Jack's birthday, April 7, 2015

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Letting out a sigh of relief, Jack made his way to his motorcycle. Or better known as Arcee.

Straddling the seat, he got ready to start the engine. It's all part of the act to keep questions from being asked.

the key was in the ignition, but before he could start it, a voice drew him out of his thoughts.

"hi, Jack!" Sierra said. Blue-grey eyes snapped up to the silhouette standing in front of him.

"Oh, hey Sierra!" the raven haired teen replied,

She leaned over the handle bars of the bike, almost coming nose-to-nose with Jack, if he hadn't leaned back, they would have.

"Are ah…you okay Sierra? I mean your acting kind of weird." he asked, wondering what the red headed cheer-captain was up to.

Seconds went by in what felt like minutes. Jack broke the stare with a snap of his fingers, realizing she was staring, she shook her head of the thoughts she was just having, but thought slipped from her mouth that she couldn't stop, "I never realized how pretty your eyes were 'till now…" and before she could stop herself, "pretty eyes for a handsome guy"

He gave her a questioning look, "…what? Do you mean that or are you pulling my leg?" Jack almost regretted saying that, but the cheer-captain, dating a loser, yeah right, he'd probably win the lottery before that happens. The answer she gave, however, stop his thoughts.

"with it being your birthday today, I was wondering if you were busy at say 5:00 tonight?" she asked rubbing her arm awkwardly.

An awkward silence fell among the two, only to be broken by Jacks phone ringing.

Jack let out a growl.


"Hey, Jack!" John's (the manager of KO Burger) voice came.

Great Jack thought, "let me guess, someone called in sick?" frustration covered his voice.

"how did you know?"

"Because it's the only reason you'd call me on an off day."

"true! So can you come in and cover for a couple hours?" his boss was real lenient.

"Two questions: first, do you need me badly? And second; how many is a 'couple of hours?'" Jack asked his boss.

"not necessarily to your first question, and till six for your second"

"while I would like to help you out, my girlfriend, mother and I as well as a few other friends of mine were going to eat somewhere at 5 and probably go over to my house for cake and ice cream afterwards."

Sierra narrowed her eyes. Girlfriend!? Me or someone else?

"okay! Thank you for being honest, be safe, and happy birthday Jack." John said

"talk you later john." Jack said as hung up the phone.

He pocketed his phone. With a smile, he looked at Sierra and said "get on"

I guess that means I'm his girlfriend. She smiled as she straddled the crouch rocket with her now, proud to call, boyfriend.

Hello everyone. this is my first fanfic chapter story It might be three or more chapters depending on what ya'll think.

In the next chapter, I have plans on sierra meeting arachnid, that should be fun.

but anyway, thank you for reading and I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can. College, gotta love it. let me know what you thought below.

ps. The plot line is the only thing I own.