This is just a prologue of sorts.

Words: 993

Release date: January 25, 2016

I do not own anything.

A very long time ago when the world was younger, humans lived grouped together in villages. Often these villages made use of a village priest to foretell how things would go in the village for the next year; to tell of harvests and if the gods would smile favorably on them this year. Everyone respected the village priest; even though looking back their fortune telling was often misinterpreted or simply wrong. They couldn't see the future better than the next villager beside them.

But in one single village there was a girl born that could see the future.

Ever since she was young she would see visions of things that happened. She'd see times of calamity and times of peace. She knew when the village would be attacked and she could tell sometimes when someone would die.

By the time she had reached the age of seventeen winters; many other village elders flocked to her for wisdom. She was known far and wide across the land as a great prophet and many brought her gifts and even suitors began to show up on her doorstep in an attempt to win her hand in marriage. They believed having a seer for a wife would bring them great fortune.

One such suitor sparked her interest. No one knew him exactly but he brought bountiful gifts and beautiful clothes of silk. Rings of gold and spices of magnitude were freely given. He even provided for her family; oxen to help plow their fields and clothes for her younger sisters. The gentleman often would help her father out in the fields or send his own men over to help; he was kind and generous to those who needed it. And in the end it was his devotion to her family that won her hand.

But on the night of their wedding a local god who had grown jealous of the girl's fame stole her away. He'd grown angry that she'd turned him down when he'd tried to shower her with gifts to try and win his hand for his to make himself that much better of a god. For the local gods fought often over who had the best wives or the greatest accomplishments and he'd deemed that having a seer for a wife would have gained him much to be proud of.

He slain her newlywed husband and carried her off to the heavens to be his wife for all eternity. The god made her eternal so that she could serve him always; telling him stories of the future to entertain him as the years grew by.

There wasn't very much of Hiei in his son's face.

His hair was much like Hiei's; it defied gravity at every turn. The same black color with the same blue undertones at the tips and even the white star burst was exactly identical. If you seen the child from the behind it was very much obvious who had fathered him. No one could even attempt to question his parentage (and there was many that tried) once you seen his hair. Hiei at least admitted that to himself.

But the rest of him was a different story.

The first thing that people tended to notice was his face was softer; less angles, no scowl permanently etched on his face. The nose was the same as his father's, as was the lips. But unlike Hiei the face was a happy face. He often ran through the temple grinning from ear to ear; yelling for who ever he was looking for. No subtle entries or hiding, just a very loud entry and sometimes and door being slammed open. Much like his father he had no patience for anything, but that fact that when he wanted something he wanted it right then and there. There was no waiting patiently or asking, but a simple demand and a yell when the answer was a no. For only being three he was tall for his age; which astounded most people considering that his father had been shorter for most of his life until he'd hit enough of a grown spurt to slighter shorter than Yusuke. Where Hiei was quiet, his son was loud. Where the father was permanently serious and closed off; the son was rambunctious and loved everyone he met.

Hiei often found himself lost in his son's eyes, marveling at how such a happy child was half of him. That such a child that was so completely different was his; but it also made him happy to make sure his son had a much happier life than he had led. The fire demon made the choice that his son would want for nothing and never denied him much, except for when he was truly being a brat. His want to be a good father to the child was strong.

But the biggest difference that everyone noticed right away and most people couldn't even get past was that instead of having Hiei's glowing cherry red eyes that he had the most silver of eyes. They were big and open and so silver that most people when first introduced to him would be cut short by the color. When the child had first been born into this world his eyes had been the first thing anyone had noticed. They were easily the dominant feature in his face, but made him quite the beautiful child.

It had at first been quite a shock to see her eyes in his son's face, but as time went on the demon had decided that it made him happy. Happy to have some small part features of her permanently lodged into their son. Their son's features more favored Hiei, but all the demon could see was her all over his face. And most people agreed.

It was a comforting thought that maybe she was still watching and seeing for all of them through those big silver eyes of their son's.

Well it's been so very long since I've written anything that I hope that this isn't too horrible! I'm so worried it will be! Please anyone tell me of any mistakes that I have made since this is very unedited! Big thanks to Graphospasm for well giving me a push and my friend for helping me pick out names!

Well please tell me how you all like it. I'm going to probably post another chapter soon, but after that I really will probably do weekly updates so I don't burn myself out with this fic. Have a great day!