Yeah, so I haven't anything fanfiction-wise in a long time. Consequently, the beginning chapters may be short and a little clunky. It'll get better. Probably. Also, there are still faunus even if this is AU.

Disclaimer: RWBY is the property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum (RIP). I don't own it, and I don't claim to.

Sun skidded as his feet slipped against the wet pavement. He dared to take only the slightest of moments to regain his balance before dashing down the sidewalk. Alleyways and dark stores flew by, but he wouldn't stop there, they trapped you there. He could hear the footsteps of his pursuers and that meant to either pick up the pace enough to outrun them or find someone where to hide. Unfortunately, they were too fast and too close for him to attempt either at the moment.

Still running, he started to focus on an area inside himself, coaxing the power to come out and lend a hand. As it had many times, the power manifested next in the shape of two glowing copies of himself. They could neither attack nor defend. All he could do was hurl them behind him and hope that these guys would pause long enough for him to duck out of sight and find a place to hide. Hearing the footsteps come to a halt, Sun turned into an alleyway and prayed that it wasn't rigged. He wouldn't have a second chance.

Letting out a breath of relief when he realized it was clean, he scrambled over the chain fence and tucked himself as much as he could in the small space between two dumpsters, tailing curling around his waist reflexively as both a comforting gesture and an attempt to keep it out of sight. He briefly considered climbing into one of them, but decided against it. The fence was the only warning he would have if those guys came his way, and he didn't want to spend the precious seconds the warning gave him by trying to crawl out. It also smelled like something died in there. He wasn't too thrilled about that either. Deciding that he was as safe as he could be for the moment, Sun rested his head against one of the dumpsters as he tried to figure how he'd get himself out of this mess.

He needed to find a Drainer. Shitty parlor tricks would only protect him for so long and with demand for Regens getting higher and higher, it was stupid of him not have found one by now. Sun knew that. He knew that he would end being either some Drainer gang member's personal blood bank or forcefully enlisted in the police force as a "donor", the nicer word for blood bank. Neither option seemed preferable to Sun. However, most Drainers tended to be one or the other and being forcefully joined to either side meant he'd go from being one asshole's power supply to a whole group's. Sun bit his lip as his conscience berated him. It was never that he hadn't wanted to find a Drainer. Simply, he had his hopes up that one would show up in need of a partner that didn't have ties to the military or gangs. Pipe dream, for sure. Anyone who fit that description had been snatched up by another Regen long ago and hoping on the impossible didn't make things happen. It just made reality more difficult to bear.

Thinking became harder as Sun's vision got darker. Damn it. He had used too much power trying to distract those guys. One copy was usually bad enough for him to manage. However, not only had he created a copy each enemy, but also did it while running for his life. He shouldn't have done that, but he'd been panicking. All he had wanted was for them to go away and had simply reacted. As he unwillingly slipped into unconsciousness, Sun briefly wondered if this little stint would be what finally did him in.

So it's not long, and it's probably not perfect. Either way, please review. I'll need feedback if I'm to decide whether or not I keep this story or abandon it. Also, Sun and Neptune are going to be attracted to each other, but I haven't decided whether or not they'll ever actually fall in love or whether their relationship will stay as one of convenience. Let me know what you think about that too.