Lapis awoke with her head pounding. Her gem felt as though it was on fire. That's odd Lapis thought. She sat up from the couch escaping the blankets Steven had tucked her in with. She stood for a moment before plopping back down in a heap. Why was she feeling so weak and tired? A small itch pestered her nose, at first minor then massive. The elegant blue gem couldn't take it anymore. "HSHEWW!" Lapis jumped at the sound she made. She throat began to itch and her body went limp. Fatigue took over at the slender figure lay down on the couch. Another tickle in her nose began. Steven stepped through the door, stars in his eyes. "Lapis you won't believe what Sadie just-" Steven starred at Lapis who now what covered with her hand on her head. A small sniffling sound Came from Lapis as Steven walked over to his friend. " Lapis are you ok? You don't look to well" he said with a concerned tone. " Steven I'm fine" her voice sounded raspy unlike her usual calm tone. The blue gem erupted into a couching fit causing a cup of water on the counter to spill over. Lapis plopped her head down onto the pillow with the mass headache tormenting her. " Where are the others?" she asked barely auditable. " Oh, there on a mission, so I'll take care of you!" he said star eyed once more. At that, Lapis already started to feel better.

Chapter 2 coming soon!