A/N; Hey I am sorry about yet again posting another story on my already heavy workload. So I have decided to discontinue.

Adeline Evans

The Destined Three


One Second

Fates Awakening

The First Huntress

Love Thy Darkness

Changing History

The Fifth Horseman

New Direction

And, It's Too Late Too Apologize

Or there will just be super slow updates, and I am sorry about that. But, to make up for it for the ones that read Abraxas Vladimir Dracula and Perseus Jackson God of the Fallen I will be posting a new chapter either today or tomorrow at best. And the reason I have decided to post this is that I had an inspiration, and again I'm sorry for another story on my heavy workload. And, I'm also sorry if I have discontinued a story that you liked. Again sorry.

- ShakespearePoet101


Everyone in the Wizarding World knew the story of the Boy-Who-Lived. How his parents had sacrificed their lives to protect his. How his mother Lily shielded young Harry from Voldemort's wrath. Which in turn had caused her own death. And, when the cold lifeless body of the late Lily Potter nee Evans fell to the floor. Voldemort with his snake like Scarlett red eyes turned his sights on the young one year old boy.

The young weeping boy had stared at his mother's body, not understanding why she wasn't getting up. Like when they were playing that game where she disappeared and reappeared. He didn't understand why the man with the red eyes was staring at him with such hate and disgust. He didn't understand why his father wasn't protecting him or why the man was starting to extend his arm. Which held what looked like a stick.

He didn't know why a green light shot out of the what the man was holding and why when it struck him, it burned like nothing he ever felt before. Or why the man's high laugh turned into a scream of utter agony. He didn't know what happened because he saw nothing else but darkness. Yes, everyone knew that story of the Boy-Who-Lived but no one knew that there was another occupant in the room that fateful night.

No no one knew that one other person was also struck by the Killing Curse, and had also survived. They didn't know about Rosalie Juliet Potter, twin sister of Harold James Potter. Of course, only a select few people new about the infamous twin of the Potters. Those being Albus Dumbledore and Amelia Bones, and of course when Rosalie couldn't be found, they searched high and low. Searching everywhere for the lost Potter, for years.

But, she could never be found. Dumbledore and Amelia suspected she died along with the rest of the Potter Family. But, decided not to announce it keeping James and Lily's secret safe with them. It hurt the two to see young Harry grow up without Rosalie. So peacefully unaware of the fact that his twin was missing. Albus suspected that Harry had no recollection of his twin. Which was understandable, and he decided not to tell Harry about his sister's death until the time was right.

Of course, none of them were aware on how close Rosalie actually was. Or how close they would have been to finding her if they would have kept looking. But, now as the years began to pass, the trail started to diminish of the lost Potter. The trail soon became as nonexistent as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famous character Sherlock Holmes.

So as the years grew on both Harry and Rosalie learned different things different ways. But, even as they grew different in many aspects one thing still connected them. And, that was the Lightning Bolt shaped scar on the right side of Harry's forehead and on the left of Rosalie's.

But, both didn't know that their world would forever be changed, by a chance encounter with one another. And, that it would affect the Wizarding World forever. And, possibly the outcome of the war to come.

A/N; I hope you liked it and this really was just a starting point to see if you would like me to continue. Again like before I am sorry about discontinuing some of my stories. But, my promise still stands.

I love all of you guys and I hope you can forgive me.

- ShakespearePoet101