"Ugh" beca moaned as she blinked her eyes open, squinting to adjust to the light. There was a painful throbbing in her ankle and an ache in her head.

She tried to bring her arms round from behind her back and found that they were bound together.

"What the fuck?" She hissed confusedly before realising she wasn't alone.

Looking around the room she saw that Aubrey and Chloe had been tied to the radiator, Amy and CR were bound to the chair leg and Benji, Jesse, stacie and bumper were all tied to chairs.

"Thank god, beca you need to untie-" Aubrey's frantic whispers were cut off when two men who looked to be in their forties walked in each carrying pistols.

"Oh look who decided to wake up" the taller of the two jeered poking beca with his foot while the other gagged Aubrey and then everyone else "Weren't trying anything were you girlie?" He questioned chuckling as he attached beca's wrists to the radiator next to Aubrey.

Meanwhile the other had strolled up to stacie "it's a shame such a pretty face is on the wrong side" he said as he stroked Stacie's face. Beca could see Jesse was going to do something stupid from the unhealthy shades of purple his face had turned.

"Back the fuck off her!" Beca growled out as she spat into the face of the man tying her up. "You little bitch!" He spat as he stood wiping the spit out of his face.

"Look at that Warner, she's hurt her ankle" the other said having walked over at beca's shout.

"Oh yeah let me help you with that" the man who must have been Warner smirked before pressing his foot slowly down onto beca's ankle who let out a scream of agony tears jumping to her eyes from the pain. She felt Aubrey struggle against the bonds next to her desperately trying to free herself however Warner did not stop as he increased the pressure on beca's ankle until beca almost blacked out from the pain her vision swam as she began to lose consciousness.

Just before she blacked out she heard a familiar voice and Warner removed his foot. "We don't have time for this right now get everything in the cars"

Beca gaped as she saw who the men were taking orders from "Donald?" She asked in disbelief.

"Sorry Mitchell" Donald shrugged unapologetically "it's not personal" he said.

"You're a fucking dick!" Beca shouted struggling against her binds as Donald stepped towards her.

"I know, but now I'm also a billionaire" he smirked before walking over to the landline and picking up the phone.

Beca looked on helplessly as Donald called a number and said " hello!, yes I-i was just walking my dog and I-I saw them, those bella's, the thieves. They went to the townhouse just north of Atlanta, yes that one. Thank you" Donald hung up the phone and smirked at beca "the police will be here In Approximately 17 minutes" he told her before walking out the room.

Beca screamed and shouted after him but stopped when she heard the roar of an engine outside and realised that he was gone.

Beca struggled against her binds to no avail. She sighed in defeat slumping against the radiator. The silence in the room was deafening as each person tried to figure out a way to escape.

Just then they heard a thump from upstairs and feet thundering down the stairs.

"Guys?" Questioned a high pitched voice.

"Emily?" Beca questioned relief evident in her voice "Emily! Quick they're gone, get in here"

"Oh thank god, I was watching Orange-" emily cut herself off glancing at Chloe "I mean Netflix when I saw some guy grabbing CR so I hid in Amy's cupboard, their were a lot of empty wrappers and weird looking tubes but-"

Beca quickly cut emily off before she could ramble anymore " Emily, the cops are coming you need to untie us quickly" emily nodded running out of the room and returning with a kitchen knife which she used to cut beca's bonds who helped her untie everyone else's.

"I always knew he was a little snake" Amy shouted "he has those beady little eyes, that's why he wears the glasses"

"No time for that" Aubrey quieted the group "luckily I planned for this" she said walking into the dining room and pulling up a loose floorboard to reveal three large duffle bags.

"You planned for this exact situation?" Stacie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No" Aubrey scoffed "I just decided we should have a back up plan invade we were ever followed, now quick load these onto the SUV's" Aubrey ordered passing a bag each to bumper, CR and Benji.

They nodded and quickly went to load up the cars "we need to get out of here now" Aubrey said in a calm voice "the police will be here in less than ten minutes" she said directing the group out of the door.

Beca began to walk towards the door but the searing pain in her ankle caused her to slow to a limp.

Chloe was at her side in an instant, pulling Beca's arm over her shoulder allowing some of her weight to lean on Chloe. "I'm fine" beca grumbled but did not pull away and Chloe smiled "such a badass" she teased.

They walked outside and found Aubrey moving everyone into the two SUV's."we need to travel quick so we can only take these two cars" she aid quickly as CR climbed in the driving seat of one with Amy, bumper, Benji and emily. The rest piled in the car with Aubrey driving.

Aubrey signalled for CR to follow her as she pulled up the dirt track behind the house towards the woodland track. As they drove further on the woodland track beca turned to look back , in the distance the sound of sirens could be heard as blue flashing lights closed in around their home.

Hey guys, sorry i didn't upload earlier i had a lot of coursework due in last week but it's all over now, finally.

I'm sorry it isn't longer but i thought this would be a good place to stop, i've almost finished the next one so it should be out sooner this time.

Once again thankyou very much for those of you that have favourited/followed and reviewed ;)

p.s Donald has really beady eyes don't ya think?