A/N: Hey people, I'm back with the longer (and slightly altered) version of my one-shot story (Uncovered Secrets). This chapter is more of an introductory thing I guess, but hopefully it is interesting enough :)

A HUUUUGEEEE thank you to iamacrepe for all your help!

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy :)

"Chlo, can you pay attention for a sec?"

"Sure Becs, you have my full attention", the redhead responded, as she turned around to face her best friend.

"Thanks. So I have one rule about sharing a room, and that is no going through my drawers. If you break that rule, no matter how much I love you, I swear I will never talk to you again. Cool?"

Beca watched as Chloe's eyes widened in shock at her last comment.

Despite her tough exterior and badass persona, Beca had been softened by her friendship with Chloe. Not that this was a bad thing at all; however Beca couldn't believe how Chloe had managed to break through her walls to reveal her inner self, so easily it seemed. Well, almost all of her walls.

Throughout the few months since winning their title at the ICCAs, over their break from college, Beca and Chloe had grown a lot closer as best friends. Especially with the both of their families living in Atlanta, where the two Bellas could remain in close proximity during the break. Whilst everyone else made the journey home for the holidays, these two caught up quite regularly for coffee or sleepovers in their dorms.

Chloe had indeed been correct in her proclamation of their becoming 'fast friends'. Beca liked to joke that she had no choice in the matter, thanks to Chloe's outgoing personality and skills of persuasion. Though they both knew that Beca was appreciative of Chloe's efforts. Not only did she have another awesome best friend now, but she had someone to hang out with over the break.

As of this day however, they no longer needed to have sleepovers, as they would be sharing a room in the new Bella house. In her last act as the Bellas captain before she graduated, Aubrey had fought hard for the Bellas to have their own house on campus, just as the Treblemakers had already somehow been given years ago.

As the two co-captains for the coming year, Beca and Chloe had the option to have their own rooms, however they were more than happy to share. And so when the day came that the Bella House was finally ready, the brunette and ginger had the first look at the house (it was still the holidays and no one else was back yet) and called shotgun on the one bedroom up in the attic, which had an ensuite bathroom and was slightly bigger than the rest of the bedrooms.

On this particular day, the two were just finishing up with unpacking their belongings and Chloe was truly surprised at Beca's threat to "never speak to her again" if she touched her stuff. For one, Beca couldn't go a day without talking to Chloe in some way – be it texting, calling, or seeing in person – as of late, and neither could Chloe for that matter. Secondly, Chloe thought they both trusted each other with virtually anything, and had shared many things about themselves with each other.

For instance, when Chloe was freaking out about the fact that she had indeed failed her classes so she could be a Bella for another year ("what was I thinking?"), she had confided in Beca, and the brunette to her credit had sat there and comforted her, reassuring her that there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, and at least she would get to spend the next year with an awesome group of girls.

And when Beca was pissed at her father after a disagreement they had had, Chloe calmed her down, and surprisingly, Beca had given her the full explanation of what they were arguing about, and how she was still a little sore on the fact that he had left her and her mom when she was a kid.

The tiny brunette even let Chloe use her headphones to listen to the mixes she shared with the redhead. But, she guessed, there were a few things about each other's lives that they did not yet know. Chloe herself was not someone that needed any privacy or deliberately hid anything from her friends, though she realised that not everyone was like that. It was a miracle Beca had let her in on her life so much already.

"Chlo?" Beca raised an eyebrow as she waited for an acknowledgement of her rule. A few moments had passed since the brunette had spoken, and she did not miss the glimmer of disappointment that flickered across her new roommate's face. Chloe was quite easy to read for the most part, which made it easier for Beca to catch things like this, despite her general social awkwardness. Beca understood that Chloe might be confused by the fact that she was blocking her out of something, but she really wasn't ready to reveal everything about herself to the ginger. Especially not the one thing for which there was evidence of in one of her drawers.

At Beca's attempt of getting Chloe's attention, the older girl snapped out of her momentary shock and smiled genuinely at her new roommate.

"Yeah, no worries. I will stay out of your drawers. But I also have a rule for you." Chloe smirked, something she seemed to have picked up from the brunette.

This should be interesting, Beca thought, amused by the mischievous tone of voice the ginger was using. "Shoot."

"You can touch anything of mine you want" Chloe winked playfully at Beca, causing her to chuckle.

Both girls knew this was simply Chloe messing around; they had nothing romantic going on, and as far as they were aware, there were no romantic feelings at either side.

To anyone else, it would seem as though the pair was a couple, or at least would make a good couple, what with their closeness and how they acted around each other. However as fate would have it, only the two in question were completely oblivious to this. For now.

By the time the girls were finished unpacking and decorating the house with a few photos and what-not, it was late evening. Exhausted from all the moving, the two ordered pizza for dinner, not even considering cooking something in their worn out state.

The pizza was consumed in a comfortable silence, each girl savouring the taste of the deliciously cheesy goodness that is pizza, until Chloe spoke up.

"How awesome is this Beca?! We will be living together with the girls ALL year. We could be doing this every night." The ginger motioned between the two of them and their pizza.

"It beats rooming with Kimmy Jin, that's for sure." Beca agreed. "Though, as much as I love pizza, we probably shouldn't eat it every night Chlo. For health or whatever."

"Hmm, I guess not." Chloe relented. Then suddenly, as if it had only just occurred to her, Chloe's head popped up to look Beca in the eyes, an exaggerated expression of shock filling her face. Beca was dumbfounded by this action, as confusion crept up her own face.

"What Chloe?"

Chloe seemed to have recovered from the 'shock' a bit. "You just said something responsible Beca Mitchell! What have you done with the badass who doesn't care?"

Chloe was smiling at this point, as she poked fun at her best friend.

Beca rolled her eyes. "You're hilarious." She deadpanned, her signature sarcasm coming out with ease, though she couldn't help a smile from showing up on her features at the goofiness that was Chloe.

The redhead laughed, giving a big grin. "I know."

Beca took on a semi-serious tone. "I'll have you know that I can be very responsible when it comes to eating healthily."

"Sure sure." The redhead threw back.

The memories of a time when Beca had to be very careful of what she ate – if she didn't want to suffer too much – flitted through the brunette's mind as she spoke.

"And it will be better for our performances as a group if we are all able to actually move around on stage without having to be rolled there."

Chloe took this into consideration. Her brows furrowed. "You make an excellent point, Mitchell."

"Yeah. Anyway, I'm going to go to bed now." Beca started to get up.

"Okay, I'll be up soon, I'll just take this" – Chloe gestured to the pizza box in her hand – "out to the garbage first."

When Beca finally reached their room, after climbing two sets of stairs, she went straight for her bottom drawer by her bed, grabbing a handful of pills from a pill case (one of those weekly organisers) and swallowed them, downing them with water straight after.

Ten minutes later when Chloe showed up for bed, there was no evidence in sight of what had just happened.

Both girls fell asleep almost immediately, with thoughts of the craziness that would soon come to the Bella house (in a few days) when the rest of the girls returned from vacation and moved in. The following year would be interesting, that was for sure.

Unfortunately for Beca, she was woken up a few hours later by some intense pains coming from her stomach. She made her way to the bathroom, hoping she wasn't right about what she thought was going on. But as she returned to bed ten minutes later, the short brunette was swearing internally. This was not happening. This was NOT happening. It couldn't happen. Not now. Not when she had just moved in with the Bellas, and was sharing a room with Chloe.

Oh fuck.

A/N: I will obviously be adding interactions between everyone else in the future chapters, and if anyone has any ideas for 'filler' type events or whatever, college life, rehearsals, bonding thingos, anything like that, feel free to suggest them to me. I have the main ideas for the major drama of the story, but I could use some ideas on the other interactions and the rest of the background storyline.