Steven's POV

I had no idea how to respond. Lapis looked at me with sad eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" She cried out, tears beginning to flow from her deep blue eyes.

I stared at her in shock for a moment, before wrapping her into a warm embrace. "I'm not mad Lapis" I gently told her, rubbing her lower back. The blue gem began to sob into my shoulder, shaking violently. I held her close to me for as long as I could until she calmed down. "What am I going to do?!" She asked frantically. "I don't know how things like this work! What if something happens?! What if I shatter?!" I froze. The thought of Lapis shattering filled my head. No. I would never let that happen to her! Ever! I couldn't and I wouldn't. I gently stroked Lapis' hair. "Don't worry" I smiled at her. "I would never let that happen to you Lapis!" The water gem smiled at me. "Thank you Steven" She sighed softly.

AN: OKAY! I KNOW I'VE BEEN GONE! Thank you all for spamming my email X3 Anyway, this book will live on, and I am back and ready! This is just a short chapter to left you know I'm alive and that the story will continue!