Percy pov:

I was at Olympus looking at my uncle Zeus, and my father Poseidon. Ever since my mom, step father, and baby sister died a few months ago my father hasn't been the same.


I was with my mom, Paul, and my younger sister, taking a break from camp to spend time with my family. We were eating dinner when someone knocked at our door. I opened it and was immediately thrown across the room. I looked up and saw a Cyclops about the same age as my half brother Tyson but defiantly stronger than him. I pulled out riptide and uncapped it. Riptide changed into a sword but it was too late. I only got a few cuts in it before the Cyclops hit me on the head, knocking me out.

I woke up in the middle of the woods with all the stuff I had on me when I was knocked out still with me. I looked around and saw my mom, Paul, and my baby sister all dead next to me. I quickly called the cops and they traced the call about ten miles from Camp Half-Blood. They questioned me and I gave them the best answer possible without talking about Greek mythology. My family was buried in Beacon Hills which was where my mother wanted to be buried because that was where she grew up and my aunt Mellissa lived.

End Of Flashback

The way my father was acting different is that he seemed to be mad and sad every time someone mentions my mother. He seemed mad almost every time I talked to him and if it wasn't for something important he would just ignore me. All my friends betrayed me and didn't want to be friends with me anymore although I did nothing wrong. Annabeth cheated on me with Grover.

"Perseus, you have been failing in all of your classes at Camp Half-Blood and so far you've shown no signs of improvement, if something is bothering you then you need to tell Chiron or one of us because if you don't, you will be in great danger." My father said, no emotion in his voice but I could feel anger directed at me.

"I'm sorry but only people who don't live in camp and aren't Gods would understand. I'm pretty sure you would be even more mad at me if I told you. I don't have any clue as to why after my mom died everyone hates me, but I hope everyone knows I would do anything to get her back. And when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING."

After I said this my father and my uncle looked like they were about to explode. My dad was the first to start yelling in an outburst of rage.

"You wouldn't do ANYTHING to get your mom back if it meant you were hurt in any way! You would just be the coward you are, and go hide under your blankets, and cry!"

"I am NOT a coward! Try living my life for one day! That will show you who the real coward is! My life is a endless battle and you know mom would agree with me!"

"It is YOUR fault your sister, stepdad, and mom are dead!"

This caught me off guard and I was filled with sadness and grief. I loved my family more than anything else in the world and him using their death on me made me angry at him, but also sad because of them.

"You never loved them. If you did then you wouldn't be using their deaths against me. If you loved them then we wouldn't even be having this talk right now."

"You have an hour to pack your things and leave the camp." Zeus said.

I left and started to pack my things. I kept the pictures of me, my mom, Paul, and my sister and packed any clothes I had that didn't say Camp Half-Blood on them, and a ring that my family gave me about three months before they died, they gave me a ring that had mine, Paul's, my mothers, and my sisters expected birthstone on it so that I always had a part of them while I was at camp.

As I was walking towards the door to leave the cabin changed to a big white room and in front of me stood Artemis, Hestia, Hermes, Aphrodite, Demeter, and a different person.

"Did Zeus and Poseidon send you here to finish me? Does my father hate me so much that he would rather have me dead even if I have a small chance of leading a normal life or at least surviving another day without him ever having to see or talk to me again?"

"No, in fact we are here to offer you a deal. My name is Chaos."

I wasn't phased by this although he was the creator of the universe and could kill me with the blink of an eye.

"Perseus Jackson. Not to be rude and all but I just want to leave camp and get away from all this, maybe start over. So can we please hurry up? What's the deal you wanted to offer me?"

"Here's the deal, but it will only happen if you accept. You can have more power and get one blessing per person here and get to lead a somewhat normal life, but become my apprentice. I have seen all the things you've done and heard all the things you've said and I think you would be perfect for the job. Do you accept?"

"Yes, I do."

They each gave me a blessing and told me that even outside of camp the only creatures that would attack me are the ones sent by gods and even then only a few of those ones would attack because with the all the power I now had they would sense a god.

I now looked stronger and was stronger. Could make fire. Could flame travel. Had a necklace that turned into a bow with unlimited arrows when I pulled on it. My ring turned into a shield when I pushed on my birthstone. and I had a tattoo on my arm that turned into armor when I thought about it being armor and could have wings and a mask if I thought about that but resembled all the gods and goddesses when its not armor. I was now great at cooking and could think of any food I wanted then it would be in front of me. Faster. Taller. Didn't get burnt by fire. and could know what other people are feeling and make them feel what I wanted them to feel.

"Thank you, but now where will I go?"

"Think Percy. Where is the one place you are welcome at anytime, that has some of your family, and you haven't been to in a long time?" Chaos said.

"Beacon Hills, California, with my aunt and cousin."

Chaos gave me a new phone and I called my aunt Mellissa.

Hello, who is this?

"Hi Mell."

"Percy? Is that you?"

"Yeah. Can I ask you a huge favor?"

"You can ask me anything honey."

"Me and my dad got into a fight and I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while. He says its okay with him as long as its okay with you."

"Sure, how long?"

"Maybe until I finish high school, if that's okay with you. I can get a job and help out as much as I can around the house. Distract Scott and Stiles if they are in your way."

"You can stay with me as long as you want Percy."

"Thanks, I'll see you when I get there, bye."
