Video 10

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Hiro and Tadashi sat, smiling at the camera. "Hey guys it's Hiro-"

"And Tadashi-" Tadashi cut in.

"And we're here with our Q and A video that I promised you guys..." Hiro shrugged. "Thank you guys for all the questions and I'm a little scared..."

Tadashi nodded. "Same here."

Hiro clapped his hands together, smiling. "Let's get started then!"

There was a jump-cut, and Hiro was looking down at his phone. "Alright, so this question's from Elsa-rosa-may. Well, actually, there are like 3 questions, so yeah..." Hiro looked at Tadashi, then at his phone again. "So the first question is, What is your favorite machine or robot that you've ever built?" Hiro looked at Tadashi, then at the camera. "So mine is Megabot. Megabot is the best thing ever, okay?"

Tadashi rolled his eyes. "Yeah, the best thing for making illegal money, right? Mine's pretty obvious..." He shrugged.

"What, that washing-machine hover-craft?" Hiro raised his eyebrows.


"What about the bouncy-house bed-thing?" Hiro added.

"No." Tadashi smiled, shaking his head. "Baymax."

Hiro nodded, looking back at the camera. "Seems about right. So the second question from Elsa-rosa-may is What's your favorite book slash movie slash TV show. So I'm gonna answer all of them as one question... My favorite book's gotta be either Harry Potter-"

"Duh..." Tadashi muttered.

Hiro glared at him. "Or Percy Jackson. I mean, I read both of them in no times and those characters were like my best friends for basically my entire life..." He shrugged. "They're just great. And my favorite TV show is Supernatural. Hands down, Supernatural's amazing. Me and Tadashi are like Sam and Dean. And my favorite movie? Probably..." He shrugged. "I dunno. Mockingjay? Divergent? Harry Potter-"

"He's a nerd, if you can't tell." Tadashi cut him off and Hiro elbowed him. "I mean, I introduced him to Harry Potter..." Tadashi gestured towards Hiro. "And that's been my favorite series since then. I guess Supernatural's cool- but Arrow's awesome too."

"You've seen like 8 episodes." Hiro rolled his eyes.

"Still." Tadashi shook his head, smiling. "And I dunno, I've never really... thought about a favorite movie. I don't really have a favorite movie."

"Alright..." Hiro looked down at his phone again. "So our next question's from KoolKat189. So they asked me... 'In case Disney makes a Big Hero 6 sequel, do you think they'll bring back Tadashi in it?'" Hiro sighed. "I hope so because that would be interesting. But they're not making a direct sequel, they're making a TV show... About me." Hiro smiled. "Yeah, so that'll be interesting. Have fun with that. And then they ask Tadashi, 'Are you thinking of becoming a superhero next to Big Hero 6?'"

Tadashi sighed, biting his bottom lip. "I... don't know. I mean, yeah, I need to keep this knucklehead safe, but he won't let me join up."

"For obvious reasons." Hiro stressed, eyes wide.

"Anyways," Tadashi sighed. "I'd like too, but I don't know if I can."

"Next question..." Hiro muttered, reading another question. "So the next one is from CrazyBlueOwl... They ask us, What are we doing now?" Hiro looked to Tadashi. "So bro, what are we doing now?"

"Nothing really..." Tadashi shrugged. "I mean, we're going back to school now, but for a while we didn't go because... well, also kinda obvious." He shrugged again. "So really don't interesting."

"And why hasn't anything about you been on the news?" Hiro added. "That's another question, by the way."

"I got that..." Tadashi shrugged for a third time. "I have been. I guess you just didn't see it because Aunt Cass has been getting so much publicity that she's had to turn people away at the door."

"And also they want to know if potatoes can pee." Hiro added, smiling at his brother.

Tadashi smiled a little. "No, don't think so. I've never really thought about it though..."

"Alright." Hiro smiled, scrolling through something with his thumb. "So Florafionpetals wants to know that I watched that test compilation footage of yours recorded by Baymax? And they also want to know what you thought about everything concerning the... whole superhero thing."

There was a jump-cut, turning to a black screen. "Sorry," A voice-over of Hiro's voice started to play. "That I didn't admit it sooner, but yeah, I am a part of Big Hero 6. If you didn't know or if you couldn't figure that out, yeah. I wasn't originally going to tell anyone, but people somehow know..."

The voice-over ended and the black screen vanished. The video of Hiro and Tadashi resumed again. Tadashi nodded. "Yeah, I did know. I made Hiro explain what happened to him while I was gone and he explain everything, surprisingly."

"Hey!" Hiro's eyes widened slightly.

"But yeah, at first, I wasn't very happy with him. I mean, I understood why he did it and what he was trying to do, but..." Tadashi shrugged. "I don't know. I think I was a little shocked, to be honest." He laughed a little, smiling.

Hiro nodded, smiling. "Alright so Bighero6fan D, or Gogo, wants to know lots of things..." He sighed. "First, now that Tadashi's back, is he going to keep me from being an idiot all the time?"

Both brothers answered at the same time, however Tadashi said "Yes," and Hiro said, "No." They looked at each other in confusion, then Hiro shook his head. "We'll get back to you on that. Okay so..." Hiro sighed, annoyed. "Gogo, for the last time, no, I don't have a girlfriend. Okay?" Hiro looked down at his phone, ignoring Tadashi's laughter. "Alright, so now..." Hiro's face spread into a grin. "Is Tadashi actually going to ask Honey out for once?" Tadashi's face paled. "So bro, have you asked Honey out yet? Have you even kissed each other yet?"

Hiro looked up from his phone, switching his gaze to Tadashi, who was looking very uncomfortable. "Um..."

"You gotta answer it, Tadashi!" Hiro's smile was huge.

Tadashi sighed. "Fine. I don't know. No, I haven't asked her out yet and no we haven't kissed yet. Although it's really not any of your business." Tadashi poked Hiro's stomach, making his little brother shriek and collapse backwards laughing. Tadashi pointed at the camera. "I hate you, Gogo."

The video jump-cut again. Hiro was upright now, but he was still smiling. Tadashi was looking down at the ground, shaking his head. "Alright." Hiro said, his smile growing. "So the next questions from HxneyLenonxoxo-" Hiro cut off, looking over to his brother with an evil grin. "Daw, Tadashi, your girlfriend-"

Tadashi groaned. "Just ask the question, Hiro."

Hiro laughed, then kept talking. "So this question's for both of us... what type of girls you like to go out with?" Hiro looked up at the camera and kept talking before his brother could say anything. "Well, we know what kinda girl Tadashi-" Tadashi poked Hiro's side again, making him collapse, laughing again.

"I don't really know," Tadashi answered over Hiro's laughter. "I've never really thought about it like that. I guess it really just depends if I like who they are as a person and whether they're nice to me and others..." Tadashi shrugged.

Hiro sat upright, smiling. "You just described Honey perfectly, bro-" Tadashi went to tickle his brother again, but Hiro reached down, blocking his hand, giggling like a mad man. "No... Don't touch me." He shoved his hand back. "Don't touch me..." Hiro looked up at the camera again, smiling. "I don't really know either. I mean, I've never really thought about anyone like that before." Tadashi laughed and Hiro looked confused. "What?"

"Elaine Lee, Rachel Quinn, Eva Clayton-" Tadashi started to name off names and Hiro flushed.

"Okay, okay, whatever!" Hiro said loudly, cutting off his brother.

"Basically, any girl that's out of his league." Tadashi added.

"Shut up Tadashi!" Hiro flushed further.

Tadashi laughed, grabbing Hiro's phone from his hands and scrolling down. "Okay so the next question is from Damander E. They're asking whether you have seen Star Wars." Tadashi looked to Hiro.

"Yeah," Hiro nodded. "Of course I have."

"Despite whatever he says, he is a real nerd." Tadashi added.

Hiro rolled his eyes, taking his phone back. "So this question's from Guest." Hiro nodded. "They say am I a big Fall Out Boy fan and who's your favorite member? And do I listen to country music?" Hiro shrugged. "I wouldn't say I'm a hardcore Fall Out Boy fan. I generally just listen to the music and don't really learn much about the people making it. And no, I don't really listen to country." Hiro shrugged, nodding as he looked down at his phone. "Alright, so, NotShort says-" Hiro looked up from his phone. "I totally agree with you on your username, though."

Tadashi rolled his eyes, grabbing the phone. "He says, Now there's two of you. Does that double the insanity, or square it?"

"Both." Hiro said instantly.

Tadashi nodded. "Yeah, both. And no, there wasn't cake when they found out I was alive. I'd give you some, but there wasn't any. Sorry." He smiled apologetically as Hiro took his phone back.

"EclipseHeart185 wants to know if I've seen the movie Zootopia yet and if I liked it." Hiro looked up from his phone and nodded. "Yeah, it was good... Most of the time I was kinda just going, KISS, but you know, it was good." Hiro smiled, nodding his head awkwardly. "And they ask you..." Hiro pointed to Tadashi as he read the next question. "How you got back to me..."

Tadashi sighed. "I thought we explained that..."

Hiro shrugged. "Me too, but anyways, Okay, so basically, he ran into the building, it exploded and he somehow survived cause he's like superman. He was brought to the hospital and was burned really badly and no one recognized him. Pretty sure Aunt Cass and I checked it out too and we didn't even recognize him- but I mean, I don't remember a lot from that period of time... Anyways, he woke up and didn't remember who he was or anything and no one knew who he was. And then I broke my arm in a lab accident and was rushed to the hospital. Tadashi said he just "felt something" and "knew which room to go too" so he somehow got into a random hospital room- you know, the one that I was rushed into a few minutes later- and yeah..." Hiro shrugged. "It's kinda weird."

Clearing his throat, Hiro looked down at his phone again. "So the last questions-"

"It's the last question..." Tadashi muttered, smiling.

"Don't even." Hiro said, but he was smiling too. "We're not going to pull a J squared." Hiro looked up at the camera. "If you get that, you're awesome... Anyways, these last questions are from Alexis Nite. She asks me, Does Baymax record EVERYTHING he sees?! Do you have a crush on anyone? If you can have any superpower what would it be? Who's your favorite Percy Jackson and the Olympians character? Who's your favorite Heroes of Olympus character? Who's your favorite Gravity Falls character? Who's your favorite Zootopia character? Favorite animal? Aaaaand..." Hiro took a deep breath and continued. "If you were a character in Zootopia, what animal would you be?"

Hiro sighed. "Okay, so, yes, Baymax does record everything he sees, unless he's deactivated, obviously... No, I don't have a crush on anyone. If I could have any superpower, it'd probably..." Hiro thought for a second. "It'd probably be... I don't really know. I mean, I know it's kinda overrated and overused, but turning invisible'd be awesome. I mean, think of all the things you could do while invisible... Yeah." Hiro shrugged. "My favorite Percy Jackson character's Percy. And my favorite Heroes of Olympus character's Leo. I don't think I need to explain that... Anyways, my favorite Gravity Falls character's gotta be Stan. He's so funny... And he's awesome.

"So my favorite Zootopia character was Nick. He was awesome and hilarious and..." Hiro nodded. "Yeah. I've never really had a favorite animal... I mean, I like a lot of animals, but I don't have a favorite favorite. And if I was a Zootopia animal, I'd probably... be..." Hiro bit his lip, looking around awkwardly. "Uhhh... I dunno, a fox? I don't know!" Hiro sighed. "And with that, we have Tadashi's questions..." He handed the phone to his brother, who took it.

Tadashi cleared his throat. "Okay... So what's my favorite movie, book, food, season, holiday, animal, and place to hang out?"

"Ha, she likes me more. She asked me more questions!" Hiro laughed.

Tadashi rolled his eyes. "So I've already answered the first two questions... Okay, my favorite food has gotta Aunt Cass's spicy wings." Hiro nodded in agreement. "They're amazing. My favorite season's fall. I don't really know why, I've just always liked it. Favorite holiday's Christmas. Everyone's just so happy and it's so pretty out." He shrugged. "Favorite animal's probably Mochi."

"Because Mochi is definitely his own type of animal." Hiro added, rolling his eyes.

Tadashi shook his head, smiling. "And my favorite place to hang out is either on the SFIT campus or in the cafe..." He shrugged.

Hiro nodded. "Yeah. Okay, so that you guys for the bazillion questions and thank you for watching!" Hiro smiled, reaching out to cover the camera with his hand.


I'm Hiro Hamada (and my nerd brother Tadashi is here too) and I make videos when I'm bored.

Deal with our stupidity.