Welp, now it's time for me to put up part 2.

This part was a bit less..."painful" for me to type, but let's continue.

Papyrus was done watching TV for the night, he began to head upstairs into his bed room. However, he was caught by surprise when he saw the bone wall in front of the door.

Furious, Papyrus began to violently knock on the wall next to the door. "SANS! OPEN UP!"

More bones appeared in front of the door, infuriating the skeleton even further. "YOU CAN'T JUST LOCK ME OUT OF MY OWN ROOM, SANS!"

Again, more bones appeared. Papyrus threw his arms up in defeat as he headed back downstairs. "FINE, BE THAT WAY!"

The skeleton sat back down on the couch. He grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels on the TV. Papyrus wasn't too worried about staying up late. After all, sleep was for the weak, and Papyrus was anything but weak!

...And neither was Sans, despite sleeping most of the time.

Papyrus shook his head, he was supposed to be angry at his brother. It was Sans that started the fight...and yet, Papyrus couldn't help but feel guilty.

The skeleton laid his head down on the side of the couch, maybe this feeling would go away, tomorrow? Papyrus hoped it was the case.

A day had gone past, neither brother has interacted with each other. Papyrus continued to go about his day, cooking spaghetti and keeping the house clean. Sans, on the other hand, refused to leave his room. He wouldn't even bother talking to Frisk or Toriel, it was starting to worry Papyrus a lot.

Papyrus was sitting in the kitchen, tapping his fingers on the table. He wasn't entirely sure what to do, now. Should he confront his brother? Should he not? He was worried that he and Sans would argue again, even worse was that Papyrus worried about his brother yelling at him.

"Hi, Papyrus."

Papyrus looked down at Frisk, the human pulled out a chair and sat next to the skeleton.

"Hello, Frisk," Papyrus said, petting his adoptive sibling's head. "How have you been this fine day?"

"I've been all right," Frisk said, a look of concern fell onto their face. "I just wanted to know how you've been."

"Oh..." Papyrus smiled nervously. He looked distressed, like he could fall apart at any moment. "I-I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Frisk asked, given Papyrus a dirty look. The skeleton let out a deep sigh. "Frisk, you know I can't talk to Sans!"

"Why not?"

"Well..." Papyrus nervously pulled at his scarf. "After an argument like that, I don't think he'd ever forgive me."

"And what makes you say that?" Frisk asked, resting their head in their hand. Papyrus struggled to speak. Tears were starting to form in his eye sockets, no matter how hard he tried to fight back. "I-I told him that I w-wished I never had a brother. N-not only that, but I almost killed him. *sob* I-I was j-just so mad, I wasn't th-thinking clearly."

Papyrus' bones rattled, he rested his head on the table, hiding his sobbing face with his arms. "I just d-didn't want him to get hurt, but-but now he thinks I'm a horrible b-brother! *sob* Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut!?"

Frisk wasn't sure what to do. They knew Papyrus needed help, but they weren't sure how they could help.

Suddenly, Frisk remembered something. They tapped Papyrus' arm, the skeleton looked at them through teary eye sockets.

"Wait here!" Frisk said as they raced upstairs. Papyrus looked in confusion, wiping the tears from his cheek bones. He gave Frisk a confused look once they returned, the human was holding a slice of Butterscotch Pie in their hands.

"Maybe you could try giving this to Sans," Frisk offered, "I'm sure he'd like it if you gave it to him."

"A-are you sure?" Papyrus asked, taking the pie from Frisk. The human nodded. "If this doesn't work, then we'll try ketchup, instead."

"Nyeh heh heh!" Papyrus chuckled, patting Frisk on the head. "You're such a smart cookie, I don't know what I'd do without you!"

Papyrus left the kitchen and made his way upstairs. He walked over to where his bed room would be, which was still blocked off by the bone wall.

Gently, Papyrus tried knocking on the wall next to the door. "Sans? Can I come in?"

It was silent, Papyrus tried knocking once again. "Please, brother...I promise I won't yell this time!"

Again, there was nothing but silence. Papyrus was ready to head downstairs until he noticed the bone wall disappearing. Once it was gone, Papyrus walked inside, speaking in a more gentle tone. "Brother, I've brought you some pie, in case you've gotten hungry."

Unsuprisingly, the room was a mess. Books and toys were scattered across the floor, Papyrus' bed was upside-down, most of the furniture was knocked over. It annoyed Papyrus greatly, but he'd have to worry about it, later.

Sans was curled up in his bed, holding onto a pillow. He was facing the wall, away from Papyrus.

Papyrus walked into the room, he was careful not to step on anything. He sat down at the edge of his brother's bed, placing the pie on the floor. "Sans?"

The smaller skeleton gave Papyrus a small glance before curling up even more, holding his pillow even tighter. Papyrus pulled Sans into his arms, gently rubbing the back of his skull.

"Sans, I'm sorry for trying to kill you, and that I wished I never had a brother," Papyrus said, trying to keep his composure. "I know I was horrible, but...do you think you could forgive me?"

It was silent for a few minutes, All Papyrus could do was sit there, holding his brother. Eventually, he felt Sans shift a bit. The smaller skeleton dropped the pillow beside him and wrapped his arms around Papyrus' neck. "sorry i told you to burn in hell."

"I forgive you," Papyrus said, his smile returning to his face. "And Sans?"


"I love you!"

"...i love you too, pap!"

Papyrus looked near the door, Frisk was standing just outside the room. The taller skeleton gave them a reassuring nod, telling them everything was OK. Frisk was able to walk away happy, knowing the skeletons had finally forgiven each other.

And thus ends our little story.

As much as siblings argue, they do forgive each other eventually.

So, um...bye bye.