Kurt has a lot on his plate right now. He's taking really challenging classes for his major, and getting bogged down with work and exams for the two Gen Eds he's taking. He's working behind the scenes on a school theatre production and learning a lot about what goes into putting on a play. He's getting buddy buddy with the clothing department, too. Mainly because he thinks it's fun, and it's an easy way to make contacts in the department.

With so much on his plate, Kurt turns to his friends when he wants to relax. He relies on them for fun and a good time. He relies on Sebastian.

And also Elliott. They've gotten closer over the past month, even venturing out together alone without the companionship of Sebastian as a buffer. Elliott is brash and outgoing and theatrical, and he turns any boring, drab situation into a fabulously fun one. He also tells all these amazing stories about his crazy past. He didn't grow up in one place, his parents constantly moving the family around and living in a van or hotels occasionally. Elliott talks like the world is his playground. Kurt hopes that one day he'll be as unabashed about his love of life, his dreams and aspirations.

Elliott also tells stories about Sebastian. Stories that Kurt makes a point of pocketing for later.

He talks about Sebastian falling in love his freshman year and just constantly making a fool out of himself. He mentions how Sebastian was a lovesick puppy, but the guy he liked wasn't as into Sebastian as Sebastian was into him. Elliott doesn't talk about the bad stuff, and Kurt tries not to push about it. When he does Elliott just waves the situation off and goes back to talking about all of the ridiculous things Sebastian would do, like use GrubHub to send this guy dinner all the time. He apparently even convinced half the Pitt Men's Glee Club to show up outside this guy's dorm and serenade him.

Kurt has some issues compromising his views of Sebastian with this new one that he's hearing and learning about.

Sebastian is definitely sweeter now than he was in high school. He's definitely nicer-all bark and little bite. He's kind to his friends. He's thoughtful.

When Kurt woke up the morning after having sex with Sebastian for the first time, he realized that he wouldn't have time to stop home and change before he had to get to class. Sebastian gave him a towel and his shower stuff so that Kurt could use the dorm showers, and he even lent Kurt a sweater and an undershirt so that Kurt wouldn't have to wear the rumpled, smelly, and dirty shirt he wore to the club the night before.

He even handed Kurt a bottle of Listerine to use so that Kurt would have fresh breath.

See: thoughtful. Sebastian Smythe is apparently thoughtful. Kurt doesn't know if he would even think to lend someone mouthwash unless they asked for it first.

A month goes by and Kurt spends his weekends with Sebastian. He grabs lunches and dinners with Sebastian. Sometimes Sebastian pulls Kurt's chair out for him, sometimes he doesn't. They go out to museums together, they explore the different neighborhoods of the city. Occasionally when they're on the bus, sitting next to each other, Sebastian will stretch his arm out on the headrest of Kurt's seat, his fingers gently playing with the hair on Kurt's neck while they talk.

Kurt, for his part, is just as affectionate, if not hesitantly so. He walks close to Sebastian, puts his hand on Sebastian's thigh when they're at a restaurant and he wants to get Sebastian's attention. He throws his legs over Sebastian's when they're in one of their dorms watching a movie.

They go out on most Thursdays to Cruze, the gay club, and they dance and make out. They go to Kitty and Elliott's house on Saturdays to party. Sometimes they go back to Sebastian's for sex.

Kurt always spends the night. It's becoming a part of the Plan: he and Sebastian go to Cruze, they make out on the dance floor, leave early so they can have sex, and then Kurt spends the night and showers in the morning, borrowing Sebastian's shower stuff and clothes. Or on the weekend he'll wake up in Sebastian's bed, and they'll grab hangover food before parting ways.

"So," Sebastian says towards the end of February. "Do you have any plans for Spring Break?"

They're hanging in Kurt's dorm, cuddled together on Kurt's bed. Sebastian is leaning against the back wall, his feet dangling off the bed. Kurt's leaning against the wall near the head of the bed, his feet lying over Sebastian's lap, Sebastian rubbing his hands casually and occasionally up and down Kurt's thighs.

They're not watching TV. They were showing each other funny videos on YouTube earlier, but that was until Sebastian got bored and tackled Kurt onto the bed to kiss. Now they're just talking, telling each other about their weeks. It's Thursday, but they've both decided that it's too cold to go to the club. Elliott decided to go anyway, and Kurt didn't even ask what his friends were doing.

So he and Sebastian decided to spend the night alone, at least until Kurt's roommate comes back from wherever he is.

"Not really," Kurt shrugs. "I was thinking of maybe going home. Or staying here. I'm not sure."

"Well," Sebastian says casually, interlacing his fingers and resting them on Kurt's shins. "I looked it up, and Pitt and CMU have the same Spring Break. I was thinking...maybe you wanna go to New York with me? Visit Blaine and your friends, and just hang out."

"Really?" Kurt asks, his interest immediately piqued.

Sebastian shrugs again. "Yeah. I mean, if you want. New York's fun. A lot more clubs."

"Can we even get into any of them?" Kurt asks.

"I'm sure we can get into a few. If not, there's still other stuff to do. Broadway, museums, parties."

"I'd love that," Kurt says, immediately thinking how best to appropriate the money in his bank account to allow for such a trip. "We can probably stay with Blaine and save money."

"Is he in dorms?" Sebastian asks.

"No," Kurt shakes his head. "He's in an apartment with some friends from school. But he has a pull out couch I know."

"I didn't know that was still a thing," Sebastian remarks.

"Lord knows how old it is. Or where he got it. But he says it's comfortable. I'll text him now."

"Text him later," Sebastian says as Kurt's reaching for his phone. "Let's make out before your roommate gets back."

Kurt doesn't need any more convincing, smiling as Sebastian crawls over him and kisses him sweetly.

To no surprise of his own, Kurt's New York City plans are met with big excitement from Blaine, whose Spring Break is two weeks after Kurt and Sebastian's. He agrees to house them and to show them around his neighborhood and the city whenever he's not in class. He promises to introduce them to friends, take them out to eat at the best restaurants and food trucks, and to give them 'ample alone time. Wink wink, nudge nudge.'

"Thanks, Blaine," Kurt replies, deadpan, over the phone.

Being Kurt's best friend, Blaine knows absolutely everything that is going on between Kurt and Sebastian. And in order to bring the topic up in the least awkward way possible, Blaine cracks a joke.

"Guess we won't be sleeping together over this break!"

"Hardy har har," Kurt replies. But he's not so sure. He doesn't quite know what the bounds and limits of this...thing with Sebastian is. What does their relationship permit and what does it not allow? What are the parameters?

He knows that even if he and Sebastian aren't exclusive, he won't sleep with Blaine anyway. He just feels like that might be rude. Unless they all go out somewhere and Sebastian brings someone home.

And oh my god, that brings a whole other level of stress to Kurt. Because what if that is what this trip to New York is about? Kurt feels like rationally that can't be right. He doesn't think Sebastian's slept with anyone else since he and Kurt got together. There wouldn't have been much time. He spends most of his time with Kurt now. But if Sebastian has, then he hasn't been telling Kurt about it.

Kurt decides to put those questions away for later and goes back to planning the trip with Sebastian. There's not much to plan except travel. They decide that taking a bus is the easiest and cheapest, even if it's the least fun and the longest. They book their tickets a few days later, and Kurt calls his dad to let him know that he's not coming home for Spring Break.

Because they planned this trip about two weeks before leaving, Kurt doesn't have much time to sit and stew about his and Sebastian's relationship, and how this trip might affect it. To be honest, he doesn't really want to stew. Stewing takes up too much time and energy. Time and energy that could, in fact, be redirected in better places. Such as school, or friends, or sex.

Plus, why stew when you can just be straightforward and get answers to the questions you have?

It's a week later, the Saturday before he and Sebastian leave for the East Coast, and he and Sebastian are getting ready to go out to Kitty and Elliott's house for a party. They're at Sebastian's dorm since it offers more privacy than Kurt's, and because Sebastian was a lazy asshole and didn't feel like going all the way to Kurt's.

Kurt is dressed and ready, sitting on Sebastian's bed drinking a homemade vodka cranberry out of a coffee mug. Sebastian just got out of the shower and is standing in his boxer briefs, towel drying his hair and admiring his face in the mirror.

"Do you think I need to shave?" he asks Kurt, not turning around.

"No. I like the five o'clock shadow."

"It won't annoy you tonight?" Sebastian asks, a bit skeptical.

Kurt shakes his head as he looks at Sebastian in the mirror, a bit touched that Sebastian is thinking about his comfort. "I'll be fine. It's cute on you. Let it grow for a few days and shave before New York."

Sebastian runs his hands over his chin and neck thinking. "Okay," he finally agrees.

Sebastian grabs a pair of jeans, and Kurt runs through in his head what he's about to say to Sebastian.

"So," he starts out. "I'm not, uh, sleeping with anyone else. Are you?" He cringes when he realizes how lame it sounds.

"Oh yeah," Sebastian states, rather sarcastically. "Loads of men are constantly lined up outside my door."

"Don't be an asshole," Kurt says lamely, a bit nervously.

Sebastian scoffs, turning around and zipping up his pants. "The plan is to be only sleeping with you, babe."

He leans forward and kisses Kurt on the lips, peppering a few on his cheek until Kurt breaks down and laughs, swatting him away.

"How does that sound?" Sebastian asks, a bit hesitantly, waiting on Kurt's response.

Kurt cups his coffee mug and blushes.

"Yeah," he smiles. "I like that Plan."


That's it! That's the end! This is the first time I've ever written Kurtbastian, so please let me know what you think. Also, it's posted on my AO3 and my Tumblr (same username as here; mailroomorder). So feel free to reblog it.

Until next time!