Hey guys! I know, I know, but hey, at least it hasn't been six months like it was last time! Lololol…. I know that's not an excuse, but I do promise to do better. The next chapter is one of those that I've been waiting to write since I started planning this story. So hopefully the words will flow, and the people that I live with will leave me alone.

I know this one is short compared to the other chapters in this. I wanted to give you something, and what happens next needs to be it's own chapter, and not the back end of this one.

I need to thank notanislander and cole. And of course you, for continuing to come back to read my words. I've been having a hard time lately, and this community that we've built means so much to me. Thank you, for being there for me.


"Are you sure you had a good birthday?" She asks.

"I did," she scowls at him, and he chuckles, "I promise."

"I meant to do more—"

"Shhh," he murmurs. "You didn't know that Thresh would need us. Besides, each birthday I get to spend with you, is better than the last."

Their eyes meet, both of them bouncing/swaying gently on the backs of Jasper and Snowshoe. They are quiet for only a moment then the burst out laughing. "Quit teasing me, Peeta." She gasps through her chuckles.

His heart flips, wishing he could tell her the truth. "Never, ever. I know I'll never forget my eighteenth birthday."

She stills, but her smile doesn't leave her face. "What do you want for supper?"

"Whatever is easy. I never knew planting would be so tiring."

They grow silent thinking back to why they were needed in the first place. Several of Thresh's villagers had come down with a spring sickness. No one was really worried until the young ones who had contracted it began to sleep and would not wake up.

Not even Prim and Father could help.

The helpers planted while the siblings did what they could to help the ones left behind.

"Can I ask you a question?" Peeta says beside her.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Why don't we go into my—your village like Thresh does?" He tries to keep the longing of seeing those he left behind. It's been a couple of months since they went for Winter Solstice and Madge had a new husband and Rye and Delly's baby is growing big—they are moving on but he feels like time is standing still for him.

"Since Thresh is the first born, his gift was given to help Father feed the people of the land. And since he can't do all the planting and the tending and the gathering, Thresh instead goes around and helps."

Peeta nods. "So, what you are saying is since you have the job of keeping the fire, you don't need anyone but your helper? Where Thresh has to feed everyone, he needs everyone to do it?"

"You are so much better with words than I am. But yes, something like that. Then, look at Rue. Her domain is the animals. The people take care of their livestock while she looks after the animals in the wood, and well, all around us."

"It makes sense," Peeta agrees. The trail opens up to their yard. Working quickly, they put the tack up, and brush down the horses. Katniss turns them loose in the pasture and follows Peeta into the treehouse. Working together, they fix a quick supper and sit down together on the couch outside of Peeta's bedroom.

They are so tired, that one of them turns on a movie, joins the other on the couch. As soon as they both are comfortable, their eyes close. Her head finds his chest, while his arms wrap tightly around her.

And there they sleep until sometime late the next morning.


One summer morning, sometime after that, before the heat chases away what little coolness crept in the night before, finds Peeta with his cup of morning tea watching the little waves lap at the shore of the lake.

The sounds of the forest that he knows by now that never really sleep, surround him, singing to him it's greetings.

He wills his mind to be still, but as usual it's always thinking, always churning. He tries not to think about the future, about one day having to leave her- when suddenly she is there. He gives her a smile, and she returns it before taking a sip of her tea.

"We have to go clear some trees today."

He nods. "We do."

She is quiet for so long that he has to turn his head to make sure she is still there. He lets his eyes roam over her, drinking her in like only he can when she falls asleep beside him on the couch. There he lets himself wonder what it would be like to finally touch her, to kiss her in those hidden places that he's only heard about. To kiss her eyelids to only have her open her eyes to pull him down into an embrace as they kiss away—"Peeta?" her question brings him back to this moment, with her by this lake.

"I'm listening," he croaks hoping that she is convinced even as his voice cracks.

Her brow, that perfectly curved brow arches up. He thinks he hears her hum but she says, "let's take the day off."

"But it's not Sunday."

The curve of her lips makes him want to—"No, it's not, but I think we need to swim."

The curve of his lips matches hers. "We do?"

"We do."

"Last one in—" he starts to tease, but her shirt is over her head and in the sand before he even gets all of his words out. Underneath is the tank she normally swims in. "Hey! You had this planned!"

Her boots land next. "I was hoping—come on Peeta! I'm going to beat you!"

Her pants land next to his boots. A dream he had once of her clothes on his floor leading to his bed makes parts of him harden. Katniss doesn't look back as she runs into the cool lake giving him time to adjust his pants to hide what is happening in them.

He slides his boots off as a wet Katniss comes out of the water. She throws her head back, and droplets of water bounce all around her. "Don't look at me-" he whispers as he tugs his shirt off. Next to go are his pants. Thankfully he wore his loose boxers today, and the object of his desire is looking the other way.

When he is covered by the water, he calls out, "I'm finally in!"

She turns to him, and something in him squeezes tight as she looks at him. Her lips part and he can pick up on a whisper of a sound that escapes. Her grin makes him want her as a splash of water wets his face. A giggle on the breeze snaps him out of the trance he's in, and he scoops up a handful of water.

"Peeta! you wouldn't—" his returning splash interrupts her as water fills her mouth.

"Oh, crap—" he manages to sputter before he catches her as she leaps at him before dunking them both.

As they sink under the surface of the lake, bubbles surround them, enclosing them in their own little world. His hands flex around her waist, and he pulls her closer to him in an effort to save her even if in reality, she is the better swimmer.

He opens his eyes, and she is impossibly close, blinking back at him. She wraps her arms around him, and together they surface. Breathing deep, they stay in one another's arms.

A delicate spell weaves itself around them, drawing them closer. Everything else fades in that moment but her, his Katniss, this goddess in his arms and the way she feels pressed against him. In that moment, he wants so many things but doesn't know what to do—how to ask—

His exhale is heavy as he sets her apart from him. His hands linger on her hips, and he foolishly wishes that she doesn't pay attention to where he can't let her go even as his fingers grip her tighter.

Her hands linger on his shoulders, and his breath catches as her own fingers tighten as a wave pushes them together. He watches, helplessly as her lips, those lips that he waits to hear her musical words each and every day, part. He waits to hear what she might have to say when he hears—

"What are you two doing?" Echoes across the water from the shore.

She drops her hands from his shoulders as she scowls. "Damn it Gloss. Don't sneak up on us like that."

Peeta meets her brother's eyes. He is too far away to really see his expression as he finally let's go of her. "Why aren't you two working?" He asks from the shore. "They've already said to make this a cold winter. I don't think you're ready."

Katniss rolls her eyes and grunts as she walks towards the shore, "I'll be ready, I always am."

"Don't get out," Gloss says, and Katniss freezes. "I'm coming in."

She crosses her arms across her chest. "We aren't skinny dipping, so keep your underwear on."

"Fine, fine." Gloss says, standing in the sand with nothing on but his boxers. His shirt is still in his hand, and he throws it on top of his shoes before he comes splashing into the water.

Peeta straightens up, but is far enough out that the water only comes to his chest. Katniss waits for Gloss and together, they join him. He opens his mouth to say something, when Katniss asks instead, "Why are you here?"

Gloss splashes her. "Oh gee, little sis, I love you too."

She shakes her head, and splashes him back. "I didn't mean it bad. I've just learned through the years that sometimes when you show up by yourself, it's not always a social call."

"He wants to have a blizzard this winter."

"Everyone?" When Gloss nods, she swears, "Damn it. Why?"

"He said it was time. Father gave me the message today."

"Wait," Peeta buts in. "Who is saying this?"

He watches the brother and sister exchange a look. Not sure what to think, Katniss interrupts his thoughts when she says, "It's ok, Peeta. Not all of the commands come from Father. There is someone who rules over him, but we don't have to worry about him."

A brief memory from years ago comes to his mind. A strange ceremony, Katniss passing out. This unnamed entity must be who they were protecting themselves from. Instead of asking, he just nods his head. A face full of water distracts him and he is content to let Katniss and Gloss distract him as they play in the lake.


He wipes the sweat off his brow then stuffs the handkerchief back in his back pocket. "Are you ready?"

"I've been waiting on you to cut down the tree for thirty minutes!"

"Yeah, yeah," he whispers. Katniss is on the other side of the clearing, and far enough away that if she was human, he knows she wouldn't have heard him. But when she smirks, he shakes his head in reply. Picking the axe back up, he takes another swing. The head of the axe lands exactly where he intends, giving the mighty oak the right amount of force needed to start to break. The tree bends, the whoosh of air that follows causes Peeta's hair to stand on end as it lands on its side.

Katniss leads Jasper over to where he stands, and he swings the axe. Muscles tense, and unknown to the boy, her eyes never leave his body as he chops off the branches with one chop. By the time he gets to the end of the oak, she has the horse's harness attached to the log. He waves at her, and with a click of her tongue and she nudges his side, Jasper heads towards home.


"Are you sure you want a bonfire tonight?"

"Yeah, I mean we are going to use the branches that are too little to save. Besides, this is the only way to eat s'mores." Katniss says. The way she's looking at him—of course he's going to do anything she asks.

He smiles and throws another branch on the fire. It's mid-summer, and they are listening to Gloss' warning, and chopping down more and more trees every day. After all this time, Peeta is still amazed at how quickly the forest replenishes itself.

He sits down on the log that has been here far longer than he has and watches the flames rise. She comes back, and hands him the paper package with one hand, then with the other gives him a long stick. Her moves are well practiced as she skewers a marshmallow with his stick. He goes ahead and puts the white fluff in the fire while she puts another marshmallow on another stick. She copies him, and they both turn their sticks until they reach their desired shade of brown.

Offering him a graham cracker, he gently puts his melted fluff on the cracker. "Give me your stick," he offers putting his aside.

"Oh," she breathes as she hands it to him. He blows out the fire, and she holds up another cracker. He does the same with that marshmallow. He sets the sticks aside, while she lays a piece of chocolate on top, followed by another cracker. "I've waited for this all day," she whispers before she sinks her teeth into the gooey creation.

He watches the top cracker break, and melted chocolate along with creamy white come oozing out. Her eyes flutter shut, and she hums in contentment.

She doesn't see him adjust himself because of the thoughts that flood his subconscious. All he knows is that in that moment, he'd give anything to be able to kiss the marshmallow and lick the chocolate off her lips.

In that moment of need, her silver eyes meet his. When they look back on this moment, neither one will be able to pinpoint if it was the fire, the twilight, or just simply wanting each other after all this time—but his lips brush against hers, asking permission.

She freezes. Those silver eyes of hers blink knowingly into his. His heart gallops wildly in his chest as she looks deep into his. She blinks, and brushes her lips against his. He can hear her breath catch in her chest, as his shudders in his.

Their lips meet. His hands come up, to cup her cheeks and her hands grip his wrists. Her lips move under his, opening. Unsure what to do, he opens his mouth ready to say something.

She doesn't give him a chance.

The protest stops in his chest as his lips follow hers. She tilts her head, and his heart leaps into his chest, suddenly afraid that she is going to stop—then—oh—her tongue traces his lip and his meets hers—

All thought flee his mind as she kisses him.


So, this is what a kiss feels like—

She draws his seeking tongue in, meeting it with her own as something she's never felt before releases inside her. She grabs his wrists as he cups her face to keep him close as this want, this need washes over her. She felt as if she'd always waited for something, unknowing what it was.

Now she knows.

It was this boy—her hands run down him, but doesn't go any further than his shoulders as she tries to get even closer to him— who is no longer a boy, that she's been waiting on.

The want that she's been fighting since she first laid eyes on him makes her pull away from his kiss—his touch. Her forehead touches his, and her exhale is heavy. "Peeta?"

His sweet blue eyes open, and even in the dim light of the bonfire she can see his desire, swirling in the depths. "Katniss?" His croak is heavy with emotion.

Her mouth opens, then closes, then opens again as he leans into her again. She meets his kiss with her lips, but says against him, "I want—"

"I do too," he whispers back.

"I need—"

"Me too," his moan shakes her core.

It pains her to pull away from him, but she does. His eyes blink in the fading light, and she can't tear hers away. "Is this what we really want?" Years of wonder, yearning, and need makes her voice quiver.

She can hear how shaky his own breath is as he inhales to speak. "I'm yours Katniss. From the very first moment I saw you in these woods, I've belonged to you. What we do after this is up to you, but I want you more than I want my next breath."

His words stir something inside. In her many, many years upon the earth, has she ever felt this way before? Was there another helper, another person who ever made her feel this way? This burning, achy, need that is making every nerve she has hum? Her own breath is just rough as his as she struggles to draw it.

"Peeta?" She whispers, as her hands grasp at his arms, willing him to touch her. "What is this? Why do I feel this way?"

"Have you ever been kissed?" He asks. She shakes her head. "So, you haven't—" his voice trails off as his eyes meets hers.

"Have you?" She mutters back.

"No," he says. "But no one wanted me—" he clears his throat as she scowls at him for still thinking that way. His grin, warms her heart even more and even makes it skip a beat as he cups her cheeks. "I like this kissing thing. I think we both need lots, and lots of practice."

"We do?" She murmurs as he comes closer, so close she can feel his hot breath on her top lip.

He brushes his lips along hers and mutters, "We do. I think we could become quite the experts on kissing."

"I like the way you think—" his kiss cuts her off as he claims her lips again.


Katniss learns that she loves to kiss Peeta in the pantry as they cook together.

Peeta loves that he can kiss her whenever he wants to now.

And he does.

They make out in the woods when they should be chopping wood.

They are lost in one another when Finnick and Annie show up one afternoon.

Then there is the time when Cashmere almost caught them kissing in the barn loft.

Then one day, they were in the barn finishing up chores when there is a loud clang that echoes through the large space. Peeta drops the curry brush, leaving Jasper watching.

He runs to the tack room where he knows she is—and that's where he finds her. His voice cracks as he says, "Katniss?"

She doesn't move, even as he falls to his knees beside her. He lifts his hand to brush her hair away from her face when he pulls his hand back with a hiss. Her skin is so hot, she burns him. "Katniss, whatever is wrong?"