After participating in the Kalos League, Ash decides to go to the Nessada region with his friends. Along the way, they face some unexpected events which will change the life of some of them.

I don't own Pokémon and Ben 10!

Ch.1 Kalos League begins!

Ash and his friends have made their way to the Kalos League where Ash will face a group of powerful trainers. He was at the arena with other people while his friends were in the audience.

"Hello, Pokémon Trainers! I'm Mr. Goodshow and today I'll be your announcer for this year's Kalos League. Please stand up, everyone!" Everyone did what they were told. "Now, take a look at the Kalos League Cauldron. You'll see none other than the water – type Elite Four member, Siebold, lighting up the flame holder with the sacred flames of Kalos." Siebold dipped an intricate torch into the cauldron as yellow, white, blue, orange and red flames burst to life.

"So many trainers." said Ash in awe as he looked the other competitors. "Are you ready to go, Pikachu?" asked Ash his starter Pokémon.

"Pika Pikachu!" answered Pikachu as he lifted his left paw in air forming a fist.

"We have 128 trainers, but only one will succeed and become the Kalos League Champion! Now, let's get to the rules. Our opening round will consist of one-on-one battles throughout the next three days! The 64 trainers who win those battles will advance to the second round where the battles will be three-on-three! This will continue to go on until our final 8 competitors will face off in six-on-six full battles! Only one, however, will become the League Champ!" announced Goodshow.

"Simple enough." said Ash.

"Now let's who will battle who!" shouted Goodshow. 128 trainer cards all began cycling around in random motion, positioning themselves one by one, until all 64 matches were revealed.

"Look, Pikachu. There are we, battle number eight!" saw Ash, eyeing his opponent, a girl his age.

"I'm in battle number five." said a voice behind Ash. He turned around and saw Tierno.

"Hi, Tierno. I hope you're ready, 'cause I'm going to win." said Ash with confidence.

"Not if I win." said a voice next to Ash. The voice came from Ash's other rival, Trevor.

"You two are going down and I'll be the winner." answered Tierno.

"Then let the best one win." interrupted Ash. "My opponent is a girl named Cathy." said Ash as he started to look for his opponent.

"You must be Ash." said a girly voice behind him. He turned to see who was it and saw his opponent. "Hi. I'm Cathy. I hope you're ready for our battle." Cathy was wearing a white T-shirt and a blue skirt. She had black hair and green eyes.

"You bet I am and I'm going to win." said Ash.

"I wish you good luck." said Cathy. She brought out her hand towards Ash.

"Good luck to you, too." said Ash as he brought out his hand for a handshake.

( The next day )

"There's still two hours for our battle so let's look around." said Ash as he and his friends went out from the Pokémon Center.

"Where should we go? Maybe the mall?" asked Serena.

"I saw a park nearby. Why don't we go there?" suggested Clemont.

"Sounds like a good idea. Come on, let's go." answered Ash as he started to run with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Do we always have to run?" sighed Clemont.

"The last one at the park is a Slowbro." said Bonnie as she followed Ash and Serena behind her.

"Wait, I don't wanna be a Slowbro." said Clemont as he started to run after the group.

( At the park )

"This spot looks like a good place to train for our match later." said Ash as he was the first to arrive.

"Hurray, I'm not the Slowbro!" said Bonnie happily. She turned around and saw Serena was the third to arrive and the last one was her big brother. "Like always, you're the last one to arrive."

"Why are always running like that?" asked Clemont as he fell on his back to take a breath.

"Come on, Clemont. There's no time for sleeping." said Ash. Suddenly he heard a loud scream. "Did you hear that?" he asked his friends.

"It came from over there." said Serena pointing the way of the scream.

"Bonnie, you stay here and look after Clemont. Me and Serena will go to see what's going on." said Ash as he started running, followed by Serena.

"You've got it, Ash!" screamed Bonnie as she waved to her friends.

( After a while )

"It came from somewhere here." said Serena.

"Just leave me alone already." said a voice of a girl nearby.

"Not a chance, babe. You're coming with us." said a man's voice from the same direction.

"I think I recognize the first voice." said Ash thoughtfully as he went to see where it came from. When he and Serena arrived, they saw a couple of men confronting a girl near Ash's age.

"It's May! She needs help. Let's go, Pikachu." said Ash as went to protect his best friend from Hoenn.

"Ash, wait for me." said Serena as she went after Ash.

( With May )

"You're no match for us. Just give up. Come with us or we'll force you. You don't want to make us bad, do you?" asked the man.

"I won't come with you!" demanded May. On of the man punched her in the stomach and she fell on the ground. The other men grabbed her arms and legs. They brought her up as their friend brought a knife from his back pocket. He slowly started to push it in the helpless girl's gut. He was about to push it more, but a loud voice interrupted him.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!" commanded Ash. Pikachu's tail glowed white as he hit the man in the arm with the knife. Pikachu then shocked him with a powerful Thunderbolt. The other men put May down and went to their friend. The man who hurt May sat up and saw a raven-haired boy standing behind Pikachu as his trustful Greninja pulled the knife from May and destroyed it with Night Slash.

"Who do you think you are?" asked the man.

"I'm Ash. These are Pikachu and Greninja. I'm here to help my friend." answered Ash with anger in his eyes, but what really scared the men was Pikachu who was preparing another Thunderbolt while Greninja was about to shoot a Water Shuriken.

"So, you're here to help your girlfriend? You won't stop us. Let's get him, boys." said the man as he threw a Pokeball in the air. From the ball appeared a Pokémon who was levitating. It had three heads and wings. It was black in color.

"I want you to meet my Hydreigon. What do you think?" asked the man as he started laughing.

"I think it's time for a combination. Greninja, use Ice Beam, Pikachu, Volt Tackle!" commanded Ash. Greninja shot a beam of ice of ice and Pikachu started running towards Hydreigon as he was covered in a yellow electricity. The two attacks fused and Pikachu slammed itself right into Hydreigon's stomach. The dark / dragon type roared in pain. It was too much and fell on the ground unconscious.

"That's impossible!" said the man wide-eyed as he returned Hydreigon to its pokeball. "Don't just stand there. Get them!" ordered the man to his friends and they threw their Pokeballs into the air. Ash, Pikachu and Greninja were now facing a Rhyperior, a Volcarona, a Drapion and a Vileplume.

"Volcarona, use Silver Wind!" said one of the man. Volcarona flapped its wings, releasing a wind with silver crescents towards Greninja.

"Braixen, Flamethrower!" said a voice running towards the scene. Ash turned to his left and saw Serena and Braixen. The steam of fire collided with Silver Wind right in front of Greninja. The water / dark type shot a Hydro Pump which collided with Volcarona, knocking it out.

"That Greninja is a powerful Pokémon." said the man as he returned Volcarona back to its pokeball.

"Are you guys OK?" asked Serena. Ash nodded sadly when he saw May's unmoving body behind him. Serena turned to where Ash was looking and gasped at what she saw as she put her hand over her mouth.

"These guys won't get away that easy." said Ash as he turned towards the men and their remaining Pokémon.

"That's how you think. Vileplume, use Energy Ball!" commanded one the man. Vileplume formed a green ball and fired it towards Greninja.

"Greninja, use Ice Beam to counter!" commanded Ash as Greninja shot the ice attack. The two attacks collided and created a smoke.

"Braixen, use Psybeam!" commanded Serena. Braixen brought out its twig from its tail and fired a multicolored beam towards Vileplume which made a direct hit, thanks to which the grass / poison type was knocked out.

"Vileplume, return. These trainers are tougher than they look." said the man.

"So it's a tag battle now." said the owner of Rhyperior.

"You're on. Get ready, Greninja. Pikachu, you look after May." said Ash. "Are you ready, Serena?" asked Ash as he turned to the performer.

"You bet." answered Serena with confidence.

"Then let's get started." said the owner of Drapion. "Use Cross Poison!"

"Greninja, use Ice Beam!" commanded Ash.

"Rhyperior, Megahorn!" said the other man.

"Braixen, Flamethrower!" commanded Serena. Drapion crossed its arms in front of its face and its claws started to glow purple. A purple 'X' then appeared in front of its crossed arms and it opened its hands, firing the 'X' at the opponents. Rhyperior's horn glowed white and extended. It charged towards its opponents. Greninja and Braixen managed to block with Ice Beam and Flamethrower and push away the two Pokémon.

"Greninja, use Hydro Pump on Rhyperior!" commanded Ash. Greninja shot a powerful jet of water towards the rock / ground type. The attack struck the Drill Pokemon, knocking it out.

"Braixen, Flamethrower!" commanded Serena. Braixen shot a jet of fire from its twig. The fire attack struck Drapion, leaving it burned in the process.

"Let's finish it!" shouted both Ash and Serena. "Greninja, Hydro Pump!"

"Braixen, Flamethrower!" The three powerful attacks fused. When the attacks struck the dark / poison, a smoke was formed. When it cleared, Drapion was with swirly eyes.

"That's not over." said the leader of the group after which he ran away. "We'll be back." he said as his friends returned Rhyperior and Drapion back to their pokeballs and ran after their leader.

"That will teach them a lesson." said Ash. He then heard a groaning from behind. He turned around and saw May who was trying to stand up. "May, it's OK. I won't let anything happen to you. It's over. Serena and I gave those men a lesson they won't forget." said Ash as he hugged her.

"Thank you." said May as she spat out some blood. "They wanted to rape me. It was scary." she said while shivering. "Don't leave me." she begged as she started to cry on Ash's chest.

"That's OK. I won't leave you." said Ash as he was trying to comfort the hurt girl. Meanwhile, Serena was getting a bit jealous, but she knew May needed help so she decided not to interrupt. Tears started to form in the eyes of Pikachu, Greninja and Braixen. "Can you stand up?" asked Ash.

"I think so, but it hurts too much." answered May while trying to stand up.

"Then I'll carry you. Greninja, help her get on my back." asked Ash his Pokémon as he bent down. Greninja nodded and picked May of the ground. Ash stood up as soon as Greninja helped May get on his back. Serena was getting more and more jealous with every moment as her face was getting red. Pikachu hopped on her shoulder to comfort her in which he succeeded.

"Serena, are you coming?" asked Ash to which Serena nodded. Serena and Ash with May on his back, along with Pikachu, Greninja and Braixen made their way to Bonnie and Clemont.

To be continued…

There's the first chapter of my first story. I plan to use most Ash's Pokémon in the league and some of them MIGHT evolve. And yes, May will be in this as well. Another old friend of Ash will appear later. I'll try to update as fast as I can.


To be continued…