Kid Kthulhu: Dominion

Chapter 15: Bindings


A short chapter, but important, as I'm sure you'll see.

I don't own the character of Kid Kthulhu, though the story, of course, is my own. I would strongly advise you to check out T. M. Perkins' depictions of him on Deviantart. You won't be sorry.

While you're at it, check out the Old Puritan himself, H. P. Lovecraft. Again, you won't be sorry.

Chapter 15: Bindings

Liz found him sitting on the rocks overlooking the sea...the ever-changing, yet ever eternal, sea. She sat down beside him. It was growing dark. "Penny for 'em."

"Not sure they're worth that, Liz. I mean, I've just been told….that I'm the cause of all our problems. Not sure how to handle that." He kicked his feet back and forth. Even though they were too far removed from the water to actually touch it, she still recognized the gesture. "I'm the reason you got...hurt. I'm the thing everybody's hunting for. Or rather, the thing everybody's hunting for, is inside me.

"And...and, Liz, if, God forbid, the Black Pharaoh gets loose, I'll, I'll be the one responsible for it. I, I could be, the end of the world." He turned to her, as best he could. "Liz, you've no idea what this Black Pharaoh would do to the Earth, to mankind in general. I mean, I can't even describe it. But the phrase, 'Hell on Earth,' comes pretty close. But even that isn't strong enough."

She snuggled up close to him, laying her head on his shoulder. "Jamie. You're right about one thing. I've no idea what this Black Pharaoh would do. But I don't have to. I see what he's doing to you." She thought hard, and made a decision. Not an easy one for her, but the seeing her Jamie in this state of mind made it a whole lot easier than she'd thought it would be. "Jamie," she said, standing up, pulling on his arm. "Come with me."

"Huh? Where to?" He was still lost in his own private misery. He was the cause of all their troubles. It had been him, a version of him, who'd tortured his best (girl?) friend to the point where her mind had broken. How could he forgive himself for that?

"You'll see. Jus' c'mon, okay?" And she led him back to his room.

"Yeah, you're right. I, I guess I just need to, to stop thinking about some things. But I don't dare sleep, Liz. He might take over. And then…"

But she was taking off her blouse and jeans. Now she was clad in only her undergarments. He stared. He knew, of course, in the course of their adventures, just what she looked like with no clothes on, but the reality of it was hitting him harder than he'd thought it would. "L-Liz? Wh-what are you-*

"Getting undressed. I hear it's the best way for this sort of thing." She came over to him, started undoing the buttons on his shirt. "C'mon, Jamie. You want me standing her naked all by myself? I'd be kinda embarrassed, you know. You don't wanna do that to me, do you?" Now she had his shirt off and was working on his pants. He hadn't been wearing an undershirt.

"Uh, L-Liz? I mean, I don't know if, I mean are you, ohgodwhatamIsaying. Are you...I mean, are we about to…"

She knew if she let him stutter and stammer that he'd never stop. "Look, Jamie," she said, caressing his face. "I'm not suggesting we go, you know, all the way or anything." She reached up and kissed him. "That is, unless you want to, I mean." Another kiss. "But I know one surefire way to get your mind off things. And you definitely need to get your mind off things" Like what you were contemplating doing out there, by the sea. She smiled a dirty smile. "It's amazing, the things you find on Youtube. Or Pornhub." She was now fully nude, and she was tugging on his underpants. "So come on. This is me talking, not Nitocris. Just me, Elizabeth Copeland. So c'mon. Help a girl out here, 'kay?"

The condoms they'd both accumulated over the previous months proved to be most useful, after all.


In a way, that had been Liz's plan all along. What she hadn't told Jamie was that her time being possessed by the Queen of the Dead had imparted certain knowledge to her, knowledge not fully related to their current situation. One such factoid was that the Black Pharaoh could influence Jamie most powerfully when he was a virgin.

Well, that was no longer an issue.

She looked at him as he lay sleeping. She'd watched him sleep many times before, and thought of this moment, but the reality of it almost brought tears to her eyes.

Jamie. Her Jamie. Sleeping. Sleeping the sleep of peace. (Not to mention, the sleep of satiation, she thought with a wry smile. Boys weren't the only ones who found the porn channels...educational. Even if most of them weren't complete bunkum, still, it wasn't difficult to separate fact from fiction, given their biology.)

"Good, child-no-more, good. Bind him to you. He will be a most useful thrall."

"He will be," she subvocalized back at the whisper in her mind, "mine. And I will be his. Neither of us over the other." (Except those times when she had been over him, she thought with a grin. That had been even more fun than she'd thought. Idly, she wondered if Nitocris had had anything to do with that. She shrugged slightly. It was possible.)

"He is correct, you know. The Black Pharaoh would create a most...inhospitable environment upon your world, one that would reach even unto my own. You do not want that. Better to have him as a thrall than a master. With such might, there is nothing you could not do."

She held him in her arms. "Better still to have him as my other half.

"And if he should choose another to mate with?"

"He won't."

"I see you are very strong-willed about this. Very well. Then my duty is clear. I shall teach you ways to make him long for no other, and you will be bound to him likewise. No other's touch would ever satisfy you. In this way, we can safeguard our respective worlds. Perhaps, just perhaps, we can even utilize the power of the Black Pharaoh safely, for all our benefit.

"Because a threat even greater than Nephren-Ka approaches. One in which we will need all our various arts and powers to overcome."


To be continued…