A/N: Yes, it's another series of one-shots again. The time stamp is there to keep it organized.

Okay, my old laptop had issues with charging and its motherboard, so I was using my mom's laptop while it got fixed, but I guess my old laptop isn't going to be fixed, so I had to get another one.

Anyway, this idea came about when I was rereading Twilight, so I can figure out why I hate it. I never got past the first hundred pages.


Time Stamp: 1/23/16

Summary: Blake is staying over at Dean's house. Dean is busy doing something and Blake sort of overreacts over a bag chips.

"Why are you reading Fifty Shades of Grey?" Dean asked, looking at his cousin who was holding the book.

"Aunt Robin gave it to me," Blake said.

"You should know that when my mom hands you a book, you run in the other direction," Dean explained. "Run in the other fucking direction."

Blake ran his hand through his black hair which had dyed purple and red streaks. He looked at Dean, "isn't that what you told me what to do about strangers?"

Dean had to think about it, "I think so. That's what she always told me to do." Blake nodded and went back to reading the book. Dean felt his eye twitch and looked at the streaks, "Valentine's Day colors? Isn't pink supposed to be in there?"

Blake nodded, "I couldn't bring myself to dye pink streaks. Someone might confuse me for a hot girl, again."

Dean had to give Blake a look, "what?"

"Some guy kept flirting with me when you left me in the cat aisle and I had to tell him to stop. He was horrified and apologized because he thought I was a girl," Blake explained.

Dean blinked and nodded, "right. Well, I'm going out back—"

Blake looked up, "for what?"

"I don't know, just outside," Dean said. Blake nodded again as Dean went outside, with his Pomeranian dog Morpheus following after him.

Dean wondered what to do, maybe have a doghouse, or make a garden, or maybe even paint the fences. He wasn't sure what to do and he heard a weird screeching sound. It was a cross between tires squealing and a cat growling.

What the hell was that noise? Dean thought and Morpheus was scratching at the door, wanting back in. Dean opened the door and the dog ran back in. Dean followed after his dog and saw Blake laying on the ground, holding a bag of barbecue chips.

Morpheus was sniffing at Blake, as if he was wondering if his human's 'tiny human' was okay. Dean looked at him, "what the hell happened?"

Blake didn't move from being on the ground. "The chips are stale. What does the world hate me? I've done nothing wrong."

Dean scratched his head and decided to talk a picture of Blake to send to his friends. He went to his room, grabbed his cell phone, and went to the kitchen. Morpheus was pawing at Blake and whining.

Dean took a picture and sent it to his friends with a message.

I was outside when I hear this scream, so I come back inside, and see Blake lying on the floor with the bag of chips. I ask him what happened and he said that the chips are stale and asked why the world hates him because I've done nothing wrong.

He went to Blake, "come on. Get up. I'll buy you a bag of chips." Blake was limp as he laid there, staring off into space. Dean rolled his eyes, "fine. I won't buy you a bag of chips then." He noticed how the teen had the same traumatized look when he saw those Pegasus at the Winter Wonderland.

Dean decided to leave Blake there and got a reply from Seth.

I…your cousin has issues.

Dean replied with, he takes pride in that.

Roman replied with, buy him chips.

Dean replied to Roman's message with, I told him I will, but he's just lying on the ground. He nudged Blake with his foot, who didn't even move. "I will tell your mom." Blake didn't even move. "I guess I will have to burn all of your books now." He went to the living room and picked up the Fifty Shades of Grey book. He looked at it, "starting with this poorly written shit."

Blake finally showed some life, when he took the book back. "Can I get the chips now?"

"No," Dean said. "You had your chance, but you lost it."

Blake looked at the floor, "dang."

Dean shrugged and looked at Blake, who widened his eyes. Blake was giving him the 'bush-baby' stare, which was making Dean a little uncomfortable so he covered Blake's eyes with his hands. He said, "stop it. I'm not buying you chips."

"Dang," Blake replied.

Dean uncovered Blake's eyes, "yeah. Life sucks, it's unfair, and then you end up dying anyway."

Blake looked at him, stunned, "really? I wouldn't have guessed it."

Dean scowled, "you've been hanging around me to much."

Blake shrugged and sat on the couch. "You half raised me."

"Do you still feel guilty over your math teacher getting fired?" Dean asked, looking at the fifteen year old.

"Yeah," Blake said. "I hope she found another job."

Dean nodded, "sure."

A while later, maybe an hour, or two hours later; Blake walked up to Dean, holding the book. "Dean?"

Dean looked at him, "what?"

"Why is Christian Grey such an asshole?" Blake asked and Dean nearly busted out laughing.

"He supposedly had a 'bad past,'" Dean explained. "He went 'hungry' as a four year old, like for three days. His mom was prostitute and I guess drug addict."

Blake looked at the book. "So, he's wallowing over something that happened when he was four?"

"I think he's manipulating her," Dean said. "It's sad and all, but he's just mentioning it a lot. The chick never gave it much thought because he was four and should have gone to therapy and shit."

"So, he's using this to get sympathy? While completely ignoring the real trauma that real people go through?" Blake asked.

"Pretty much," Dean said. "It's insulting really."

"It's abuse and…and…rape," Blake said.

"Yeah. A lot of people hate it and there's people who love it," Dean said.

"She also got BDSM wrong," Blake stated.

"How do you know that?" Dean asked. He remembered the talk that his mom had given him and figured that Blake was right on that.

"People who are into that enjoy and give consent on it," Blake said. "At least, that's what my mom says." He opened the book to a page, "she didn't even sign the contract, yet they're acting as if they're in that type of relationship."

"I know. Please read something better," Dean said.

Blake looked at him, "like what?"

"Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings," Dean stated.

"Sure," Blake said.

A/N: I have no clue why this came to me. It just appeared out of nowhere.

I don't mean to offend people who like the Fifty Shades of Grey series.