Disclaimer: I do not own VA and thank Richelle Mead for writing such an awesome series.

Note: I had originally planned to add this as part of my Romitri Forever series, but changed my mind and set it up as a separate story

Be warned – full of lemony goodness! AND will be a three part series (got carried away)

Special shout out to:
BookWretched – for being my awesome Beta
(check out her stories – they are awesome!)

Distance makes the heart grow founder, but for Roza and Dimitri it only makes them crazy for each other…

Fantasies Part I





I can't believe I haven't seen my husband for SIX months! (On a side note, it still feels weird calling Dimitri my husband even though we have been married for almost three years).

This was the longest we have been apart since… well since we first met in Portland when he found us on the run. Even when Dimitri was Strigoi we hadn't been apart for more than a couple of months. These last six months had been pure torture for us (probably Lissa and Christian too, since it was their fault we were apart).

It was the final semester of Lissa's degree at Lehigh and my beloved sister/best friend/charge/Queen decided she wanted to give the course her full focus and study her ass off in those last six months – at university! So no more going back to Court on weekends to catch up with our significant others. Our husbands (yeah, Lissa and Pyro got married a year ago, even though Lissa had wanted to wait till she graduated) were just as busy, travelling all over the globe as they promoted Moroi combat and magical defence initiatives. Annoyingly this meant they couldn't come and visit us on campus.

I missed Dimitri – no amount of phone calls, texting and video chats could lessen the ache and loneliness I felt over the last six months. We got desperate a couple of times and even tried sexting and sexy video calls, but it just wasn't the same. I wanted to feel his warm, soft skin under me, over me, and be completely wrapped in his intoxicating scent. Thinking about his luscious lips kissing me, trailing all over my body and leaving love marks on my neck – God! What the hell was I doing just now?

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I looked around the dorm room one last time. We were packed and ready to head back to Court, the last of our exams done. Now it was just a matter of getting our results, hopefully passing our subjects (I so did not want to do summer school) and attending graduation. We weren't planning to attend the university's graduation – too many security risks – so instead were going to have our own mini-graduation ceremony at Court, where the Moroi and Guardian Council would award us our degrees (yeah, I was getting the same degree qualifications as Lissa – maybe not with the same marks, but if I passed, we were going to be degree buddies for life!)

Carrying the last couple of boxes, I checked the room one final time – it was so bare and empty, apart from the little bed and study desk. Hard to believe this had been my second home for the last five years and now I was walking away with a double major in political science and economics (Yuck! Not my choice, but Lissa felt it would help with her royal duties).

I loaded the last of my boxes in one of the waiting SUVs and made my way over to Lissa, who was sitting quietly near the dorm entrance, staring across the campus. Two of the royal guards stood discretely nearby, allowing her both privacy and some semblance of normality.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I whispered, as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She slowly turned and gave me a sad smile. I hadn't realised just how tired and frail she was until I took in her appearance. She leaned into me and sighed.

"It's finally over. I can't believe we are done. These last five years have both been the longest and shortest years of my life – if that makes sense. I don't know, I just feel so confused and overwhelmed. On the one hand I am happy that we are done, and now we can live permanently at Court and be with our families. But on the other hand, I am scared Rose. Suddenly I can feel the weight of the world, the daunting responsibilities that now lie on me full-time. I think being at university allowed me to feel like I was a normal young adult, who is just trying to figure what to do with their life. But now that I'm done, I have to really, truly accept that I am the Queen of our people. I don't know if I can do this. It's too much pressure".

My heart went out to her – I could only imagine the heavy emotions (and possibly some aspects of Spirit) that were burdening her. Even without the shadow-kissed bond I could tell she was trying to take everything on and keep it all inside her, worried to show any weakness and afraid to ask for help.

"Liss, hey, don't be scared. Yes, you finally have to accept your rightful, full-time duties as the monarch of our people, but remember you aren't alone. You have Christian, me, Dimitri and so many others. We are with you 100% and will help you for as long as you want us, in any way we can. And don't forget, I did the same degree as you, so you know, you can always bounce legislations and other council items off me if you need to".

I tried to keep a straight face as I say this, but in the end we both cracked up laughing. Lissa knows how much I loathe anything related to policies and legislations.

Taking one final look at the campus in the dimming sunlight, we made our way back to the waiting SUVs and headed back to Court.


Roza, my sweet Roza.

I can't even begin to explain just how much I have missed her over the last six months.

I stared at her picture on my phone for the millionth time – it didn't do her justice. It couldn't capture her true beauty, nor her essence, but it was all I had (apart from the random forms of communication) to keep me from going insane during the last six months. But it doesn't matter, because tonight I was going to see her and if I had my way, I was not letting her go for at least the next 48 hours.

We had finished our little global tour, with St Vlads being our final stop before heading back to Court. I couldn't be more proud of all that Christian and I had achieved with the Moroi combat and defence initiatives. Not only had we convinced most of the academies to adopt the elective, we had also set-up a few courses at these academies that would allow adult Moroi (both on campus and living nearby) to learn self-defence just like the senior Moroi students. We were finally giving Moroi – royal and non-royals – the opportunity to fight back, to no longer feel weak and at the mercy of the Strigoi. We didn't know the exact numbers, but since we had started our crusade, the amount of Strigoi attacks had decreased (especially around the places were the initiatives were in full swing). I wasn't naïve. I knew we hadn't eradicated the threat completely, but at least our people finally had a chance to survive, and the Dhampirs no longer had to carry the burden of protection solely on their shoulders.

The flight back to Court was a quiet one. Christian and I left each other to our own thoughts. We had definitely grown closer over the last five years and even though he was nothing like Ivan, I found myself thinking of him as one of my brothers (along with Eddie). There weren't many people I opened up to (in fact the only person who truly knew me was Roza), but there were times, especially when one of us (or sometimes both of us) missed our wives, and suddenly we were leaning to each other for support and comfort. Those were the nights we would drink and talk, losing ourselves completely and forgetting to sleep. The next day would be painful (thanks to the lack of sleep and killer hangover) but we grinned and bared it, because each time we shed another layer that we hid behind, we grew closer.

Our anxiety levels increased as we got closer to the airstrip and practically jumped out of our seat the moment the seat-belt sign switched off. Grabbing our carry-on luggage and thanking the pilot and hostess in a rush, we didn't waste any time sprinting across the Court, eager to get back to our homes and into the arms of the women we loved.


I was pissed.

Stupid Hans had insisted on seeing me the moment we got back to Court. He wanted to go over the new schedules (now that Dimitri and I were back permanently) and discuss logistics for the upcoming events and activities. But seriously, couldn't he have waited a few days?!

On the bright side, just before I left, he had informed me that Dimitri and I had the next two days off (to help us settle back in and unpack). He kept his guardian mask on, but I could see the small, unspoken twinkle in his eyes – he knew we would not be spending those two days 'unpacking' or 'settling back'.

The meeting with him ran over-time and I missed my chance to get home, change and make my way to the airstrip in time to welcome Dimitri home. Guess I would just have to see him at our house. Nonetheless I still ran, stopping only to grab us a shitload of take-away and other food items, as I had planned on us staying locked behind our doors for the next two days, hopefully with no interruptions. I had just run around the corner and was almost to our townhouse when I saw him, in all his god-like glory, running while his brown duster flew behind him.

We both suddenly stopped, our gazes locking over the short distance. We drank each other in, our eyes sweeping over each other's bodies until they met again and we could see the tears daring to fall. The next few moments were a blur, I vaguely remember covering the distance and meeting up perfectly outside our door. We fell into each other's arms, our lips crushing together in a kiss so searing I was worried we would catch on fire. Somehow we made it inside our house and dropped the bags we were carrying near the entrance, finally freeing up our hands to do what they had being dying to do since we laid eyes on each other. Groping, caressing, stroking, and taking clothes off, our hands were just as busy as our lips that not only kept locking in endless, deep kisses but helped out our hands to explore each other's bodies. We wanted to remember each other again, re-discover the long lost paths and curves we had been deprived of for the last six months. Our impatience to become whole again prevented us from even making it to our bedroom, as we fell on our lounge in a tangle of arms and legs. Moans, groans and gasps filled the air and it didn't take long for us to climax, riding the wave of pure ecstasy and happiness, before wrapping each other in an endless embrace.

After our quick, desperate fuck, we made love (this time taking things slow, letting our bodies tell the other how much they were missed and loved). We wanted to keep going, but our fatigue and lack of sleep finally caught up with us, and before we knew it, we had fallen asleep.

I woke up to the most amazing sensation across my sensitive skin – light kisses making their way up and down my side, from my temple to my neck. A warm arm pulled me closer and I felt something hard poke my back, making me giggle.

"I missed you so much Comrade and my little Comrade".

Dimitri froze at my nickname for his cock and I couldn't help but grin as I turned to face him.

"Really Roza, little Comrade?"

He raised his eyebrows in question. And I couldn't help but laugh and turned around completely to smother him in a kiss. I felt my hips push against his hard, throbbing cock, but before we could do anything more my tummy grumbled. Dimitri chuckled against my lips, pulling me away.

"Come on, my love. Let's get you fed before all hell breaks loose".

I stuck my tongue out at him, but reluctantly pulled away. We had pulled the comforter off the lounge to cover ourselves while we had fallen asleep, and so were still butt naked. I could feel his eyes surveying my body as I stretched and walked back towards the front door to pick up the take-away and shopping bags. I purposefully swayed my hips and took my time to grab the bags, staying bent for an unnecessarily long time which gave him a very tempting view. I heard a small growl from behind me and quickly hid the grin that had worked its way on to my face. Putting on an innocent expression, I turned around and flicked my hair back, giving Dimitri full view of my breasts. I was meant to be teasing him, but damn it, I was already wet and aching myself. If I wasn't careful, I would be jumping him before he made any move on me.

I made my way towards the kitchen, only sparing Dimitri a quick glance and a small, seductive smile. God, the look he had on his face nearly broke my control. His eyes were darker than I had ever seen them, and he looked at me with a hunger I never knew he possessed. He was sitting up and I could see his hardness poking up in the comforter and his hands in fists by his side – my poor husband was fighting to control himself and his insatiable libido. I kept with my swaying until I was out of sight and in the kitchen. I placed the bags down on the counter and took a few moments to take deep breaths and calm my own raging hormones.

"Guardian Belikov, what would you like to eat? I have Chinese, Thai, Indian, and Italian. If you want something sweet, I have donuts and pastries from the bakery".

I took the food containers out and laid them out on the counter. Then I started putting the grocery items away. I was so busy in this task I failed to sense his presence by the door until I turned, almost dropping the tub of ice cream – damn him and his stealthy ninja skills!

He was standing there in all his naked glory, a smirk playing on his face as he noticed me swallowing hard and pushing myself back against the counter, away from him.

"Hmm, I think I will have something sweet, my Roza", he whispered huskily.

I quickly turned away, placing the already melted ice-cream into the freezer and hiding the gasp that had escaped my lips.

"Sure thing Comrade, what would you like? Donuts, pastries, ice cream…"

My sentence trailed off when I suddenly felt his warm body against me. My skin tingled in anticipation, as he grabbed my hips hard and pulled me closer, his cock twitching against my back.

"I think I want the sweetest, most delectable thing that's in this kitchen. I. Want. You. My Roza".

And with that declaration any control that either of us had crumbled away, as he pushed me against the kitchen counter, my back still facing him. One of his hands pulled my hair back to give him access to my neck, while the other reached around to open my legs and slip into my folds. I gasped as his fingers worked their magic while his lips sucked, nibbled and bit my neck, jaw and collarbone. If he wasn't holding me up against his body, I would have definitely collapsed on the floor, my legs felt like jelly. He pushed my legs further apart, and before I could say anything, I felt him enter me.

"Dimitri…" I moaned, as his free hand made its way to grab and caress my breast, while the one that had been below moved to my hip, holding me in place to help guide his thrusts. I leant over the counter, dipping my lower back and felt him go deeper. I gasped as the pleasure built to breaking point – damn him and his amazing abilities!

"Roza, Roza, Roza…" he chanted, matching the rhythm of our thrusts, until finally we came together, our bodies still shuddering from the rough waves of the orgasm that was still coursing through us. He pulled out gently and I turned me around to give him a deep kiss.

"Why don't you heat the Chinese up while I take a quick shower? I feel all gross and sticky", I stated scrunching up my nose.

He laughed at my comment and expression, giving my ass a playful slap as I walked past him. He eyed me appreciatively as I made my way out of the kitchen.

"Would you like some company in that shower?" he shouted teasingly, as I grabbed a towel and headed towards our bathroom. I could hear the microwave heating our food. Before I walked in I replied back, just as loudly.

"I think its best if we take a little break Comrade, otherwise we won't get to eat at this rate and well, I want you to keep your stamina and strength up with what I have planned for us for the next two days".

I heard his throaty laugh before I closed the door and climbed into the shower.





Even these words couldn't truly convey the craziness of the last two days. Roza and I definitely tried to make up for the six months of solitude we had suffered. We even beat our last record of continuous sex – going close to eight rounds after we had eaten dinner. I couldn't get enough of her and I think we were both surprised at just how much stamina and drive we had – neither one of us willing to give up, almost competing to see who would out-last the other.

And the orgasms – oh my god! This woman will be the death of me! I had to take more water breaks than she had to for food – I was seriously worried I was going to get dehydrated at the rate we were going.

We were glad we lived in a townhouse on the outskirts of Court – it was still close to the Palace (where our charges resided) but secluded enough to give us our privacy. And with the amount of screams and shouts coming from our house over the last two days, I was glad we didn't have any neighbours close enough to hear us, otherwise we would have had a whole regiment of Guardians breaking down our door.

We kept our sleeps short, wanting to capitalise as much time together as we could. I had missed her so much – not just her body, but her mind, her laugh, her smiles, heck I even missed her jokes and sarcasm. When we weren't making love, fucking or having power naps, we ate and caught up on each other's lives. Even though we had kept in constant communication over the last six months, telling each other the stories in person was way better than any call or email could have been.

It had seemed a waste of time to put clothes on (even when we were eating/talking/sleeping) so at most (to stop ourselves from being distracted) we kept the sheets on our bed covering us, to prevent temptation getting the best of us.

Finally last night, after another five rounds of hot sex and a very long, steamy shower, we reluctantly put clothes on and fell asleep.

As always I had woken up before Roza and couldn't help but gaze at my sleeping beauty. A smug smirk fell on my face when I noticed the satisfied smile that shone on hers – knowing I was responsible for that smile. I stroked her hair away from her face, and caressed her jawline, causing her to snuggle deeper into my arms, with a small sigh of content leaving her luscious lips.

How could this beautiful creature be all mine? What did I do to get so lucky?

I knew she would probably get grumpy for waking her up, but I couldn't help but lean in and kiss those pink, sexy lips. A small moan escaped her, as her arms encircled me tighter, pulling me in to deepen the kiss. I don't know how long we stayed in that position, but finally I pulled away, knowing we only had a few more hours together before we had to head off to a meeting with Hans and then back to reality of guarding, patrolling and other guardian activities.

"Good morning Comrade, did you sleep well?"

I chuckled at her question. She still had her eyes closed, while her lips brushed against mine, coaxing to both answer her question and resume with our earlier kissing.

"I think that was the best sleep I have had in the last six months. I feel so refreshed and energised – I think I can take on the world!"

Her eyes flew open at my reply and a blush slowly appeared on her gorgeous face – I could tell she was not only thinking about last night's activities, but everything we had done over the last two days. Leaning down to nuzzle my nose against hers, I gave her another quick peck before pulling away and getting out of bed.

"Come on, Roza. Time to get up".

Her response was a pout and what would have been a very witty, snarky comment if her stomach hadn't growled so loudly. She blushed again, making me smile. I had definitely made the right decision to stop our morning session.

"Come on love, time to have some breakfast. I will make some blini".

Apparently, that's all I needed to say because suddenly she was out of bed, quickly pulling the covers into place before sprinting to the bathroom to jump into the shower.

I laughed at her antics and headed to the kitchen to start on our breakfast.

She was ready and out in record time – I don't think I have ever seen her fully clothed and sitting at the counter for her breakfast in less than ten minutes – definitely a new record!

I eyed her adoringly while she shovelled down her blini, smothered in jam. I had a bit to eat while she was showering, and was now busy drinking my second cup of coffee.

"While you finish eating, I will go grab my shower. Is that fine, my love?"

She waved me away, too engrossed in her eating to pay me any attention or comment. I couldn't help but chuckle. That was my Roza for you. Not much could distract her or motivate her, but anything edible and she was putty in your hands. Her patience and tolerance could either increase or decrease (depending on the situation) with the right kind of food. I had learned long ago that the way to Roza's sense of reasoning was through her stomach – I didn't have to worry about her heart. It already belonged to me, just as mine belonged to hers.


I was almost done with breakfast, when I suddenly realised Dimitri was no longer in the kitchen but in the shower. I tried not to think about his tall, sexy body under the steamy shower, all lathered up and soft to the touch. I had to think about something else, anything else, otherwise I wouldn't be able to help myself from attacking him in the shower. My eyes caught one of Lissa's girly magazines on the counter. Sometimes I indulged in them, taking in the fashion and reading some of the crazier articles. This issue had one such article – something about spicing up your sex life with fulfilling your partner's deepest, darkest sexual fantasies. I know I was supposed to be thinking of non-sexual things, so reading this article was probably not conducive to that process, but I was intrigued.

After finishing the article I sat there, thinking hard about our relationship. No, we didn't need any help to spice up our sex life (if anything we probably needed to dial down the libido) but I was fascinated by the whole fantasy concept. In the entire time we have been together (in a proper relationship) neither one of us ever broached the subject – probably because we were more than satisfied with each other's performance. But I was curious and wondered what Dimitri's fantasies would be.

As if on cue, he came back to the kitchen, to finish tidying up the remnants of breakfast before we headed out. We were going to stop by Lissa and Christian's first for a quick catch-up before our meeting with Hans. Dressed in his guardian gear, I watched Dimitri moving around the kitchen, putting things away and washing up the last of the dirty dishes. It was probably not the best time to be bringing up the topic, but then again I was never known for having much patience, especially when I was curious.

"Dimitri, do you have any sexual fantasies?"

I could see him freeze, in the middle of rinsing a plate, which I think he almost dropped (if not for his guardian reflexes). I waited patiently (I can be a bit patient when I need to be), watching him finish his chore and take a deep breath before he turned to face me. He had his guardian mask on, trying to show self-control, but I could see the curiosity and a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Roza, why the sudden interest? Are you not happy with our current sex life?"

I quickly tried to explain myself so he wouldn't take my questioning the wrong way.

"No, no it's nothing like that Comrade. Believe me, you satisfy me in every possible way. No, I just read an interesting article in this magazine, and well, I suddenly realised that in all the time we have been together, not once have we ever shared our sexual fantasies with each other. Surely you have some?"

I eyed him carefully, trying to decipher the emotions and thoughts that could be churning in his mind while he processed my words. A small smirk finally appeared on his face.

"Do you have any sexual fantasies that I don't know about Roza?"

That threw me off a bit – I was so focused on trying to figure out whether Dimitri had any fantasies (and if he did, what these could be) that I hadn't even thought about what mine would be. I decided I would need more time to come up with an answer, so I hit pause on the conversation.

"You know, maybe we should resume this topic later tonight. After we have finished our shifts. Otherwise we may not leave the house…"

I tried and failed to raise a single eyebrow, but I got my point across. We decided to leave the issue for now so we could start our day as the stoic, lethal guardians we were, but I knew that we would both be thinking about this in the back of our minds throughout the day.

We had been invited to dinner at Lissa's which was going to be a catch-up meal with the rest of the gang who lived at Court. It was really good to see everyone (though we missed Eddie, Sydney and Adrian, and had to make and do with a Skype call instead). Luckily the night didn't drag on too late (it was a weekday after all) and Dimitri and I headed back home. We walked in silence, but I could feel our nerves through our clasped hands. They were both slightly shaky and sweaty. I don't know why we would be nervous to share this with each other, after all we didn't have any secrets between us.

Finally, once we were in bed, we turned to one another to resume the discussion from the morning.

"So Comrade, have you thought about what your sexual fantasies are?"

He gave me a small smile and leaned in to kiss me. I hoped he wasn't trying to divert my attention, because there was no way in hell I was going to drop this subject. We kissed for a few more minutes before I pulled away with a small huff – of course he was trying to distract me!

"Dimitri, I'm serious. I know you have sexual fantasies – everyone does. Heck I do! So please, Comrade, if you love me, share these fantasies with me. I want to make all your dreams and fantasies come true".

He sighed in defeat and propped himself up on one elbow. He saw my determined look and knew I wouldn't give up on the matter.

"Fine, I will tell you. But no judging, laughing or snarky comments ok?"

I nodded eagerly. He surprised me when he got out of bed and headed towards the duster that hung on the back of our bedroom door. He fumbled around the inside pocket for something and then came back to bed, holding onto a piece of paper. Looking at the paper one more time, and swallowing hard, he handed it over to me.

It was a list of his sexual fantasies – a top five from the look of things. He clearly was into role play, something which I could totally see myself getting into.

Roza in a cowgirl outfit – the full gear with whip

Roza wearing the girl's St. Basil's uniform

Sparring with Roza at the Gym that end with us fucking on top of the mats and using other pieces of equipment

Blindfolding and cuffing Roza and having my way with her until she is begging and screaming my name

Roza as a damsel in distress who needs to be saved by a cowboy (me)

I can't help but lick my lips, as the various fantasies played out in my head. I gazed up at Dimitri under my lashes, and watched as his blush deepened. He was trying to avoid my gaze, clearly embarrassed to have shared his deepest, darkest sexual thoughts. I on the other hand, wanted to jump him right there and then, and had to work really hard on my self-control to not give in to my lust and desire.

"These are some very interesting fantasies, Comrade. And I have no issue making each, and every one of them come true for you". I couldn't help myself, I pulled in closer to him, rubbing against the length of his body, while my hand trailed up and down his chest, teasing him as it got closer and closer to his hardened cock.

He grabbed my wrist to keep me from playing with him, causing me to pout. He chuckled at my expression and pulled me closer to kiss me deeply. I let myself fall into the kiss and gave him the chance to pull me over his body, my hair falling and hiding us in our own little world. He gripped my hips tightly and allowed me to rub against him, a small growl escaping at the motion from his lips. I bit those lips, feeling myself getting impossibly wet and wanting, no needing, him inside of me. But before I could make any other move (like removal of clothes) he suddenly sat up, pulling me up with him, while I straddled him.

A mischievous grin lit up his face as he gripped my shoulders and pulled me away to face him. I groaned in annoyance. Damn him and his teasing!

"Now, now Roza. I shared my fantasies with you. It's only fair you share yours with me". His voice was sexy as fuck and huskier than ever, but I knew, once Dimitri reigned himself in, there wasn't much that could tempt him.

I pulled back further and reached into my bra to pull out my list. I watched with deep satisfaction as his eyes followed my movement and took great delight as he licked his lips. I slowly handed the piece of paper over to him, suddenly feeling the same nerves he had felt only a few moments ago.

Having a quickie in Han's office (just before a scheduled meeting)

Fucking in Lissa's office – specifically on her desk, against the double doors and on the curved lounge

Having hot, passionate sex in the small storage room that's adjacent to the Council room – while Council is in session

Doing all manner of naughty things to Dimitri in his office, especially while he sits there in a meeting with other guardians and I'm hidden under his desk

Making love in Christian's car and fogging it up (just before he needs to use it)

Dimitri's eyebrow shot up as he read through the list and I'm pretty sure the last fantasy was the cause behind his little chuckle. He finally looked at me, and pulled my face in closer to him, to study me intensely.

"Why am I not surprised that all of your fantasies require us to be crazily daring and have the element of being caught by others?"

"What can I say Comrade, the prospect of getting caught in the act makes me insanely horny".

Our eyes lock onto one another and the lust and desire we are feeling almost makes us combust. All this talk about sexual fantasies and desires has made us ache for each other and it doesn't take long for the clothes to come off so we can have a good, quick fuck. Having taken care of each other's needs we fell back onto the bed and snuggled in for a good night sleep.

Just as I felt myself falling into the land of dreams I heard Dimitri whispering in my ear.

"Now that we know each other's fantasies – what's next?"

I smiled against his chest, yawning before replying.

"Now, we fulfil these, and we will start with yours. Get ready Comrade – next week I'm gonna rock your world!"

The last sound I heard before I fell into the peaceful darkness of sleep was Dimitri's wonderful laugh.

Well now, this could get interesting…

Let me know what you think, and if I'm in a generous mood (and get the chance to finish the other parts) I might post them sooner than later.