Author's Note (Part 2 because I forgot about one major flaw in this story that I promised myself I'd correct but regrettably put it off for later until AFTER the story ended)

This flaw is a biggie, I've promised myself to be impartial no matter how much feelings (dislike/like) I had toward a character, but unfortunately this wasn't the case for Ron Stoppable.

First 10 chapters I have to admit the way I perceived and portrayed him was inaccurate, in fact, really inaccurate. Yes, he's quite cowardly, but I've overblown that one quality of his and it made him too OOC, even for me, and years ago I hadn't noticed it! Mostly, but still, and I hadn't fixed it. There was always something off about those chapters but when I fixed the error (him) I felt an enormous relief and satisfaction, because it flowed right! (Kinda? But yes, mostly for the most part!)

Anyway, this is my last announcement, the next time you'll see me is probably when I'll post my one-shots about Junior. I'll throw in some side-stories happening with the other characters but the main focus of the one shots will be Junior, I can assure you that!

First chapter of the first one shot is almost done, so be sure to check it out when you see a new story from me, haha.

Thanks for reading, I very much appreciate it. You all have greatly encouraged me over the years, and even though there are still some errors with the story, I will happily revise to make the flow enjoyable for you all. :)
