Disclaimer: Not Me!

Hey long time no see! This is Masens story! I decided to post it as a new story! I would advise you read Unnamed Inspiration before reading this one. The Outtake chapters are this story. I have chapters 1-5 completed. please R&R! let me know what you think! I hope my readers follow me over to this story!

If you have read this story over on UI then you can start at chapter 4.

This story is unbeta'd so please excuse any and all mistakes they are all mine!

Thanks Everyone! Enjoy!

Chapter 1


I think I can hear voices, I mean I know I hear voices, not like I'm crazy or anything. It's more like I am in shock. I know that one voice is Masen's, deep with a husky chuckle but the other voice is the one I am concern about.

I think it's Zafrina, Carlie's new friend. It should be MaKenna, I mean MaKenna is his long term girlfriend. I wish with all of heart that it was MaKenna giggling to whatever my dumbass son was saying.

I placed my ear to the door but then they got quite and I realized time was not on my side. I thought a text message would be best but what should it say? "-Masen, I am here and I know you are in there and not alone or with who I think you should be with." Or "-Get dressed and come out now!" all Dad like. I wanted to say something highly inappropriate like "-I don't know how you did this but hurry up so I can ask you about it! Lol"...Not very Dad like at all!

I went with "-Hey Mase, tell Zafrina to go home and come out please."

After I hit send, It sounded like a bit of panic went on before he popped his head out of the door "Hey Dad! How long have been out here?" He stalled, I side eyed him as I pushed pass him into his room. I should've just waited outside the door for her to come out. Since, as soon as I walked around Mase all I could was Zafina's very round, smooth, olive colored ass in only a thong bent over looking for something under his bed.

"Zaf…" I couldn't look away; Masen nudged me before I could've gotten caught.

"Z, get up! My Dad is in here now!" She jumped up in surprise and tried to cover herself as I diverted my eyes.

"Ok, I'll give you guys a few minutes but you have to leave Zafrina." I turned to Masen "Leave this door open and you have five minutes"

I stayed close choosing to wait in the hallway restroom with the door open so I could hear what was being said.

"NO! Fuck you Masen! I am tired of being your little side piece!" She yelled at him, I must have missed whatever he'd said you make her go off.

"I never wanted this and you know that! You knew that when you started this! I love MaKenna! I can't do this anymore Z!" He was begging her to understand but she wasn't having any of that!

"But you were "doing" this just fine before your Dad got here and you damn sure weren't "loving" MaKenna then either! No, you were balls deep in MY ass!"

"Zafrina! Get the fuck out! Please, I am begging you to please leave me alone! "

"Oh, I will leave you alone alright, and I will be all up and through MaKenna and Kebi's Facebook inbox putting your dog ass on blast!"

"Please, why do you want to hurt her? She hasn't done anything to you; I am the one who is sorry! Never mind, I'll text you after I talk to my Dad, I am sure he can hear us!" He knew me well, I thought I knew him but this whole incident is crazy for him!

She stormed pass the bathroom door without a side glance at me.

I stood up in shock at the situation; it was out of the norm for him. Masen had always been everything I wanted for him to be. He was still the splitting image of me, Tall same average build. On his head he wore a brighter, yet coppery orange hair color that was almost shoulder length. He was a Senior now and still the Social Moth, as you can see the ladies man but up until today I believed him to be loyal.

He was an athlete! When he was in middle school I had in him every sport in every season possible but in his freshman year of high school he told he wanted to play Lacrosse. He tried out and not only did he get on the varsity team, he was a started. He took his high school to the top all four years of high school, winning MVP each year.

All while remaining on Honor roll and taking AP classes. I don't know how he kept up with all the stuff he had to do.

To say I am proud would be an understatement. With all his hard work he earned a partial athletic scholarship to Dartmouth, which is unheard of. Ivy League schools do not offer athletic scholarships for Lacrosse!

I stood in his doorway and watched his lanky frame hunched over with his head in his hands. I sat next to him with a heavy sigh. But he then popped up and started pacing back and forth still only in his underwear.

"Dad, I don't know what to do here! I want to be with MaKenna! I love MaKenna, I fucking Hate Zafrina! Ugh!" He stopped and pulled at his hair with red eyes as he fought with his emotions.

"What the fuck is even going on here, Mase. Start at the beginning because I am so confused. When did you and MaKenna Break up?"

"We… I… She, Ahh." He took a deep breath and tried to start over. "Do you remember when the girls had that big sleep over like two months ago?" I nodded. "Well, Ant and I were busting their chomps you know because that is kind of our job. I was joking about how none of their boobs had come in yet! Zafrina made a comment under her breath about how she would like to show me to Becca. I was taken back but I laughed it off."

He stopped in front of me; face tormented "I woke up that night to the craziest blow job I've ever gotten Dad! Seriously, I've never experienced anything like what she doing." My chuckle made him groan. I couldn't help it. I felt bad for the boy; also I'm sure his experience with Zafrina wasn't as big of a deal as he was making it out to be. I remember being 17 and every blow job was the best one.

"I have been trying to break it off ever since that night but she keeps threatening to tell MaKenna. I can't hurt her like this! I love her so much; I can't believe this is happening." There were actual tears in his eyes as he took multiple deep breaths to control his emotions.

"Mase, I don't know what to tell you man. My only advice would be to take back your power. Be honest with MaKenna before anyone can tell her anything about her relationship. Give her a chance to make her own choice about you. Then give her space. Man up and deal with consequences of your actions because regardless of how this all started you kept it up for months now. Why? One mistake is one thing but two months?" I shook my head.

"I know Dad! You are right! I tried but every time I would break it off she would either threaten me or do something even dirtier. Dad, she does ass sex, like she likes it! I have never done anal and now I don't think I could even ask MaKenna for it! But it's all I can think about when Z is around. She has ruined me!"

Just then we heard the door bang down stairs." Edward?" Bella yelled for me and I then remembered why I was home in the middle of the day in the first place.

"In Masen's room." I yelled back.

"Wha… Why? You want to do it in there, but it smells like feet!" she yelled back as I laughed. The whole reason we were home in the middle of the day was for some afternoon delight. "What are you doing home?" She said to Masen as she entered the room. She took in his face "What's wrong?" she rushed him as he backed away from her.

"Mom, I can't." He plead with me with his eyes but I just shook my head. He had to deal with this like a man. I couldn't and I wouldn't save him from the wrath of the women in his life! I knew Carlie is going to tear him a new when she finds out.

"Masen, What is going on? You can tell me…"

"Ahh, I umm, I am so sorry Mom. I fucked, I mean I messed up! I made a big mistake. I cheated on MaKenna." He spoke with his head hung. "I fucked up and now I am going to lose her." He sniffled.

"What the hell?" She whispered and sat next to me on his bed. She glazed up with anger in her eyes at his boxer-clad body and she sank. "I am not going you kick you while you're down." She stood up getting as close as her small frame would let her get to his face "But I really do want to kick you!" she said as she walked out of his room.

We went into our room and Bella sat on the bed with her head hanging. I sat down next to her with a heavy sigh.

Although I am disappointed in Masen at the moment I cannot hold his actions against him. He's a dumb kid and I know how easy pretty and willing girls can sway them. Bella on the other hand has felt the hurt of being cheated on in a different way than I have.

I can let go what she had done to me because in the end I got the girl, I got Bella and her mistake with some asshole 13 years ago doesn't even sting anymore.

Bella was left to raise our daughter on her own for a long time before I came along. Jacob would pop in and out as he pleased and he messed with her head in the process.

"I think I want to punch my son" she looked at me in to my eyes as I waved my hand for her to proceed as she felt fit. He should get used to it if he is going to continue to treat his women like this.

Then I spoke up for my poor manipulated son. "I think he feels really bad, he looks so defeated! He really does love MaKenna."

"If he really loved her he wouldn't have done what he has would he?"

"It's not that cut in dry. First he is 17, and some women are succubae. Second, She got into his head and if anybody can sympathize with that I thought it would be you."

She just shook her head; I am unsure if was in disagreement or if she was just shaking her head at it all. Just then there was a knock on the door frame.

I looked up to see a red faced Masen, now wearing a pair of gym shorts, a "retro" ninja turtle t-shirt and one of those large knitted hats. "Ahh, I'm headed out to pick up Kenna from school." He spoke to the carpet.

"Alright Mase, it'll be ok. Just be honest and accept whatever happens like a man." He nodded and walked away.

I turned back to Bella to find her staring at the empty doorway. "So..."I leaned in close to her ear. "Can we do what we came home to do?" I whispered.

She smirked at me and it went straight to my dick. I still and will always want her. After all these years we both have changed in many ways. Weight has fluctuated, good and bad haircuts and colors, and she is still beautiful! My personal Scarlet Johansson!

"You still want to have sex after catching your son cheating on his girlfriend?"

"I don't see a correlation between the two. We came home for sex...I want to have sex with my wife... Why would I even think about my dumb kid and my daughters slutty friend? The only part I'm thinking of was the fact that she taking it up the ass and you barley let me put my finger in there!" I joked as I nipped at her neck.

"Eww that little girl is going to have incontinence by the time she is twenty." She looked disgusted as I laughed my ass off. If we don't have sex I am going to kick my son's ass myself. It's the only reason I left the store early and had to endure then smug look on Seth's knowing face.

"Come on baby please?" She stood in front of me and let me massage her hips and ass. She let me kiss and lick my way up her neck but as soon as her hands reached my hair we heard the door slam down stairs! Ugh fuck my life!

As we heard the stomping most likely of Carlie coming up the stairs she pulled away to check her phone for the time. It was still too early for her to be out of school.

"Why are you here?" I groaned as she approached.

"Eww were you guys about to do it? Never mind I don't want to know! I'm home because I started my "period" and got out of gym early." She ignored me with a smile.

She was beautiful! All my girls were. Renee and Carlie both somehow ended up looking like carbon copies of Bella. People often think Renee and Carlie were the twins. The only difference was that Renee had my green eyes.

They were so alike, when the twins were babies I just knew Renee was going to bossy thing, but once it was time to go to school she closed right up. She, well all three of them, were closed books and the only way to open it was to earn their trust.

Surprisingly all four of the kids were doing well in school. They all got their brains from Bella. So since Masen and Carlie both have their licenses we got them both cars from the auction as an incentive to stay on the good side of the force.

Carlie got a orange 2003 Dodge Neon and Masen got a red 2007 Ford F-250. Yes, A pick up just like his grandpa Charlie suggested.

Her phone went off as she was explaining that she lied because they were doing Volleyball in gym and she knew she wouldn't make it through the class. She checked it and sucked in a sharp breath.

"What did he do? Urg!" She grumbled at the phone then swiftly ran down to her room.

"Well this is going to get messy, really fast!" Bella spoke looking at the door Carlie had just left out of." I just don't understand these kids! MaKenna is a beautiful, caring, sweet girl! Why on earth would my Masen, my baby, do this to this girl?"

"Bella, I don't think you understand how easy it is to manipulate a 17 year old boy, especially when she is giving up sex, and doing things his sweet respectful girlfriends aren't doing."

She just made a face and shook her head. She left go back to her restaurant. Yes, it took a long time but I finally convinced her to go to school and then to open her own restaurant. The Sliver Moon was a family restaurant that served comfort food. We were so happy that it is a success.

I went back to the store. That I now co-owned with Seth. I took a three year managerial leave after the twins were born to help around the house. He stepped up and once he got his masters in Music Composition and Music Education I offered him half ownership of the store. It was as much his as mine by that point and it gave me the opportunity to parent the way I wanted.

When I got back home shit had hit the proverbial fan! I knew it was going to be bad when I pulled into my drive way and saw that not only both the kids cars were there but so was a unfamiliar Jeep parked on the street.

I walked into my home to find Masen and some other kid standing face to face and nose to nose. Bella, MaKenna, Renee, Carlie and Antony were all holding him back by his shoulders and arms .While Zafrina and someone I didn't know were pulling the other guy back.

Everyone was yelling!

"What the fuck is going on here?" I was also yelling, but my door slamming and all around louder deeper voice caused everyone to shut up.

Bella came over to me as I approached them. "Edward, this is Diego, Zafrina's Brother." She pointed to the young man who was about to get his shit pushed in by my son. "and this is their older cousin Raoul."

I nodded in understanding but kept my posture one of 'not fucking playing' Bella sighed heavily and finished speaking. "Okay, well Zafrina told her brother of the recent events and Diego got very…ah…upset. Raoul was called after Diego made some threats by Zafrina to defuse the situation. As you can see that did not work."

"So, Z Texted me to tell me that her brother was going ape and I told Masen he said and I quote "Let that mother fucker come over here and he going to learn a lesson about trying to save hoes, that will last him a life time." I then told Mom because I didn't want Masen to do ANOTHER thing that he will regret but it was all too late because just as I was about tell her they came to the door." Carlie spilled it all in one breath.

"So first this bitch uses my sister then He calls her a Hoe. I am going to fuck you Cullen!"

"Ha! I been standing here Mother Fucker come get me!" They went back after each other but I pulled them apart and stood between them.

"I respect your heart man but you need to have a conversation with your sister. And that conversation needs to happen out of my fucking house. I am only asking this once before you learn about my Second Amendment rights."

Their eyes widened but they quickly got it together enough to talk shit to MaKenna and Mase as they left. Masen's responses weren't any better and I am sure he is going get shit later for bring up the whole ass sex thing in front of MaKenna.

Once everything was settled and Mase had left to take MaKenna home. Carlie and Renee went to pick up a Pizza for dinner. Anthony and I were sitting on the Kitchen talking.

"Dad, Why would Masen want to have butt sex? I don't get it. I thought that was for like gay people." I wish someone could see how big my eyes got at my thirteen year olds question.

"Ahh, Man, I'm not sure if Masen wanted to before she offered it but regardless. Straight people have that kind of sex also. He shouldn't be having any sex, let alone cheating on his girlfriend to have butt sex ." As I finished my statement I felt Bella pinch my on my side. I guess that wasn't the correct way to answer that question.

"Go up to your room Bud. I'll call you down when the food gets here." He left looking just as confused as when we sat down.

"So, I see MaKenna and Masen are talking it out?" I questioned. I don't understand why she was there for him after all the drama he'd caused.

"Yea, They were talking before Carlie come in with the drama, but from what I heard he if just gives her time and space they might be able to work it out." She responded

"So this is our lives with Teenagers? But luckily Masen and Carlie are on the way out."

"Yay! One set down one more to go!"