Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. It is owned by Hiro Mashima.




Levy lay in bed, reveling in the warmth of Gajeel's body which engulfed her. His left arm was lay under her head, and his right rested over her naked waist. She stared down at the arm as it pressed down on her, inspecting Gajeel's skin as it lay next to hers. Gajeel's arm was tanned, criss-crossed with the old scars of long forgotten battles. She could just about see the metal of his piercings poking up over the line of his arm, and she gently ghosted her fingers over the top of them before grabbing onto them and spinning them around in placed. She had noticed Gajeel doing it before, and when she asked him if it hurt he just scoffed. Her fingers carried on their journey down his arm as she traced all of his scars, imagining her partner fighting the battles that marked him. Her fingers outlined where his skin met hers, the darkness of his skin in stark contrast with her paler flesh. Her fingers moved onto her own skin, the pads gliding over her own smoothness. There were no scars, her line of work didn't lend to excessive fighting, and no piercings to be seen. Her skin was hairless, whereas Gajeel's was covered with tiny baby hairs which were almost impossible to notice until his skin skimmed over hers.

Gajeel groaned as he adjusted in his sleep, causing his hair to fall over Levy's shoulder. The raven locks opposed her bright blue ones as they intermingled freely and knotted together. Levy shimmied herself back into Gajeel, giving him the wake up that he had told her was his favourite.

"Good morning, Shrimp." He moaned, his voice gravelly and full of sleep.

"Morning, Gajeel."

Levy turned herself around in his arms until her face nestled up against his chest. His chest was hard as her breasts gave away to his pure muscle.

"What's my beautiful brain thinking of this morning?"

Levy turned her head up to him, giggling slightly when she saw that Gajeel's eyes were still screwed shut from the sunlight that was streaming through the smallest crack in their black out curtains.

"I'm just thinking of how different we are, Gajeel."

Gajeel scoffed, cracking open one of his ruby eyes to stare down at her. Before the stare would have intimidated her, but now it was somehow comforting.

"We're not that different, Shrimp."

Levy sighed, she would never not be surprised at just how unobservant someone who could see a movement at a kilometre away could be.

8:30 am

When Gajeel made his way down the stairs, he could already smell the bacon cooking in the pan. It had taken him a while to teach Levy how to cook. When they first started dating, he had to cook everything but after he finally got her unafraid of the oven they shared the chore pretty evenly. He sauntered into the kitchen, and stared at Levy's ass, barely covered by the skirt she was wearing as he sat down at the table.

"Smells good, gorgeous. Almost as good as Mira's"

Levy smiled at the compliment. Even not saying that it was better than Mira's was a compliment, that's how good Mira's cooking was. She stirred the eggs in the frying pan, before throwing all of the food together on a serving plate. She had already messed around with various size plates before discovering that Gajeel's breakfast needed a whole serving plate for it to fit on. No matter how much he ate, he never seemed to gain weight. She guessed that it was something to do with being a dragonslayer, as both Natsu and Wendy seemed to have the same blessing. She carried the serving plate over to Gajeel, before turning around to make her own breakfast.

Opening up the cupboard, she pulled out a bowl and filled it with her Muesli, grabbing the milk from the fridge to top it up as she went. She sat herself down at the opposite end of the table to Gajeel.

"Do you feel like going down to the Guild today? Mira told me that she had quite a few jobs for me."

Gajeel tore into a sausage, chewed it and swallowed it down before answering.

"Yeah, I could do with going and beating the shit out of some bad guys too."

Levy giggled at Gajeel's course words that almost punctuated his sentences like a comma. She took a dainty bite out of her muesli, swirling it around in her bowl as she chewed on it. She watched as Gajeel wolfed down his food, he had long since stopped bothering whether Levy thought he was a pig or not after she had told him that it was his quirks that made her love him.

"Are you enjoying your breakfast? I think that I am getting better at it as I practice more."

Gajeel nodded, gulping down some eggs. He knew how much Levy hated him talking with his mouth full.

"Yeah, you're close to beating my cooking now. Actually, now I think about it I'm gonna cook steak tonight, what do you want with it?"

Levy thought for a second, before swallowing down the last of her muesli.

"I think some roast veggies would be good if you're feeling up to it."

Gajeel almost cringed at the thought of having to eat vegetables, but after he discovered a recipe that cooked them in goose fat with lots of garlic it wasn't too bad he supposed.

11:00 am

Levy watched Gajeel peruse the missions board as she sat down with the pile of translations that Mira had provided her with. She giggled to herself as he parred off any of the easier missions to find one that was suitable for his talents. Suddenly he grabbed a flyer, and ran with it back over to Levy's table.

"What have you found, sweetheart?"

Gajeel threw himself down on the table, and Levy scowled at him as some of the papers nearly fell off the table. Gajeel shrugged at her, before flattening the flyer down on the table.

"Look at this, Shrimp. This is awesome! It's a mission to take down a whole dark guild!"

Levy smiled at his excitement, the kind of jobs that he picked up were so different from the ones that she would take.

"You be careful out there, Gajeel. Make sure you're home for tea tonight!"

Gajeel gave her a nod before rushing out of the guild doors. Levy sighed as she desperately grabbed onto some of the papers that were blown away by the gust of wind he left behind him. Mira walked over to her to deliver her first pot of coffee, and stared over at the doors that Gajeel had just almost disappeared out of.

"Don't you ever worry about him, Levy?"

Levy chuckled before shaking her head at the barmaid. It was something that had originally plagued her, but all the years that they had been together had reassured Levy that Gajeel would always come back to her, no matter what.

"He's a big boy, he can handle himself."

Mira sat down next to her, knowing that she wouldn't be staying for long before Levy shooed her away so she could get her translation done as soon as possible.

"He worries about you, you know. Being in a guild can be dangerous business as I'm sure you know."

Levy giggled, knowing full well how much Gajeel worried. She shrugged at Mira, before turning back to the work in front of her.

"With all the translation jobs you've been giving me lately, the most danger I'm in is a paper cut!"

Mira punched Levy, but knowing that she wasn't as annoyed as she made out to be. Levy's favourite kind of job was the translation jobs that came into the guild with an increasing amount of intensity.

"Well, if you weren't so goddamn efficient at it people wouldn't send everything in to us."

Levy smiled over at Mira, before the older woman got up and they both went back to working.

Levy stared down at her work, the amount of Draconic translations coming in once the word got out that she could speak it was insane. She had asked Gajeel why he wouldn't ever take any Draconic translation work he simply scoffed and said that was what she was for. Every time he said it, she simply shook his head, but she knew that it definitely wasn't the type of work that Gajeel was into.

5:00 pm

"Shrimp! I'm home!" Gajeel yelled into the house as soon as he was through the door. He could both smell and hear that Levy was upstairs in her office, obviously finishing up on the translation work from the day. He smiled as she bounded down the stairs and jumped into his arms.

"Gajeel! How did it go?"

Gajeel wrapped his arms around her waist, before kissing her deeply.

"Not good, it was super easy and boring. The majority of the day was just traveling, and you know how much I hate that."

Levy giggled at the travel sickness that Gajeel still hadn't managed to shake, no matter how many different treatments Wendy tried. He placed her down on the ground before making his way over to the kitchen to cook dinner.

After dinner, both Levy and Gajeel made their way up into the hobbie-room at the back of the house. As soon as they got in, they both spread into their own separate corners. Gajeel made his way over to the workbench in the corner of the room, surrounded by various pieces of precious metal and gems while Levy made a beeline to the small cornered off section of the room, where a large sofa was surrounded by bookshelves. She ran her fingers along the various books, before picking her choice for the day. She pulled it off the shelf, before curling herself up on the sofa and starting the book.

Gajeel found the particular piece of metal that he wanted, before he got to work on the sculpture. He used his own body as the tools as he moulded the metal into the shapes he wanted, placing gems in it where he felt that they were appropriate.

The both sat in comfortable silence, Levy lost in her own little world while Gajeel worked away on his next masterpiece. Time passed by and the sun set as they both focused on their own hobby, the rest of the world invisible to them apart from the comfortable sense that the other was still in close proximity to them.


Levy was once again back in bed with Gajeel, bookending their day perfectly. She was curled up into a small ball with Gajeel enveloping her with his body curled around hers.

"You know, I've been thinking, Shrimp."

Levy turned over slightly and stared into Gajeel's eyes.

"What is it, Gajeel?"

Gajeel smoothed his fingers down Levy's waist and over her hips.

"I've been thinking about what you said this morning. We are kind of opposites, aren't we?"

Levy chuckled, amazed that Gajeel had been thinking on his comment long enough to reach his own conclusion.

"But you know what they say, Shrimp. Opposites attract."

Levy turned over in Gajeel's arms, and placed a kiss on his chin.

"They do, Gajeel. They do."

A/N: Hey, everyone! This was written kind of quickly because I only found out there was a warm up chapter today!

Let me know what you liked, what you hated, and just if you really love me. I like being loved.

See you on the 14th with the next prompt!

P.S., if you wanna take part, find the prompts on fuckyeahgajevy . Tumblr . com