To my dearest family,

I am becoming more and more homesick for Elsweyr.

I would rather trudge through the wet, marshy bogs of the Black Marsh than see anymore of Skyrim's snow-covered mountains.

On my way to The Throat of the World, I have been stopped by four thieves, two groups of Stormcloak extremists, and almost caught and arrested by one patrol of three Legionaries.

Do not worry, my family; I am unharmed and still a free woman (well, as free as I could be without being in custody).

The thieves were poorly equipped and had the intelligence of a lacking mountain troll.

The Stormcloak lot were distressed and more than a bit annoyed that a lone Khajiit was wondering Skyrim's long and lonely roads.

I, thankfully, did not meet both groups at the same time.

The first lot of extremists tried to scare me by threatening me by saying things like "Go back to Elsweyr, filthy cat!" and "Watch your pockets! She's probably already stolen your coin purse!" (those were the "nicer things they said).

I paid no mind, of course. I said nothing and went along my way as if they were not there.

After they saw that I was not taking the bait they laid out, they let me be, though I believe that they sent the second group after me to try and "rough me up".

Again, I am uninjured my family; the thugs were scared away by the Legionary patrol I mentioned earlier.

The men were concerned about my wellbeing, and after hastily waving off my ordeal and a quick saying of gratitude, the men stopped me once more.

They were suspicious that I was the Khajiit that escaped Helgen (to which they were correct!) and began hassling me for information!

The scars on the right side of my face gave me away!

O my family! I thought that I was going to be incarcerated again!

But Lady Luck must have been feeling wretched for how she was treating me!

The Legionaries and I talked (the men were civil and were open enough to listen to me) and I, unfortunately, had to lie to them about my identity.

As guilty as I feel, it was a necessary evil that could not be avoided.

I told them that I had gotten separated from my caravan and acted several moons older than I truly was.

I became inexplicably emotional when talking about the caravans, as I missed my fellow Khajiits and their familiarity.

The Legionaries must have felt pity for me, and offered to escort me to the nearest caravan (which was near Falkreath), to which I kindly declined on the "hurt" my honour would receive and the ridicule I would face if I returned to the caravan in the company of Imperial soldiers.

They didn't press me any further, and allowed me to go on my way (I could hear them muttering that they do not understand Khajiits and our "odd ways"; this made me chuckle).

I am currently making my way to Solitude so that I may plead for a pardon so that I can travel freely without fear of unjust incarceration.

I am writing this letter in Dragon Bridge's only inn, the Four Shields Tavern, in a dark and quiet corner away from unwanted eyes.

Dearest family, I am feeling anxious and weary; I fear of what the morning will bring me and I miss you all terribly.

Kahtan, Rhaj, I do hope you are not giving Mother, Father, and our older siblings too much trouble.

And no, I will NOT bring back any dragon memorabilia! I do not wish to face anymore of those horrifying beasts!

Gin, Derkraz, Father, I have not seen Derkeethus, though you said that he may be working in the many mines of Skyrim, so I shall keep my eyes and ears open.

Mother, Auntie Kisnita, I also have not seen Ahkari and her caravan in Skyrim as of yet, though I have not been traveling much and the roads are limited, so I will undoubtedly find her eventually.

Pardon the stains on this parchment, my hands are shaking from the cold and I am currently eating some sweet rolls.

You know how much of a messy eater I am, Mother I apologize.

Dear family, your letters confort me so! I read them and reread them every chance I get.

I can still smell Elsweyr's warm sands on the paper, along with Mother's perfume, the smoke from Father's forge, and what I assume is Kahtan and Rhaj's sugar coated fingerprints. These small things bring me such joy and some sadness, for I am horribly homesick now.

I am feeling ill and fatigued, though it may be from this weather that I am not use to.

I hear it is warmer near Solitude, and this seems to be the case, as Dragon Bridge is more wet and rain that cold and snow.

I hope it warms a little; I do not care for all this white and bitter cold and wind.

And I hope that those in Solitude are more friendly than the folk I have met previously.

I end this letter so that I may attempt to get some rest.

As always, I love you all dearly, and I hope you shall remain safe in Elsweyr.

I shall get my pardon no later than tomorrow, I promise you that.

Watch the skies and keep each other safe,
