N/B: Finally I updated. I started a new job and unfortunately real life is more important. Enjoy XX

Warning: Remember this is an M-rated story so there are adult themes in here. Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling and I do not own Harry Potter. I am not making money from this story, it is purely for entertainment.

Chapter Four:

There was an icy wind that welcomed the end of September, a breeze that was kissed with the cold bite of early autumn. The scent of the wind and the rain and the familiar green of the forbidden forest stripped into nakedness with each leaf that fell, left Harry feeling bereft. Shaking off the deep bone cold, Harry pulled his robe tighter and set off towards the castle again. The sound of shouting that carried through the still air barely registered, as early morning risers yelled to each other across the front lawn. He had wandered too far in his early morning exploration, waking before dawn in a pool of his own sweat, his voice hoarse from his silent screams. The nightmare had come again that night. He should have expected it, and yet every night for six nights Harry had been pulled into the bloody ruins of his own mind with such a speed that he had no chance to fight it. What he saw had made him freeze, unable to move or hear anything but his own jagged breath. Snape lay before him as he had that night so long ago, and yet the scene seemed so much more horrific than it had previously. He was surrounded by a deep, deep red. Everywhere he looked there was blood, more blood than he had ever seen. Harry had wanted to close his eyes to it all but the dream forced them open, his pulse pounding beat after beat in the back of his throat as he watched helplessly as Snape's life drained away. It was then that Harry would wake, feeling as if the air itself was suffocating him.

Blinking away the remains of his sleep, Harry had stumbled from the castle in search of much needed air. He wasn't sure why he was suddenly dreaming of that night after so long but it felt like he was somehow running out of time. For what, Harry wasn't sure. And yet every morning he woke with a feeling a cold dread in the pit of his chest, keeping him from his much desired peace. It was exhausting. Shoulders hunched against the rising chill, Harry took the long familiar path around the lake, staring across the still waters that seemed to glisten like a thousand diamonds beneath the autumn sun. There wasn't a soul this far into the grounds, most students favouring the warmth of the great hall for breakfast or still in their bed, clinging to the last few moments of sleep before they would have to join the world again. All except one.

Despite the distance, Harry didn't even need to squint to recognise the slumped form of Draco Malfoy, his pale hair as familiar to him as his arrogance. And yet, as Harry moved closer, there was no trace of superiority in the hunched lines of his back, no haughtiness in the curves of his face. He looked defeated and for a moment, Harry forgot about their uneasy past and felt nothing but sympathy. He was more like a brother in arms that had lost his way, than an enemy. Staring at the broken figure, Harry knew now was the time to act. He would try fulfil his vow to Snape and offer his friendship to the blonde, welcome or not. Taking a deep breath, Harry moved forward, shoulders straight and determined for the difficult conversation that was sure to come. As he approached, Malfoy didn't lift his head and yet the tensing of his shoulders told Harry he was aware of his presence. Harry sat on the fallen log next to the blonde and said nothing, an almost companionable silence falling over them as they stared out over the water.

"Snape sent you, didn't he?" Malfoy broke the still, his voice uncharacteristically soft.

"He mentioned you might need someone to talk to." Harry responded diplomatically. Malfoy snorted.

"And he thought you were the person for the job?"

Harry frowned. "If you think about it, it makes sense."

That silenced the other man, his shoulders slumping forward in acquiesce and yet his long, pale fingers were still locked together, his knuckles turning white with tension.

"I don't need your help, Potter." Malfoy continued after a minute, his head finally turning towards Harry. His swollen, blood shot eyes shocking against the dark circles under his eyes; testament to his uneven sleeping patterns. "Whatever Snape's asked of you, consider yourself off the hook."

Harry turned away to look over the lake again, and pondered another tactic. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry about Crabbe. I know he was your friend."

Malfoy shook his head minutely, a look of annoyance crossing his face. "Bloody fool. I don't know what he was thinking, he could barely stun never mind control fiendfyre. He nearly killed us all. He was a kid playing war, he didn't realise what he was doing. None of us did."

Malfoy paused, scrubbing a hand over his face. The words were obviously causing the man great pain and yet it seemed as if he had never truly voiced them to anyone. It was almost cathartic to watch. He couldn't help but remember the confrontation with Snape months earlier when Harry himself had voiced his true feelings under the penetrating stare of the older man. It was as if a weight had been lifted from him, admitting that he was as lost as everyone else. The recollection of Snape's hand in his came uninvited to the forefront of his mind and he shifted uncomfortably as his cock grew hard and heavy in his trousers at the mere memory of the man. Feeling embarrassed and somewhat guilty for his waning attention, Harry turned back to his companion, relieved when it appeared that Malfoy seemed unaware of his growing discomfort.

"You saved my life."

Harry blinked at the sudden change of direction. "You saved mine."

"No, it was different." Malfoy said almost angrily. "You could have left me there. You came back even after everything I've done to you. After everything I've done…."

He stopped suddenly, looking uncomfortable and what he was about to admit. "I know what you've done, Malfoy. I know what he made you do."

Malfoy turned his head towards him so swiftly, Harry was surprised his neck didn't snap in two. "How could you know-"

"The daily prophet wasn't lying when they said I had visions of Voldemort. I could see what he saw….and vice versa. You did what you had to, to survive."

Malfoy stumbled into a shocked silence and yet he still looked tormented. "If it makes you feel any better, I used an unforgivable on your aunt and Carrow…and Travers…oh, and Bogrod in Gringotts."

A stunned silence followed Harry's sheepish confession before Malfoy gave a loud crack of laughter, his face creasing with genuine humour. "And here I thought the Golden Boy could do no wrong."

Harry grinned. "Like I said, I did what I had to, to survive. Although your aunt deserved it."

Malfoy nodded, his face becoming sombre once more. "She killed your godfather."

It wasn't a question and yet Harry nodded. "Yes, she killed my godfather."

"She crowed about it enough."


Another silence fell over them, neither comfortable nor awkward. After a moment, Malfoy stood stretching his arms over his head before he turned towards Harry. "Why are you doing this Potter? If you feel obligated because I lied to my father to help you then you're off the hook. You saved my life, you kept my family out of Azkaban. As far as I'm concerned you owe me nothing. So why the hell do you keep trying to save me?"

"Because I think you're worth saving." Harry responded calmly, noting the look of shock on the other man's face. He got to his feet. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, Malfoy. I get up every day and I wonder how the hell I got through this war alive. But whatever it was, I know for damn sure it wasn't through hating. I've seen what that does to a person and it's not what I came back for. Do you know how lucky we are that we survived? How many good people never got that chance?"

"Of course I do, Potter." Malfoy snapped. "I think about it every day."

"You feel guilty." Harry continued harshly. "Good. It means your human. It means you feel something. So it would be a damn slap in the face if you sat here and destroyed yourself when hundreds of people gave their lives so that we could stand here and have this bloody awkward conversation."

"What am I going to do?" Malfoy spat, running his hands through his already messy hair. "I'm not you, Potter. I'm not a hero alright. You don't go from a death eater to a hero."

"If Snape can, then you can." Malfoy calmed instantly but Harry still continued to reason with the blonde. He felt as if he were on the precipice of something. And he needed to voice it now while he still could, while Malfoy was willing to listen. "You don't have to save the world to be a hero, Malfoy. You just have to try and rebuild as much as you can. Even if you helped knock it down."

Malfoy snorted. "You sound like Dumbledore. He was always sprouting nonsense like that."

"Surely, you heard the rumours about him during the war?" Malfoy nodded dismissively, staring at Harry as he remained silent. His face fell in surprise.

"You're not serious?" Malfoy responded. "It's all true?"

Harry nodded. "It's still Skeeter that's writing it so there's a lot of drivel in there but the gist of it is the truth. If Dumbledore can go from that to the man he was then what's your excuse Malfoy?"

Instead of being insulted, Malfoy seemed to grow taller with Harry's words, his once defeated stance disappearing before his eyes, neither as arrogant nor intimidating as before but assured, confident. Harry was sure there was still a lot more healing to be done in the other man but for now he seemed to have the will to do so and that was enough for Harry.

"I'm starving." Malfoy said suddenly, turning towards the castle only pausing to look over shoulder at Harry. "Hurry the fuck up, Potter. My dead aunt moves quicker than you."

Harry grinned and hurried to catch up with the longer strides of the blonde as they made their way to the great hall for breakfast. Turning his face to the sky, Harry blinked into the sun. Maybe it was just him, but the morning air didn't seem as cold as it was.


By the time Harry and Malfoy had reached the door to the Great Hall, most of the school had arrived for breakfast. Scanning the length of the Gryffindor table, Harry spotted Ron, Hermione and Ginny half way along the already crowed row, staring at him with equal looks of disbelief on their faces. Sighing in resignation, Harry moved to join them however, Malfoy stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. Harry turned.

"Thank you, Harry." Malfoy said, holding his hand out between them. "You're alright for a Gryffindor."

Harry smiled and clasped his hand warmly. "Bastard."

Malfoy smirked and turned towards the Slytherin table, his shoulders hunching slightly again as he sat at the end of the table alone, some distance from the rest of the house. Harry moved towards the Gryffindor table, preparing himself for the barrage of questions that were sure to be sent his way from his well-meaning friends. He had no sooner sat down beside Hermione before the trio began firing questions at him in one jumbled chorus of voices. Holding up his hand, Harry silenced them before reaching for a slice of toast.

"One at a time." Harry said, taking a bite of his toast. Ron was only more than happy to oblige.

"What the bloody hell was that all about mate?" He said with gusto, looking at Harry as if he had announced his desire to become a pygmy puff. "You're not seriously friends with that pratt now?"

"I wouldn't say friends, Ron. Let's just say we've reached a truce." Harry replied gently, noting the passing look of jealousy that crossed his friends face.

"What about what his family did to Hermione and Luna?" Ginny asked, looking angrier by the second. "How can you even think of being friends with him after that?"

"His family, Ginny." Harry answered, his toast now forgotten. "Not him. Don't blame him for his family's actions."

"Bellatrix Lestrange was his aunt, she tortured Hermione. She killed Sirius-"

"Yes, I know Ginny." Harry snapped. "I was there, remember."

Harry sighed and lowered his tone at the hurt that crossed her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. Look, he can't be blamed for what his family did."

"I'm telling you, Harry. You can't trust someone like Malfoy." Ron said.

"I'm tired of hating, Ron. I'm not going to spend my life holding on to some childhood grudge. He's not the same person as he was so until he proves me otherwise, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he's changed. I'm not asking any of you to do the same."

Hermione cleared her throat softly, obviously shaken by the abrupt reminder of her brief torture at the hands of Bellatrix. "I think Harry's right."

"What?" Ron exploded, shooting his girlfriend a look of disbelief. "How can you forgive him Hermione? He's spent half his life calling you a Mudblood."

"It's in the past." Hermione said firmly, before turning to Harry. "I still think you should be careful, Harry. His father still holds an influence over him. He could still prove to be difficult."

Harry lowered his voice and leaned towards the young woman beside him. "I know. He's got a lot to prove but I'm not going to hold him back by throwing his mistakes in his face every time I see him."

Hermione smiled, looking at Harry fondly. "I think that's the right thing to do."

Ron opened his mouth to argue but one withering look from Hermione and he closed it again. "Harry's heard our concerns and that's the end of it."

Finally, Ron shrugged half-heartedly and muttered a "whatever" under his breath. Harry sighed internally, knowing that this discussion was far from over but he also knew his best friend would come around. Sensing no more objections would be sent his way, Harry got to his feet, muttered a "later" and left to get changed for his class of the morning.

The day was uneventful after the morning drama, and no more was said about Malfoy amongst the small group however, he often caught Ginny staring at him with an odd look on her face when she thought he wasn't looking. It was the hippogriff in the room and Harry knew that he and his girlfriend would have to talk frankly at some point but between the conversation with Malfoy, his friend's obvious disapproval and Snape's distracting attention, Harry was emotionally drained. Running up to his dormitory, nearly trampling a startled looking first year as he passed, Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak and slipped down the stairs, sparing a glance at his friends huddled together in one of the chairs by the fireplace. It left him feeling bereft and yet he had no desire to turn to Ginny for similar comfort. What he desired now more than anything was silence, and the comfort of an old friend whose solace had eased his pain so many times before.

The walk to the astronomy tower was hectic and Harry spent most of his time trying to dodge between groups of students on their way to their dormitories after class or to play outside on the lawn before dinner, in the light of the setting sun. Talking the stairs two at a time, Harry burst through the door to the Astronomy Tower and felt his breath catch in the sight that greeted him. Pulling off his cloak, Harry crossed the floor and leaned against the stone ramparts, ignoring the muffled conversation coming from somewhere in the depths of the castle below and stared out around the majestic grounds. The sun had nearly disappeared behind the line of mountains in the distance, setting much earlier now that autumn had arrived, bathing the rolling grounds of Hogwarts in a warm golden light. Despite the chill in the air, Harry sighed and closed his eyes peacefully. He didn't know how somewhere that had seen such violence and death could still look so beautifully innocent. Here, was the last place he had seen Dumbledore alive, truly alive and for a moment, if he listened hard enough, he was sure he could hear phoenix song once more.

Harry opened his eyes with the shift in the air and knew without turning around that he was no longer alone, or who his companion was.

"How is it you always find me when I'm feeling sorry for myself?" Harry asked, still staring out across the darkening grounds.

"Are you of the opinion that I am following you?" Snape said, so close that his breath tickled the hairs on the back of Harry's neck. "Perhaps I have come here for the same reason as you-a little solace from an old friend."

Harry turned towards the older man in surprise, his stomach flipping at the small smirk that lifted the corner of the man's mouth and the humorous warmth that graced his eyes. Harry smiled. "Are you reading my mind again?"

"The mind, Mr Potter," Snape began, slipping into his teacher mode in the blink of an eye, "is not a-"

"-book to be opened at will and examined at leisure. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing." Harry finished teasingly, enjoying the passing look of surprise that crossed Snape's face. "You see, Sir. Despite what you may think, I do have a brain."

"Of that I had no doubt, simply whether or not you used it." Snape replied, moving around Harry to lean against the rampart, turning his back against the picturesque view, his hands clasped before him. "I confess; I'm surprised you can recall what I said in such detail. I thought you ignored everything I said to you."

"I remember everything you've said to me." Harry replied softly, without thinking. He gulped audibly when Snape turned towards him, his eyes intense.

"Is that so?" He asked in a voice that caused shivers to dance over Harry's skin. Cursing at his lack of control, Harry turned away slightly to hide his growing erection, praying that it would ease soon. Thankfully, Snape ceased his intense scrutiny and stared unseeingly beyond Harry, towards the doorway. "You seem troubled."

"Um, not really." Harry stumbled, pulling at his collar as he felt the heat rise to his cheeks.

"Trouble in paradise?" The other man snarked suddenly, reminding Harry of the cruel potions master who callously mocked Harry for his misfortunes. Frowning, Harry silently stared at the man unsure of what he was referring to. Snape clarified: "Your girlfriend."

"Not really." Harry replied, feeling uncomfortable discussing his girlfriend with the man who had become the star guest in his wanking fantasies in the previous months. "Why do you ask?"

"You and I are friends, are we not?" Snape said simply, turning to lean his side against the stone wall, facing Harry with a knowing stare. "Is this not what friends discuss?"

"I suppose." Harry mumbled. "Everything's fine, thanks."

"I'm glad to hear it." Snape responded softly, smiling slightly at Harry's obvious discomfort. After a moment, he seemed to take pity on the younger man and looked away. "Mr Malfoy seems much improved."

"Huh?" Harry said, blindsided by the sudden change in conversation. "Oh, yeah. We talked this morning. I don't know if I got through to him much but he didn't tell me to piss off."

"Thank you, Harry." Snape said softly, after a moment of silence. "You don't realise how much your friendship means to someone who has little experience of it."

Harry was sure the older man was not only referring to Malfoy but he was so touched by the man's words he found he couldn't respond for a moment. "Do you miss him?"

"Albus?" Snape asked softly. He only nodded. "Yes, he was one of the few people who has ever seen any good in me. I miss his wisdom, his council."

"He cared about you a lot." Harry wasn't sure why he felt it was important that he tell Snape this, only that he couldn't stand the sadness that appeared in the man's eyes. Snape smiled sadly.

"Not quite as much as he loved you, Harry." He said simply, without pity. "I think he was always a little disappointed in me, as he should have been. You, you he admired, he respected above all. I admit, I envied you for that."

"Severus." Harry began, feeling his heart break a little at the man's acceptance of his self-worth. "He didn't – I -"

"Hush." Snape interrupted, smiling a little. "I know I wasn't a good man, Harry. I would like to think that if he were here today that maybe he would be a little proud of who I have become now. He always believed I was capable of it, even if I didn't. Just like you, I am also tired of hating."

Harry's eyes snapped from their inspection of the floor at the man's knowing tone. "Now you are reading my mind."

Snape laughed softly. "One doesn't need to read your mind, Harry. You wear your thoughts proudly for the world to see. It doesn't take a Legilimens to figure out what's brewing in that mind of yours."

"Oh." Harry said sheepishly. It was the first time Snape had ever referred to his lack of skill in Occlumency with anything less than disgust.

"And I followed you."

Harry was startled for a moment at Snape's confession before he laughed, his heart skipping a beat at the smile playing around the older man's mouth. Not for the first time, Harry wondered what it would be like to kiss the upturn of his lips. Or how welcome such a bold move would be. "Your honesty is appreciated."

Snape smiled a little wider, showing a brief flash of white before he became serious once more. "I'm very touched, Harry."

"I'm sorry?"

"For what you said to Draco. I don't think I deserved such praise but I was honoured to receive it nonetheless."

Harry shook his head. "You deserve more. The Ministry should have given you an Order of Merlin, money…. something. Doing what you did, every day…you're a very brave man."

Something changed in Snape's eyes at his words and Harry felt his heart stop and redouble in his chest as the man moved closer. "That is worth more than any accolade the Ministry could bestow upon me."

Harry felt his throat close over as Snape's eyes dropped to his lips, staring at his mouth with blatant hunger. "Severus…."

"Yes, Harry?" Snape took another step until their chests were touching. Harry nearly moaned aloud at the contact, his cock now straining against the zipper of his school trousers, his breath stuttering when it brushed against the man's thigh. Snape smirked at the evidence of Harry's arousal. "So eager." Snape said against his mouth, more breath than words.

"What are you doing?" Harry tried to be forceful, to push the man away but instead it came out breathlessly, desperately and his hands found themselves pressed against his chest, marvelling at the muscle he felt beneath his fingertips. "I don't…want…"

Snape laughed softly against his neck, and Harry nearly came on the spot as felt the warmth of his tongue against his pulse. "I told you Harry. You can't hide your thoughts from me. I could see you desire every time you looked at me. You have no idea how many times I almost lost control. I needed to know that you were sure, that you were ready…. but now I have you. No more running, Harry. I want you….and I intend to have you."

Before Harry could utter another word of dissent, Snape fingers were working on his zipper and then his hand was inside his trousers, stroking him, gripping him with such expertise that Harry nearly came on the spot.

"Oh, fuck." Harry groaned. Dropping his head against the other man's shoulder, Harry stifled another moan as Snape sped his hand up. By the time Snape's mouth had found his neck once more, Harry ceased to think. Lifting his head, Harry buried his hands in the thickness of Snape's hair and tugged sharply until he could look into his eyes, those eyes that had tormented him for months. With his free hand, Snape cradled Harry's cheek, his thumb stroking along his lower lip, parting his mouth. Without thought, Harry's pressed his tongue against the man's thumb, moaning at the taste of his skin. With a growl that was less than human, Snape gripped the back of Harry's head and captured his mouth in a searing kiss.

A kaleidoscope of colours danced behind his eyes as he devoured what was being offered so freely. His body was on over-drive and too many emotions and reactions were firing through his brain. If a single sound was made in the castle, Harry didn't hear it through the pounding in his ears. Never before had he been kissed like this, like he was being possessed with each stroke of the man's tongue. He was simpering against the man's mouth, gripping his shoulders and hair as each stroke of the man's hand brought his closer to release. When breathing became a necessity, Snape pulled away, his lips swollen and wet from their frantic coupling.

"Please, Severus…. Fuck, don't stop." Harry moaned desperately, his eyes closing against the barrage of pleasure that was building in the pit of his stomach.

"No, keep your eyes open." Snape whispered forcefully, giving Harry's hair a little tug, staring into his eyes. "Look at me. Come for me, Harry."

It was too much for Harry to endure. He didn't know if it was his desire, the man's obvious skill or the forbidden thought that they might be discovered at any minute, but Harry came, his body shuddering as he released into Snape's hand. Harry felt as if his legs had turned to jelly and if it hadn't been for the strong arms holding him up, he was sure he would have collapsed at the man's feet. Relaxing into the strong chest beneath his cheek, Harry waited for his heart rate to slow and his breathing to return to normal, purring softly as he felt Snape's lips press against the back of his head. Such a warm, affectionate gesture after their lust-filled joining. It was unlike any pleasure he had ever known, either by his own hand or by Ginny's and for the first time in months he felt at peace. However, no sooner had the thought of his girlfriend came unbidden to his mind, Harry felt as if he had been dosed with a jet of cold water, ripped from the warmth of his post-orgasmic daze.

What had he done?

Pushing against Snape's chest, Harry stumbled back from the man, feeling a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of his stomach. Running his hands through his hair, Harry gripped the sides of his head as he began to panic, searching blindly for his cloak. Spotting it in the far corner, he stumbled towards it, pulling up his zipper as he went, trying to ignore the shame that was threatening to suffocate him.

"Harry." Snape said firmly. Harry ignored him. Now that his desire had been sated, the realisation of what he had done weighed firmly on his shoulders. It was more than he could bear. "Harry."

A strong hand wrapped itself around his arm, and before long he was facing an angry looking Snape. "Stop! What do you think you're doing? You think I'm just going to let you walk away after that."

"Don't you realise what we just did, what Idid?" Harry said, his voice breaking beneath his panic. "I have a girlfriend, you're my teacher. You're old enough to be my father-"

"Enough!" Snape said firmly, giving Harry a shake. "I know it seems incredible but you cannot deny what happened here. I will not allow you to deny what happened here."

"You could lose your job. Do you realise that? You could get fired for fucking a student-"

"-Do you think I care about this job, Harry?!" Snape said forcefully, gripping Harry's arms so tightly Harry was sure they would bruise, pulling him against the warmth of his chest once more. Despite his panic and his shame, Harry wanted nothing more than to curl into the man's arms, the force of his orgasm still racing through his body. "I came back here for you."

Harry felt his breath catch in his throat. "What?"

"I only accepted Minerva's offer when I knew you would return here to finish your studies. I care little if they fire me and if my age was that bothersome to you, you wouldn't have wanted me in the first place. Tell me I'm wrong Harry."

Harry stared at the man in shock, wanting nothing more than to do that very thing and yet he couldn't lie. His age meant little to him. Hell, Harry felt older than his years most of the time and yet what happened here still felt wrong to him, even as it felt unbelievably right. Snape lowered his head towards Harry's mouth again and despite everything telling him to stop it, Harry didn't move. He moaned slightly as Snape's lips pressed against his, lighter this time and yet there was an unmistakable hint of possessiveness in his kiss. Snape's hands came up to cradle his face and Harry wanted to do nothing more than to throw himself into the man's arms and hide from the world.

After a moment, Harry pulled away. "I'm with Ginny, Severus. I care about her, I can't do this to her."

A flicker of pain flashed through Snape's eyes, and Harry felt his shame redouble. Snape leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together, his eyes closing, his breath ghosting over Harry's lips as he spoke. "She'll never satisfy you, Harry. You know that."

"You and I would never work, Severus." Harry said, finally pulling away and turning towards the door. "You know that. I'm going to pretend this didn't happen. I have to."

Harry hurried over to the door leading to the spiral staircase, but his hand had only just closed upon the iron ring of the door when Snape spoke again. "You never did ask me who I dreamt of."

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked, turning to face the older man again. He was standing where Harry had left him, looking as intimidating as Harry had remembered him in his younger years except his hands were clenched at his sides as if he was trying to control himself.

"When I died, I told you I saw my life with someone, someone I loved." Snape said walking towards Harry. "Ask me who that was, Harry."

"No." Harry whispered, a feeling of realisation settling over him. This was why Snape had changed so much, why he had wanted Harry so much, even his actions in the hospital when he regained consciousness. He was trying desperately to cling to a reality that didn't exist. Snape stopped just before him, close enough that Harry could still feel the heat radiating off the man.

"I died in your arms," Snape continued as if Harry had never spoke, "and I woke up lying next to my husband only to ripped from him again. And when I come to, surprise surprise, I find myself back in your arms."

"It wasn't real." Harry replied, trying to steady the tremble in his voice. Snape's face twisted in pure rage and he slammed his fist against the door next to Harry's head. Harry flinched yet it wasn't out of fear. He knew this man would never hurt him but his heart ached at the pain he saw in the man's eyes, buried deep beneath the anger. Pain Harry had caused.

"It was real to me." Snape whispered, his eyes boring into Harry's. "And if you think you can forget about what happened here tonight then you're the one who's dreaming."

Pushing Harry to the side, Snape swung the door open and left, disappearing down the spiral staircase and into the depths of the castle. Harry took a shaky breath, his mind racing with unanswered questions. He jumped suddenly when Snape's angry voice reached his ears from beneath him.

"Davies! Beaks! Back to your dormitories! Two hundred points from Slytherin for breaking curfew. NOW!"

Walking back towards his fallen cloak, Harry scooped it up and threw it over his shoulders, not wanting Filch or Peeves to discover him in this state. He made his way down the spiral staircase and took the familiar path towards Gryffindor tower. Absentmindedly, he realised that it was past curfew and he had missed dinner and yet he wasn't hungry. Not for food. Harry knew he had made the right decision; he was sure of it. Then why did he want nothing more than to chase after Snape and beg the man to forgive him. Harry sighed heavily as he reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, not even remembering how he got there. He doubted there would be little sleep for him tonight.

N/B:There we have it. Probably lots of spelling mistakes cause I rushed it a bit but please review :)

Hedwig XX