Jay knew that he should most definitely still be in the hospital. But he couldn't let this situation escalate. The entire time he'd been in the hospital he'd only caught one glimpse of Mouse. And he wasn't even sure about that. He'd woken up to someone holding his hand but he'd been foggy from the pain meds. By the time he'd opened his eyes all he'd seen was a figure leaving the room.

It wasn't right. Every single time that he'd gotten injured on the job Mouse had been there. He couldn't think of a reason why it would be different this time. Unless unlike all the other times this time the memories had been too much. Which meant that Jay definitely needed to be there. No matter how injured he was he would not let Mouse go through this alone.

What Jay found at Mouse's apartment was enough to truly terrify him. The normally pristine apartment looked like a tornado had gone through it. And Mouse was curled up in ball staring blankly at nothing. He hadn't reacted at all to the threat of an intruder. As Jay got closer he realized Mouse was clutching something in his hands so tightly they were turning white. It was Jay's jacket.

"Oh Buddy." Jay sighed sadly. Mouse looked up at that. His eyes were red and puffy. It shouldn't have been possible for Jay to move that fast given his injuries but he did. He wrapped Mouse up in a hug. "I've got you Buddy."

Mouse let go of Jay's jacket and grabbed his friend. He was shaking. "I almost lost you. You almost died. I couldn't find you. I did everything I could but I couldn't find you. I couldn't save you."

"That wasn't your job." Jay couldn't believe Mouse was blaming himself. Then again he could. He doesn't know what to say. All he could think of is meaningless platitudes.

"I can't lose you." Mouse seemed utterly desperate. "You're all I have. I can't lose you."

Jay reached out cupping Mouse's cheek. "Greg…" His thumb moved back and and forth slowly. "I'll always do everything I can to try and come back. I promise."

Later Jay would be unable to name any one thing that made him do it. All he would be able to say was that it felt completely right to lower his head and gently kiss his friend. It was a perfectly chaste kiss. But Jay knew that something had changed. You're all I have.

As the seconds passed Mouse didn't respond and Jay began to worry that he'd screwed things up. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Mouse. Then Mouse began to kiss back. Timidly at first then gradually gaining more confidence.

Jay couldn't remember the last time he'd kissed someone like this. The slow, gentle exploration that came from just wanting to feel. He let Mouse take the lead but made sure he knew that Jay wanted this too.

Eventually they stopped kissing. Jay wondered if Mouse had looked at him like that before. It seems impossible that he could have missed the complete adoration that he sees so clearly now. He can only hope that he's showing his own feelings as clearly.

"Jay?" Mouse asked softly. He wanted this. Of course he wanted this. But he didn't know what to do. He hadn't been with anyone in such a long time. Jay smiled and Mouse's fear melted away. Jay had him. Whatever happened next he was sure of that.

"This is good for now." Jay informed his boyfriend. Boyfriend? That didn't sound right. They were so much more than that. Lover wasn't quite right either. Partner. That was it. Someone who would always have his back. Who'd always be there to offer support. Mouse was his partner. "We have all the time in the world."

Mouse's eyes widened and he blushed. Wow. He'd heard Jay talk like that before. Voice full of heat and promise. But it had never been directed at him before. It sent a thrill through him. It felt like he'd been waiting for this forever and for maybe the first time since he'd left the army he wasn't afraid of the unknown. "Together."

"Together." Jay promised. Just like it should be.