AN: Please make sure to give feedback as this is only my second story and I'm fairly new to the whole FanFiction thing. I hope you all are enjoying this story so far and it's not like every other Wonder Woman protege/Robin story.

Chapter 2 | ℱ𝓲𝓻𝒆𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴𝓼

"I think it'd be good for you." Diana added, picking up the acceptance letter to Gotham Academy. "You have fantastic grades and you'd do great in their athletic program."

I sat in silence, crossing my arms. My mother sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "She's too stubborn. Look Skye," she placed a hand on my arm, "I can't keep homeschooling you and keeping Skylar Lewis locked in this apartment forever while Bellona is saving the world."

Diana crouched in front of the chair I was sitting in so she could be eye-level with me. "Your mother's right. Why can't you see that this will be an amazing opportunity for you?" I didn't respond. "By the Gods Skylar!"

"Why do you not want to go?" my mother asked.

"...Time runs short..."

"How can we even afford this? How can I even afford the books they'll ask me to buy? This is some prissy rich kid school." I said standing up. "If we haven't noticed, we're not all that rich."

The Amazonian shoke her head. "You do not have to pay for anything, young daughter of war."

"A new program that Wayne Enterprises started is giving students with high grades these letters and they pay for everything." my mother explained.

I took a deep breath, calming myself down. "Sorry, I guess dad's anger came out in me. I just thought you were going to pay thousands of dollars we don't have to send me to some rich school when we could use the money for something else."

"...You must awaken."

My mother pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. "It's alright sunshine." when she pulled away she chuckled, poking my bicep. "Yesh, you have strong arms. You're right Diana. She'd do go in the athletic program."

The three of us laughed until a noise on the balcony interrupted us. I exchanged looks with Diana before rushing to the door, opening it and stepped onto the balcony. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a black figure fading from view.

"What was it?" my mom questioned and I shrugged in response.

"Must've been a bird or something."

"...You must awaken now!"

My eyes flashed open as I gasped. I looked around. I was trapped in a pod, along with Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad. And the worst past is, my hair was falling my face. I tried blowing it away from eyes but it didn't stay up.

"Having trouble?" Robin teased, chuckling right afterwards.

"Shut up Boy Wonder." I glared at him, making a mental note that when we get out of these pods to hit the bird brain a few times.

"W-what? What do you want?" my eyes drifted to a panic stricken speedster who was looking at Superboy. I wondered if he was the one who put us in these pods. "Quit staring! You're creeping me out!"

I snorted. "You do realize he's a clone of Superman right?"

"Yeah," Robin nods in agreement, "how about not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look."

"I'd rather not be barbecued thank you very much."

"That's what you're worried about?!" Kid Flash exclaimed. "Being barbecued?"

"Hey, I'd rather be thrown into space than be barbecued." I pointed out and the redhead rolled his eyes.

Aqualad sent both of us look of something along the lines of 'be quiet please.' "We only sought to help you." he said to the clone.

"Yeah, we free you and you turn on us. How's that for grat-" the speedster angrily remarked.

Aqualad interrupted him. "Kid, please, be quiet now. I believe our new friend is not in full control off his actions." I appreciated how the Atlantean, despite being knocked out and almost killed by Superboy, still acted calm and collected, making it seem like he's trying to calm down a good friend.

"Wha-what if- what if I wasn't?"

My eyes widened as my gaze snapped to the clone who just spoke. I looked over in the pod next to me to exchange looks with the Boy Wonder.

Kid Flash blinked in surprise. "He can talk?"

"Yes," Superboy clenched his fists, "he can."

"Not like I said, 'it.'" KF grumbled.

"The genomorphs taught you," Aqualad said, ignoring Kid's comment, "telepathically."

Superboy nodded. "They taught me much. I can read, write. I know the names of things."

"But have you seen them?" Robin asked. "Have they actually let you see the sky? Or the sun?"

The clone looked down towards the ground as I guess that was a no. "Images are implanted in my mind, but no. I have not seen them."

"Do you know what you are," the Atlantean questions, "who you are?"

The clone stood up straight. "I am the Superboy, a genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish, to destroy him should he turn from the light."

The four of us were silent, exchanging looks, unsure of how to respond. I didn't want to admit it but I was scared of the clone. He knew that he was going to kill Superman if he doesn't go along with the light-which he probably wont.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." Aqualad said.

Superboy's face twisted in anger as he glared at the Atlantean. "I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!"

"Your home is a test tube." the Boy Wonder reminded him. "We can show you the sun."

"Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight," KF pointed out, "but we can show you the moon."

I glanced at the clone. "We could give you a better life than Cadmus has and actually let you experience life first hand. Not from some test tube."

"We can show you, introduce you to Superman." Aqualad added, hoping to change Superboy's mind somehow. At the sound of Superman's name, the clone's features softened.

"No, they can't." a man, along with Guardian and the lady KF had tripped earlier walked into the room and each of them had a genomorph on their shoulder. "They'll be otherwise occupied. Activate the cloning process." he instructed to the lady scientist.

"Pass." Robin said. "Batcave's crowded enough."

"And get the weapon back in its pod!" the man ordered.

"Hey," Kid Flash whined, "How come he gets to call Supey an it?"

Guardian placed his hand on Superboy's shoulder as his eyes locked with mine. "Don't do this." I pleaded. I hoped my voice was as convincing as Aqualad's.

"Help us." the Atlantean implored and the clone shrugged off Guardian's hand. I felt a smile creep onto my face knowing we somehow got into Superboy's mind.

The man rolled his eyes. "Don't start thinking now." the genomorph on his shoulder jumped onto Superboy's and it's horns glowed. "See, you're not a real boy. You're a weapon, and you belong to me! Well, to Cadmus. Same thing. Now get back to your pod!"

Superboy turned around and walked out, the large door shutting behind him. Then the man nodded to the lady scientist typed in some commands that brought out two robotic arms that had small four prongs inside the pod.

My eyes widened. Suddenly they plunged through my suit and sen jolts of pain, almost like electricity throughout my body. I screamed in pain, trying to use my strength to break from the restrains but nothing worked. My body was getting weaker with each and every jolt.

Then as soon as the pain started, it stopped. As I regained my vision, I noticed Superboy at the entrance.

"I told you to get back to your-" Superboy pushed the man out of the way, along with Guardian and some sort of alien man.

"Don't give me orders." the clone growled before he approached us.

"You here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked, raising his eyebrow.

Superboy narrowed his eyes at the speedster as if he was trying to use hear vision but nothing happened. "Huh. I don't seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option."

"Oh good." I sighed in relief. "I'm totally not complaining."

Robin's restrains somehow unlocked and he jumped out of his pod, rubbing his wrists. "Ah, finally! Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long."

"Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" KF asked in irritation. "The whole League will have our heads after tonight."

Robin rolled his eyes, ignoring the redhead's comment as he pressed a button, opening the pods.

"Free Aqualad." the Boy Wonder commanded. "I'll get kid mouth and Bella."

The clone glared at the younger teen. "Don't you give me orders either." he jumped up to Aqaulad's pod and tore off the restrains, the Atlantean saying, "Thank you," afterwards.

Robin jumped on top of KF's pod and unlocked his restraints before unlocking mine. He stopped me before we jumped down.

"What?" I sent him a questioning look.

The Boy Wonder rolled his eyes, mumbling something in annoyance as he reached into his utility belt and pulled out a rubber band. He gathered up my long hair and tied it up into a ponytail. Before I could thank him, the boys had already jumped down.

I bit my lip. Why was he always angry or annoyed with me? I'm pretty sure I never did anything to him.

"You-you'll never get out of here! I'll have you back in pods before morning." the man threatened.

Robin spun around and pulled out a few birdarangs from his belt. "That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all."

"What is it with you and this whelmed thing?" the speedster questioned.

I shrugged. "It's his new word. But you know what I'm not whelmed about: missing the fireworks for staying inside this stupid pod."

Superboy looked back, his eyes softening into an apologetic look. I understood what he meant. I realized how it must've been hard to show emotion when remaining in a pod for most of your life.

I smiled in reassurance. "It wasn't your fault Superboy."

The five of us ran through the hallways of building, racing past the strangely pink walls that still creeped me out.

"We are still 42 levels below ground," Aqualad informed us, "but if we can make the elevator-"

All of use came to a halt at the sight of those large mammoth like creatures from before that almost mushed KF into a pancake.

"Maybe we could go back?" I suggested and turned around. Genomoprhs started coming out of the red fluorescent sacs that were attached to the wall. "Nevermind..."

We turned around just in time to see one of the large genomorphs about to crush us but we moved out of the way. I flew over the creatures, kicking it in the head and it crashed into the walls, making a path for the boys.

Behind us, Superboy was making sure the creatures wouldn't follow us anymore and continued attacking it. When they fell back, they fell into the walls, causing small pieces of rubble starting to fall from the ceiling.

"Superboy!" Aqualad called out. "The goal is escape, not to bury ourselves here."

"You want escape?!" Superboy shouted. He grabbed one of the knocked out genomorphs and threw it into two more that were heading towards us.

He joined up with us before we started running towards the end of the hall. Aqualad pried open the doors. I held out my arm for KF as Robin shot his grappling hook and Superboy held onto Aqualad.

Kid Flash wrapped his arms around me and I flew up onto a ledge and waited on the other three. I noticed the clone jump up but he didn't start flying. "I'm falling."

I looked at Robin who already read my mind and threw a birdarang. Aqualad caught it, holding himself and Superboy up.

"Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" Superboy questioned sadly.

"Don't know, but it looks like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound." Kid Flash pointed out with a grin. "Still cool." The speedster helped him onto the ledge.

"Thank you." the clone said with a small smile.

"Guys!" Robin shouted. "This will have to be our exit!" I looked up to see an elevator rushing down at a very fast speed.

I exchanged looks with Superboy and Aqualad before we all used our strength to kick open the doors and they flew off their hinges, clanking down the hallway. I hastily grabbed the Boy Wonder and pulled him inside, KF following before they were crushed.

Robin looked over at me and I immediately removed my hand. Instead of giving me his own version of the 'Bat glare,' he nodded in thanks. It was the first time he wasn't irritated or angry with me and the almost smile look was something that looked nice on him.

As we looked ahead, we noticed genomorphs quickly rushing towards us and ran in the opposite direction down one of the hallways.

Suddenly Superboy shouted, "Go left!" we followed his instructions, rounding the corner. "Right!" once we turned again, it was the end of the hallway.

"Great directions, Supey!" KF exclaimed sarcastically. "You trying to get us repodded?"

The clone shoke his head, confused. "No. I don't understand."

"Don't apologize. This is perfect!" the Boy Wonder said, oddly happy that we stopped at a dead end.

Robin shot his grappling hook at an air vent above us and pulled it down, the grate dropping onto the ground along with the broken screws.

"Woah, awesome." I commented.

"Ladies first," Kid gestured for me to ahead and I flew up into the vent and waited for the boys to crawl inside.

As we ventured through the vents, KF complained, "At this rate, we'll never get out!"

I rolled my eyes looking back at the speedster. "Do you have a better idea?"

"Shh." Superboy hushed us and we stopped crawling. "Listen."

Farther in the vents, there was faint scratching sounds belonging to probably a dozen genomorphs that were following us through the vents.

"C'mon, we've got to get out of here." I said, finding the nearest air vent and punched it open. I jumped down, the boys following after but Robin told us to stay put before we went any further.

He opened a nearby panel on the wall and pulled out his USB cord, placing it into one the slots. The Boy Wonder started typing away before he proudly said, "I hacked the motion sensors."

"Sweet." Kid Flash remarked with a grin.

"Still plenty of them between us and out." Robin pointed out.

"But I've finally got room to move." KF put on his goggles before dashing out of the room and onto the stairwell. The four of us trailed behind him, trying to keep up as much as possible. I would fly ahead, but I didn't want to leave the boys behind.

I heard genomorphs above us but the speedster easily pushed pass them, making a way for us.

"More behind us!" the Boy Wonder informed us. I looked over at Superboy and we both turned around. I kicked a few off the edge before Superboy stomped on the stairwell and it collapsed, the genomorphs falling with it.

The two of us caught up with the others. I thought we had reached the end so we could escape but the flashing red lights and blaring noise answered my question. We weren't getting out of here anytime soon.

I noticed Kid Flash slam into a wall and fell onto the ground, rubbing his head.

"We're cut off from the street." Aqualad said noticing our exit was blocked off.

"Thanks, my head hadn't noticed." the speedster mumbled sarcastically.

Superboy rushed forward and started punching and hitting the wall, using all of his strength and Aqualad joined in. I tried to get my hands between the doors so I could pry it open but even the strength of a Demigod, Atlantean and clone Kryptonian wasn't enough.

Robin brought up another holographic screen and started typing away on his glove. "Can't hack this fast enough."

Large genomorphs came from another area and started making their way towards us. "This way!" the Boy Wonder said, kicking open a door and rushed into another hallway but it was blocked my even more genomorphs, with Guardian standing in the middle of them. We looked behind us to find a way out, but it was blocked as well.

I found that my retractable blade was still around my waist and I pulled it out, it snapping to place with a swish! The boys prepared their weapons as well.

Suddenly I was hit with a wave of nausea and my eyes were met with darkness once more.

"I'm just gonna go hang these up mom." I told her as I grabbed a few clothes from the pile and hangars to go with. She nodded as she helped a customer with which color jeans look best.

I ranked them in sizes smallest to largest before putting them on the racks. It wasn't an actual store my mom owned and made but she was the manager. She often bought most of my birthday and Christmas gifts from here.

Looking over my shoulder I realized that the costumer she was dealing with was being a little difficult. We weren't leaving anytime soon.

I started looking around the store and I found a rack of sweaters with popular phrases and TV show characters. I picked up a white one that had a picture of a pug on it.

"You would look good in it." I turned around to see a boy around my age with black hair and dark sunglasses. "It compliments your eyes."

I blushed at the sudden compliment. "Thanks." I looked down at the piece of clothing and back to the boy but he wasn't there. I glanced around the store for him but it was like he disappeared out of thin air.

"Skylar!" my mother called out and it brought me out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I placed the sweater back onto the hanger, making it look like I didn't touch it before I made my way back to my mom.

"I choose freedom." I opened my eyes to see Superboy the only one standing alert and awake.

"Feels like a fog... lifting." I glanced over at Guardian that no longer had a genomorph on his shoulder. I stood up, clutching my head that was throbbing with pain but it was slowly starting to fade.

"Guardian?" Aqualad questioned, looking over at the hero.

"Go." he ordered. "I'll deal with Desmond." I guessed Desmond was the head scientist who wanted all of us in pods.

"I think not." a voice came from behind the hero. The genomorphs moved away, clearing a path for the scientist. "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." he drank a strangely colored blue liquid from a test tube then started to twitch and cry out in pain.

Desmond fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and suddenly his skin was ripping apart but more skin that was a grayish blue color underneath. Our eyes widened. The scientist began to grown larger and larger until he almost reached the ceiling. He let out a deep roar and a malicious smile spread across his face.

"Everyone back!" Guardian commanded before he charged at the scientist, only to be swatted away with ease into the wall.

Superboy raced forward and punched the creature in the face, but Desmond hit him back. The clone shoke his head, composing himself and he started throwing punches instantaneously, one after the other until the creature was finally able to hit him and he rolled onto the ground. It didn't stop Superboy though. He jumped up, prepared to fight him again and Desmond jumped up as well and they shot through the ceiling. We rushed forward to the new whole in the building.

"Okay, that's one way to bust through the ceiling." Robin shot his grappling hook up at the hole, Kid Flash grabbing onto his utility belt.

"You think lab coat planned that?" the speedster questioned.

Aqualad shoke his head. "I doubt he is planning anything anymore."

"Need a lift?" I asked the Atlantean with a grin. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me as I flew up into the hole and gently dropped him down onto the ground.

Superboy broke free from Desmond's grasp but the creature brought him back and threw the clone towards us. I was pushed out of the way just in time but Aqualad got hit with Superboy.

I looked up to see my savoir which happened to be the Boy Wonder. This was third time he had saved me today and I had yet to say thank you. But right now, wasn't the time.

We rushed over to help Superboy and Aqualad up before standing up straight in our battle stances. The creature roared and we took that as our sign to attack.

Kid Flash raced forward, sliding underneath Desmond which distracted him. When he turned back around, Superboy and Aqualad punched him in the face and I kicked him, sending him falling backwards where KF tripped him.

He grinned. "Learned that one in kindergarten."

Robin jumped over the redhead, throwing birdarangs at the creature but he rolled out of the way dodging him.

I pulled out my sword once again and charged forward swiping Desmond left and right. He used his hand as a shield, blocking most of my attacks.

Superboy intervened punching him but Desmond hit back and rammed the clone into a pillar, almost causing it to topple done. Aqualad used his water mace to wrap around Desmond's arm and jumped up above Superboy. Before he could attack, Desmond threw him the ground and Superboy into another pillar.

Kid Flash raced forward to the creature and when he jumped him to attack him, Desmond grabbed his arm but Aqualad had his water mace prepared to hit him. Desmond flung the speedster into the Atlantean and they fell to the ground.

Then the creature punched Aquaald through the pillar and the building started to shake. I flew up to Desmond and jabbed my right hook into his jaw sending him into the pillar where Aqualad was resting but he moved out of the way in time.

Desmond growled in rage and grabbed both of my feet, slamming me into the ground. I rolled out of the way before he could stomp on me. Aqualad helped me off the ground as Superboy lunged at the creature, protecting us from getting hit again.

It grabbed the clone's face and was prepared to throw him onto the floor but Kid Flash speed past and grabbed something off the creature.

"Got your nose!" the speedster exclaimed while pointing to it. I shuddered in disgust.

Desmond threw Superboy down in irritation and began to run after Kid Flash. "Superboy, Aqualad, Bellona!" Robin called, bring up a holographic blueprint that showed the weak spots in the building. "This one," he pointed, "and that one."

I nodded before the three of us speed off to take down the rest of the pillars. Superboy knocked one off with his strength, Aqualad finally used his water mace, and I swiped through the stone with my sword, all of the pillars cracking or slipping off to the ground.

Robin drew a large white 'X' in the ground before the Atlantean covered it with water. Kid Flash brought the creature towards the water, used his speed to spread it across the floor.

Just as Desmond reached KF, Superboy jumped up and punched him to the ground onto the water. Aqualad electrocuted the water, causing the creature to roar in pain.

"Move!" Robin ordered as the five of us moved away from the pillars that were about to topple down. All around us, I heard the familiar beeping of Robin's birdarangs before the building began to collapse, Desmond being crush underneath one of large pieces of rock. I felt arms slip around me, protecting me from the falling rubble.

Superboy pushed off a large piece of stone that was covering us and we stood up, breathing in relief.

I noticed the arms around me were the Boy Wonders and we exchanged looks. I moved away from him, trying to cover the blush that appeared on my checks.

"We did it." Aqualad breathed heavily, looking back at us.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Robin asked with a grin. He and Kid gave each other a high five but a cringe worthy crunch was heard that made both of them wince.

"See? The moon." Kid Flash gestured as Superboy turned towards the speedster. I looked at the bright satellite but noticed a figure that was floating towards us. "Oh. And Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?"

Superman, along with Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Captain Marvel and Red Tornado landed on the ground. I turned around to see the rest of the entire League behind us. I locked eyes with my mentor and sent a her sweet and innocent smile but she crossed her arms in response.

Superboy stepped forward towards Superman and brought up his torn short to reveal the familiar symbol they both shared. His eyes widened and the clone sort of smiled at him but Superman was not happy at all. The smile disappeared from his face and replaced with a frown.

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman questioned, looking at the clone.

"He doesn't like being called an it." Kid Flash sing-songed.

"I'm Superman's clone." Superboy confirmed.

Batman narrowed his eyes at us. "Start talking."

After we explained the story to the League a few of them took Desmond from the rubble and captured the unconscious creature. Our mentors were talking to each other as the five of us stood away from them.

Superboy stared at Superman and Martian Manhunter noticed and placed his hand on the man of steel's shoulder. He looked back to the clone but he looked away.

I turned to the Boy Wonder and sighed. "I forget to thank you for getting me out of that pod and y'know saving me from getting crushed and for not letting me bleed out that one time..."

"Finally! It took you that long to say thank you? You know it's only two syllables."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "And just when I think you're not irritating enough."

"But I still saved your life, many times I might add."

"Just- ugh!" I crossed my arms. "Shut up Boy Blunder."

"Ooohh so original~" he teased. "Like I haven't heard that one before."

Before I could punch him to shut up, our mentors walked over to us and they were very unhappy with us.

"Cadmus will be investigated." Batman said. "All fifty-two levels, but let's make one thing clear."

"You should have called!" Flash exclaimed and my mentor nodded in agreement.

Batman continued, "End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

The five of us exchanged looks and we had the same thing in mind. Aqualad shoke his head. "I am sorry, but we will."

"Aqualad, stand down." his mentor ordered.

The Atlantean bowed. "Apologies my King, but no."

"We worked amazingly together." I added. "And we saved Superboy. Besides, you guys would have done the same thing."

Aqualad agreed. "We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to. Together, on our own, we forged something powerful and important."

"If this is about your treatment at the Hall, the four of you-"

Kid Flash interrupted the older speedster, "The five of us," he corrected, "and it's not."

"Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us." Robin said as he stepped forward towards his mentor. "Or why teach us at all?"

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy asked. "It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way."

JULY 8, 08:04 EDT

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League." Batman explained. "We're calling it to service again. Since you five are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League terms. Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary is in charge of training. I will deploy you on missions."

"Real missions?" Robin questioned.

"Yes but covert."

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff." Flash pointed out. "There's a reason we have these big targets on our chests." he pointed to his symbol that was on his chest.

"The Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter." Aquaman said.

Wonder Woman placed her hand on my shoulder. "So Batman needs a team to go on missions that will be sly and sneaky."

Batman nodded in agreement. "The six of you will be that team."

"Cool," Robin's eyebrows suddenly shot up, "wait, six?"

I glanced over at the teleportation tubes where Martain Manhunter and girl, maybe a few years older than I was, stood next to him. She was dressed in her uniform that slightly resembled Manhunter's but more girly.

"This is the Martian Manhunter's niece Miss Martian." Batman informed us.

"Hi," she shyly waved.

"Liking this gig more every minute." I heard Wally mumble to Robin. "I'm Kid Flash. That's Robin, Bellona, Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names." I rolled my eyes.

She chuckled. "I'm honored to be included."

I floated over to her and I smile politely at her. "It's nice to have another girl on the team. I'm Bellona but you can call me Bella." the three boys went over to our new team mate, introducing themselves.

"Hey Superboy!" Robin called over to the clone. "Come meet miss M."

Once he had joined up, Miss Martian smiled up at him. "I like your t-shirt." she giggled as she transformed her shirt to be black and red.

Aqualad grinned as he glanced at Robin, Wally, and I. "Today is the day."