She's the first one up in the morning, her mind still cozy in bed as her body goes on autopilot, reluctantly disentangling herself from her boyfriend's arms before sliding off the bed and zombie-walking to the kitchen, her hands taking over for her absent brain as she gets the coffee maker brewing her favourite cup of ambition (the only thing she can actually make, she thinks begrudgingly), because Spirits knows she needs it to get through the next several hours of the day.

He's the last one up in the morning, the scent of her still on him, the warmth of her body still imprinted in her side of the mattress, and it nearly lulls him back to sleep before he remembers that he's got a whole new day to conquer, an entire 17 new hours of potential adventure, even if that adventure is as simple as picking up some leeks from the market that afternoon. He tumbles out of bed, the scent of dark coffee and the familiar padding footsteps of his girlfriend guiding him to the kitchen.

The rim of her mug is not what first kisses her sleepy lips awake, but his, soft and always so, so sincere, murmuring a tired, "Good morning, Opal" against her mouth before he finally pulls away.

And then she's no longer on autopilot, but slowly waking up as Bolin pulls a pan out of one of the cupboards and turns on the stove, his voice a little less tired as he asks how she wants her eggs that morning. Within a matter of minutes, he's got four poached eggs on a plate and she has two mugs of coffee in their favourite mugs (black for her, extra cream for him), and then she's wide awake when she finds them sitting next to one another, quietly sharing breakfast, their knees brushing as she leans back and takes a sip of her coffee. And when they're done with their eggs and his hand finds hers under the table, it's impossible not to think that their mornings are better than anyone else's.

Because, really, the best part of waking up is being able to start every day the same way they always have for the past few years, and how they plan to start it every day for the rest of their lives - together.