Thank you for all the reviews, they really mean a lot. So please keep reviewing and letting me know what you think.

By the way, who else is still not over "Hey baby" from this weeks episode. It was so cute, I need more Linstead scenes in my life. I miss the old Linstead so much.

"Hey lil brother slow down, what happened." Will said as he saw Jay storm down the halls of the hospital.

"It's not mine." He blurted out.


"Erin's baby. It's not mine."

"Well isn't that a good thing, considering Allie?"

"Yeah I should be thrilled, but I'm not, not even close."Jay leaned against the wall.

"You wanted a baby, didn't you?"

"Yeah I did, especially with Erin."

"What about Allie?"

"I love Erin, Will. I've never been in love with anyone else more than I love her. The only reason there is an Allie is because I couldn't get over Erin. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Will I really wanted it to be mine." Will wrapped his arms around his brother and tried to comfort his brother.

There was no words Will can say that will heal his brother's broken heart.

"I'm going to be there for her and the baby." He said.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Will asked concerned for the well-being of his brother's mental stability.

"Yes, Will." Jay said. "I'm in love with her. Plus, she's my partner, we promised each other to always have each other's back."

Will nodded. "Okay then, if you made your decision. Go be there for her."

"Dammit." Jay heard Erin yell out from the bathroom as he entered the room.

Jay ran to the bathroom to find Erin struggling to get her arms back into the gown.

"Hey hey, take it easy, Erin." Jay said as he started to gently helped her get her right arm into the gown.

"I can do it, Jay." She pleaded and tried to push his hand away.

"There's the stubborn, Erin Lindsay that I love to so much." He smirked before he realized what he just admitted.

Erin blushed, but tried to hide what she just heard. "I'll do it." She continued to struggle. "Crap. Ow."

"Erin, stop." Jay said grabbing her hands and placing them at her sides. "You were stabbed today. Let me help you."

She glared at him, but gave in. "Okay."

He helped get her hands into the sleeves then buttoned the side of the gown.

"Why are you out of bed, Er? How did you even get out?"

"I had to use the bathroom, and there was no nurse around so I forced myself up."

"Erin, you could have reopened the wound. You have to be careful, especially for the baby."

"I'm fine, Jay." She started walking back to her bed, but she felt the pain at her stab wound and paused.

"Come here." He put his arm under her arms and semi-carried her back to her bed.

After she was settled, he went and sat on the chair next to her bed.

"Thank you. I could've done it without you though."

"You know you can accept some help once in awhile, Lindsay. It won't kill you."

"I can beg to differ on that one." Erin smirked and caused Halstead to laugh. "What are you doing here, Jay?"

"My partner is in the hospital and I can't visit her and bring her favorite food?" He pointed to the take out bag he had placed on the table.

Her eyes widened. "You brought me purple pig?"

"Yeah I did. Thought you would be hungry. I don't need my pregnant partner to be eating nasty hospital food, do we?"

She smiled at him. "I love you, you're the best." She said without realizing what just came out of her mouth. "I mean you're such a good partner, Jay."

Jay nodded, trying to hide the hurt in his expression. He wanted nothing more than to confess his feeling to her, but he knew that he couldn't do that. After an awkward silence, he finally spoke. "I'm not mad at you, you know." Jay said as it brought a confusion to Erin's face. "That you slept with someone else."

"But you should be, I was vulnerable and stupid, I just missed you. I'm sorry, Jay.." She rambled until she was cut off by Halstead.

"Hey, it's okay. I did the same thing. The only reason I even considered going back to Allie or anyone else for that matter is because I couldn't be apart from you, Er. I missed you too."

She looked up at him and faintly smiled.

"I'm going to be there for you every step of the way, Er. Whenever you need me."

"Jay, you don't have to do that."

"Erin, I want to."

"Jay.." She glared at him and he grabbed her hand and drew circles with his thumb. "What about Allie?"

"I told her to head home. Right now, you and your baby are my top priority." He squeezed her hand and smiled at her.


"Shh." He cut her off.

"Why are you doing this? It's not your child." Erin pleaded.

"You're my partner right?" She nodded. "What did we promise each other when we broke up?"

"That we always have each other's back." Erin answered.

"Exactly. Erin, I will always be there for you, no matter what. You'll always be my partner and best friend." He smiled at her.

She smiled back and fell more and more in love with him. She did not understand how one person can have that big of a heart, and for her at that. She never knew someone can care about her this much to care for her when she's pregnant with a child who he thinks is not his.

"When is your ultrasound?" Jay asked.

"Hank went to talk to the doctors earlier, they said they'll be here soon. He had to run to the precinct, but he wanted to be here."

"Do you mind if I stay with you during your ultrasound?"

Truthfully that question should have been a surprise to her, but it wasn't knowing who Jay Halstead was.

"Are you sure you want that?" She asked.

"Yes, Erin." he said he squeezed her hand. "I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Jay. I'd like that." She said giving him a small smile.

"Are you ready to see your baby?" Dr. Turner said.

She looked at Jay Halstead, who was seated next to her squeezing her hand. He smiled at her and she turned back to the doctor.

"Yes. I need to know it he or she is okay." Erin said.

"Can you lift your shirt for me please?" Erin did so. "This might be a little cold."

"Ooh, that is cold." Erin said.

"You can handle it, Lins." Jay smirked.

"Well there it is." Dr. Turner said. "You're about 9 weeks along. Your baby looks healthy, Erin."

Halstead smiled at the screen then looked at his partner who was in awe of her child on the screen. He loved seeing her smile brighten to the sight of her child. He was so in love with with her. He wanted nothing more for that child to be his.

Erin Lindsay couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness as she stared at her and Halstead's child.

She knew if she told him at that moment, it would defeat the purpose of why she lied to him in the first place. So, she didn't open her mouth, but she wanted to tell him more than anything.

She turned to face him. He squeezed her hand. "That's amazing. You're going to be an amazing mother, Er."

"You think so?" She said as tears formed in her eyes.

"I know so." He said.

"I just don't want to turn out like Bunny." Halstead's jaw tightened as he heard that woman's name.

"You are nothing like her, Erin. You're going to be really good at this. And we're all here for you. I'm here for you, whatever you need." He said.

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