Warnings: mpreg, yaoi, incest, self-harm, OOCness. If any of these bother you, turn back now.

I know that InuSess stories aren't generally welcomed into the fandom with open arms, but I like them. I hope you do too, otherwise you shouldn't have clicked on this piece.

Complements/Criticisms are welcome here.
Flames are not.
Any and all flames will simply be ignored, you having wasted your precious time typing them up.
You'll never get those three seconds back, you know.

His heat was coming. Sesshomaru couldn't stand it, but he could feel his inner youkai taking over, wanting him to be mated. He already differed in physical appearance - he was skinnier, and therefore weaker, and his markings were brighter, not to mention that his scent had changed to mimic a female's. Inside, he felt almost nothing but lust. Nothing but the overwhelming desire to mate and bare a pup.

Not wanting Jaken nor Rin to see him in such a state, he had long since abandoned his traveling party near a mountain in the north. For now, he was practically on the run, trying to avoid any and all male demons and keep to himself. It had worked so far, seeing as he was currently unmated and therefore, not pregnant. But he hated feeling weary; hated feeling weak.

It was all because he had been born a male bitch. Inwardly, he cursed his Hahaue and Chichiue. They had conceived him improperly; something had gone wrong before he was born, and now he was like this. There were others, of course. But male bitches and dominant females were rare, and usually killed at birth. When Sesshomaru had been born, his parents had worked hard on hiding his little secret. In fact, he hadn't even known of his little 'glitch' until his first heat cycle, when all the male servants of the castle chased after him, and he desired them to take him, dominate him. Because of this, his parents had to keep him chained to a wall in the highest castle turret to prevent him from being mated.

"Damn... Damn them all..." Sesshomaru muttered to himself as he trudged through the forest. There were no scents on the tress or shrubs, so he figured that this was safe ground. He sat down against a tree, and leaned on it exhaustedly. He could perhaps rest for tonight. It didn't smell as though many males had passed through this way in a while, so there were no nearby ones that could come and claim him.

His eyes, a far more luminescent gold than usual, fluttered shut as he decided to rest for a while. He had been running for days.

"Inuyasha, are you alright?!" Kagome yelped as she ran over to the hanyou, who was hunched over, clutching his chest tightly.

The gang had just been attacked, which was nothing out of the ordinary, save for Inuyasha's near-defeat. It wasn't anything special. It wasn't Naraku, or even one of his incarnations. It had been just a plain old demon, trying to protect the territory that it deemed as it's. It was winged, and fast - Inuyasha's Wind Scar hadn't worked, and the demon was able to give a rather large blow to his stomach. The hanyou insisted that the wound wasn't that bad, but it was the mentality that got to him. He had been successfully attacked by such a simple, weak demon. A demon that, in the end, was simply taken out by Shippou's Fox Fire.

"Damnation!" He screeched, holding his chest. Kagome, Sango, and Miroku ran up to the hanyou, and the priest carried Inuyasha on his back as they returned to Kaede's village.

"It's only a flesh wound. You'll be fine." The old priestess had said, but that wasn't what had gotten to Inuyasha. He had lost. Well, almost lost, but still. Shippou could defeat the demon that he couldn't. Feeling worthless, he drowned his sorrows and pain in sake, avoiding contact with the rest of the group. This was stupid. Why, why had he been so weak when fighting such a worthless demon? Was he in a weaker state than usual, perhaps? He certainly didn't feel sick. But he was going nearly crazy as he listened to the other whispering softly behind his back. In a drunken, shameful state of mind, he wandered away from the village and into the forest.

"Gosh. Poor guy. He's taking this pretty hard." Sango stated simply, as she, Miroku, and Kagome watched the drunken half-breed wabble through the trees.

"It's just a stupid demon. He shouldn't be so hard on himself." Shippou said matter-of-factly.

"Come now Shippou, give the poor guy a brack. He may be Inuyasha, but he's bound to have a few slip-ups every now and then. Let's just leave him be for the time being." Miroku told the fox demon, and they walked back inside Kaede's hut.

Inuyasha eventually arrived at a small, shallow stream, and sat down beside it, sake bottle in hand. He took another swig, and grumbled. As he sniffed the air, he realized that something nearby smelled really sweet. A female by the smell of it, not that he cared. Frustrated, he took another swig of sake and starred gloomily into the stream.

Sesshomaru could smell it. It was his brother's scent, and it was extremely close by. Inwardly, his bitch of a yokai saw the hanyou as a potential mate, and it took every ounce of willpower to not let his hormones control him and go and offer himself to the hanyou. He also caught the strong, tangy scent of alcohol, and lots of it. It came from the same direction as Inuyasha. Standing up, he convinced himself that it was only curiosity that made him wish to go and see his brother.

Eventually he arrived at a shallow stream, and on the other side of it, was Inuyasha, sulking. In his hand he held a nearly empty bottle of sake. He was starring dejectedly into the stream, and he reeked of self-pity and sorrow. Inside of Sesshomaru, his yokai nearly exploded with want and the need to submit. He tried to resist, he really did. But it seemed as though his feet were moving on their own, walking across the stream and towards Inuyasha.

"...Inuyasha..." He spoke, a little too breathily. "Is something troubling you?"

The hanyou shrugged, and swung his sake forth, sloshing it's contents into the stream. His eyes were dark and defeated, and his cheeks were flushed red with alcohol. Sesshomaru couldn't resist. If Inuyasha had ingested as much sake as he thought he did, the hanyou could screw him and relive him of the hot, hot magma sensation that was swimming in his chest.

He knelt down in front of Inuyasha and began to roll that Robe of the Fire Rat off of his shoulders. Inuyasha did nothing to resist, and Sesshomaru smirked. He grabbed his brother's chin lightly, and pushed his head up do Inuyasha's face met his. His glowing gold eyes were filled with bittersweet feminine innocence, and his mouth was closed into a small, cute 'o'.

"I can make it better..." He whispered seductively.

And that was enough for Inuyasha. He leaned forward, taking Sesshomaru's lips in his, and shoving his tongue down his throat. His hands peeled Sesshomaru's kimono off of him hungrily, and in his drunken state of mind, pushed the older demon down onto his back, and slid his hands into his pants. Sesshomaru gladly spread his legs.

The next morning, he ran. In a strange state of mind that was foreign to him, he ran away from the stream, fixing his slightly wet kimono and carrying his shoes. His magenta eyeshadow was smeared all over his face, and his long hair was askew and wet as well. He felt weak and sick to his stomach, not to mention the odd fear that was creeping up in his chest. Somewhere behind him was Inuyasha, running as fast as he could with a furious look in his eyes.

The hanyou was shirtless with messy, wet hair to match his, and pants askew. He was chasing Sesshomaru, eyes a furious red, a hateful glare in the amber orbs. As they ran, Inuyasha was screaming at Sesshomaru. "Do you have any idea what just happened back there?!" He shrieked.

Sesshomaru squeezed his eyes shut tightly. The question was rhetorical; Inuyasha knew all too well what happened back at the stream. It was why he was chasing Sesshomaru in the first place. Holding his breath and trying to apply his impassive mask, failing miserably, Sesshomaru didn't respond.

"I just cheated on the woman I love!" He screamed. "You hear me?! I LOVE HER!"

Sesshomaru's hand flew to the mating mark that had been placed on his neck as it pulsed painfully. Inuyasha had marked him, he had mated him, but Sesshomaru hadn't returned the favor. The mating was incomplete. And now Sesshomaru was suffering for it, for now he would feel pain every time Inuyasha was with Kagome. The woman he loved.

Inwardly, he cursed himself. It was his inner bitch that made this happen. He hadn't wanted it. And now he was mated to Inuyasha. It was all because he was a male bitch. Memories of the previous night flashed through his mind; Inuyasha taking him, biting his neck, and uttering 'mine' into his elegantly pointed ear. Inuyasha had told him that he wanted him, and he gladly accepted the idea. He should've known that Inuyasha was only under the influence of sake and his own seductive spell. He should've known that mating his brother would bring only hell.

It was when Inuyasha unsheathed Tessaiga that another wave of fear pulsed through him, and he ignored the painful ache that coursed all throughout his body and took off in flight.

"Damn you!" Inuyasha screeched after him, left behind on the ground. "I'll kill you, you worthless slut!"

Sesshomaru didn't take any of Inuyasha's words to heart, but as he flew, he couldn't help but listen to that last claim over and over on an endless loop in his mind. Was he really a slut? He didn't sleep around, so wasn't a whore, but he did sleep with someone whom he didn't love...

'I'll kill you, you worthless slut!'

Shaking his head, Sesshomaru continued to fly, not letting it get to him.