, but that doesn't mean I am not smarter than you are blondie."

Taylor acted offended. "Oh, did I offend you? I am so sorry, if I hit a nerve!"

The bell rang and everyone started to get out of their seats.

"Okay, this is it for today and we will continue tomorrow."

Drake step into Taylor's way. "Oh, sorry, you should watch where you're going." He grinned and sauntered off.


Not much, I know, but it is a start!=)

Thanks for reading!