"Becs. We need to talk." Chloe approached Beca while she was working on a couple of mixes to send to different people in LA and New York.

The music on Beca's headphones were too loud that Chloe can hear eat while she was walking towards her. Beca was so absorbed in her work that she unintentionally ignored her girlfriend who was now fuming.

"Becs! Can you please stop that? We need to talk!" Chloe said as she took out the headphones from Beca's ears.

"Jeez, Chlo. Chill. I'm sorry, okay? What were you telling me?" Beca asked apologetically.

"I said, we need to talk." Chloe said seriously.

"Oh, okay. About what?"

"US." Chloe looked at Beca sadly. From that moment, Beca knew what was going to happen.

Beca and Chloe have been dating for a year. Chloe was a Senior, and Beca was a Junior in Barden University. Beca was already bracing herself a few months ago when she learned that Chloe was finally going to graduate. Chloe graduating from College could imply that Chloe's leaving Barden and her for good.

"Beca?" Chloe asked worriedly.

Beca immediately snapped out of her thoughts and stared back at Chloe. "Okay Chlo. Sure. Let's talk about US. Where should we begin?" Beca's voice showed a little anger but Chloe tried to shrug it off, thinking that it was already time for her to talk to Beca since Graduation is just around the corner.

"Okay. I applied for Medical School in California. I GOT IN, BECS!" Chloe exclaimed.

Beca knew from the start that Chloe could get in. Chloe was pretty and smart, she'd really be admitted to the program. "Really? Congratulations Chlo!" Beca replied.

There was a little bit of dead air between both when Beca decided to speak up, "So, where will that leave us?"

Chloe was shocked to hear what Beca said. She was trying to talk to Beca and she told herself that she would do it gently and slowly.


"No, Chloe. We're already headed for that path, right? You're graduating next week, then after that, you'll go to Cali to work everything out for Med School. And I'll be here. Just here. So, don't think that I do not know what's going to happen because I have prepared for this. And I told myself a lot of times that our relationship won't lead us to where we are now. I guess, I have no choice but to face it." Beca looked at Chloe with teary eyes.

Chloe was speechless for a moment, but then she closed her eyes and tried to convince herself that this is what she's supposed to do. It was for her and for Beca. It was for the best.

"Becs. I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I know you begged me a lot of times, I know that you told me you can handle long disstance relationships, but you see, Med School will take a lot of my time, and I can't promise you that I'll always be there when you call via Skype. I'm sorry because I am just not that type of person, you know? But I love you. I will always love you, and doing this now, really hurts me but I just made a choice."

Beca looked at Chloe for a long time. Chloe can almost feel Beca's intense stare piercing through her. "You made a choice? Yes, and you're making the wrong one, Chloe. I don't wanna break up because I am very willing to sacrifice for you. You can go to Med School, I'll graduate, then maybe build my career in Cali instead of La or New York. All that Chloe, for you."

Chloe was sobbing upon hearing Beca's words. Chloe wanted to say yes but she already thought of what was proper.

"I'm sorry, Beca. I don't want you to waste your time here being stuck up on me since I'll be far away from you. I'm leaving, and that's final. This is my dream, Becs. Go chase your own too. I won't hold you back." Chloe hugged Beca tighter than ever and she kissed Beca hard on her lips.

Beca knew that was the last kiss she'll ever get from Chloe, and she didn't hold herself back. She gave in to the kiss knowing that no matter how times she would beg, Chloe won't change her mind.

"Chlo, promise me that you'll write. Promise me that you'll call whenever you're free. Promise me that you'd visit. Please, please, promise me that you'll still be with me, and that even though we're not together anymore after this, you'll never forget me. Or rather, us."

"I promise, Becs. I promise." Chloe assured Beca, and Beca was convinced. After letting Chloe go, she knew that her life won't be the same anymore.

After their moments of crying and cuddling for the last time, it was Chloe's time to go. Beca was still caught up in their moment, refusing to believe that once Chloe walks out of her dorm room, they're officially over.

Chloe stood by Beca's door, just staring at Beca. She looked around the room, trying to memorize what's she's going to leave behind. And with one final hug and kiss, she closed Beca's door, leaving Beca brokenhearted more than ever.