If you were to ask Adrien Agreste what he thought of the Parisian heroine Ladybug he would say, "Ladybug is the most amazing role model I could think of. She is a miraculous person.", of course that would translate to: "I'm in love with Ladybug."

Often, he would spend long hours pondering on how to catch her attention. How could he get Ladybug to notice him and perhaps even gain her friendship? If he had her friendship then maybe... just maybe... they could become more than friends. In his mind, Ladybug and Adrien were soul mates just waiting to be together once more.

He sometimes would wonder why she didn't notice him. He was the son of a renowned fashion designer, he had a pleasant attitude, he was a model for miraculous sake! Though he would admit he wasn't a flashy model and did stay out of the media's sights. Maybe he was too pleasant. Yes, he had a great personality but it wasn't noticeable, in fact, he was quite mundane.

Adrien sighed as he waited for the unveiling of the new Ladybug statute, Ladybug would be coming, and perhaps here he could catch her sight. He suddenly remembered the event in the middle of his fencing practice and ran to get there in time, however Ladybug herself was not present. He waited and waited, even after the statute had been unveiled until she finally arrived. Finally she arrived after quite some time and what a sight she was. Her red outfit on her like a second skin and her apologetic face were like a breath of fresh air for Adrien.

"I'm so sorry for coming late. I can't apologize enough but I would like thank you for your beautiful statue, it's beautiful." Ladybug thanked the artist. They chatted and Ladybug even gave him her autograph. All the while Adrien fumbled in his pockets looking for the ring he wanted to give Ladybug. Soon enough Ladybug was leaving before Adrien could get the ring out.

"Wait Ladybug! Ladybug wait!" He called out to her but she only spared a glance and left. At last Adrien had gotten out the ring and Ladybug was nowhere in sight.

It was a small feeling at first and then it grew larger; similar as to how a small snowball grows as it rolls down a snowy slope. It was frustration! A feeling of inferiority! He could not speak to his idol because he was not equal to Ladybug! He was too powerless, too ordinary, too invisible for her to notice him. He couldn't even give her the silver ring he wished to give her. Adrien walked away quickly, his hand clenched around the ring, and his angry steps echoing was he walked to a more desolate location. He needed a quiet place to cool off and stop this feeling... this feeling that was eating his insides. Once he was sure he was alone he slumped down a tree and looked at the ring he was previously clenching. It looked at him innocently as if say: "Its your fault for not being faster." Adrien sighed in defeat. A dark butterfly soon fluttered and landed gently on the ring. Suddenly a commanding voice sounded in his head.

"Chat Noir, I am Hawkmoth. You wish to be an equal to Ladybug to get her attention, well I can make you an equal. Just like she has lucky powers, you can have lucky powers too. However, nothing is free, get me her miraculous and you'll stay her equal, what do you say?"

"I'll do it. Ladybug will notice me for sure if we're equal." With that, Adrien let the darkness consume him.

Marinette sunk onto her bed with a tired sigh. "I can't believe I ignored like that."

Tikki went next to her and looked at her. "Well why did you ignore him? Don't you like him?"

"I do! I do and a lot! But I couldn't face him. Being behind the mask of Ladybug I feel much more confident but Adrien just gets me all jittery. Besides, how can I face him when I still have his phone?"

"Oh Marinette, I think you should just be honest and give Adrien his phone. I'm sure he'll understand."

"And be marked as a thief by him! No way!"

"Well you better do something soon before he catches you."

"I know, I know-" Marinette was interrupted by her ringing phone. "Oh it's Alya. Hey Alya... what... are you sure? ...Okay, okay... just be safe. Bye."

"What is it Marinette?"

"There is a new villain and he is looking for none other than Ladybug. Alya said she was going to film it all for the Ladyblog. I just hope he isn't very dangerous."

"What are we waiting for then?"

"You're right. Tikki, spots on!"

Ladybug appeared before the villain and looked at him. He smiled pleased, though it was more of a sneer then a smile and leaned against a fence. "I'm here, what did you want from me?" Ladybug spoke with a strong and confident voice.

"What do I want? Simple. I wish to introduce myself, M'Ladybug. I am Chat Noir. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all yours, I can assure." Ladybug took in the appearance of Chat Noir. His black suit was sleek and form fitting with a large golden bell around his neck, his dark hair was wild, and his eyes appeared to be glowing purpleā€¦ similar to an akuma before it was de-evilized.

"Hmph. Get used to seeing me. I won't let you go so easily and I will take your attention."

"Is that all?" Ladybug asked defiantly.

"I simply came to give you this message and a little demonstration."


Chat Noir grinned and showed off his claws. "Cataclysm!" With that his claws glowed darkly and he swiped the fence he had been leaning on. The fence then rusted and fell apart. What truly caught Ladybug's eye though, was the fact that the ring Chat Noir was wearing acted just like a miraculous. Was the ring an akumatized miraculous? Or was it perhaps a mock miraculous? Akumalous?

"You see Ladybug, you may be good luck, but I am bad luck." With said Chat Noir left before Ladybug could process what had happened. She had a feeling she would be seeing Chat Noir a lot more often.

A/N: Welp, this is my first time writing a Miraculous fiction so I'm still working on it. I am an amateur writer and still need improvement so sorry about it not being great.

About this AU: Adrien is not Chat Noir and does not have his miraculous or Plagg. When he gets akumatized, his ring becomes a fake miraculous so he can change to Chat Noir and back, the ring acts just like a miraculous. This takes place during the Copy Cat episode and instead of Theo being akumatized, its Adrien. Marinette is still the same person. She did in fact let Theo down gently, though they did become friends. The only difference is that she works on her own and has to defeat akuma villains on her own. Adrien will act out of character so yeah. In this fic, Adrien wants Ladybug to notice him one way or another, he just doesn't realize Ladybug as Marinette already does.

This takes place in a completely different universe to the regular show, hence AU. If you aren't caught up with the show, this fic is good for you.