Her body shakes, undoubtedly heavy with emotion from both Carmen and his sudden appearance at her side. This morning he had made it seem like it was easy to be so intimate with her and get out unscathed. That was never a reality for him and he chose to believe it wasn't one for her either.

While at work he had cancelled on Camille, she had taken it well knowing Klaus had not truly shown interest in her before. He called ahead making sure that none of his siblings would be in attendance at tonight's performance before he arrived. Caroline, true to her word had only used her ticket leaving the other at the call booth.

It was as if the stars aligned, no too romantic, the gods were on his side in this moment as he pulled the curtain aside. She was breathtakingly beautiful, her hair done in waves pinned back with care, her back straight, her dress glistening. Caroline looked regal, looking down at her subject from her high tower. Then he heard it, the first sniffle, he was at her side before he could register it.

"Bastard," the name falling from her lips as he drew a stray tear into the silk fabric he held in his hand.

The applause died as the siren stood up from her chair, her glasses tucked away in her clutch. Klaus offered her his arm knowing Caroline would accept it, he was proven correctly only moments later as her gloved hand held to him. Her breath came in slow, steady beats, the ir feet syncing as they moved along the blood red capet of the lobby. Klaus said nothing for the time being nothing until his eyes get to properly devour her under the light of the moon. "You look ravishing," he murmured, smirk missing, a fact that chilled her to the bone as he escorted her out of the building to the car.

A car she didn't arrive in but apparently they were going home in she told herself as she tried to slip inside without his assistance thanks to the layers of her dress. "I look tired." she told him.

Klaus laughed, he ended up helping her because her shoe slipped off and how perfect was he, stepping inside the car and slipping it back on her foot, his fingers massaging her ankle, "You will always look like you did on the first night we met to me." he murmured as he did so.

Caroline swats his hands away barely managing to hide her smile when she says, "I had braids in my hair, beads, scarves," she shakes her head at the memory.

Klaus smiles in memory as well, "You were so vicious, full of life." he recalls as he removes his suit jacket and wraps it around her arms to keep her warm.

"I'm not her anymore." she manages as she grips the ends of his jacket over her shoulders enjoying his scent washing over her.

"And when I feed now," he pauses wondering how to word it, "I order-in," Caroline laughs because usually they share their meals, "Not dine and dash. We've both changed."

Why are you trying to make me laugh?" She asks resting her head on his shoulder as he tucks her into his side.

"Why are you so sad?" he counters kissing the top of her head, he was the lonely one not her, never her.

"Because the love of my life is an idiot." she mumbles into his shirt, her hot breath tickling his chest above where his heart beat for her.

"Ouch." he says, his hand on her shoulder coming up to cup her neck, making Caroline arch her neck to look up at him.

"I don't blame you. It has everything to do with me." she blinks up at him, her eyes a lighter shade of blue, flecks of purple where the gold should be, she was getting sick.

"So let's change that." Klaus replied kissing her roughly before she could ask how, he pulled back only to press the intercom, "Driver, don't stop until I say or we run out of gas."

"Klaus?" Caroline's breath was mangled as she spoke his name causing a smile to spread over his lips.

"This dress really is marvelous in you but it has to go." Klaus told her, his hand cupping one of her breasts over the fabric, "Naked is your armor, undress."

Caroline sat up, "You too." she told him as she pulled off his jacket in a haste making Klaus laugh as he undid his tie.

Klaus watched her fuss with the zipper knowing it was an act because surely she had dressed herself alone, like a wolf he climbed over her settling his hands on the zipper. His mouth kissed every inch of bare skin as the zipper descended down her back causing Caroline to shiver as he helped her out of the dress realizing she had nothing on underneath. She smiled at the look he gave her as she helped free him from his trousers and belt flinging them both away as her mouth peppered kisses along his abdomen.

"Content? We're both nude now." she asked as her lips met his pelvis and she knelt down on the carpet flooring to get better access to his hardening length.

"Incandescently." Klaus hissed as she stroked him, her touch eliciting warm emotions bursting in his chest as well as everywhere else. "Now talk to me." he asked before she could press a kiss where he wanted her to.

Caroline smiled as she scratched her nails softly over his thighs, "Did you send Dana away to get alone time with me?" she asked him.

Klaus groaned as he pulled her onto his lap, "Yes, but I didn't get anywhere until the bloody last day as you recall." he told her as he kissed her.

"I'm pretty stubborn." Caroline agreed as she touched his chest savoring the way he smelled of him and nothing more.

"I wouldn't argue with you on that." Klaus chuckled as he bit the shell of her ear dragging his the tip of his tongue along the edge before nipping her jaw.

"Dana still has the hots for you huh?" Caroline inquired, possessiveness filling her as she rubbed delicately over his length coating him with her arousal. Claiming him.

Klaus nods unable to speak as she ruts against him, his breath in pants as he reveals, "If you could see the thoughts she puts together."

"She's had dream of the three of us." Caroline whispers against his neck as she sucks softly gaining incomprehensible sounds from deep in his throat that favor her.

"She told you?" Klaus asked,half- gone, with nothing but her touches as she dips her head lower kissing his chest.

"We're women." Caroline tells him as if that's an answer he should already know, some sort of girl code he has yet to crack.

Klaus nods, unsure of what she says receiving a smile of content as she sits back, "Can I just say. Your breasts are looking incredible tonight."

"Thank you." Caroline concedes with a peck to his lips, "Sometimes I think they're too small.I mean they look nice in the water but up here on land."

He shakes his head disagreeing, "Sweetheart, they're perfect," he assures her as his hands stroke over her coral nipples.

Caroline's head falls on his shoulder, "We should head home," she sighs harshly as he pinches one softly, making her moan.

"Not yet," Klaus tells her as he lavishes her neck with bites, "Dana might be there and there's something I want to do to you first."