Plasma57: That will be answered in this chapter.

This is it, the last one! It's been over two years since I first started writing this in February 2014. I feel like I could have done so much more with this, but I'm still happy with how it turned out. It taught me how to write by small and major deadlines and I found an outline type that I really like.

The Rogues, Jakata's team, Iseul, Shirona, Ryong, Baekho, Torah, Sight, Ave and Eowyn were never in the original version of Human. It was basically "collect the Chil-heng and defeat Mishka". Ryong was added because he's a character in a future fanfiction (which is not the sequel). Torah was added because I wanted to give Sora a pure Tigeroid half-brother. Iseul was added because the Rogues needed a leader. Ave and Eowyn were added because I thought "what would Ave be like now after he grew up on earth?" and that I needed a dragon to contrast Baekho.

The idea for Human is credited to Kimiko Heroux when she innocently commented "Maybe Jakata would have to rely on Phoebe to get his memories back" when I was talking to her about the Jakata x Phoebe oneshot I posted in late February 2014. The very first scene was the thought of Phoebe and Jakata standing on the airship's deck watching the ground pass below.

Within the last few days before posting this I had two new ideas and decided to add them in.

I originally was never going to write this, but I'm glad I did.

If Sora had to describe Iseul, it would be he looked like a much older and scarier version of Luka that found smiling to be painful. She could understand Mishka's fear of him. His Activator was of an older generation, even older than her own, before the colors and subtle design differences had ever been introduced. Normally she would have guessed he was a Tigeroid, because his eyes were lit with the Sight Tai Chi, but that assumption felt very wrong.

Iseul glanced in Sora's direction and then over at Phoebe and Jakata, the action making Luka tense.

"Even with Hybrids present you couldn't get the Chil-heng to react properly." Mishka moved back. Iseul turned to Torah, "You're still alive?"

"I could say the same about you."

"You have the perfect reason to use the Sight Tai Chi and yet you do not. Why?"

"Because unlike you after we stole each other's vision I didn't have to rely on the Tai Chi to continue this crazed plan."

"I'm only saving Suhn and preventing pointless death," he glared in Mishka's direction and activated the Marionette Tai Chi again, longer this time.

Torah shouted above Mishka's screaming, "Dolls can't be brought back if you kill one like that!"

A transparent dome appeared around Mishka, canceling out Marionette. Iseul stared in Mishka's direction for a moment, "Negate. The same card I gave to a friend a long time ago. You received it from his son, didn't you?"

Sora froze, glancing at Luka. Ave's card used to belong to this scary man?

Torah activated Claw, "If you want to prevent death, than why did you let your friend and his family die? Why have you yourself caused so much of it?" He slowly circled around the room, listening for Sight to tell him where he wanted to be.

"Dolls are different from us."

Torah stopped in front of Luka, glancing back as Iseul spoke, keeping his voice slow so the one he hated couldn't hear, "Take everyone somewhere safe. If I don't come back in five minutes get Mishka away from here. Send him away with the Time Tai Chi, anywhere so Iseul can't find him. Go," his tone and expression warned against argument. Luka took Mishka's Move card and activated it, taking himself and the others to the entrance of the castle.

Rai frowned, "I was about to fight him."

Luka gave the card back to Mishka and got up, "Jakata, keep them safe."

"You're going back?" Sora asked, "Why?"

"Torah doesn't know how powerful Iseul is."

Sora slowly shook her head, "You're not fighting him alone. The last time you did that and the rest of us went on ahead you almost died."

"I was only knocked out."

"You could still have been killed while you were knocked out."

"Barugu knew how I fought. Iseul doesn't."

"Still, he could have killed you." Back then, those eight years ago, before they fought Mishka to get the Tai Chi One thousand back, Luka had fought his mentor that trained him to be one of the Royal Guard. Luka had lost. Sora wasn't sure if he could even remember how he had lost. She had asked, but all he said was "he had been knocked unconscious and Laura saved him".

"Even with the Sight Tai Chi Iseul won't know where my attacks are."

Sora looked down, "Torah told me Iseul can see a lot more detail than he can. When Torah sees us, he sees us, our clothes and hair as something whole. He said Iseul can tell the difference."

Rai turned to Luka, "I'm coming to help."

"Torah said to send Mishka to a safer time. Ryong can easily find him again," Luka said, "You're allowed to activate Chaos and take him to an alternate world."

"I'm not saving the enemy!"

Sora turned to him, "It's either saving the minor enemy from the really scary major enemy—"

"And getting slapped by Ara."

"Or letting the really scary major enemy use the minor enemy to conquer… whatever he's trying to conquer and do what he wants."

"And get beat up by Ara," he frowned at Luka, "You owe me."

"You owe Luka. This could be in exchange for Ara punishing you."

"Until she slaps me."

"She doesn't have to know.

Rai gave Luka his Explosion card, "I want it back."

Luka left them, going back.

Torah laid against the wall, unconscious, his Activator and several cards laying scattered away from him. The only thing that told Luka Torah was still alive was Sight staying near, worried, but not grieving.

Iseul sighed, "You sent them away."

"Why did you leave us?" Luka asked.

"Shirona didn't understand. If there were only Hybrids, there would no longer be pointless war and death over the Tai Chi One thousand. Suhn would be peaceful," he looked over at the Chil-heng, "That's why I need the Guardian. With the Chil-heng, I can rewrite part of history, ensuring only the Sky-Earth clan exists," he sighed, "Of course a complication came up with the Doll."

"Why is Mishka involved with this?"

"I thought it was the one I needed. The Chil-heng only reacted that way because the Guardian was near them and Hybrids were present."

"Even if you bring Mishka back here he won't listen to you. He doesn't trust you."

"It doesn't trust anyone. It betrayed the one it loved. It doesn't know the girl was killed as a reward for trapping it."


Luka got his activator and a card out, "I'm one of the few he trusted."

Iseul looked in his direction for a moment, "…You're the one it stayed with after it escaped the first time. It chose someone to bond to. That was you, wasn't it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"All those years ago I revived the Chil-heng's Guardian in a Doll form so I could easily control it. That Doll escaped and found you. That Doll is Mishka."

"They should have been back by now…" Terra rested her chin on her folded arms.

"They might be coming back right now," Tori said.

Jahara turned to Ave, "Are you sure you don't know anything about the leader?"

"No. Roman said the name would be on the book about the Chil-heng and Dolls, which is strange because it didn't match the language. It was written in your native language."

Jahara twitched, "Iseul?"

Ave nodded, "…That name has a very uncomfortable meaning to you, doesn't it?"

The others looked up.

"Is he the one that Dad… Aidan… doesn't like?" Miya asked, "The one that led to the twins' family's deaths?"

Jahara nodded, "Iseul was the one that kidnapped Aidan's sister. …. I doubt Luka told Sora or Phoebe yet, if he ever will…"

"Told them what?" Donha asked.

Jahara hesitated, "Iseul is their father."

Luka ducked out of the way of a steel ball and chain, unable to activate his card before having to evade a blast of water. Even if he could only get his Destruction card to destroy the chain or his steam card to evaporate Water, it would help. If he could, he would be tempted to use the Chil-heng as a shield because Iseul wouldn't risk them getting damaged, but a semi-transparent barrier guarded them. He wasn't sure if it had appeared because Mishka wasn't close to them or if the fight had triggered it to keep them safe.

There was, at least, one advantage to not using cards: Heavy use of the Tai Chi was very draining and couldn't be done for long periods of time. Once the attacks slowed even a little he would be able to fight back.

A steel ball embedded itself into the wall in front of him and blasts of water twisted together to form what resembled a three-headed dragon rushed at him.

"Why are we going back?" Sora asked, "You have the Time and Chaos Tai Chi with you."

"I'm hoping Finn left Mirror behind," Rai said, "It works well."

Sora glared at him, "Be careful this time."

"I'm always careful."

Mishka quietly followed them, occasionally stopping and looking back.

Phoebe took a few quick steps to match Rai's pace, "If we bring Miskha onto the airship…"

"We can either have Jakata use Tie to make it look like we took him hostage or I can get the card myself."

"You don't even know if Finn did leave Mirror."

"It's the only way to make Chaos really effective."

"Rai?" Sora said.

Rai continued, ignoring her, "We could try to use a real mirror, but that might not work."

"Rai," Sora said.

"Griffin will know what to do. He always does. Anyway, maybe Chaos and Time could work together…"


"What?!" Rai glared at her, "I'm thinking of an ingenious plan!"

"We have a situation."

"Yeah, I know. I'm not fighting Iseul and Ara is going to beat me up. Hey, where did Jakata and Mishka go?"

Luka leaned against the wall, keeping his weight off of one leg. He held the Explosion card, "Where are the other Rogues?"

"I didn't need them anymore. They were only Dolls."


"I needed them for a project."

One of the reasons Dolls had been outlawed was because they were created solely for attempts at revivals… "...You used them to revive Mishka…"

"I used Dolls the first time, yes."

"And what about the one real one? Kyu?"

"The one that sometimes pretended to be a Dragonoid? He might have been present for the project."

Luka glanced over as Torah groaned. "Do you remember the Tigeroid you kidnapped? Sena?"

"Aidan's sister? She was against the war and didn't seem opposed to the idea of Hybrids."

That had been true…

Iseul looked back, "I suppose by now they're far away. The Doll is required for the Chil-heng to even work."

"I told them to leave."

"Without you? No, at least one of them has a teleportation class Tai Chi and can easily come and get you," he got a card out, "Like Mishka." He activated the card at the same time Luka activated his. Both Explosions were in the form of beams and twisted around each other, hitting their intended targets. The impact made Luka temporarily black out. He laid against the wall, hurting everywhere.

He tried getting up and cried out, lying back down, pressing one hand against his side, trying to stop the gash from bleeding, trying to stop the blood from slowly pooling around him. His other arm and one leg were bent at unnatural angles. He carefully and finally managed to sit up, leaning against the wall, coughing up blood.

Darkness ate away at his vision. Not now. He could pass out later, but not now. Iseul still stood, moving one arm carefully and keeping his weight off of one leg. He activated Water. The attack stopped in midair and dissolved. Mishka stood at the other side of the room, holding his Stop Tai Chi.

Iseul smiled, "Dolls are unable to disobey their creators." Luka tensed. Iseul turned to Mishka, "Send him and the other Tigeroid away."

Mishka turned to Luka and activated Move, moving him to the other side of the room. Torah and Sight were sent somewhere else.

Iseul frowned and activated Water. Mishka picked up the Gumgoyu. Armor encased him, protecting him from the attack. He removed the weights from the Sugoyu. Both sides began to tip back and forth. Iseul leaned heavily against the wall and slowly sat down. The Hwagoyu's symbol began to glow, casting light on the mirror as it played a light nostalgic tune, along with the Ponggoyu chiming lightly.

Mishka picked up the Mokgoyu, the tiny symbol glowing. Iseul slowly relaxed, still staring at the illusion as Mishka went to Luka with the Sengoyu. Mishka crouched next to him, holding it out. The item pulsed softly, the energy ebbing at the bleeding cut. Luka gritted his teeth, feeling the injury healing rapidly. "Don't fix anything else."

Mishka sat back, "I wasn't going to. It hurts too much." He took the Sengoyu back.

Jakata warily peeked into the room, "Is it safe?" he walked over to Mishka, "So you'll just bring Mari back and I can take the Chil-heng, right?"

Luka stared. What?

Mishka pressed the bottoms of the cuffs and they clicked open.

Jakata blinked, "…That's how they come off…?"

"Basically," Mishka took the cuffs and went to the rest of the Chil-heng, placing the Togoyu on the empty pedestal.

"Jakata!" Rai ran into the room, followed by Phoebe, "Why—"

Sora ran in and stared at the Chil-heng, "They're all together… we're going to die. The world will end."

"It would have ended when they were together the first time."

"Oh yeah."

Mishka looked around at the Chil-heng and emblem, confused. Each symbol on the Chil-heng pulsed softly. He looked over at the broken tablet.

Iseul watched, frowning. He looked over at Jakata and smiled.

Luka tried calling out in warning, instead only coughing. Iseul activated Water again, using it in a hook shot to throw Jakata over to the Chil-heng. The instant Jakata stepped on the emblem it and the Chil-heng's symbols glowed brightly. A thin transparent barrier formed over the emblem and Chil-heng, trapping Jakata and Mishka inside.

Luka closed his eyes. It was over… Iseul had succeeded…

"So where's the time portal thingy?" Rai asked, "Jakata didn't explain it very well."

Luka stared at him and then looked over. Nothing had happened.

Iseul frowned, "It should have opened by now… He has to be threatened," he was about to activate another card when ice froze his wrist to the wall and encased his Activator.

"It didn't work because nothing actually happens when the Chil-heng are together," Ara walked over, tossing a small cube in inscribed with the Tai Chi One thousand in one hand.

Rai stared, "Ara? Than the ice must have been…." He looked so see where Ara had come from, "Sena!" He ran to her, completely ignoring Finn, who stayed near her. Rai hugged her, tearing up, "I'm sorry I set your hair on fire." He took a step back, only for Sena to slap him across the face. "Ow! What was that for?!"

Sena glared at him, "You said what to Ara?"

"What? Oh," he turned to Ara and waved, "Hi Ara," he turned back, "There. I said it."

Sena sighed, "You said 'you weren't even married yet'."

Rai heard Luka sigh his name and turned around, "Was that a bad choice of words?"

"Yes," Sena said, "You never tell a girl that."

Rai turned back to Ara, "So what's the cube for?"

Ara sighed, "This is what was used to take the Tai Chi away from anyone that became Tai Chi King. It's technically the eighth Chil-heng."

"So if I'm not Tai Chi King anymore how come the Chil-heng were reacting?"

"The Chil-heng only react to the Guardian, especially if he or she is distressed. Each one was found because it reacted to either or both Mishka or Jakata depending on which one felt threatened."

"So then why were the Chil-heng created?"

"To control the Sky-Earth clan. Nature and the Tai Chi One thousand are closely linked, so when the Time Tai Chi sensed there could be those that would try for total control, nature took over and 'corrected' itself, resulting in only those of the Sky or Earth clan being born. After the first Tai Chi King the Hybrid Law was created, and so were the Chil-heng, where were meant to be used until the rest of the clan died off," Ara looked over at the broken tablet and continued.

"If nature or the Tai Chi One thousand wouldn't have intervened the Sky-Earth clan would have eventually had those who would have become Tai Chi King and lost control, resulting in the destruction of the world and possibly universe," she turned to Iseul, "Which would have been a lot worse than pointless war and death. Sure, it would have finally ended in peace, but no one would be around anymore."

He looked away, "All of this was for nothing then…"

"Basically. It will be better if you give up now. You're a very bad man. You broke many of our laws."

Iseul only nodded.

The barrier surrounding the Chil-heng dropped. Phoebe ran to Jakata and hugged him.

Ara sighed, "So," she turned to Rai, "Do we move the Chil-heng or do I punish you for helping Mishka first? Your choice."

"But… no…" he frowned, "What took you so long to find us?!"

"We were freeing the prisoners and explaining the situation to Jahara," she looked over at the doors, "You can come out now."

Rai turned and stared, "Mom!" he ran over.

Jakata turned to Phoebe, "Who is that?"

"Rai's mother… and technically your mom," she looked back and within those few seconds Rai had stopped hugging his mom and was arguing with Ara, at least until she pointed into the other room, which surprised him.


Laura allowed him to run past and walked over to Luka, speaking with him.

Phoebe looked up at Jakata, "Do you want to talk to her?"

"Is it okay for me to?"

Phoebe nodded and pulled him along, "She's really nice."

"But…" he went silent and avoided eye contact when they got closer.

Laura smiled in greeting, "You must be Jakata."

Jakata nodded, still looking away.

"Luva told me everything, and I've already met Terra. Both of you can come and live with use if you would like."

Jakata glanced at her, "…And Lita, Dag and Yanima?"

Laura nodded, "Of course. Rai won't admit it but he wants his brothers and sisters around."

Jakata blinked a few times, "I… I can call you Mom?"

Jahara looked up as Griffin, Miya and Ave came back, "How are they doing?"

"As long as Close stays in effect he'll be fine," Miya said, "But it will take him a long time to recover." Everyone had been badly startled when Torah had just suddenly appeared. They could only guess someone had sent him there by using a Move Tai Chi.

"And the girls?"

Griffin sat across from her, "Being Dolls they'll have separation anxiety until who they bonded with come back. So it's best to distract them."

"Elita isn't too happy she has to help, is she?"

"No. Let's just hope Terra doesn't decide to dress her up."

Eowyn shuddered, "I can understand that. Make-up doesn't wash out easily," she laid across Ave's shoulders, gently slapping him with her tail when he attempted adjusting the temporarily sling supporting his arm –it wasn't injured, but it did help reduce the pain going from his wrist to his elbow.

Jahara's Communicator beeped. She lifted the cover, "Luka?"

"The fight is over," he looked and sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

"That's good."

Miya hugged Ave and after what felt like an awkwardly long amount of time she let go, her face almost as red as his. She shuffled over to Jahara's side.

"We'll need to go to a healer," he winced.

Miya nodded, "Good idea. I'm not good with treating ribs. It sounds like you broke a few."

Jahara turned to her, "What?"

Luka nodded weakly and glared at Jakata, who leaned in and waved. Luka pushed Jakata's face out of the way.

"Jakata!" Phoebe's voice came from somewhere far away.

"Ave said he used Cage on Ryong and the other Dolls," Jahara said, "Are we going to bring them with us?"

Sora's voice came through the speakers, "We're not all going to fit even if the airship could move. That's like, twenty-four of us. No, Rai, you're not going to drive a Dragonoid airship."

"I can drive! Ara, you distracted me! I didn't see the telephone pole!"

"The Rogues have …had… a Dragonoid airship," Ave said, "And it can hold a Tigeroid airship."

Rai glared into the screen, much to Luka's annoyance, "How are we going to move it? Wait, Ave has Move and Smoke."

"I never moved anything this big before!"

"You said you could earlier. It's either that or bring the Dragonoid airship there and if it's that I will drive it," he yelped when he was pulled away.

Ave sighed, "Fine. Give me two minutes."

Jahara turned back to the Communicator, "We'll see you soon."

Mishka closed the device.

"Do you know where the airship is?" Luka asked.

Mishka nodded and activated the Tai Chi, teleporting everyone –including the Chil-heng and those caged- to an open room inside of the airship that was used to hold and restrain the smaller and, formerly, enemy airships. He leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

Finn led Sena closer to the wall and activated Ice to push the cages against it and to, once again, restrain Iseul. The others came over, Jakata, Sora and Phoebe carrying the Chil-heng. Ara dragged Rai over.

The Tigeroid airship winked into existence, taking up most of the room. Ave and Miya stood on the deck. Miya helped support Ave when he started to tip over from dizziness and exhaustion. They both very slowly sank down.

"Luka!" Jahara ran down the stairs and, after stopping and staring at Mishka warily for a second or two, went to Luka, carefully holding him, "Just rest."

Okay. He let the darkness overwhelm him.

When he woke he was laying on a bed in an unfamiliar room.

"Luka?" Jahara watched him, sitting in a chair at his bedside, "How are you feeling?"

"Better," he attempted to sit up. Jahara helped him by setting up the pillows for him to lean against, "How long have I been out?"

"About three days. Mishka woke up a few hours ago, and the healers said Torah will probably still be unconscious for a while."


"He's been awake most of the time. He's going to be arrested later today for crimes involving kidnapping Laura, creating and murdering over a thousand Dolls and for the murders and attempted murders of about twenty others, not including us, along with revivals. It was agreed to let him recover before taking him away, and it would be best for that to happen today because Aidan and his family and my brothers are coming here tonight."

"What about Gherba?"

"He's going to stay here for a little while. And because he only created six Dolls and that was under Diga's command, he isn't going to get a severe punishment. Laura decided his punishment because she is the princess and she's married to him. He has to teach Rai how to control the Tai Chi King powers and train Jakata."

Luka grimaced, "That's still harsh… How are the others doing?"

"Ave's wrist and hand are badly damaged, but they'll heal completely. Everyone else is fine otherwise. Except Yanima. He's so mentally unstable he's locked up."

One of the healers' assistants came in then, "Lai –Rai?— asked if he and the others could come in and talk."

Luka nodded, "That's fine."

Jahara turned to her, "How is the girl we brought with us? Has she remembered anything?"

"Mari? No, but Mishka asked if she could stay with him until he's recovered enough to leave. She's so attached to him…"

Luka blinked, "Mari?"

"That's what Mishka said her name is."

Jahara smiled and nodded, "She can stay. Oh, and can you let Rai and the others know to come in about ten minutes? We have to talk about something."

She nodded and left.

Luka looked up at her, "Did the healer say something? About why you've been getting sick?"

Jahara nodded, "Do you promise not to faint again? Good. I'm pregnant."

He slowly blinked his eyes open. What was he doing on the floor?

Jahara stared down at him, disappointed, "You promised…" She helped him get back onto the bed.

Luka gave her a one-arm hug, "How far are you?"

"The healer thinks about nine or ten weeks," she smiled, "So it's the baby that doesn't like Jakata's cooking."

"Brave barely tasted what Jakata made and he cried. How did we not know?"

"We've all been stressed and high stress levels can mimic pregnancy symptoms, or at least that's what Ave said. I got sick again this morning and he asked. He actually had a few suspicions for the last two weeks but didn't say anything because it could have just been a lot of stress."

"Miya didn't know?"

"There were only a couple of free Tigeroids born during the war and Miya was too young to remember. Ave's adoptive parents have three-year-old twins."

"When are you going to tell everyone else?"

"When you're not around," she patted his shoulder gently, "You don't need to faint twice in ten minutes."

Luka nodded, smiling weakly.

"I think it's a boy."

"That's what you said about Yuna."

"This time feels different."

Phoebe came in, followed by Jakata and Yuna, "The others will be here in a bit. Rai and Ara are competing and everyone is there to keep the peace." Yuna went to hug Luka.

Jahara turned to Jakata, "Where are Terra, Lita and Dag?"

"Talking to Gherba. He's going to try talking to Yanima later. I told him Rai said Yanima is rabid."

"Rai might have been exaggerating…"

Everyone else started to come in. Rai and Ara were, not surprisingly, arguing. The last two to come in were Ave and Miya. Ave carried Miya on his back, using his good arm to support her. He helped her into a chair.

Jahara frowned, "You still can't walk?"

"Only a few shaky steps," Miya said, "I have overdone it a bit lately."

"I'll take her to see my parents in a day or two," Ave said, "Aidan and your father should know about it, too."

"Yeah," Rai said, turning to Sena, "Why didn't you tell us you were going to fake your death?" Finn cringed.

Ara answered, "They would have suspected if none of us were worried. I told Finn before he could kill me."

Rai gaped at Finn. He turned back, "But one of us could have done it."

"You would have found some way to mess it up and everyone else would have either told someone or, if it would have been Jahara, Luka would have gone beyond insane. If it was Finn we would have known it was a fake death."

"But if we would have told Sena's family…"

Sena smiled, "The dead tree was Hannah's idea."

"So then no one else knew?"

"Ave did," Ara said, "And Terra."

"Terra?" Rai stared, "Why Terra?"

"During the fight I asked her if she could get us onto their airship. She didn't want to because of Yanima, and they couldn't leave anyway without the Chil-heng."

"But she betrayed us."

"That was part of the plan. After she told me we still had one of them I got her to look like she stole the ones we had."


"If she helped us she could stay on our airship so Yanima couldn't kill her. Oh yeah," she turned to Luka, "You owe her a nice dinner and a hug."

"Is that why she asked for a date?"

"Yes. It was the only way to get her to agree."

Luka sighed, "You couldn't have just told her I would like it if she helped?"

"It's more fun to annoy you," she looked over at the doorway as Baekho glided just outside of it.

Baekho bowed, "Ryong and Baekho are very, very, very sorry. Ryong would like to speak with you later when it's safe after Iseul has been arrested. He wants to say why he betrayed you," he flew away.

"Wait…" Rai turned to everyone, "Iseul can use the Sight Tai Chi, right? How can he use it without a Reverse card?"

"He's part Tigeroid," Ave said, glancing at Luka, who nodded, "But just barely, only enough to allow him to use a non-combat Tigeroid card. It is impressive the extent he can use it, being more skilled than a pure Tigeroid like Torah."

"Does that mean we're part Tigeroid, too?" Phoebe asked.

"Well, yes, but it's so minuscule it wouldn't matter. There really isn't such thing as a 'pure' Tigeroid or Dragonoid. Everyone is related to a Hybrid at some point."

"Lucius Malfoy," Ave said.

"Thranduil," Ara said. They watched as several of the palace guard took Iseul away. Ara turned to Ave, "Does this mean we're comparing Luka to Legolas?" She shrugged, "In a fight Legolas would win. And it is a lot better than being referred to Draco." She sighed, "Fun's over. Now we have to talk to Ryong."

They went to join the others.

"He owes you chocolate, doesn't he?"

"Because it's his fault, yes."

"What's his fault?"

"I'll come up with something."

Ryong stood outside of the door, despite having been invited to come in, petting Baekho. He looked a little worried, "How's your hand?" he asked Ave.

"It will heal."

Rai frowned, "Why are you so concerned, anyway?"

Ryong took his Time card out, "I'm sure by now Onii- Ave has told you I'm not from this time. In my time Ave's hand isn't injured."

"So you gave up because you couldn't risk changing the future," Luka said.

Ryong nodded, "I came here to get the Sengoyu."

Rai stared, "But it only affects Dolls."

"No, actually. I don't know why it turns them human. It heals any non-fatal injury or sickness," he turned to Finn, "Finn knew since Jakata got hit."

Rai turned to Finn, "How?"

"We don't bleed."

"Oh. That would explain a lot."

"Why do you want it?" Jakata asked. "And why did you try to kill me?"

"Forcing you to lose control was the only way I thought you would be able to find it. I didn't know the Rogues already had it. I want it because the girl I love is very sick. I only need it for a short amount of time."

"Why didn't you find the one in your time?"

"You'll know why later on."

"I'll talk to Mishka about it," Luka said.

Ryong relaxed, "Thank you."

Jahara looked over, picking up Yuna to prevent her from stealing Rai's Activator. She turned to Ryong, "… You left the beat up Activator…"

"I repaired it and left it for Phoebe. I didn't expect Yuna would find it first. I would have given it to her directly, but that would have caused a few complications and questions."

Rai looked over, "Why did Torah keep calling you Leon? If you're not from this time then how old are you in this one?"

"I use a lot of false names. So I used a common one from earth," he glanced at Ave, who shook his head, "I… can't tell you my age in this time."

"Okay, then. So, about this girl you like?" He immediately received disapproving glares from everyone else.

Luka turned to everyone, "I need to ask Ryong something. Go on and talk to Gherba if he's ready to."

Everyone nodded and slowly left, Ryong stood aside to let them leave.

Luka turned to him, "You knew about the Life Tai Chi."

"Who do you think left it there?"

Luva smiled in greeting as everyone came in, at the moment being halfway through eating a small bowl of pudding. Because of his relation to Laura he got one of the larger rooms like Luka. Jahara held her Communicator, allowing Luka to join in on the conversation if he wanted to.

Jakata looked around, "Where are they?"

"They're getting food and relaxing," Luva said, "The healers can't even get near Yanima…"

"Why is he rabid?" Rai asked.

Luva didn't answer at first, glancing at Finn and Jakata, "On average Dolls don't live that long. In the last few weeks or so they become unstable."

"…How long do we have left?" Jakata asked.

"Lita and Dag have about three months left. Terra has about a year, I think."

"And Yanima?"

Luva hesitated, "Tomorrow."

Jakata flinched.

Phoebe took a step forward, "What about Jakata?"

"If you asked me eight years ago I would have said two years. I don't know now because he bonded with you," he turned to Sena, "It's the same with Finn."

Luka's voice came through the Communicator, "Is that how Iseul knew about Mishka?"

"Yes. I didn't tell him Dolls can't be forced to listen to their creator if they bonded with someone. At first I didn't know Jakata bonded with Phoebe," he slowly shook his head, "I thought out of anyone you would be the one Terra would choose."

Rai blinked, "Terra bonded with someone? When?"

"A few days ago. I don't know who. I didn't know with Jakata and Finn at first, either."

"Is that what saved Jakata?" Phoebe asked, "Mishka activated Return on him."

"No, actually. The Sengoyu turned him human," he frowned, "All of you look shocked. You didn't know? Return turned Jakata back into a Doll. He can become human again with the Sengoyu."

"But the first time…"

"He was still fighting off Switch, which affects Dolls differently than it would with us. The Sengoyu only made it worse, but in a way it did still save him. The next time he'll only have a mild fever and be drowsy for the next few days."

"Did it save him from the Hideous Tai Chi? Mishka tried using it on him."

Luva shook his head, "The Hideous Tai Chi is affected by our emotions. Dolls don't have the emotional level we do, so they're more or less immune to it."

"Ryong said when a Doll is revived it's basically an empty shell. What happened with Jakata?"

"The only thing explanation I can think of is that he remembered you."

Sora turned to him, "Why are Dolls forbidden, anyway?"

"A number of reasons. They're an easy resource for revivals, but they can be highly unstable. Revivals are dangerous because you're forcing a human soul into a form that can't handle human emotions and it needs the lives of many others, let alone the very high failure rate. I only created Jakata, his team and Finn because Diga needed me to. Iseul is the only one I know of that has successfully been able to complete several revivals. But the reason for that might be the Chil-heng still exist and Mishka is their Guardian, Mari is close to him, and the other—"

"Mari?" Luka asked.

Sora turned to Ave, "Didn't Mishka confirm Mari is the Tigeroid from the story Torah told us?"

He nodded, "Iseul tried to revive her. I heard it went wrong, but I think that was from him trying to make her more human, so…"

"How does he even remember her? Jakata still can't remember that much."

Jakata looked at her, pouting, "Hey…"

Luva answered, "The difference is that Mishka used to be real, so his attachment to Mari was a lot stronger, even after he died twice. She never betrayed him. He was only trying to save her and the Chil-heng from the Hybrids."

Rai blinked a few times, "So he only wanted to become strong so he could go back for her?"

Luva nodded, "Iseul revived her to manipulate him."

Jakata frowned, "You told Yanima not to attack."

"I didn't want to, but if I wouldn't have he would have killed you and Ave."

"Why did Iseul capture you?" Rai asked.

"I would have interfered too easily, and I know a lot more about Dolls than he does. He held me captive for about two years."

"Why didn't you try to escape?"

"He would have either found me again or captured someone that would have helped him. I left out the information he needed. I also told Ryong to bring the other Dolls here before they died."

Rai frowned, "Why?"

"I wanted them to live a little longer. Ryong could take their reverted forms back and the time line wouldn't have changed much."

"Even with their longer lives?"

"I didn't know it would last this long. I am going to give Yanima the choice between dying here or when Finn defeated him."

Finn twitched. Hesitantly, he said, "I want to talk to Luva and Ryong."

"Alone?" Sena asked, "Okay," she turned to Jahara, "Is Ryong still talking to Luka?"

"He was. He's coming here now."

Sena nodded and turned to Finn, "When you're done we can talk about what you wanted to ask me."

"I need to ask Jahara and Luka a favor," Luva said, "Finn can stay if he wants to."

Everyone else nodded and left. Finn went outside into the hall, staying near the doorway.

"Is something wrong?" Jahara asked.

"I'm sure you remember Kyu…," Luva looked up, "He was the only real Rogue, and his name was Jun… he was my brother."

Jahara looked down, "I'm so sorry…"

"This will be a lot to ask, but could you look after Brave?"

Ave waited for Ryong in the hallway, "You already took the Sengoyu and brought it back, didn't you?"

Ryong twitched, "Well, if Luka is going to ask Mishka than he'd already know about it…"

"Did you at least tell anyone you left?"

"It would have only been for a few hours and it was before anyone would wake up."

Ave cringed, "You left during the night again…" he sighed, "Leon, you know how Mom will react when she finds out…"

"She won't if you don't tell her."

"I can't promise that."

Ryong frowned at him, "Then I'll just have to hope you don't remember this conversation in ten years," he sighed, "I can't say much, but be careful in about a few years, Oniisan."

Ave nodded, "If I don't see you before you leave, do you have any advice for your younger self?"

"Hey." Luka glanced up from the book he was reading to see Rai, standing in the doorway, smiling very smugly. "Jahara told us. She said you react very interestingly to the word pregnant," the smile vanished when Luka didn't react, "Uh… Jahara's pregnant. She's pregnant. I'm pregnant!"

At that very moment Ara and Sena walked past and stopped. Ara looked him up and down, "Better you than me."

Rai glanced back and forth, his face bright red, "I…uh… I… have to talk to Sora or somebody... yeah…" he backed away, smiling widely.

Luka looked back at his book, "It won't work, Ara."

"For now," she and Sena walked down the hall again, "Do you want it trimmed?"

Sena played with her hair, "By about half an inch."

"It's been almost three months and Rai still hasn't noticed your hair hasn't grown out…"

"I'm still deciding what his punishment is. He said it can be anything I want."

"It'll have to be something big. He basically has done something bad enough to everyone and how they want revenge."

They stopped, turned to each other, and slowly smiled.

Luva and Ryong didn't respond at first, thinking over what Finn said.

"Are you sure?" Ryong asked, "Dolls can survive fatal falls and attacks, and when they've bonded they have a much longer life span."

"I don't know if you'll stay a Tigeroid or become a Hybrid," Luva said.

"I don't care," Finn said.

"I at least helped," Rai said.

Ara didn't look at all impressed, "So? Luka and Torah almost died. You were saving Mishka."

"Exactly. He defeated Iseul, so therefor I helped. Can't you at least thank me by kissing me on the cheek?"

"Fine, but if you turn your head so I kiss you on the lips I will punch you in the gut and then kick you."

Rai moved away, "I don't need a kiss from you."

Ara turned to Ave, "Did he help at all?"

"He fought Yanima. I was there up until they went to find the Chil-heng."

"I fought Mishka," Rai said, "Sure, he only fought back in self-defense…"

Ara sighed and slowly shook her head, "Why do I even like you?"

Miya laughed softly.

"Miya!" Jae and Eun ran over. "We just heard from Jahara. Are you all right?"

Miya nodded, "I should be fine in a few days. Ave's parents are healers, too, and they might know what's wrong," she turned to Ave, "These are Jae and Eun… Ave?"

Ave stared at the twins, his face white, almost looking like he was about to cry. It took a few seconds for the twins to respond.

"…Oppa…" Eun said. She and Jae went to hug him.

Rai watched, tearing up, "Group hug!" he joined them.

"So you were affected by Time?" Jae asked some time later, sitting across the table. Eun sat next to him.

Ave nodded, "My memories were erased. I grew up on Earth."

"Hehe, we're older than you."

"Who adopted you?"

"Kari did," Eun said, "Originally Aidan was going to, but he was stressed from trying to find Miya's family and everything else that was going on. Kari didn't have any kids at the time, so it all worked out."

"Where were you when…" he hesitated.

"Visiting Aidan. Of course back then we didn't know what happened to Aidan's sister."

"Was it Kari that renamed you?"

"Well," Jae said, "Jae and Eun sound really close to Jace and Rune."

Eun smiled softly, "I wonder what would have happened nine years ago if you would have let yourself get captured. Maybe we would have met back then."

Miya nodded, "Iris would have made sure of it."

Sora watched from the doorway and looked up at Griffin, "Should we tell them about their family?"

"I think it's a little too early for that. Just let them be for now. Maybe someday we'll take them there."

Sora followed Griffin away, "How long are we staying?"

"Until Luka heals enough to travel again. Torah is going to stay here for a while, and Mishka can't leave until he's fully recovered, physically and mentally."

"That's going to take a long time."

"Well," Griffin turned to her, "Anyone would eventually lose it if they couldn't go back to save the one they loved, wouldn't they?"

Nine months later

"Do we know what she chose yet?" Jahara asked, "Jakata has been quiet today."

"Not yet," Luka said.

They stood on the porch, watching as Jakata and Terra sat leaning against a tree. Terra dozed against Jakata's shoulder. According to Gherba, this was around the time Terra would start to become unstable unless she decided to become real.

Jahara adjusted their sleeping two-month old son, Garnia, in her arms. Unlike Yuna, Garnia didn't have the color or texture of his parents hair, or even the eye colors. Instead he had inherited his brown hair and hazel eyes from his grandmother, Shirona.

"Did Ara steal your towel again?"

Luka stopped towel-drying his hair, "Probably." The towel he was using was pink. He was sure he had taken his duck towel in with him. This had been the only one left…. He frowned over at the other side of the porch, where Ara, Rai, Tori, Sora and Griffin were talking to Torah and his fiancée. Ara looked over and smiled knowingly, waving. Donha wasn't with them, instead he was showing Yuna and Brave how to water flowers.

Griffin was distracted, often looking over at Sena and Finn. Since Finn had become real he had grown and was close to Sena's height now. Sena brushed a dead leaf off of her sweater, getting her hand caught for a second. As they walked past Rai looked her up and down, "Wait. Something is different. Is that a new sweater?"

Sena sighed, "No."

Rai took a step back, "Please don't slap me again. The diamond cut me last time," he glared at Finn, "You choose it on purpose."

At that moment Phoebe came out of the house, carrying a few drinks, "He still hasn't noticed Sena is keeping her hair short?" she walked over to Jakata and Terra.

Griffin looked over at Ave and Miya. Ave sat on one of the steps while Miya was at the bottom, in the wheelchair Ave had gotten for her eight months earlier. Griffin hesitantly walked over to Luka, "Luka… well… I… wanted to… I've seen how…"

"Griffin," Luka turned to him, "Keep it simple. I don't need Sora and Jakata to compete over flashy rings."

Griffin smiled and nodded, "Um… Thank you." He went back to the others.

Jahara turned to Luka, "What?"

"Rai is the only one that things Jakata will propose to Phoebe."

"How are you so sure Phoebe will propose?"

"Next week will be one year since Jakata was revived. If she can fully train the puppy I'm going to give her than she can propose. I need to apologize to her somehow for upsetting her."

"She probably forgot it by now. And have you thought about what happens if Rai is right?"

"Ara took care of that."

"I don't want to know."

Luka glanced over at Ave and Miya, "I think Ara plotted with them."

Ave spoke to Miya, likely about medical studies. Although his face was a light red and he traced a finger back and forth over the base of Miya's ring finger. Miya hugged him, nodding.

Luka stared and turned to Jahara, "…Jahara…?"

She smiled and nodded. She looked over at the bridge, where Mishka and Mari were.

"He's a lot happier now."

"He used to be like that."

"Is it because of Mari?"

"Possibly," Luka finished towel-drying his hair, letting the towel hang around his shoulders, "Gherba said he's not sure if those revived have different life spans than a regular Doll. They can stay here if they have to."

Jahara watched with wide-eyes as he left. She turned to Ara as she walked over. "Is that supposed to happen?"

"Only when you switch the shampoo for super-strength hair-dye," she didn't even blink when Luka yelled, "Honestly, I didn't think he would look that good with pink hair."

"Will it wash out?"

"It will be easier if he just cuts it or lets it grow out," she hesitated, "If it can."

In the nine long months Mishka had spent recovering he had regained most of his memories, both from when he had been the Guardian and when he was a Doll for the first time. He didn't know if it was this time or the time over twenty ago he had tried sending the Chil-heng to, but he wouldn't have changed that decision. Mari was safe, and that was what mattered.

He had remained in a sleep-like state between the realms of life and death twice, barely aware of what had went on around him or how long it had been since he had last been alive. Only one thing kept him there: The desire for revenge on the ones that had taken Mari away from him.


Human was posted early enough in the morning so that the publish and update dates would match here and in South Korea. Tai Chi Chasers originally ran from April 29th 2007 to January 20th 2008. Human was posted January 27th 2016 – April 20th 2016. Next week will be Tai Chi Chaser's ninth birthday. Human is, literally, based eight years after Tai Chi Chasers ended.